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N2 Molekülünden ve Bunun Ne Gazı ile Karışımından Sub-terawatt Lazer Sistemi kullanılarak Uyumlu XUV Radyasyonu Üretilmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 81 - 88, 26.01.2024


Saf nitrojen (N2) gazından ve bunun neon (Ne) gazı ile karışımından yüksek harmonik mertebeler (HHG) üretildi. 10Hz tekrarlama hızında 50fs optik darbe süresi ile 6mJ optik darbe enerjisi üreten lazer alanı, yüksek harmoniklerin üretildiği bir gaz jetine odaklandı. N2 ve Ne gazı farklı iyonlaşma potansiyellerine sahip olduğu için saf N2 gazında güçlü harmonik sinyali ve saf N2'ye kıyasla N2-Ne karışımında zayıf harmonik sinyali elde edildi. N2-Ne karışımında Ne katkısının artması harmonik sinyalin zayıflamasına neden oldu. Farklı N2:Ne oranı için harmonik sinyal artışı ve düşüşü gözlendi. Harmonik üretimi mekanizması, Ne iyonlaşmasının N2'ye kıyasla zor olduğu tartışıldı, ve nötr Ne atomunun, nötr atomik dispersiyona yol açtığı (faz uyumsuzluğu) ve böylece harmonik sinyalin azalmasına neden olduğu açıklanmıştır.


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  • [2] C. Ma, M. Jia, W. Lin, J. Huang, and Z. Lu, "Extending optical filaments of annular beams via square root spatial phase modulation," Opt. Commun, vol. 458, pp. 124828, 2020.
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  • [5] J. Zeng, X. Liu, F. Wang, C. Zhao, and Y. Cai, "Partially coherent fractional vortex beam," Opt. Express, vol. 26, pp. 26830-26844, 2018.
  • [6] B. Urbanek, M. Möller, M. Eisele, S. Baierl, D. Kaplan, C. Lange, and R. Huber, "Femtosecond terahertz time-domain spectroscopy at 36 kHz scan rate using an acousto-optic delay," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 108, pp. 121101, 2016.
  • [7] J. Zhao, W. Chu, Z. Wang, Y. Peng, C. Gong, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, W. Liu, Y. Cheng, S. Zhuang, and Z. Xu, "Strong Spatial Confinement of Terahertz Wave inside Femtosecond Laser Filament," ACS Photonics, vol. 3, pp. 2338-2343, 2016.
  • [8] T. Yatsuhashi and N. Nakashima, "Multiple ionization and Coulomb explosion of molecules, molecular complexes, clusters and solid surfaces," J. Photochem, vol. 34, pp. 52-84, 2018.
  • [9] M. l. A. Parkes, K. M. Douglas, and S. D. Price, "Ionization of acetonitrile," Int. J. Mass Spectrom, vol. 438, pp. 97-106, 2019.
  • [10] C. Vozzi, F. Calegari, E. Benedetti, R. Berlasso, G. Sansone, S. Stagira, M. Nisoli, C. Altucci, R. Velotta, R. Torres, E. Heesel, N. Kajumba, and J. P. Marangos, "Probing two-centre interference in molecular high harmonic generation," J. Phys. B, vol. 39, pp. 457-466, 2006.
  • [11] C. Vozzi, F. Calegari, E. Benedetti, J.-P. Caumes, G. Sansone, S. Stagira, M. Nisoli, R. Torres, E. Heesel, N. Kajumba, J. P. Marangos, C. Altucci, and R. Velotta, "Controlling Two-Center Interference in Molecular High Harmonic Generation," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 95, pp. 153902, 2005.
  • [12] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, and H. A. Schuessler, "Pressure dependence of high order harmonic generation in nitrogen molecular gas and atmospheric air," Optik, vol. 179, pp. 994-1000, 2019.
  • [13] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, J. Dong, and H. A. Schuessler, "Generation of enhanced even harmonics of fundamental radiation in temporally separated two-color laser fields," J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, vol. 233, pp. 22-27, 2019.
  • [14] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, and H. A. Schuessler, "Pressure optimization and phase matching of high harmonics generation in CO2 and C2H2 molecular gases," J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, vol. 229, pp. 1-6, 2018.
