AISI 4140 Islah Çeliğinin TiAlN Kaplı Frezelerle İşlenmesi Sırasında Oluşan Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü ve Titreşiminin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 745 - 753, 01.08.2018
Mehmet Yıldız
Hamit Saruhan
Frezede talaş kaldırma işlemi sırasında oluşan titreşimlerin kesici takım kaplama kalınlığına bağlı olarak ürün yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır. Son yıllarda yüzey pürüzlülüğünü iyileştirmek için kaplanmış kesici takımların kullanım ihtiyacı artmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı titanyum alüminyum nitrit (TiAlN) ile kaplanmış kesici takımın işlem sırasında kaplama kalınlığına bağlı olarak titreşim davranışlarının AISI 4140 alaşımlı çelikten yapılmış iş parçasının yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki etkisini deneysel olarak incelemektir. Çalışmada üç farklı çaptaki (10, 12 ve 16 mm ) kesici takım ve her kesici takım için dört farklı kaplama kalınlığı (0.0, 2.0, 3.0 ve 5.0 mikron) kullanılmıştır. Frezeleme sırasında iş parçasında iki yönde titreşim sinyalleri toplanmış ve elde edilen yüzey pürüzlülüğü ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlardan 3.0 mikron kaplama kalınlığı olan 10 mm çapındaki kesici takımın diğer takımlara kıyasla daha iyi bir yüzey pürüzlülüğü elde ettiği görülmüştür. Yüzey pürüzlülüğün iyileştirilmesi, uygun kaplama kalınlığına sahip kesici takımın kullanılarak titreşimin azaltılması ile mümkün olduğu söylenebilir.
- Lipski J., Litak G., Rusinek R., Szabelski K., Teter A., Warmindski J. and Zaleski K. “Surface Quality of a Work Material Influence on Vibrations in a Cutting Process”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Technical University of Lublin, 2001.
- Thomas L. Lago, Sven Olsson, Lars Hakansson and Ingvar Claesson, “Performance of a Chatter Control System For Turning and Boring Applications”, 4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, GRACM., Patras, 27-29, June, pp. 3-4, 2002.
- Al-Habaibeh A. and Gindy N.; “A new approach for systematic design of condition monitoring systems for milling operation”, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 2000, 107, pp. 243-251.
- S. C. Eze, C. O. Izelu, B. U. Oreko, B. A. Edward, “Experimental Study of Induced Vibration and Work Surface Roughness in the Turning of 41Cr4 Alloy Steel using Response Surface Methodology International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology’’, Vol. 2, Issue 12, 2013.
- Y. Altintas and M.R. Khoshdarregi; “Contour error control of CNC machine tools with vibration avoidance”; CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61, pp. 335–338.
- Armando Italo Sette Antonialli, Anselmo Eduardo Diniz, Robson Pederiva; “Vibration analysis of cutting force in titanium alloy milling”; International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture; 2010, 50, pp. 65-74.
- Baojia Chen, Xuefeng Chen, Bing Li, Zhengjia He, Hongrui Cao, GaigaiCai;“Reliability estimation for cutting tools based on logistic regression model using vibration signals”; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 2011, 25, pp 2526-2537.
- S. S. Abuthakeer, P.V. Mohanram, G. Mohan Kumar; “Prediction and Contour of Cutting to Vibration in C Lathe with Anova and Ann”; International Journal of Lean Thinking, Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2011.
- O. Özşahin, E. Budak, H.N. Özgüven, “Identification of bearing dynamics under operational conditions forchatter stability prediction in high speed machining operations Precision Engineering’’ 42 (2015) 53–65.
- Sadettin Orhan, Ali Osman Er, Necip Camus-cu, Ersan Aslan, “Tool wear evaluation by vibration analysis during end milling of AISI D3 cold work tool steel with 35 HRC hardness.’’ NDT&E International 40 (2007) 121–126
- I. Yesilyurt and H. Ozturk, “Tool condition monitoring in milling using vibration analysis, International Journal of Production Research,’’ Vol. 45, No. 4, 15 February 2007, 1013–1028
- Luke H. Huang, Joseph C. Chen., “A Multiple Regression Model to Predict In-Process Surface Roughness in Turning Operation Via Accelerometer”, Journal of Industrial Technology, "Internet" (, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 2-7, 2001.
