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Investigation of the Joinability of SX Steel by Diffusion Welding Method Using Different Interlayers

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 641 - 652


SX steels, a type of stainless steel enriched with high silicon content, are frequently used in critical applications of the industry due to their resistance to many acids. Areas of use are acid tanks, acid coolers, acid pipe systems and acid radiators. Increasing areas of use have increased the need to combine with different materials. This study aimed to join the different layers by diffusion welding method using Cu, Ni, Al7072 and Al8079. The samples were combined by keeping them under 5MPa pressure for 60 minutes at 1000 °C in an argon gas environment. Phase changes occurring in the junction area due to the effect of different interlayers were tried to be determined by SEM-EDS and XRD analyses. The changing metallographic structure of the intermediate layers was examined using an optical microscope, and the microhardness change of the joining region was determined with the HV hardness measuring device. While alpha-ferrite structure was observed in the Cu interlayered connections in the samples, multiphase structures were observed in the Al7072 and SX-Al8079 interconnected samples, and the presence of intermetallic phases was detected in both the interface and diffusion zones in the Ni interlayered samples.


  • [1] Sathish, T., Kumar, S. D., Muthukumar, K., Karthick, S. Temperature distribution analysis on diffusion bonded joints of Ti-6Al-4V with AISI 4140 medium carbon steel. Materials Today: Proceedings, 21, 847-856, 2020.
  • [2] Babayev, Y., Kahraman, F., Karadeniz, S. A new approach on diffusion welding of Fe–Cu–C and Fe–Zn–C powder metal parts. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25(11), 1292-1296, 2010.
  • [3] Zhang, Y., Jiang, S. Atomistic investigation on diffusion welding between stainless steel and pure Ni based on molecular dynamics simulation. Materials, 11(10), 1957, 2018.
  • [4] Delice U, 1.4462 duplex stainless steel using nickel interlayer with diffusion welding with bonding, master's thesis, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Nevşehir, 2021.
  • [5] Reddy, G. M., Ramana, P. V. Role of nickel as an interlayer in dissimilar metal friction welding of maraging steel to low alloy steel. Journal of materials processing technology, 212(1), 66-77, 2012.
  • [6] Avettand-Fènoël, M. N., Nagaoka, T., Fujii, H., Taillard, R. Effect of a Ni interlayer on microstructure and mechanical properties of WC-12Co cermet/SC45 steel friction stir welds. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 40, 1-15, 2019.
  • [7] Wei, Y., Xiong, J., Li, J., Zhang, F., Liang, S. Microstructure and enhanced atomic diffusion of friction stir welding aluminium/steel joints. Materials Science and Technology, 33(10), 1208-1214, 2017.
  • [8] Shi, H., Qiao, S., Qiu, R., Zhang, X., Yu, H. Effect of welding time on the joining phenomena of diffusion welded joint between aluminum alloy and stainless steel. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27(12), 1366-1369, 2012.
  • [9] Azizi, A., Alimardan, H. Effect of welding temperature and duration on properties of 7075 Al to AZ31B Mg diffusion bonded joint. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 26(1), 85-92, 2016.
  • [10] Ustinov, A. I., Falchenko, Y. V., Ishchenko, A. Y., Kharchenko, G. K., Melnichenko, T. V., &Muraveynik, A. N. Diffusion welding of γ-TiAl based alloys through nano-layered foil of Ti/Al system. Intermetallics, 16(8), 1043-1045, 2008.
  • [11] Kejanlı, H., Avcı, M. T/M yöntemiyle üretilmiş Mg-Ti alaşımının difüzyon kaynağı ile birleştirilmesine aratabakanın etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 9(1), 279-289, 2018.
  • [12] Lopez, G. A., Sommadossi, S., Gust, W., Mittemeijer, E. J., Zieba, P. Phase characterization of diffusion soldered Ni/Al/Ni interconnections. Interface science, 10, 13-19, 2002.
  • [13] Haghshenas, M., Abdel-Gwad, A., Omran, A. M., Gökçe, B., Sahraeinejad, S., Gerlich, A. P. Friction stir weld assisted diffusion bonding of 5754 aluminum alloy to coated high strength steels. Materials & Design, 55, 442-449, 2014.
  • [14] Agudo, L., Eyidi, D., Schmaranzer, C. H., Arenholz, E., Jank, N., Bruckner, J., Pyzalla, A. R. Intermetallic Fe x Al y-phases in a steel/Al-alloy fusion weld. Journal of materials science, 42, 4205-4214, 2007.
  • [15] S. Kou, Welding Metallurgy, second ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, 2013, pp. 257–300.
  • [16] Ahmad, M., Akhter, J. I., Shahzad, M., Akhtar, M. Cracking during solidification of diffusion bonded Inconel 625 in the presence of Zircaloy-4 interlayer. Journal of alloys and compounds, 457(1-2), 131-134., 2008.
  • [17] Liu, J., Kou, S. Effect of diffusion on susceptibility to cracking during solidification. Acta Materialia, 100, 359-368, 2015.
  • [18] Han, J., Zhao, G., Cao, Q. Internal crack recovery of 20MnMo steel. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 40, 164-169, 1997.
  • [19] Samiuddin, M., Li, J., Chandio, A. D., Muzamil, M., Siddiqui, S. U., Xiong, J. Diffusion welding of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy (MEA) and SUS 304 stainless steel at different bonding temperatures. Welding in the World, 65, 2193-2206, 2021.
  • [20] Uday, M. B., Fauzi, M. A., Zuhailawati, H., Ismail, A. B. Thermal analysis of friction welding process in relation to the welding of YSZ-alumina composite and 6061 aluminum alloy. Applied Surface Science, 258(20), 8264-8272, 2012.
  • [21] Taşkın, M., Çalıgülü, U. Modelling of microhardness values by means of artificial neural networks of Al/SiCp metal matrix composite material couples processed with diffusion method. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 11(3), 163-172, 2006.
  • [22] Taskin, M., Dikbas, H., Caligulu, U. Artificial neural network (ann) approach to prediction of diffusion bonding behavior (shear strength) of ni-ti alloys manufactured by powder metalurgy method. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 13(3), 183-191, 2008.