  • [15] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, J. Strohaber, and H. A. Schuessler, "High Harmonic Generation in Ne and H2 Gas Mixtures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 32, pp. 2400-2405, 2015.
  • [16] M. Sayrac et al., "Pressure optimization of high harmonic generation in a differentially pumped Ar or H2 gas jet," Rev. Sci. Instrum, vol. 86, pp. 043108, 2015.
  • [17] K. Nakajima, "Towards a table-top free-electron laser," Nat. Phys, vol. 4, pp. 92-93, 2008.
  • [18] T. Liu, T. Zhang, D. Wang, and Z. Huang, "Compact beam transport system for free-electron lasers driven by a laser plasma accelerator," Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, vol. 20, pp. 020701, 2017.
  • [19] R. Spitzenpfeil, R. Spitzenpfeil, S. Eyring, C. Kern, C. Ott, J. Lohbreier, J. Henneberger, N. Franke, S. Jung, D. Walter, M. Weger, C. Winterfeldt, T. Pfeifer, and C. Spielmann, "Enhancing the brilliance of high-harmonic generation," Appl. Phys. A, vol. 96, pp. 69, 2009.
  • [20] A. L’Huillier, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "Higher-order harmonic generation in xenon at 1064 nm: The role of phase matching," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 66, pp. 2200-2203, 1991.
  • [21] A. L’Huillier, P. Balcou, S. Candel, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "Calculations of high-order harmonic-generation processes in xenon at 1064 nm," Phys. Rev. A, vol. 46, pp. 2778-2790, 1992.
  • [22] T. Ditmire, E. T. Gumbrell, R. A. Smith, J. W. G. Tisch, D. D. Meyerhofer, and M. H. R. Hutchinson, "Spatial Coherence Measurement of Soft X-Ray Radiation Produced by High Order Harmonic Generation," Phy. Rev. Lett, vol. 77, pp. 4756-4759, 1996.
  • [23] T. Pfeifer, C. Spielmann, and G. Gerber, "Femtosecond x-ray science," Rep. Prog. Phys, vol. 69, pp. 443-505, 2006.
  • [24] E. Goulielmakis, M. Schultze, M. Hofstetter, V. S. Yakovlev, J. Gagnon, M. Uiberacker, A. L. Aquila, E. M. Gullikson, D. T. Attwood, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz, and U. Kleineberg, "Single-Cycle Nonlinear Optics," Science, vol. 320, pp. 1614-1617, 2008.
  • [25] T. Popmintchev, M. C. Chen, P. Arpin, M. M. Murnane, and H. C. Kapteyn, "The attosecond nonlinear optics of bright coherent X-ray generation," Nat. Photon, vol. 4, pp. 822-832, 2010.
  • [26] H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, H. Ruf, A. Dubrouil, S. Patchkovskii, M. Spanner, Y. Mairesse, V. Blanchet, E. Mével, E. Constant, P. B. Corkum, and D. M. Villeneuve "Conical Intersection Dynamics in NO2 Probed by Homodyne High-Harmonic Spectroscopy," Science, vol. 334, pp. 208-212, 2011.
  • [27] A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, and U. Keller, "Recent attoclock measurements of strong field ionization," Chem. Phys, vol. 414, pp. 84-91, 2013.
  • [28] E. Takahashi, Y. Nabekawa, T. Otsuka, M. Obara, and K. Midorikawa, "Generation of highly coherent submicrojoule soft x rays by high-order harmonics," Phys. Rev. A, vol. 66, pp. 021802, 2002.
  • [29] A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, N. Kajumba, H.-C. Bandulet, D. Comtois, F. Légaré, M. Giguère, J-C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, and D. M. Villeneuve, "Wavelength Scaling of High Harmonic Generation Efficiency," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 103, pp. 073902, 2009.
  • [30] P. Zeitoun et al., "Recent developments in X-UV optics and X-UV diagnostics," Appl. Phys. B, vol. 78, pp. 983-988, 2004.
  • [31] J. Gautier, P. Zeitoun, C. Hauri, A.-S. Morlens, G. Rey, C. Valentin, E. Papalarazou, J.-P. Goddet, S. Sebban, F. Burgy, P. Mercère, M. Idir, G. Dovillaire, X. Levecq, S. Bucourt, M. Fajardo, H. Merdji, and J.-P. Caumes, "Optimization of the wave front of high order harmonics," Eur. Phys. J. D, vol. 48, pp. 459-463, 2008.
