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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1, 125 - 151, 01.01.2019


Adler insanların temelde güç ve iktidar mücadelesi verdikleri savını ortaya atmıştır. Adler'e göre, bir ailenin büyük ya da küçük çocuğu olmak güç ve iktidar mücadelesinde farklı özelliklerin gelişmesine neden olur. Salloway ise her kardeşin farklı özellikler geliştirdiği konusunda Adler'in kuramına benzer savlar öne sürse de, Sulloway'in kuramı temelini evrimci bir perspektiften almaktadır. Doğum sırası, özellikle kuramın ilk kez ortaya atıldığı yıllarda, psikoloji literatürünün en popüler konularından biri olmuştur. Doğum sırasına göre konum ve belirli kişilik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen çok sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu makalenin amacı Adler'in ve Sulloway'in doğum sırası kuramlarını ele aldıktan sonra bu kuramlarla ilgili görgül bulguların bir derlemesini sunmaktır.


  • Adler, Alfred. The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. London: Harcourt, Brace, & Company, 1924. Web. 21 Aralık 2017.
  • --. Understanding Human Nature. New York: Greenberg, 1927.
  • --. Understanding Human Nature. New York: Greenberg, 1949.
  • --. What Life Should Mean To You. Ed: A. Porter. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1932. Web. 19 Aralık 2017.
  • --. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler: A Systematic Presentation in Selections From His Writings. Ed: H. L. Ansbacher ve R.R. Ansbacher. New York: Basic Books, 1956.
  • Ansbacher, Heinz. L. ve Rowena R. Ansbacher. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York City: Harper Torch, 1956.
  • Ardebili, Elmira Fasihi ve Fatemeh Golshani. “Early Maladaptive Schemas and Aggression Based on The Birth Order of Children.” Modern Applied Science 10 (2016): 14-21.
  • Ashby, Jeffrey S., Kenneth A. Locicero ve Mary C. Kenny. "The Relationship of Multidimensional Perfectionism to Psychological Birth Order." The Journal of Individual Psychology 59. 1 (2003): 42-51. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Baskett, Linda M. "Sibling Status Effects: Adult Expectations." Developmental Psychology 21. 3 (1985): 441-445. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Beck, Emma, Katriina L. Burnet ve Jane Vosper. "Birth-Order Effects on Facets of Extraversion." Personality and Individual Differences 40 (2006): 953-959. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Bhanot, Ruchi ve Jasna Jovanovic. "Do Parents' Academic Gender Stereotypes Influence Whether They Intrude on Their Children's Homework?" Sex Roles 52. 9/10 (2005): 597-607. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Bjerkedal, Tor ve diğerleri. "Intelligence Test Scores and Birth Order Among Young Norwegian Families." Intelligence 35 (2007): 503-514. Web. 9 Aralık 2017. (Conscripts) Analyzed Within and Between
  • Blake, Judith. Family Size and Achievement. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Web. 21 Aralık 2017.
  • Bleske-Rechek, April ve Jenna A. Kelley. "Birth Order and Personality: A Within- Family Test Using Independent Self-Reports From Both Firstborn and Laterborn Siblings." Personality and Individual Differences 56 (2014): 15-18. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Brody, Leslie R. "Gender and Emotion: Beyond Stereotypes." Journal of Social Issues 53. 2 (1997): 369-394. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Campbell, Linda, Joanna White ve Alan Stewart. "The Relationship of Psychological Birth Order to Actual Birth Order." Individual Psychology 47. 3 (1991): 380-391.
