Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 14, 363 - 384, 26.12.2017
Hüseyin Demir
Mehmet Emin Kurt
Amaç: Bu çalışmada yolsuzluğun katastrofik sağlık harcamalarına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Yöntem:
Araştırmaya 138 ülke dâhil edilmiştir. Yolsuzluğa ilişkin ülke verileri Ulusal Şeffaflık Örgütü’nden,
cepten sağlık harcamalarına ilişkin veriler Dünya Bankası’ndan 2014 yılı esas alınarak elde edilmiştir.
Araştırmada Tek Yönlü ANOVA ve Chaid analizleri kullanılmıştır. ANOVA analizinde gruplar
arasındaki fark Tukey testi ile incelenmiştir. Chaid analizi sonucunda ise 5 düğüm elde edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Her iki analiz sonucunda da yolsuzluk ve cepten sağlık harcamaları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki
olduğu saptanmıştır. Yolsuzluğun düşük olduğu ülkelerde cepten sağlık harcamaları düşük iken
yolsuzluğun yüksek olduğu ülkelerde ise cepten sağlık harcamaları yüksektir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak,
yolsuzluğun yüksek olduğu ülkelerde insanların katastrofik sağlık harcamalarına katlanmak zorunda
kaldıkları ortaya konmuştur. Sağlık hizmetleri alanında yolsuzlukla mücadele edilmesi ve buna yönelik
stratejilerin geliştirilmesi oldukça etkili olabilecektir.
- Alpar, Reha (2013) Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, Dördüncü Baskı,
Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Alpar, Reha (2016) Spor, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve
Geçerlik-Güvenirlik, Dördüncü Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Avcı, Mehmet, Teyyare, Erdoğan (2012) “Sağlık Sektöründe Yolsuzluk: Teorik Bir
Değerlendirme” , Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), s. 199-221.
- Ben Ali, Mohamed Sami, Saha, Shrabani (2016), “Corruption and Economic Development.
In: Ben Ali, M.-S. (Ed.), Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa. In:
Challenges and Prospects,,(133-154), New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cavalieri, Marina, Guccio, Calogero Rizzo, Ilde (2017) “On The Role of
Environmental Corruption in Healthcare Infrastructures: An Empirical Assessment for Italy
Using DEA with Truncated Regression Approach” , Health Policy, 121(5), s. 515-524.
- Çınaroğlu, Songül, Şahin, Bayram (2016) “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı
Etki” , Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(1), s. 73-86.
- Ensor, T, Savelyeva, L (1998) “Informal Payments for Health Care in the Former Soviet
Union: Some Evidence from Kazakistan” , Health Policy Plan, 13, s. 41-49.
- Habibov, Nazim (2010) “Hospitalization in Tajikistan: Determinants of Admission, Length of
Stay, and Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures. Results of A National Survey” , International Journal
of Health Planning and Management 25, s. 251-269.
- Habibov, Nazim (2016) “Effect of Corruption on Healthcare Satisfaction in Post-Soviet
Nations: A Cross-Country Instrumental Variable Analysis of Twelve Countries”, Soc. Sci.
Med, 152, s. 119-124.
- Habibov, Nazim, Cheung, Alex (2017) “Revisiting Informal Payments in 29 Transitional
Countries: The Scale and Socio-Economic Correlates” , Social Science & Medicine, 178, s.
- Helliwell, James, Huang, Haiyan (2008) “How's Your Government? International Evidence
Linking Good Government and Well-Being”, Br. J. Political Sci. 38, s. 595-619.
- IBM Company (2017) “IBM SPSS Decision Trees”, www. ibm.com.
International Labour Organization(1999) Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure In Latin America
And The Caribbean: The Efficiency Rationale For Extending Social Protection In Health,
- Kaitelidou, Daphne, Galanis, Petros, Siskou, Olga vd. (2015), “Out Of Pocket Payments For
Health Care Servıces: Fınancıal Burden and Barrıer to Access For Migrants Living In
Greece”, 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 8-10
June 2015- İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kayri, Murat, Boysan, Murat (2007) “Araştırmalarda Chaid Analizinin Kullanımı ve Baş
Etme Stratejileri İle İlgili Bir Uygulama” , Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 40(2),
s. 133-149.