  • [32] J. Lohbreier, S. Eyring, R. Spitzenpfeil, C. Kern, M. Weger, and C. Spielmann, "Maximizing the brilliance of high-order harmonics in a gas jet," New J. Phys., vol. 11, pp. 023016, 2009.
  • [33] S. Eyring, C. Kern, M. Zürch, and C. Spielmann, "Improving high-order harmonic yield using wavefront-controlled ultrashort laser pulses," Opt. Express, vol. 20, pp. 5601-5606, 2012.
  • [34] P. B. Corkum, "Plasma Perspective on Strong-Field Multiphoton Ionization," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 71, pp. 1994-1997, 1993.
  • [35] J. L. Krause, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "High-Order Harmonic Generation from Atoms and Ions in the High Intensity Regime," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 68, pp. 3535-3538, 1992.
  • [36] M. Sayrac, "High Harmonic Generation in Ar and N2 Gas Mixture Using Ultrashort High Power Laser System," J. Institute of Sci. Tech., vol. 10, pp. 1659-1665, 2020.
  • [37] R. Womer, "Ionization of helium, neon, and argon," Phys. Rev., vol. 38, pp. 454-456, 1931.
  • [38] J. T. Tate and P. T. Smith, "The Efficiencies of Ionization and Ionization Potentials of Various Gases Under Electron Impact," Phys. Rev., vol. 39, pp. 270-277, 1932.

Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 81 - 88, 26.01.2024


High harmonic generation (HHG) in pure nitrogen (N2) and its mixture with neon (Ne) gas was produced. The external laser field producing 6mJ optical pulse energy with 50fs pulse duration at 10Hz repetition rate was focused into a gas jet producing high harmonics. The N2 and Ne gas have different ionization potentials. The strong harmonic signal in pure N2 was produced, and a weak harmonic signal in a mixture of N2-Ne was generated compared to that in pure N2. The increase of Ne contribution in the N2-Ne mixture resulted in a decrease in harmonic signal. Harmonic signal increase and decrease were observed for different N2:Ne ratios. The harmonic generation mechanism was discussed in that the ionization of Ne is difficult compared to N2, and the neutral Ne atom leads to neutral atomic dispersion (phase mismatch), so the harmonic yield decreases.


I am thankful to A. Kolomenski and H. Schuessler for providing the opportunity to perform the experiments described in this paper at Texas A&M University.


  • [1] H. Cai, J. Wu, A. Couairon, and H. Zeng, "Spectral modulation of femtosecond laser pulse induced by molecular alignment revivals," Opt. Lett, vol. 34, pp. 827-829, 2009.
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  • [5] J. Zeng, X. Liu, F. Wang, C. Zhao, and Y. Cai, "Partially coherent fractional vortex beam," Opt. Express, vol. 26, pp. 26830-26844, 2018.
  • [6] B. Urbanek, M. Möller, M. Eisele, S. Baierl, D. Kaplan, C. Lange, and R. Huber, "Femtosecond terahertz time-domain spectroscopy at 36 kHz scan rate using an acousto-optic delay," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 108, pp. 121101, 2016.
  • [7] J. Zhao, W. Chu, Z. Wang, Y. Peng, C. Gong, L. Lin, Y. Zhu, W. Liu, Y. Cheng, S. Zhuang, and Z. Xu, "Strong Spatial Confinement of Terahertz Wave inside Femtosecond Laser Filament," ACS Photonics, vol. 3, pp. 2338-2343, 2016.
  • [8] T. Yatsuhashi and N. Nakashima, "Multiple ionization and Coulomb explosion of molecules, molecular complexes, clusters and solid surfaces," J. Photochem, vol. 34, pp. 52-84, 2018.
  • [9] M. l. A. Parkes, K. M. Douglas, and S. D. Price, "Ionization of acetonitrile," Int. J. Mass Spectrom, vol. 438, pp. 97-106, 2019.
