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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1, 717 - 741, 01.01.2019


Ortak ebeveynlik, anne ve babaların çocuk yetiştirmeyle ilgili sorumlulukları paylaşmaları, birbirlerini desteklemeleri ve aile içindeki dinamikleri birlikte yönetmeleri olarak tanımlanır McHale, “Coparenting and Triadic…” 985 . Mevcut çalışmada, gözlemlenen ve algılanan ortak ebeveynliğin, bağlanma kaygısı ve bağlanma kaçınması olarak iki boyutta ölçülen romantik bağlanma ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya üç aylık bebek Ort. = 103.78 günlük sahibi 45 anne-baba bebekleriyle birlikte katılmıştır. Ev ziyaretleri yapılarak ve Lozan Üçlü Oyun Paradigması Fivaz-Depeursing ve Corboz- Warnery 1 kullanılarak, anne-babalardan bebekleriyle 10'ar dakikalık yarıyapılandırılmış etkileşimlerde bulunmaları istenmiş ve etkileşimler videoya kaydedilmiştir. Kaydedilen ortak ebeveynlik davranışları, “Ortak Ebeveynlik ve Aile Değerlendirme Sistemi” McHale ve diğerleri, “The Transition to Coparenthood…” 711 kullanılarak araştırmacılar tarafından kodlanmıştır. Algılanan ortak ebeveynlik ve romantik bağlanma değişkenleri, sırasıyla “Ebeveynlik İşbirliği Ölçeği” Abidin ve Brunner 31 ve “Yakın İlişkilerde Yaşantılar Envanteri-II” Fraley, Waller ve Brennan 350 ölçekleri ile öz bildirim yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular, hem gözlemlenen hem de algılanan olumlu ortak ebeveynliğin, romantik bağlanma boyutları ile olumsuz yönde ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bağlanma kaygısı ve kaçınması yükseldikçe anne ve babaların bebekleriyle birlikte etkileşimde bulunurken daha az işbirliği gösterdikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Algılanan ortak ebeveynlik ise, hem anneler hem de babalar için sadece bağlanma kaçınması ile kaygısı ile değil ilişkili bulunmuş, bu bulgu da ilişkisel Türkiye kültüründe bağlanma kaygısının görece daha işlevsel olduğunu gösteren diğer çalışmaları desteklemiştir.


  • Abidin, Richard R. ve Jack F. Brunner. “Development of a Parenting Alliance Inventory.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 24.1 (1995): 31-40.
  • Bandalos, Deborah L. “The Effects of Item Parceling on Goodness-of-Fit and Parameter Estimate Bias in Structural Equation Modeling.” Structural Equation Modeling 9.1 (2002): 78-102.
  • Belsky, Jay, Sam Putnam ve Keith Crnic. “Coparenting, Parenting, and Early Emotional Development.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 74 (1996): 45-55.
  • Bowlby, John. Attachment and loss: Vol.1, Attachment (2. baskı). New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, (Orijinal baskı 1969), 1982.
  • Caldera, Yvonne M. ve Eric W. Lindsey. “Coparenting, Mother-Infant Interaction, and Infant-Parent Attachment Relationships in Two-Parent Families.” Journal of Family Psychology 20.2 (2006): 275-283.
  • Chisholm, James S. ve diğerleri. “Early Stress Predicts Age at Menarche and First Birth, Adult Attachment, and Expected Lifespan.” Human Nature 16.3 (2005): 233-265.
  • Collins, Nancy L. ve Máire B. Ford. “Responding to the Needs of Others: The Caregiving Behavioral System in Intimate Relationships.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 27.2 (2010): 235-244.
  • Coyl, Diana D., Lisa A. Newland ve Harry Freeman. “Predicting Preschoolers’ Attachment Security from Parenting Behaviours, Parents’ Attachment Relationships and Their Use of Social Support.” Early Child Development and Care 180.4 (2010): 499-512.
  • Doss, Brian D. ve diğerleri. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Coparenting and Relationship Interventions During the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Family Psychology 28.4 (2014): 483-498.
  • Faul, Franz ve diğerleri. “G* Power 3: A Flexible Statistical Power Analysis Program for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences.” Behavior Research Methods 39.2 (2007): 175-191.