  • Chalfant, Deanna. "Birth Order, Perceived Parental Favoritism, and Feelings Toward Parents." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 50. 1 (1994): 52-57. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Damian, Rodica I. ve Brent W. Roberts. "The Associations of Birth Order with Personality and Intelligence In A Representative Sample of U.S. High School Students." Journal of Research in Personality 58 (2015): 96-105. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Davis, Jennifer N. "Birth Order, Sibship Size, and Status in Modern Canada." Human Nature 8. 3 (1997): 205-230. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Dixon, Melissa M. ve diğerleri. "Personality and Birth Order in Large Families." Personality and Individual Differences 44 (2008): 119-128. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Dunkel, Curtis S., Colin R. Harbke ve Dennis R. Papini. "Direct and Indirect Effects of Birth Order on Personality and Identity: Support For The Null Hypothesis." The Journal of Genetic Psychology 170. 2 (2009): 159-175. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Eckstein, Daniel, Mark A. Sperber ve Kristen A. Miller. "A Couple's Activity for Understanding Birth Order Effects: Introducing The Birth Order Research- Based Questionnaire (BORQ)." The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy For Couples and Families 17. 4 (2009): 342-349. Web. 27 Kasım 2017.
  • Eckstein, Daniel ve diğerleri. "A Review of 200 Birth-Order Studies: Lifestyle Characteristics." The Journal of Individual Psychology 66. 4 (2010): 408-434. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Ekşi, Halil, Erdem Sevim ve Bilge Kurt. "Psikolojik Doğum Sırası ile Yetersizlik Duygusunun İncelenmesi." Elementary Education Online 15. 3 (2016): 1054-1065. Web 23 Ekim 2018. Bağlanma Stillerini Yordama Düzeyinin
  • Ergüner-Tekinalp, Bengü ve Şerife Terzi. "Coping, Social Interest, and Psychological Birth Order As Predictors of Resilience in Turkey." Applied Research Quality Life 11. 2 (2016): 509-524. Web. 7 Aralık 2017.
  • Ernst, Cecile ve Jules Angst. Birth Order: Its Influence On Personality. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1983. Web. 17 Aralık 2017.
  • Fagot, Beverly I. "The Influence of Sex of Child on Parental Reactions To Toddler Children." Child Development 49 (1978): 459-465. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Falbo, Toni. "Relationships Between Birth Category, Achievement, and Interpersonal Orientation." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 41. 1 (1981): 121-131. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Feinberg, Mark E. ve diğerleri. "Sibling Comparison of Differential Parental Treatment in Adolescence: Gender, Self-Esteem, and Emotionality as Mediators of The Parenting-Adjustment Association." Child Development 71. 6 (2000): 1611- 1628. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Forer, Lucille K. The Birth Order Factor. New York: David Mckay, 1976.
  • Freese, Jeremy, Brian Powell ve Lala C. Steelman. “Rebel without a Cause or Effect: Birth Order and Social Attitudes.” American Sociological Review 64. 2 (1999): 207-231. Web. 10 Şubat 2019.
  • Hallers-Haalboom, Elizabeth T. ve diğerleri. "Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters: Parental Sensitivity in Families with Two Children." Journal of Family Psychology 28. 2 (2014): 138-147. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Harris, Kimberly A. ve K. Brent Morrow. "Differential Effects of Birth Order and Gender on Perceptions of Responsibility and Dominance." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 48. 1 (1992): 109-118. Web. 7 Aralık 2017.
  • Harris, Judith Rich. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out The Way They Do. New York: The Free Press, 1998. Web. 20 Aralık 2017.
  • Hartshorne, Joshua K., Nancy Salem-Hartshorne ve Tmimothy S. Hartshorne. "Birth Order Effects in the Formation of Long-Term Relationships." The Journal of Individual Psychology 65. 2 (2009): 156-176. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Healey, Matthew Bruce J. Ellis. "Birth Order, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience Tests of The Family-Niche Model of Personality Using A Within- Family Methodology." Evolution and Human Behavior 28. (2007): 55-59. Web. 27 Kasım 2017.
  • Herrera, Nicholas C. ve diğerleri. "Beliefs About Birth Rank and Their Reflection in Reality." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85. 1 (2003): 142-150.
