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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1 - 19, 25.12.2017


The place of living, residence, constitutes an important dimension of the quality of life in terms of housing, especially elderly individuals. Along with the increase of the elderly population in the total population of the world, the life span of the elderly population is also increasing. According to statistical estimations about our country, it is suggested that Turkey will be in the forefront among the countries that will show the fastest increase in the elderly population over the next 25 years. Several researches have pointed out that various health problems and physical limitations associated with aging have had negative effects on daily life activities, social relations and active participation in life of the elderly individuals. On the other hand, the inadequacy of the arrangements made for the neighborhood elderly people live in might adversely affect their quality of life and diminish their life satisfaction. Thus, approaches to focusing environmental design or planning to improve the quality of life and life satisfaction of the elderly allow the individual to spread biological losses over time due to the goal of longer and healthy aging. Therefore, universal design envisages useful and flexible arrangements for the elderly in the living space. One of the viable housing alternatives that can provide care and shelter for elderly individuals who are rapidly increasing in population is "Retirement Villages". Retirement villages are considered a viable alternative to housing for increasing aging populations in countries such as Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand and the Netherlands. This study aims to explore the retirement village practices all over the world which enable elderly individuals to have active participation in life, increase their quality of life and their life satisfaction and that are an alternative to the need for housing. At the same time, an assessment of the situation with regard to retirement villages in Turkey has been presented. 


  • Altan, Ö. Z. ve Şişman, Y. (2003). Yaşlılara Yönelik Sosyal Politikalar, Kamu-İş, 7(29), ss. 2-36.
  • Anon, (2010). Second Home Buying: Glossary of Terms, (20.02.2017).
  • Aydıner B.,A. (2013). Yaşlılıkta Yaşam Kalitesi ve Konut İlişkisi, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 24(1), ss. 145-156.
  • Bernard, M., Bartlam, B., Biggs, S., Sim, J. (2004). New Lifestyles in Old Age. Health, Identity and Well-being in Berryhill Retirement Village. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Biggs, S., Bernard, M., Kingston, P., Nettleton, H. (2000). Lifestyles of Belief: Narrative and Culture in a Retirement Community, Ageing & Society, 20(6), ss. 649-672.
  • Bolu Belediyesi, (2014). Yaşlılar Köyü Projesi İçin Çalışmalar Hızla Devam Ediyor, ediyor (5.03.2017).
  • Bolununsesi, (2014). “Yaşlılar Köyü” Projesi İle İlgili Çalışıyoruz,, (5.03.2017).
  • Buys, L. R. (2000). Care and Support Assistance Provided in Retirement Villages: Expectations vs Reality, Australian Journal on Aging, 19(3), ss. 149-151.
  • Buys, L. R. (2001). Life in a Retirement Village: Implications for Contact with Community and Village Friends, Gerontology, 47, ss. 55-59.
  • Buys, L. R ve Miller, E. (2007). The Physical, Leisure and Social Activities of Very Old Australian Men Living in A Retirement Village and The Community, Geriaction, 25, ss.15-19.
  • Cankurtaran, M., Yeşil, Y. (2012). Türkiye’de Geriatri-Güncel Durum, 18-24 Mart Yaşlılara Saygı Haftası “Kuşaklararası Dayanışma ve Aktif Yaşlanma” Sempozyumu, 20-21 Mart 2012 Ankara, ss. 243-256.
  • Cheek, J., Ballantyne, A., Byers, L., Quan, J. (2007). From Retirement Village to Residential Aged Care: What Older People and Their Families Say, Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(1), ss. 8-17.
  • Cotter, N., Monahan, E., McAvoy, H., Goodman, P. (2012). Coping With the Cold-Exploring Relationships Between Cold Housing, Health and Social Wellbeing in a Sample of Older People in Ireland, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 13(1), ss. 38-47.
  • Crisp, A.D., Windsor, D.T., Anstey, K.J., Butterworth, P. (2012). What are Older Adults Seeking? Factors Encouraging or Discouraging Retirement Village, Australian Journal on Ageing, 32(3), ss. 163-170.