  • Favez, Nicolas, Hervé Tissot ve France Frascarolo. “Is It Typical? The Ecological Validity of the Observation of Mother-Father-Infant Interactions in the Lausanne Trilogue Play.” European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16.1 (2019): 113-121.
  • Feeney, Judith A. “Parental Attachment and Conflict Behavior: Implications for Offspring's Attachment, Loneliness, and Relationship Satisfaction.” Personal Relationships 13.1 (2006): 19-36.
  • Feeney, Judith ve diğerleri. “Attachment Insecurity, Depression, and the Transition to Parenthood.” Personal Relationships 10.4 (2003): 475-493.
  • Feinberg, Mark E., Marni L. Kan ve E. Mavis Hetherington. “The Longitudinal Influence of Coparenting Conflict on Parental Negativity and Adolescent Maladjustment.” Journal of Marriage and Family 69.3 (2007): 687-702.
  • Feinberg, Mark E. ve Kari-Lyn Sakuma. “Coparenting Interventions for Expecting Parents.” Coparenting: A conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. Ed. James P. McHale ve Kristin M. Lindahl. Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association, 2011. 171-190.
  • Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth ve Antoinette Corboz-Warnery. The Primary Triangle: A Developmental Systems View of Mothers, Fathers, and Infants. Basic Books, 1999.
  • Fraley, R. Chris, Niels G. Waller ve Kelly A. Brennan. “An Item Response Theory Analysis of Self-Report Measures of Adult Attachment.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78.2 (2000): 350-365.
  • Gatta, Michela ve diğerleri. “Contribution of Analyses on Triadic Relationships to Diagnostics and Treatment Planning in Developmental Psychopathology.” Psychological Reports 120.2 (2017): 290-304.
  • Harma, Mehmet ve Nebi Sümer. “Are Avoidant Wives and Anxious Husbands Unhappy in a Collectivist Context? Dyadic Associations in Established Marriages.” Journal of Family Studies 22.1 (2016): 63-79.
  • Hazan, Cindy ve Phillip Shaver. “Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52.3 (1987): 511-524.
  • Hedenbro, Monica, Alyson F. Shapiro ve John M. Gottman. “Play with Me at My Speed: Describing Differences in the Tempo of Parent‐Infant Interactions in the Lausanne Triadic Play Paradigm in Two Cultures.” Family Process 45.4 (2006): 485-498.
  • Jones, Jason D., Jude Cassidy ve Phillip R. Shaver, “Adult Attachment Styles and Parenting.” Attachment Theory and Research: New Directions and Emerging Themes. Ed. Jeffry A. Simpson ve W. Stewen Rholes. New York: Guilford Press, 2015. 145-169.
  • Jouriles, Ernest N. ve diğerleri. “Marital Adjustment, Parental Disagreements about Child Rearing, and Behavior Problems in Boys: Increasing the Specificity of the Marital Assessment.” Child Development 62.6 (1991): 1424-1433.
  • Kenny, David A., Deborah A. Kashy ve William L. Cook. Dyadic Data Analysis. Guilford Press, 2006.
  • Kimmel, Douglas ve Ferdinand Van Der Veen. “Factors of Marital Adjustment in Locke's Marital Adjustment Test.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 36.1 (1974): 57-63.
  • Kolak, Amy M. ve Lynne Vernon‐Feagans. “Family‐Level Coparenting Processes and Child Gender as Moderators of Family Stress and Toddler Adjustment.” Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and Practice 17.6 (2008): 617-638.
  • Little, Todd D. ve diğerleri. “To Parcel or Not To Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the Merits.” Structural Equation Modeling 9.2 (2002): 151-173.
  • McHale, James P. “Coparenting and Triadic Interactions During Infancy: The Roles of Marital Distress and Child Gender.” Developmental Psychology 31.6 (1995): 985-996.
  • --. “Overt and Covert Coparenting Processes in the Family.” Family Process 36.2 (1997): 183-201.
  • --. Charting the Bumpy Road of Coparenthood: Understanding the Challenges of Family Life. Washington, DC: Zero to Three, 2007.
  • McHale, James P. ve Karina Irace. “Coparenting in Diverse Family Systems.” Coparenting: A conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. Ed. James P. McHale ve Kristin M. Lindahl American Psychological Association, 2011. 15–37.