  • Hoffman, Lois W. "The Influence of the Family Environment On Personality: Accounting For Sibling Differences." Psychological Bulletin 110. 2 (1991): 187- 203. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Jang, Kerry L., W. John Livesley ve Philip A. Vernon. "Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets." Journal of Personality 64. 3 (1996): 577-591. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Jefferson, Jr, Tyrone, Jeffrey H. Herbst ve Robert R. Mccrae. "Associations Between Birth Order and Personality Traits: Evidence From Self-Reports and Observer Ratings." Journal of Research in Personality 32 (1998): 498-509. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Kahneman, Daniel, Paul Slovic ve Amos Tversky. Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
  • Kalkan, Melek ve Hatice Epli-Koç. "Do Psychological Birth Orders Predict İndividuals' Stress Coping Strategies." Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal 30. 3 (2008): 57-59. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Keller, Heidi ve Ulrike Zach. "Gender and Birth Order As Determinants of Parental Behaviour." International Journal of Behavioral Development 26. 2 (2002): 177- 184. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Kiracofe, Norman M. ve Homer N. Kiracofe. "Child-Perceived Parental Favoritism and Birth Order." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 46. 1 (1990): 74-81. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Kirkcaldy, Bruce ve diğerleri. “Birth Order: Self-Injurious and Suicidal Behaviour among Adolescents.” Psychology, Health & Medicine 14. 1 (2009): 9– 16. EBSCOhost.
  • Leman, Kevin. The Birth Order Book. Why You Are The Way You Are. Grand Rapids; MI: Spire Books,1985. Web. 30 Ocak 2018.
  • Lohman, Joyce F., Timothy G. Lohman ve Oscar Christensen. "Psychological Position and Perceived Sibling Differences." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 41 (1985): 313-327. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Manaster, Guy J. "Birth Order: An Overview." Journal of Individual Psychology 33. 1 (1977): 3-8. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Marini, Victoria A. ve John E. Kurtz. "Birth Order Differences in Normal Personality Traits: Perspectives From Within and Outside the Family." Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011): 910-914. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Melillo, Donna ve Bentley College. "Birth Order, Perceived Birth Order, and Family Position of Academic Women." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 31. 1 (1983): 57-62. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Michalski, Richard L. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Methodology, Birth Order, Intelligence, and Personality." American Psychologist 56. 6/7 (2001): 520-521. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Moore, Ginger A., Jeffrey F. Cohn ve Susan B. Campbell. "Mothers' Affective Behavior with Infant Siblings: Stability and Change." Developmental Psychology 33. 5 (1997): 856-860. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Nyman, Lawrence. "The Identification of Birth Order Personality Attributes." The Journal of Psychology 129. 1 (1995): 51-59. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Okudaira, Hiroko ve diğerleri. "Older Sisters and Younger Brothers: The Impact of Siblings on Preference For Competition." Personality and Individual Differences 82 (2015): 81-89. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Paulhus, Delroy L., Paul D. Trapnell ve David Chen. "Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievement Within Families." Psychological Science 10. 6 (1999): 482-488. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Perlin, Michelle ve Harry Grater. "The Relationship Between Birth Order and Reported Interpersonal Behavior." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 40. 1 (1984): 22-28. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Plomin, Robert, Kathryn Asbury ve Judith Dunn. "Why Are Children in The Same Family So Different? Nonshared Environment A Decade Later." The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 46 (2001): 225-233. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Pollet, Thomas ve diğerleri. "Birth Order and The Dominance Aspect of Extraversion: Are Firstborns More Extraverted, in The Sense of Being Dominant, Then Laterborns?" Journal of Research in Personality 44 (2010): 742-745. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Pulakos, Joan. "The Effects of Birth Order on Perceived Family Roles." Individual Psychology 43. 3 (1987): 319-328. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Rohde, Percy A. ve diğerleri. "Perceived Parental Favoritism, Closeness To Kin, and The Rebel of The Family The Effects of Birth Order and Sex." Evolution and Human Behavior 24 (2003): 261-276. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Sampson, Edward E. ve Francena T. Hancock. "An Examination of the Relationship Between Ordinal Position, Personality, and Conformity: An Extension, Replication, and Partial Verification." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5. 4 (1967): 398-407. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Schmidt, Norman ve diğerleri. “The Schema Questionnaire: Investigation of Psychometric Properties and the Hierarchical Structure of a Measure of Maladaptive Schemas.” Cognitive Therapy and Research 19. 3, (June 1995): 295–321. EBSCOhost