- Khan, Mushtaq H. (2006) “Determinants of Corruption in Developing Countries: The Limits
of Conventional Economic Analysis”, (1-35), International Handbook on the Economics of
Corruption, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Kumar, Ramaiah Vinay, Bhasker, Suman (2015) “Administrative Corruption in Oncology
Units of Developing Countries: Overview, Its Impact and Possible Methods to Curb It”,
Journal of Cancer Policy.
- Mwaffisi, M.J. (1999) Presentation During the 9th International Anti-Corruption Conference
in 1999. Online: http://9iacc.org/papers/day4/ws7/dnld/d4ws7_mjmwaffisi.pdf
Naga, Ramses H. Abul, Lamiraud, Karine (2008) “Catastrophic Health Expenditure and
Household Well-Being”, (1-18), London.
- Radin, Dagmar (2013) “Does Corruption Undermine Trust In Health Care? Results From
Public Opinion Polls in Croatia” , Social Science & Medicine, 98, s. 46-53.
- Rose, Richard (2006) Corruptıon Is Bad For Your Health, From Transparency International,
Global Corruption Yearbook 2006. London: Pluto Press, s. 39-43.
- Rönnerstrand, Björn, Lapuente, Victor (2017) “Corruption and Use of Antibiotics in Regions
of Europe” , Health Policy, 121, s. 250-256.
- Rule of Lae Index (2014) World Justice Project. www.worldjusticeproject.org.
Ryvkin, Dmitry, Serra, Danila, Tremewan, James (2017) “I Paid A Bribe: An Experiment On
Information Sharing and Extortionary Corruption” , European Economic Review, 94, s. 1-22.
- Scott, Semrau, K, N, Vian, T (2010) “Embezzlement of Donor Funding In Health Projects In
Vian, T., Preventing Drug Diversion Through Supply Chain Management”, U4 Brief 4, Chr.
Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway.
- Suh, Eunju, Alhaery, Matt (2015) “Predicting Cross-Gaming Propensity Using E-CHAID
Analysis”, UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 19(1), s. 31-49.
- Tavits, M (2008) “Representation, Corruption, and Subjective Well-Being”, Comp. Polit.
Stud, 41.
- The Office of the International Labor Organization ve The Office of the Pan American Health
Organization (1999) Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure In Latin America and The
Caribbean: The Efficiency Rationale For Extending Social Protection In Health, Meksika.
- Thompson, R, Witter, S (2000) “Informal Payments in Transitional Economies:
Implicationsfor Health Sector Reform” , Int. J. Health Plan. Manag, 15, s. 169-187.
- Todaro, Michael P., Smith, Stephen C. (2012) Economic Development, 11. Baskı, Boston:
Pearson Yayınları.
- Tokatlıoğlu, İbrahim, Tokatlıoğlu, Yağmur (2014), “Türkiye’de 2002-2011 Yılları Arasında
Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarının Yoksulluk Yaratma Kapasitesi” , Ekonomik Yaklaşım,
24(87), s. 1-36.
- Transparency, I, 2014. Corruption Perceptions Index 2014. Veriler http://
www.transparency.org/cpi2014/press:. adresinden elde edilmiştir.
- Transparency International (2016). Corruption In The Pharmaceutical Sector.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2014) www.tüik.gov.tr.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2016) www.tüik.gov.tr.
- United Nations Development Programme (2011). Fighting Corruption In The Health Sector
Methods, Tools And Good Practıces, New York, www.undp.org/governance and
- USAID (2002) Corruption and The Health Sector, Washington.
- Van Deurzen, Ioana (2017) “And justice for All: Examining Corruption As A Contextual
Source of Mental Illness” , Social Science & Medicine, 173, s. 26-34.
- Vian, Taryn (2008) “Review of corruption in the health sector: theory, methodsand
interventions” , Health Policy and Planning, 23(2), s. 83–94.
- WorldBank, (2014) World Development Indicators.
- http://data.worldbank.org/datacatalog/world-development-indicators.