SX Çeliğinin Farklı Aratabaka Kullanılarak Difüzyon Kaynak Yöntemi ile Birleştirilebilirliğinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 641 - 652


Yüksek silisyum içeriği ile zenginleştirilmiş bir paslanmaz çelik türü olan SX çelikleri, birçok asitlere karşı dayanıklılığı nedeniyle endüstrinin kritik uygulamalarında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Kullanım alanları asit tankları, asit soğutucuları, asit boru sistemleri ve asit radyatörleridir. Kullanım alanlarının artması, farklı malzemelerle birleştirilme ihtiyacını da arttırmıştır. Bu çalışmada Cu, Ni, Al7072 ve Al8079 kullanılarak farklı katmanların difüzyon kaynağı yöntemiyle birleştirilmesi amaçlandı. Numuneler argon gazı ortamında 1000 °C'de 60 dakika 5MPa basınç altında tutularak birleştirildi. Farklı ara katmanların etkisiyle birleşim bölgesinde meydana gelen faz değişiklikleri SEM-EDS ve XRD analizleri ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ara katmanların değişen metalografik yapısı optik mikroskop kullanılarak incelendi ve birleştirme bölgesinin mikrosertlik değişimi HV sertlik ölçüm cihazı ile belirlendi. Örneklerde Cu arakatmanlı bağlantılarda alfa-ferrit yapısı gözlenirken, Al7072 ve SX-Al8079 birbirine bağlı numunelerde çok fazlı yapılar gözlenirken, Ni arakatmanlı numunelerde hem arayüz hem de difüzyon bölgelerinde intermetalik fazların varlığı tespit edildi.