  • Shulman, Bernard H. ve Harold H. Mosak. "Birth Order and Ordinal Position: Two Adlerian Views." Journal of Individual Psychology 33. 1 (1977): 114-121. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Simonton, Dean K. "Gender Differences in Birth Order and Family Size Among 186 Eminent Psychologists." Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology 1. 1 (2008): 15-22. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Someya, Toshiyuki ve diğerleri. "Effects of Gender Difference and Birth Order On Perceived Parenting Styles, Measured By The EMBU Scale, in Japanese Two- Sibling Subjects." Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 54 (2000): 77-81. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Stewart, Alan E. "Can Knowledge of Client Birth Order Bias Clinical Judgment?" Journal of Counseling & Development 82 (2004): 167-176. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • --. "Issues in Birth Order Research Methodology: Perspectives from Individual Psychology." The Journal of Individual Psychology 68. 1 (2012): 75-106. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Stewart, Alan E. ve Elizabeth A. Stewart. "Trends in Birth-Order Research: 1976- 1993." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice 51. 1 (1995): 21-36. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Suitor, J. Jill ve Karl Pillemer. "Mothers' Favoritism in Later Life the Role of Children's Birth Order." Research On Aging 29. 1 (2007): 32-55. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Sullivan, Bryce F. ve Andrew I. Schwebel. "Birth-Order Position, Gender, and Irrational Relationship Beliefs." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 52. 1 (1996): 54-64. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Sulloway, Frank J. Born To Rebel. New York: Pantheon Books, 1996.
  • White, Joanna ve diğerleri. “The Relationship of Psychological Birth Order to Career Interests.” Individual Psychology 53. 1 (1997): 89-104. Web. 10 Şubat 2019.
  • Whiteman, Shawn D., Susan M. McHale ve Ann C. Crouter. "Competing Processes of Sibling Influence: Observational Learning and Sibling Deidentification." Social Development 16. 4 (2007): 642-661. Web. 7 Aralık 2017.
  • Wichman, Aaron L., Joseph L. Rodgers ve Robert C. MacCallum. "A Multilevel Approach to the Relationship Between Birth Order and Intelligence." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32. 1 (2006): 117-127. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1, 125 - 151, 01.01.2019


Adler maintains that people essentially strive for power and competence. Thus, being an older or younger sibling within a family helps to foster different characteristics in order to achieve power and competence. Sulloway's theory has parallels with Adler's theory mostly considering the fact that each sibling develops various and dissimilar features. On the other hand, Sulloway's theory was fundamentally rooted in evolutionary perspectives. Birth order has been one of the most popular issues in the literature of psychology, especially when it was first proposed. There are many studies that investigate the relationship between birth order position and specific personality characteristics. The purpose of the present article is to explore Adler and Sulloway's birth order theories and review relevant empirical findings.


  • Adler, Alfred. The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. London: Harcourt, Brace, & Company, 1924. Web. 21 Aralık 2017.
  • --. Understanding Human Nature. New York: Greenberg, 1927.
  • --. Understanding Human Nature. New York: Greenberg, 1949.
  • --. What Life Should Mean To You. Ed: A. Porter. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1932. Web. 19 Aralık 2017.
  • --. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler: A Systematic Presentation in Selections From His Writings. Ed: H. L. Ansbacher ve R.R. Ansbacher. New York: Basic Books, 1956.
  • Ansbacher, Heinz. L. ve Rowena R. Ansbacher. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York City: Harper Torch, 1956.