  • [10] C. Vozzi, F. Calegari, E. Benedetti, R. Berlasso, G. Sansone, S. Stagira, M. Nisoli, C. Altucci, R. Velotta, R. Torres, E. Heesel, N. Kajumba, and J. P. Marangos, "Probing two-centre interference in molecular high harmonic generation," J. Phys. B, vol. 39, pp. 457-466, 2006.
  • [11] C. Vozzi, F. Calegari, E. Benedetti, J.-P. Caumes, G. Sansone, S. Stagira, M. Nisoli, R. Torres, E. Heesel, N. Kajumba, J. P. Marangos, C. Altucci, and R. Velotta, "Controlling Two-Center Interference in Molecular High Harmonic Generation," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 95, pp. 153902, 2005.
  • [12] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, and H. A. Schuessler, "Pressure dependence of high order harmonic generation in nitrogen molecular gas and atmospheric air," Optik, vol. 179, pp. 994-1000, 2019.
  • [13] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, J. Dong, and H. A. Schuessler, "Generation of enhanced even harmonics of fundamental radiation in temporally separated two-color laser fields," J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, vol. 233, pp. 22-27, 2019.
  • [14] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, and H. A. Schuessler, "Pressure optimization and phase matching of high harmonics generation in CO2 and C2H2 molecular gases," J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, vol. 229, pp. 1-6, 2018.
  • [15] M. Sayrac, A. A. Kolomenskii, J. Strohaber, and H. A. Schuessler, "High Harmonic Generation in Ne and H2 Gas Mixtures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 32, pp. 2400-2405, 2015.
  • [16] M. Sayrac et al., "Pressure optimization of high harmonic generation in a differentially pumped Ar or H2 gas jet," Rev. Sci. Instrum, vol. 86, pp. 043108, 2015.
  • [17] K. Nakajima, "Towards a table-top free-electron laser," Nat. Phys, vol. 4, pp. 92-93, 2008.
  • [18] T. Liu, T. Zhang, D. Wang, and Z. Huang, "Compact beam transport system for free-electron lasers driven by a laser plasma accelerator," Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, vol. 20, pp. 020701, 2017.
  • [19] R. Spitzenpfeil, R. Spitzenpfeil, S. Eyring, C. Kern, C. Ott, J. Lohbreier, J. Henneberger, N. Franke, S. Jung, D. Walter, M. Weger, C. Winterfeldt, T. Pfeifer, and C. Spielmann, "Enhancing the brilliance of high-harmonic generation," Appl. Phys. A, vol. 96, pp. 69, 2009.
  • [20] A. L’Huillier, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "Higher-order harmonic generation in xenon at 1064 nm: The role of phase matching," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 66, pp. 2200-2203, 1991.
  • [21] A. L’Huillier, P. Balcou, S. Candel, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "Calculations of high-order harmonic-generation processes in xenon at 1064 nm," Phys. Rev. A, vol. 46, pp. 2778-2790, 1992.
  • [22] T. Ditmire, E. T. Gumbrell, R. A. Smith, J. W. G. Tisch, D. D. Meyerhofer, and M. H. R. Hutchinson, "Spatial Coherence Measurement of Soft X-Ray Radiation Produced by High Order Harmonic Generation," Phy. Rev. Lett, vol. 77, pp. 4756-4759, 1996.
  • [23] T. Pfeifer, C. Spielmann, and G. Gerber, "Femtosecond x-ray science," Rep. Prog. Phys, vol. 69, pp. 443-505, 2006.
  • [24] E. Goulielmakis, M. Schultze, M. Hofstetter, V. S. Yakovlev, J. Gagnon, M. Uiberacker, A. L. Aquila, E. M. Gullikson, D. T. Attwood, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz, and U. Kleineberg, "Single-Cycle Nonlinear Optics," Science, vol. 320, pp. 1614-1617, 2008.
  • [25] T. Popmintchev, M. C. Chen, P. Arpin, M. M. Murnane, and H. C. Kapteyn, "The attosecond nonlinear optics of bright coherent X-ray generation," Nat. Photon, vol. 4, pp. 822-832, 2010.
  • [26] H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, H. Ruf, A. Dubrouil, S. Patchkovskii, M. Spanner, Y. Mairesse, V. Blanchet, E. Mével, E. Constant, P. B. Corkum, and D. M. Villeneuve "Conical Intersection Dynamics in NO2 Probed by Homodyne High-Harmonic Spectroscopy," Science, vol. 334, pp. 208-212, 2011.