  • McHale, James P. ve diğerleri. “The Transition to Coparenthood: Parents' Prebirth Expectations and Early Coparental Adjustment at 3 Months Postpartum.” Development and Psychopathology 16.3 (2004): 711-733.
  • --. “Retrospect and Prospect in the Psychological Study of Coparenting and Family Group Process.” Retrospect and Prospect in the Psychological Study of Families. Ed. James P. McHale ve Wendy S. Grolnick, Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002. 127-165.
  • McHale, James P. ve Kristin M. Lindahl. Coparenting: A Conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. American Psychological Association, 2011.
  • McHale, James P. ve Jeffrey L. Rasmussen. “Coparental and Family Group-Level Dynamics During Infancy: Early Family Precursors of Child and Family Functioning During Preschool.” Development and Psychopathology 10.1 (1998): 39-59.
  • Mikulincer, Mario ve Phillip R. Shaver. Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change. Guilford Press, 2007.
  • --. “Attachment Orientations and Emotion Regulation.” Current Opinion in Psychology 25 (2019): 6-10.
  • Muthén, Linda K. ve Bengt O. Muthén. Mplus (Version 6.12). Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén. 2008.
  • O'hara, Michael W. ve Annette M. Swain. “Rates and Risk af Postpartum Depression—A Meta-Analysis.” International Review of Psychiatry 8.1 (1996): 37-54.
  • Paley, Blair ve diğerleri. “Adult Attachment and Marital Interaction as Predictors of Whole Family Interactions During the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Family Psychology 19.3 (2005): 420-429.
  • Raby, K. Lee ve diğerleri. “The Enduring Predictive Significance of Early Maternal Sensitivity: Social and Academic Competence Through Age 32 Years.” Child Development 86.3 (2015): 695-708.
  • Rholes, W. Steven ve diğerleri. “Adult Attachment and the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81.3 (2001): 421- 435.
  • Sakman, Ezgi. Functionality of Insecure Attachment in Cultural Context as an Early Alarm and Escape System. Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2016.
  • Salman-Engin, Selin. Coparenting Processes in the US and Turkey: Triadic Interactions among Mothers, Fathers, and Grandmothers with 3-Month-Old Infants. Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Selçuk, Emre ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Romantic Attachment Style Predicts Everyday Maternal Caregiving Behavior at Home.” Journal of Research in Personality 44.4 (2010): 544-549.
  • --. “Yetişkin Bağlanma Boyutları için Yeni Bir Ölçüm: Yakın İlişkilerde Yaşantılar Envanteri- II’nin Türk Örnekleminde Psikometrik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi.” Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 8.16 (2005): 1-11.
  • Simonelli, Alessandra, Mara Bighin ve Francesca De Palo. “Coparenting Interactions Observed by the Prenatal Lausanne Trilogue Play: An Italian Replication Study.” Infant Mental Health Journal 33.6 (2012): 609-619.
  • Shaver, Mikulincer ve Jude Cassidy. “Attachment, Caregiving in Couple Relationships, and Prosocial Behavior in the Wider World.” Current Opinionin Psychology 25 (2019): 16-20.
  • Sümer, Nebi. “Ana Babalık ve Bağlanma.” Ana Babalık: Kuram ve Araştırma. Ed.
  • Melike Sayıl ve Bilge Yağmurlu. İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012. 169-191.
  • Sümer, Nebi ve Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı. “Culturally Relevant Parenting Predictors of Attachment Security: Perspectives from Turkey.” Attachment: Expanding the cultural connections. Ed. Phyllis Erdman, New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. 157-180.
  • Sümer, Nebi ve diğerleri. “Turkish Mothers’ Attachment Orientations and Mental Representations of Their Children.” Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 34.1 (2015): 1-15.
  • Talbot, Jean A., Jason K. Baker ve James P. McHale. “Sharing the Love: Prebirth Adult Attachment Status and Coparenting Adjustment During Early Infancy.” Parenting 9.1-2 (2009): 56-77.
  • Teubert, Daniela ve Martin Pinquart. “The Association Between Coparenting and Child Adjustment: A Meta-Analysis.” Parenting 10.4 (2010): 286-307.