  • Ardebili, Elmira Fasihi ve Fatemeh Golshani. “Early Maladaptive Schemas and Aggression Based on The Birth Order of Children.” Modern Applied Science 10 (2016): 14-21.
  • Ashby, Jeffrey S., Kenneth A. Locicero ve Mary C. Kenny. "The Relationship of Multidimensional Perfectionism to Psychological Birth Order." The Journal of Individual Psychology 59. 1 (2003): 42-51. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Baskett, Linda M. "Sibling Status Effects: Adult Expectations." Developmental Psychology 21. 3 (1985): 441-445. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Beck, Emma, Katriina L. Burnet ve Jane Vosper. "Birth-Order Effects on Facets of Extraversion." Personality and Individual Differences 40 (2006): 953-959. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Bhanot, Ruchi ve Jasna Jovanovic. "Do Parents' Academic Gender Stereotypes Influence Whether They Intrude on Their Children's Homework?" Sex Roles 52. 9/10 (2005): 597-607. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Bjerkedal, Tor ve diğerleri. "Intelligence Test Scores and Birth Order Among Young Norwegian Families." Intelligence 35 (2007): 503-514. Web. 9 Aralık 2017. (Conscripts) Analyzed Within and Between
  • Blake, Judith. Family Size and Achievement. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Web. 21 Aralık 2017.
  • Bleske-Rechek, April ve Jenna A. Kelley. "Birth Order and Personality: A Within- Family Test Using Independent Self-Reports From Both Firstborn and Laterborn Siblings." Personality and Individual Differences 56 (2014): 15-18. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Brody, Leslie R. "Gender and Emotion: Beyond Stereotypes." Journal of Social Issues 53. 2 (1997): 369-394. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Campbell, Linda, Joanna White ve Alan Stewart. "The Relationship of Psychological Birth Order to Actual Birth Order." Individual Psychology 47. 3 (1991): 380-391.
  • Chalfant, Deanna. "Birth Order, Perceived Parental Favoritism, and Feelings Toward Parents." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 50. 1 (1994): 52-57. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Damian, Rodica I. ve Brent W. Roberts. "The Associations of Birth Order with Personality and Intelligence In A Representative Sample of U.S. High School Students." Journal of Research in Personality 58 (2015): 96-105. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Davis, Jennifer N. "Birth Order, Sibship Size, and Status in Modern Canada." Human Nature 8. 3 (1997): 205-230. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Dixon, Melissa M. ve diğerleri. "Personality and Birth Order in Large Families." Personality and Individual Differences 44 (2008): 119-128. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Dunkel, Curtis S., Colin R. Harbke ve Dennis R. Papini. "Direct and Indirect Effects of Birth Order on Personality and Identity: Support For The Null Hypothesis." The Journal of Genetic Psychology 170. 2 (2009): 159-175. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Eckstein, Daniel, Mark A. Sperber ve Kristen A. Miller. "A Couple's Activity for Understanding Birth Order Effects: Introducing The Birth Order Research- Based Questionnaire (BORQ)." The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy For Couples and Families 17. 4 (2009): 342-349. Web. 27 Kasım 2017.
  • Eckstein, Daniel ve diğerleri. "A Review of 200 Birth-Order Studies: Lifestyle Characteristics." The Journal of Individual Psychology 66. 4 (2010): 408-434. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Ekşi, Halil, Erdem Sevim ve Bilge Kurt. "Psikolojik Doğum Sırası ile Yetersizlik Duygusunun İncelenmesi." Elementary Education Online 15. 3 (2016): 1054-1065. Web 23 Ekim 2018. Bağlanma Stillerini Yordama Düzeyinin
  • Ergüner-Tekinalp, Bengü ve Şerife Terzi. "Coping, Social Interest, and Psychological Birth Order As Predictors of Resilience in Turkey." Applied Research Quality Life 11. 2 (2016): 509-524. Web. 7 Aralık 2017.