- Bisu, C., “Three-Dimensional Vibration Analysis for On line Monitoring of Milling Process and Spindle Process, 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration’’, London, 23-27 July 2017
Experimental Vibration Analysis of Titanium Aluminum Nitride (TiAlN) Coated Milling Cutting Tool Effects on Surface Roughness of AISI 4140 Steel Products
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 745 - 753, 01.08.2018
Mehmet Yıldız
Hamit Saruhan
The vibration response of material removal process in milling has a significant effect on surface roughness of the product with respect to cutting tool coating. Recent requirements for improving of surface roughness have heightened the need for milling with coated cutting tools. The main objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the role of vibration behavior of cutting tool coated with titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) on an AISI 4140 alloy steel work piece surface roughness. The vibration data from work piece were recorded for three milling cutting tools with tool diameters of 10, 12, and 16 𝑚𝑚 and for each diameter different coating thicknesses of 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 𝜇 (microns) were used respectively. Vibration signals of work piece during milling process in two directions were collected and a roughness tester was used to measure the surface roughness of work piece. The results showed that vibration due to cutting tool coating thickness has a significant effect on surface roughness of work piece. It has been observed that the maximum average surface roughness was obtained for 16 𝑚𝑚 tool diameters with coating thickness of 5.0 𝜇 while the minimum average surface roughness was obtained for 10 mm tool diameters with coating thickness of 3.0 𝜇. Surface roughness can be improved by reduction sources of vibration by using appropriate cutting tool coating thickness.
- Lipski J., Litak G., Rusinek R., Szabelski K., Teter A., Warmindski J. and Zaleski K. “Surface Quality of a Work Material Influence on Vibrations in a Cutting Process”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Technical University of Lublin, 2001.
- Thomas L. Lago, Sven Olsson, Lars Hakansson and Ingvar Claesson, “Performance of a Chatter Control System For Turning and Boring Applications”, 4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, GRACM., Patras, 27-29, June, pp. 3-4, 2002.
- Al-Habaibeh A. and Gindy N.; “A new approach for systematic design of condition monitoring systems for milling operation”, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 2000, 107, pp. 243-251.
- S. C. Eze, C. O. Izelu, B. U. Oreko, B. A. Edward, “Experimental Study of Induced Vibration and Work Surface Roughness in the Turning of 41Cr4 Alloy Steel using Response Surface Methodology International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology’’, Vol. 2, Issue 12, 2013.
- Y. Altintas and M.R. Khoshdarregi; “Contour error control of CNC machine tools with vibration avoidance”; CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61, pp. 335–338.
- Armando Italo Sette Antonialli, Anselmo Eduardo Diniz, Robson Pederiva; “Vibration analysis of cutting force in titanium alloy milling”; International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture; 2010, 50, pp. 65-74.
- Baojia Chen, Xuefeng Chen, Bing Li, Zhengjia He, Hongrui Cao, GaigaiCai;“Reliability estimation for cutting tools based on logistic regression model using vibration signals”; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; 2011, 25, pp 2526-2537.
- S. S. Abuthakeer, P.V. Mohanram, G. Mohan Kumar; “Prediction and Contour of Cutting to Vibration in C Lathe with Anova and Ann”; International Journal of Lean Thinking, Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2011.
- O. Özşahin, E. Budak, H.N. Özgüven, “Identification of bearing dynamics under operational conditions forchatter stability prediction in high speed machining operations Precision Engineering’’ 42 (2015) 53–65.
- Sadettin Orhan, Ali Osman Er, Necip Camus-cu, Ersan Aslan, “Tool wear evaluation by vibration analysis during end milling of AISI D3 cold work tool steel with 35 HRC hardness.’’ NDT&E International 40 (2007) 121–126
- I. Yesilyurt and H. Ozturk, “Tool condition monitoring in milling using vibration analysis, International Journal of Production Research,’’ Vol. 45, No. 4, 15 February 2007, 1013–1028
- Luke H. Huang, Joseph C. Chen., “A Multiple Regression Model to Predict In-Process Surface Roughness in Turning Operation Via Accelerometer”, Journal of Industrial Technology, "Internet" (, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 2-7, 2001.
- Bisu, C., “Three-Dimensional Vibration Analysis for On line Monitoring of Milling Process and Spindle Process, 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration’’, London, 23-27 July 2017