  • Tissot, Hervé ve diğerleri. “A Longitudinal Study of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Coparenting in the First 18 Months.” Family Process 56.2 (2017): 445- 458
  • Zemp, Martina ve diğerleri. “Within-Family Processes: Interparental and Coparenting Conflict and Child Adjustment.” Journal of Family Psychology 32.3 (2018): 299-309.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1, 717 - 741, 01.01.2019


Coparenting is defined as mothers and fathers sharing child rearing responsibilities, providing mutual support, and managing within-family dynamics together McHale, “Coparenting and Triadic…” 985 . The relationship of observed and perceived coparenting with romantic attachment, as measured with attachment anxiety and avoidance, was investigated in the current study. Forty-five families who have three-month-old infants M = 103.78 days old participated in the study with their babies. The Lausanne Trilogue Play Paradigm Fivaz-Depeursing and Corboz-Warnery 1 was employed in home visits, the parents were asked to engage in 10-minute semi-structured interactions with their babies and these interactions were video recorded. Recorded coparenting behaviors were evaluated by the researchers via “Coparenting and Family Rating System” McHale et al., “The Transition to Coparenthood…” 711 . Perceived coparenting and romantic attachment were measured via Parenting Alliance Inventory Abidin and Brunner 31 and Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire–Revised Fraley, Waller, and Brennan 350 scales, respectively. Results indicated that both observed and perceived coparenting were inversely related with both of the attachment dimensions. It was observed that as attachment anxiety and avoidance increase, mothers and fathers interact with each other less cooperatively in the presence of the babies. For both mothers and fathers, perceived coparenting was found to be related to attachment avoidance but not anxiety , this finding has lent support to previous research showing attachment anxiety may be relatively more functional in the relational Turkish culture.


  • Abidin, Richard R. ve Jack F. Brunner. “Development of a Parenting Alliance Inventory.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 24.1 (1995): 31-40.
  • Bandalos, Deborah L. “The Effects of Item Parceling on Goodness-of-Fit and Parameter Estimate Bias in Structural Equation Modeling.” Structural Equation Modeling 9.1 (2002): 78-102.
  • Belsky, Jay, Sam Putnam ve Keith Crnic. “Coparenting, Parenting, and Early Emotional Development.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 74 (1996): 45-55.
  • Bowlby, John. Attachment and loss: Vol.1, Attachment (2. baskı). New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, (Orijinal baskı 1969), 1982.
  • Caldera, Yvonne M. ve Eric W. Lindsey. “Coparenting, Mother-Infant Interaction, and Infant-Parent Attachment Relationships in Two-Parent Families.” Journal of Family Psychology 20.2 (2006): 275-283.
  • Chisholm, James S. ve diğerleri. “Early Stress Predicts Age at Menarche and First Birth, Adult Attachment, and Expected Lifespan.” Human Nature 16.3 (2005): 233-265.
  • Collins, Nancy L. ve Máire B. Ford. “Responding to the Needs of Others: The Caregiving Behavioral System in Intimate Relationships.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 27.2 (2010): 235-244.
  • Coyl, Diana D., Lisa A. Newland ve Harry Freeman. “Predicting Preschoolers’ Attachment Security from Parenting Behaviours, Parents’ Attachment Relationships and Their Use of Social Support.” Early Child Development and Care 180.4 (2010): 499-512.
  • Doss, Brian D. ve diğerleri. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Coparenting and Relationship Interventions During the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Family Psychology 28.4 (2014): 483-498.
  • Faul, Franz ve diğerleri. “G* Power 3: A Flexible Statistical Power Analysis Program for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences.” Behavior Research Methods 39.2 (2007): 175-191.
  • Favez, Nicolas, Hervé Tissot ve France Frascarolo. “Is It Typical? The Ecological Validity of the Observation of Mother-Father-Infant Interactions in the Lausanne Trilogue Play.” European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16.1 (2019): 113-121.
  • Feeney, Judith A. “Parental Attachment and Conflict Behavior: Implications for Offspring's Attachment, Loneliness, and Relationship Satisfaction.” Personal Relationships 13.1 (2006): 19-36.
  • Feeney, Judith ve diğerleri. “Attachment Insecurity, Depression, and the Transition to Parenthood.” Personal Relationships 10.4 (2003): 475-493.