  • Ernst, Cecile ve Jules Angst. Birth Order: Its Influence On Personality. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1983. Web. 17 Aralık 2017.
  • Fagot, Beverly I. "The Influence of Sex of Child on Parental Reactions To Toddler Children." Child Development 49 (1978): 459-465. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Falbo, Toni. "Relationships Between Birth Category, Achievement, and Interpersonal Orientation." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 41. 1 (1981): 121-131. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Feinberg, Mark E. ve diğerleri. "Sibling Comparison of Differential Parental Treatment in Adolescence: Gender, Self-Esteem, and Emotionality as Mediators of The Parenting-Adjustment Association." Child Development 71. 6 (2000): 1611- 1628. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Forer, Lucille K. The Birth Order Factor. New York: David Mckay, 1976.
  • Freese, Jeremy, Brian Powell ve Lala C. Steelman. “Rebel without a Cause or Effect: Birth Order and Social Attitudes.” American Sociological Review 64. 2 (1999): 207-231. Web. 10 Şubat 2019.
  • Hallers-Haalboom, Elizabeth T. ve diğerleri. "Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters: Parental Sensitivity in Families with Two Children." Journal of Family Psychology 28. 2 (2014): 138-147. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Harris, Kimberly A. ve K. Brent Morrow. "Differential Effects of Birth Order and Gender on Perceptions of Responsibility and Dominance." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 48. 1 (1992): 109-118. Web. 7 Aralık 2017.
  • Harris, Judith Rich. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out The Way They Do. New York: The Free Press, 1998. Web. 20 Aralık 2017.
  • Hartshorne, Joshua K., Nancy Salem-Hartshorne ve Tmimothy S. Hartshorne. "Birth Order Effects in the Formation of Long-Term Relationships." The Journal of Individual Psychology 65. 2 (2009): 156-176. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Healey, Matthew Bruce J. Ellis. "Birth Order, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience Tests of The Family-Niche Model of Personality Using A Within- Family Methodology." Evolution and Human Behavior 28. (2007): 55-59. Web. 27 Kasım 2017.
  • Herrera, Nicholas C. ve diğerleri. "Beliefs About Birth Rank and Their Reflection in Reality." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85. 1 (2003): 142-150.
  • Hoffman, Lois W. "The Influence of the Family Environment On Personality: Accounting For Sibling Differences." Psychological Bulletin 110. 2 (1991): 187- 203. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Jang, Kerry L., W. John Livesley ve Philip A. Vernon. "Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets." Journal of Personality 64. 3 (1996): 577-591. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Jefferson, Jr, Tyrone, Jeffrey H. Herbst ve Robert R. Mccrae. "Associations Between Birth Order and Personality Traits: Evidence From Self-Reports and Observer Ratings." Journal of Research in Personality 32 (1998): 498-509. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Kahneman, Daniel, Paul Slovic ve Amos Tversky. Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
  • Kalkan, Melek ve Hatice Epli-Koç. "Do Psychological Birth Orders Predict İndividuals' Stress Coping Strategies." Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal 30. 3 (2008): 57-59. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Keller, Heidi ve Ulrike Zach. "Gender and Birth Order As Determinants of Parental Behaviour." International Journal of Behavioral Development 26. 2 (2002): 177- 184. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Kiracofe, Norman M. ve Homer N. Kiracofe. "Child-Perceived Parental Favoritism and Birth Order." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 46. 1 (1990): 74-81. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Kirkcaldy, Bruce ve diğerleri. “Birth Order: Self-Injurious and Suicidal Behaviour among Adolescents.” Psychology, Health & Medicine 14. 1 (2009): 9– 16. EBSCOhost.
  • Leman, Kevin. The Birth Order Book. Why You Are The Way You Are. Grand Rapids; MI: Spire Books,1985. Web. 30 Ocak 2018.