- World Health Organization (2005) Designing Health Financing Systems To Reduce
Catastrophic Health Expenditure, Geneva.
- Xu, Ke, Evans, David B, Kawabata, Kei, Zeramdini, Riadh, Klavus, Jan, Murray,
Christopher J L (2003) “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: A Multicountry
Analysis” , The Lancet, 362, s. 111-117.
- Zhang, Yi, Yu, Yong-Sheng, Tang, Zheng-Hao, Chen, Xiao-Hua, Zang, Guo-Qing (2014)
“Crack Down on Medical Corruption: An Urgent Matter in China”, European Journal of
Internal Medicine, 25(1), s. e2-e3.
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 14, 363 - 384, 26.12.2017
Hüseyin Demir
Mehmet Emin Kurt
- Alpar, Reha (2013) Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler, Dördüncü Baskı,
Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Alpar, Reha (2016) Spor, Sağlık ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve
Geçerlik-Güvenirlik, Dördüncü Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Avcı, Mehmet, Teyyare, Erdoğan (2012) “Sağlık Sektöründe Yolsuzluk: Teorik Bir
Değerlendirme” , Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), s. 199-221.
- Ben Ali, Mohamed Sami, Saha, Shrabani (2016), “Corruption and Economic Development.
In: Ben Ali, M.-S. (Ed.), Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa. In:
Challenges and Prospects,,(133-154), New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cavalieri, Marina, Guccio, Calogero Rizzo, Ilde (2017) “On The Role of
Environmental Corruption in Healthcare Infrastructures: An Empirical Assessment for Italy
Using DEA with Truncated Regression Approach” , Health Policy, 121(5), s. 515-524.
- Çınaroğlu, Songül, Şahin, Bayram (2016) “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı
Etki” , Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(1), s. 73-86.
- Ensor, T, Savelyeva, L (1998) “Informal Payments for Health Care in the Former Soviet
Union: Some Evidence from Kazakistan” , Health Policy Plan, 13, s. 41-49.
- Habibov, Nazim (2010) “Hospitalization in Tajikistan: Determinants of Admission, Length of
Stay, and Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures. Results of A National Survey” , International Journal
of Health Planning and Management 25, s. 251-269.
- Habibov, Nazim (2016) “Effect of Corruption on Healthcare Satisfaction in Post-Soviet
Nations: A Cross-Country Instrumental Variable Analysis of Twelve Countries”, Soc. Sci.
Med, 152, s. 119-124.
- Habibov, Nazim, Cheung, Alex (2017) “Revisiting Informal Payments in 29 Transitional
Countries: The Scale and Socio-Economic Correlates” , Social Science & Medicine, 178, s.
- Helliwell, James, Huang, Haiyan (2008) “How's Your Government? International Evidence
Linking Good Government and Well-Being”, Br. J. Political Sci. 38, s. 595-619.
- IBM Company (2017) “IBM SPSS Decision Trees”, www. ibm.com.
International Labour Organization(1999) Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure In Latin America
And The Caribbean: The Efficiency Rationale For Extending Social Protection In Health,
- Kaitelidou, Daphne, Galanis, Petros, Siskou, Olga vd. (2015), “Out Of Pocket Payments For
Health Care Servıces: Fınancıal Burden and Barrıer to Access For Migrants Living In
Greece”, 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 8-10
June 2015- İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kayri, Murat, Boysan, Murat (2007) “Araştırmalarda Chaid Analizinin Kullanımı ve Baş
Etme Stratejileri İle İlgili Bir Uygulama” , Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 40(2),
s. 133-149.
- Khan, Mushtaq H. (2006) “Determinants of Corruption in Developing Countries: The Limits
of Conventional Economic Analysis”, (1-35), International Handbook on the Economics of
Corruption, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Kumar, Ramaiah Vinay, Bhasker, Suman (2015) “Administrative Corruption in Oncology
Units of Developing Countries: Overview, Its Impact and Possible Methods to Curb It”,
Journal of Cancer Policy.