  • Feinberg, Mark E., Marni L. Kan ve E. Mavis Hetherington. “The Longitudinal Influence of Coparenting Conflict on Parental Negativity and Adolescent Maladjustment.” Journal of Marriage and Family 69.3 (2007): 687-702.
  • Feinberg, Mark E. ve Kari-Lyn Sakuma. “Coparenting Interventions for Expecting Parents.” Coparenting: A conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. Ed. James P. McHale ve Kristin M. Lindahl. Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association, 2011. 171-190.
  • Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth ve Antoinette Corboz-Warnery. The Primary Triangle: A Developmental Systems View of Mothers, Fathers, and Infants. Basic Books, 1999.
  • Fraley, R. Chris, Niels G. Waller ve Kelly A. Brennan. “An Item Response Theory Analysis of Self-Report Measures of Adult Attachment.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78.2 (2000): 350-365.
  • Gatta, Michela ve diğerleri. “Contribution of Analyses on Triadic Relationships to Diagnostics and Treatment Planning in Developmental Psychopathology.” Psychological Reports 120.2 (2017): 290-304.
  • Harma, Mehmet ve Nebi Sümer. “Are Avoidant Wives and Anxious Husbands Unhappy in a Collectivist Context? Dyadic Associations in Established Marriages.” Journal of Family Studies 22.1 (2016): 63-79.
  • Hazan, Cindy ve Phillip Shaver. “Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52.3 (1987): 511-524.
  • Hedenbro, Monica, Alyson F. Shapiro ve John M. Gottman. “Play with Me at My Speed: Describing Differences in the Tempo of Parent‐Infant Interactions in the Lausanne Triadic Play Paradigm in Two Cultures.” Family Process 45.4 (2006): 485-498.
  • Jones, Jason D., Jude Cassidy ve Phillip R. Shaver, “Adult Attachment Styles and Parenting.” Attachment Theory and Research: New Directions and Emerging Themes. Ed. Jeffry A. Simpson ve W. Stewen Rholes. New York: Guilford Press, 2015. 145-169.
  • Jouriles, Ernest N. ve diğerleri. “Marital Adjustment, Parental Disagreements about Child Rearing, and Behavior Problems in Boys: Increasing the Specificity of the Marital Assessment.” Child Development 62.6 (1991): 1424-1433.
  • Kenny, David A., Deborah A. Kashy ve William L. Cook. Dyadic Data Analysis. Guilford Press, 2006.
  • Kimmel, Douglas ve Ferdinand Van Der Veen. “Factors of Marital Adjustment in Locke's Marital Adjustment Test.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 36.1 (1974): 57-63.
  • Kolak, Amy M. ve Lynne Vernon‐Feagans. “Family‐Level Coparenting Processes and Child Gender as Moderators of Family Stress and Toddler Adjustment.” Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and Practice 17.6 (2008): 617-638.
  • Little, Todd D. ve diğerleri. “To Parcel or Not To Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the Merits.” Structural Equation Modeling 9.2 (2002): 151-173.
  • McHale, James P. “Coparenting and Triadic Interactions During Infancy: The Roles of Marital Distress and Child Gender.” Developmental Psychology 31.6 (1995): 985-996.
  • --. “Overt and Covert Coparenting Processes in the Family.” Family Process 36.2 (1997): 183-201.
  • --. Charting the Bumpy Road of Coparenthood: Understanding the Challenges of Family Life. Washington, DC: Zero to Three, 2007.
  • McHale, James P. ve Karina Irace. “Coparenting in Diverse Family Systems.” Coparenting: A conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. Ed. James P. McHale ve Kristin M. Lindahl American Psychological Association, 2011. 15–37.
  • McHale, James P. ve diğerleri. “The Transition to Coparenthood: Parents' Prebirth Expectations and Early Coparental Adjustment at 3 Months Postpartum.” Development and Psychopathology 16.3 (2004): 711-733.
  • --. “Retrospect and Prospect in the Psychological Study of Coparenting and Family Group Process.” Retrospect and Prospect in the Psychological Study of Families. Ed. James P. McHale ve Wendy S. Grolnick, Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002. 127-165.
  • McHale, James P. ve Kristin M. Lindahl. Coparenting: A Conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems. American Psychological Association, 2011.
  • McHale, James P. ve Jeffrey L. Rasmussen. “Coparental and Family Group-Level Dynamics During Infancy: Early Family Precursors of Child and Family Functioning During Preschool.” Development and Psychopathology 10.1 (1998): 39-59.