  • [27] A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, and U. Keller, "Recent attoclock measurements of strong field ionization," Chem. Phys, vol. 414, pp. 84-91, 2013.
  • [28] E. Takahashi, Y. Nabekawa, T. Otsuka, M. Obara, and K. Midorikawa, "Generation of highly coherent submicrojoule soft x rays by high-order harmonics," Phys. Rev. A, vol. 66, pp. 021802, 2002.
  • [29] A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, N. Kajumba, H.-C. Bandulet, D. Comtois, F. Légaré, M. Giguère, J-C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, and D. M. Villeneuve, "Wavelength Scaling of High Harmonic Generation Efficiency," Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 103, pp. 073902, 2009.
  • [30] P. Zeitoun et al., "Recent developments in X-UV optics and X-UV diagnostics," Appl. Phys. B, vol. 78, pp. 983-988, 2004.
  • [31] J. Gautier, P. Zeitoun, C. Hauri, A.-S. Morlens, G. Rey, C. Valentin, E. Papalarazou, J.-P. Goddet, S. Sebban, F. Burgy, P. Mercère, M. Idir, G. Dovillaire, X. Levecq, S. Bucourt, M. Fajardo, H. Merdji, and J.-P. Caumes, "Optimization of the wave front of high order harmonics," Eur. Phys. J. D, vol. 48, pp. 459-463, 2008.
  • [32] J. Lohbreier, S. Eyring, R. Spitzenpfeil, C. Kern, M. Weger, and C. Spielmann, "Maximizing the brilliance of high-order harmonics in a gas jet," New J. Phys., vol. 11, pp. 023016, 2009.
  • [33] S. Eyring, C. Kern, M. Zürch, and C. Spielmann, "Improving high-order harmonic yield using wavefront-controlled ultrashort laser pulses," Opt. Express, vol. 20, pp. 5601-5606, 2012.
  • [34] P. B. Corkum, "Plasma Perspective on Strong-Field Multiphoton Ionization," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 71, pp. 1994-1997, 1993.
  • [35] J. L. Krause, K. J. Schafer, and K. C. Kulander, "High-Order Harmonic Generation from Atoms and Ions in the High Intensity Regime," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 68, pp. 3535-3538, 1992.
  • [36] M. Sayrac, "High Harmonic Generation in Ar and N2 Gas Mixture Using Ultrashort High Power Laser System," J. Institute of Sci. Tech., vol. 10, pp. 1659-1665, 2020.
  • [37] R. Womer, "Ionization of helium, neon, and argon," Phys. Rev., vol. 38, pp. 454-456, 1931.
  • [38] J. T. Tate and P. T. Smith, "The Efficiencies of Ionization and Ionization Potentials of Various Gases Under Electron Impact," Phys. Rev., vol. 39, pp. 270-277, 1932.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammed Sayraç 0000-0003-4373-6897

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sayraç, M. (2024). Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(1), 81-88.
AMA Sayraç M. Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System. DÜBİTED. Ocak 2024;12(1):81-88. doi:10.29130/dubited.799153
Chicago Sayraç, Muhammed. “Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 Molecule and Its Mixture With Ne Gas Using Sub-Terawatt Laser System”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12, sy. 1 (Ocak 2024): 81-88.
EndNote Sayraç M (01 Ocak 2024) Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12 1 81–88.
IEEE M. Sayraç, “Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System”, DÜBİTED, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 81–88, 2024, doi: 10.29130/dubited.799153.
ISNAD Sayraç, Muhammed. “Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 Molecule and Its Mixture With Ne Gas Using Sub-Terawatt Laser System”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12/1 (Ocak 2024), 81-88.
JAMA Sayraç M. Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System. DÜBİTED. 2024;12:81–88.
MLA Sayraç, Muhammed. “Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 Molecule and Its Mixture With Ne Gas Using Sub-Terawatt Laser System”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, c. 12, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 81-88, doi:10.29130/dubited.799153.
Vancouver Sayraç M. Generation of Coherent XUV Radiation in N2 molecule and its Mixture with Ne Gas using Sub-terawatt Laser System. DÜBİTED. 2024;12(1):81-8.