  • [1] Sathish, T., Kumar, S. D., Muthukumar, K., Karthick, S. Temperature distribution analysis on diffusion bonded joints of Ti-6Al-4V with AISI 4140 medium carbon steel. Materials Today: Proceedings, 21, 847-856, 2020.
  • [2] Babayev, Y., Kahraman, F., Karadeniz, S. A new approach on diffusion welding of Fe–Cu–C and Fe–Zn–C powder metal parts. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25(11), 1292-1296, 2010.
  • [3] Zhang, Y., Jiang, S. Atomistic investigation on diffusion welding between stainless steel and pure Ni based on molecular dynamics simulation. Materials, 11(10), 1957, 2018.
  • [4] Delice U, 1.4462 duplex stainless steel using nickel interlayer with diffusion welding with bonding, master's thesis, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Nevşehir, 2021.
  • [5] Reddy, G. M., Ramana, P. V. Role of nickel as an interlayer in dissimilar metal friction welding of maraging steel to low alloy steel. Journal of materials processing technology, 212(1), 66-77, 2012.
  • [6] Avettand-Fènoël, M. N., Nagaoka, T., Fujii, H., Taillard, R. Effect of a Ni interlayer on microstructure and mechanical properties of WC-12Co cermet/SC45 steel friction stir welds. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 40, 1-15, 2019.
  • [7] Wei, Y., Xiong, J., Li, J., Zhang, F., Liang, S. Microstructure and enhanced atomic diffusion of friction stir welding aluminium/steel joints. Materials Science and Technology, 33(10), 1208-1214, 2017.
  • [8] Shi, H., Qiao, S., Qiu, R., Zhang, X., Yu, H. Effect of welding time on the joining phenomena of diffusion welded joint between aluminum alloy and stainless steel. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27(12), 1366-1369, 2012.
  • [9] Azizi, A., Alimardan, H. Effect of welding temperature and duration on properties of 7075 Al to AZ31B Mg diffusion bonded joint. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 26(1), 85-92, 2016.
  • [10] Ustinov, A. I., Falchenko, Y. V., Ishchenko, A. Y., Kharchenko, G. K., Melnichenko, T. V., &Muraveynik, A. N. Diffusion welding of γ-TiAl based alloys through nano-layered foil of Ti/Al system. Intermetallics, 16(8), 1043-1045, 2008.
  • [11] Kejanlı, H., Avcı, M. T/M yöntemiyle üretilmiş Mg-Ti alaşımının difüzyon kaynağı ile birleştirilmesine aratabakanın etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 9(1), 279-289, 2018.
  • [12] Lopez, G. A., Sommadossi, S., Gust, W., Mittemeijer, E. J., Zieba, P. Phase characterization of diffusion soldered Ni/Al/Ni interconnections. Interface science, 10, 13-19, 2002.
  • [13] Haghshenas, M., Abdel-Gwad, A., Omran, A. M., Gökçe, B., Sahraeinejad, S., Gerlich, A. P. Friction stir weld assisted diffusion bonding of 5754 aluminum alloy to coated high strength steels. Materials & Design, 55, 442-449, 2014.
  • [14] Agudo, L., Eyidi, D., Schmaranzer, C. H., Arenholz, E., Jank, N., Bruckner, J., Pyzalla, A. R. Intermetallic Fe x Al y-phases in a steel/Al-alloy fusion weld. Journal of materials science, 42, 4205-4214, 2007.
  • [15] S. Kou, Welding Metallurgy, second ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, 2013, pp. 257–300.
  • [16] Ahmad, M., Akhter, J. I., Shahzad, M., Akhtar, M. Cracking during solidification of diffusion bonded Inconel 625 in the presence of Zircaloy-4 interlayer. Journal of alloys and compounds, 457(1-2), 131-134., 2008.
  • [17] Liu, J., Kou, S. Effect of diffusion on susceptibility to cracking during solidification. Acta Materialia, 100, 359-368, 2015.
  • [18] Han, J., Zhao, G., Cao, Q. Internal crack recovery of 20MnMo steel. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 40, 164-169, 1997.
  • [19] Samiuddin, M., Li, J., Chandio, A. D., Muzamil, M., Siddiqui, S. U., Xiong, J. Diffusion welding of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy (MEA) and SUS 304 stainless steel at different bonding temperatures. Welding in the World, 65, 2193-2206, 2021.
  • [20] Uday, M. B., Fauzi, M. A., Zuhailawati, H., Ismail, A. B. Thermal analysis of friction welding process in relation to the welding of YSZ-alumina composite and 6061 aluminum alloy. Applied Surface Science, 258(20), 8264-8272, 2012.
  • [21] Taşkın, M., Çalıgülü, U. Modelling of microhardness values by means of artificial neural networks of Al/SiCp metal matrix composite material couples processed with diffusion method. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 11(3), 163-172, 2006.
  • [22] Taskin, M., Dikbas, H., Caligulu, U. Artificial neural network (ann) approach to prediction of diffusion bonding behavior (shear strength) of ni-ti alloys manufactured by powder metalurgy method. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 13(3), 183-191, 2008.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kaynak Teknolojileri
Bölüm Makaleler

Jiyan Güney 0000-0003-0168-6983

M. Selçuk Keskin 0000-0001-6233-1807

Haluk Kejanlı 0000-0002-4987-6316

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

IEEE J. Güney, M. S. Keskin, ve H. Kejanlı, “Investigation of the Joinability of SX Steel by Diffusion Welding Method Using Different Interlayers”, DÜMF MD, c. 15, sy. 3, ss. 641–652, 2024, doi: 10.24012/dumf.1490715.
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