  • Mikulincer, Mario ve Phillip R. Shaver. Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change. Guilford Press, 2007.
  • --. “Attachment Orientations and Emotion Regulation.” Current Opinion in Psychology 25 (2019): 6-10.
  • Muthén, Linda K. ve Bengt O. Muthén. Mplus (Version 6.12). Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén. 2008.
  • O'hara, Michael W. ve Annette M. Swain. “Rates and Risk af Postpartum Depression—A Meta-Analysis.” International Review of Psychiatry 8.1 (1996): 37-54.
  • Paley, Blair ve diğerleri. “Adult Attachment and Marital Interaction as Predictors of Whole Family Interactions During the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Family Psychology 19.3 (2005): 420-429.
  • Raby, K. Lee ve diğerleri. “The Enduring Predictive Significance of Early Maternal Sensitivity: Social and Academic Competence Through Age 32 Years.” Child Development 86.3 (2015): 695-708.
  • Rholes, W. Steven ve diğerleri. “Adult Attachment and the Transition to Parenthood.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81.3 (2001): 421- 435.
  • Sakman, Ezgi. Functionality of Insecure Attachment in Cultural Context as an Early Alarm and Escape System. Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2016.
  • Salman-Engin, Selin. Coparenting Processes in the US and Turkey: Triadic Interactions among Mothers, Fathers, and Grandmothers with 3-Month-Old Infants. Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Selçuk, Emre ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Romantic Attachment Style Predicts Everyday Maternal Caregiving Behavior at Home.” Journal of Research in Personality 44.4 (2010): 544-549.
  • --. “Yetişkin Bağlanma Boyutları için Yeni Bir Ölçüm: Yakın İlişkilerde Yaşantılar Envanteri- II’nin Türk Örnekleminde Psikometrik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi.” Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 8.16 (2005): 1-11.
  • Simonelli, Alessandra, Mara Bighin ve Francesca De Palo. “Coparenting Interactions Observed by the Prenatal Lausanne Trilogue Play: An Italian Replication Study.” Infant Mental Health Journal 33.6 (2012): 609-619.
  • Shaver, Mikulincer ve Jude Cassidy. “Attachment, Caregiving in Couple Relationships, and Prosocial Behavior in the Wider World.” Current Opinionin Psychology 25 (2019): 16-20.
  • Sümer, Nebi. “Ana Babalık ve Bağlanma.” Ana Babalık: Kuram ve Araştırma. Ed.
  • Melike Sayıl ve Bilge Yağmurlu. İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012. 169-191.
  • Sümer, Nebi ve Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı. “Culturally Relevant Parenting Predictors of Attachment Security: Perspectives from Turkey.” Attachment: Expanding the cultural connections. Ed. Phyllis Erdman, New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. 157-180.
  • Sümer, Nebi ve diğerleri. “Turkish Mothers’ Attachment Orientations and Mental Representations of Their Children.” Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 34.1 (2015): 1-15.
  • Talbot, Jean A., Jason K. Baker ve James P. McHale. “Sharing the Love: Prebirth Adult Attachment Status and Coparenting Adjustment During Early Infancy.” Parenting 9.1-2 (2009): 56-77.
  • Teubert, Daniela ve Martin Pinquart. “The Association Between Coparenting and Child Adjustment: A Meta-Analysis.” Parenting 10.4 (2010): 286-307.
  • Tissot, Hervé ve diğerleri. “A Longitudinal Study of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Coparenting in the First 18 Months.” Family Process 56.2 (2017): 445- 458
  • Zemp, Martina ve diğerleri. “Within-Family Processes: Interparental and Coparenting Conflict and Child Adjustment.” Journal of Family Psychology 32.3 (2018): 299-309.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Selin Salman Engin Bu kişi benim

Nebi Sümer Bu kişi benim

Ece Sağel Çetiner Bu kişi benim

Ezgi Sakman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 59 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Salman Engin, S., Sümer, N., Sağel Çetiner, E., Sakman, E. (2019). ANNE VE BABALARIN ORTAK EBEVEYNLİK DAVRANIŞ VE ALGILARININ ROMANTİK BAĞLANMA İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 59(1), 717-741.

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi -

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