- Mwaffisi, M.J. (1999) Presentation During the 9th International Anti-Corruption Conference
in 1999. Online: http://9iacc.org/papers/day4/ws7/dnld/d4ws7_mjmwaffisi.pdf
Naga, Ramses H. Abul, Lamiraud, Karine (2008) “Catastrophic Health Expenditure and
Household Well-Being”, (1-18), London.
- Radin, Dagmar (2013) “Does Corruption Undermine Trust In Health Care? Results From
Public Opinion Polls in Croatia” , Social Science & Medicine, 98, s. 46-53.
- Rose, Richard (2006) Corruptıon Is Bad For Your Health, From Transparency International,
Global Corruption Yearbook 2006. London: Pluto Press, s. 39-43.
- Rönnerstrand, Björn, Lapuente, Victor (2017) “Corruption and Use of Antibiotics in Regions
of Europe” , Health Policy, 121, s. 250-256.
- Rule of Lae Index (2014) World Justice Project. www.worldjusticeproject.org.
Ryvkin, Dmitry, Serra, Danila, Tremewan, James (2017) “I Paid A Bribe: An Experiment On
Information Sharing and Extortionary Corruption” , European Economic Review, 94, s. 1-22.
- Scott, Semrau, K, N, Vian, T (2010) “Embezzlement of Donor Funding In Health Projects In
Vian, T., Preventing Drug Diversion Through Supply Chain Management”, U4 Brief 4, Chr.
Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway.
- Suh, Eunju, Alhaery, Matt (2015) “Predicting Cross-Gaming Propensity Using E-CHAID
Analysis”, UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 19(1), s. 31-49.
- Tavits, M (2008) “Representation, Corruption, and Subjective Well-Being”, Comp. Polit.
Stud, 41.
- The Office of the International Labor Organization ve The Office of the Pan American Health
Organization (1999) Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure In Latin America and The
Caribbean: The Efficiency Rationale For Extending Social Protection In Health, Meksika.
- Thompson, R, Witter, S (2000) “Informal Payments in Transitional Economies:
Implicationsfor Health Sector Reform” , Int. J. Health Plan. Manag, 15, s. 169-187.
- Todaro, Michael P., Smith, Stephen C. (2012) Economic Development, 11. Baskı, Boston:
Pearson Yayınları.
- Tokatlıoğlu, İbrahim, Tokatlıoğlu, Yağmur (2014), “Türkiye’de 2002-2011 Yılları Arasında
Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarının Yoksulluk Yaratma Kapasitesi” , Ekonomik Yaklaşım,
24(87), s. 1-36.
- Transparency, I, 2014. Corruption Perceptions Index 2014. Veriler http://
www.transparency.org/cpi2014/press:. adresinden elde edilmiştir.
- Transparency International (2016). Corruption In The Pharmaceutical Sector.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2014) www.tüik.gov.tr.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2016) www.tüik.gov.tr.
- United Nations Development Programme (2011). Fighting Corruption In The Health Sector
Methods, Tools And Good Practıces, New York, www.undp.org/governance and
- USAID (2002) Corruption and The Health Sector, Washington.
- Van Deurzen, Ioana (2017) “And justice for All: Examining Corruption As A Contextual
Source of Mental Illness” , Social Science & Medicine, 173, s. 26-34.
- Vian, Taryn (2008) “Review of corruption in the health sector: theory, methodsand
interventions” , Health Policy and Planning, 23(2), s. 83–94.
- WorldBank, (2014) World Development Indicators.
- http://data.worldbank.org/datacatalog/world-development-indicators.
- World Health Organization (2005) Designing Health Financing Systems To Reduce
Catastrophic Health Expenditure, Geneva.
- Xu, Ke, Evans, David B, Kawabata, Kei, Zeramdini, Riadh, Klavus, Jan, Murray,
Christopher J L (2003) “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: A Multicountry
Analysis” , The Lancet, 362, s. 111-117.
- Zhang, Yi, Yu, Yong-Sheng, Tang, Zheng-Hao, Chen, Xiao-Hua, Zang, Guo-Qing (2014)
“Crack Down on Medical Corruption: An Urgent Matter in China”, European Journal of
Internal Medicine, 25(1), s. e2-e3.