  • Lohman, Joyce F., Timothy G. Lohman ve Oscar Christensen. "Psychological Position and Perceived Sibling Differences." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 41 (1985): 313-327. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Manaster, Guy J. "Birth Order: An Overview." Journal of Individual Psychology 33. 1 (1977): 3-8. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Marini, Victoria A. ve John E. Kurtz. "Birth Order Differences in Normal Personality Traits: Perspectives From Within and Outside the Family." Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011): 910-914. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Melillo, Donna ve Bentley College. "Birth Order, Perceived Birth Order, and Family Position of Academic Women." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 31. 1 (1983): 57-62. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Michalski, Richard L. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Methodology, Birth Order, Intelligence, and Personality." American Psychologist 56. 6/7 (2001): 520-521. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Moore, Ginger A., Jeffrey F. Cohn ve Susan B. Campbell. "Mothers' Affective Behavior with Infant Siblings: Stability and Change." Developmental Psychology 33. 5 (1997): 856-860. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Nyman, Lawrence. "The Identification of Birth Order Personality Attributes." The Journal of Psychology 129. 1 (1995): 51-59. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Okudaira, Hiroko ve diğerleri. "Older Sisters and Younger Brothers: The Impact of Siblings on Preference For Competition." Personality and Individual Differences 82 (2015): 81-89. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Paulhus, Delroy L., Paul D. Trapnell ve David Chen. "Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievement Within Families." Psychological Science 10. 6 (1999): 482-488. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Perlin, Michelle ve Harry Grater. "The Relationship Between Birth Order and Reported Interpersonal Behavior." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research, and Practice 40. 1 (1984): 22-28. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Plomin, Robert, Kathryn Asbury ve Judith Dunn. "Why Are Children in The Same Family So Different? Nonshared Environment A Decade Later." The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 46 (2001): 225-233. Web. 3 Aralık 2017.
  • Pollet, Thomas ve diğerleri. "Birth Order and The Dominance Aspect of Extraversion: Are Firstborns More Extraverted, in The Sense of Being Dominant, Then Laterborns?" Journal of Research in Personality 44 (2010): 742-745. Web. 30 Kasım 2017.
  • Pulakos, Joan. "The Effects of Birth Order on Perceived Family Roles." Individual Psychology 43. 3 (1987): 319-328. Web. 1 Aralık 2017.
  • Rohde, Percy A. ve diğerleri. "Perceived Parental Favoritism, Closeness To Kin, and The Rebel of The Family The Effects of Birth Order and Sex." Evolution and Human Behavior 24 (2003): 261-276. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Sampson, Edward E. ve Francena T. Hancock. "An Examination of the Relationship Between Ordinal Position, Personality, and Conformity: An Extension, Replication, and Partial Verification." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5. 4 (1967): 398-407. Web. 2 Aralık 2017.
  • Schmidt, Norman ve diğerleri. “The Schema Questionnaire: Investigation of Psychometric Properties and the Hierarchical Structure of a Measure of Maladaptive Schemas.” Cognitive Therapy and Research 19. 3, (June 1995): 295–321. EBSCOhost
  • Shulman, Bernard H. ve Harold H. Mosak. "Birth Order and Ordinal Position: Two Adlerian Views." Journal of Individual Psychology 33. 1 (1977): 114-121. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
  • Simonton, Dean K. "Gender Differences in Birth Order and Family Size Among 186 Eminent Psychologists." Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology 1. 1 (2008): 15-22. Web. 8 Aralık 2017.
  • Someya, Toshiyuki ve diğerleri. "Effects of Gender Difference and Birth Order On Perceived Parenting Styles, Measured By The EMBU Scale, in Japanese Two- Sibling Subjects." Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 54 (2000): 77-81. Web. 9 Aralık 2017.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Deniz Canel Çınarbaş Bu kişi benim

Gözde Nilüfer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınarbaş, D. C., & Nilüfer, G. (2019). ADLER VE SULLOWAY’IN DOĞUM SIRASI KURAMLARI VE GÖRGÜL BULGULAR İLE İLGİLİ BİR DERLEME. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 59(1), 125-151.

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