  • Croucher, K. (2006). Making the Case for Retirement Villages, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Croucher, K., Pleace, N., Bevan, M. (2003). Living at Hartrigg Oaks, Residents’ Views of the UK’s First Continuing Care Retirement Community, York: JRF
  • Diehl, M. ve Willis, S. L. (2003). Everyday Competence and Everyday Problem Solving in Aging Adults: The Role of Physical and Social Context. In H.-W. Wahl, R. Scheidt, & P. Windley, (Eds.), Environments, Gerontology and Old Age, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, New York: Springer, ss. 130-166.
  • Durgun, B. (1999). Yaşlılık ve Yaşlılara Sunulan Hizmetler, İstanbul: Belbim A.Ş. No:8.
  • Duyker, E. (2008). Sydney’s People: The Dutch, Sydney Journal 1(1), ss. 52-58.
  • Elliott, P., Earle, G., Reid, R. (2002).The Valuation of Self-Funded Retirement Villages in Australia: Analysis, Reliability and Investment Valuation Methodology, Paper Presented at the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference 21-23 January 2002, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Extra Care Retirement Village (2012). (25.03.2017).
  • Gitlin, L. N. (2003). Conducting Research on Home Environments: Lessons Learned and New Directions, The Gerontologist, 43(5), ss. 628-637.
  • Grant, B.C. (2006). Retirement Villages: An Alternative Form of Housing on an Ageing Landscape, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 27(March), ss. 100-113.
  • Greenbrook, S.R. (2005). Village People: The Changing Role of Retirement Villages in New Zealand is Ageing Society, Master’s Thesis, University of Auckland.
  • Günay, G., Aydıner B.A., Şahin, H., Demirci A.A., Oğuz, A. (2016). Yoksulluk ve Yaşlılık (Bölüm VIII), (s:165-196), Yaşlılık: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşım, Sorunlar, Çözümler 2, Ed.Velittin Kalınkara.
  • (2015). Huzurevinde "Koğuş Sistemini" Bitiren Uygulama, (5.03.2017).
  • Hablemitoğlu, Ş., Özmete, E. (2010). Yaşlı Refahı, Ankara, Kilit Yayınları.
  • Hernandez, C. R., ve Gonzalez, M. Z. (2008). Effects of Intergenerational Interaction on Aging, Educational Gerontology, 34(4), ss. 292-305.
  • (2017). Longbridge Retirement Village, Birmingham, birmingham-england.aspx (5.03.2017).
  • Hu, X., Xia, B., Skitmore, M., Buys, L. (2015). Conceptualizing Sustainable Retirement Villages in Australia, Raidén, A. B. & Aboagye-Nimo, E. (Eds.) Proceedings 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ss. 357-366.
  • Iwarsson, S. (2005). A Long-Term Perspective on Person-Environment Fit and ADL Dependence Among Older Swedish Adults, The Gerontologist, 45(3), ss. 327-336.
  • Iwarsson, S., Isacsson, A., Lanke, J. (1998). ADL Dependence in the Elderly: The Influence of Functional Limitations and Physical Environmental Demand, Occupational Therapy International, 5(3), ss. 173-193.
  • Kingston, P., Bernard, M., Biggs, S., Nettleton, H. (2001). Assessing the Health Impact of Age-Specific housing, Health & Social Care in the Community, 9(4), ss. 228-234.
  • Knight, S.C., Buys, L.R. (2003). The Involvement of Adult Children in Their Parent’s Decision to Move to a Retirement Village, Australasian Journal on Ageing, Brief Report, 22(2), ss. 91-93.
  • Lawrence, A.J., Schiller-Schigelone, A.R. (2002). Reciprocity Beyond Dyadic Relationships -Age Related Communal Coping, Research on Ageing, 24(6), ss. 684-704.
  • Lawton, M. P. (1977). An Ecological Theory of Aging Applied to Elderly Housing, Journal of Aging and Environment,1(1), ss. 8-10.
  • Lawton, M. P., Nahemow, L. (1973). Ecology and the Aging Process, In C. Eisdorfer & M. P. Lawton (Eds.), The Psychology of Adult Development and Aging (pp. 619-674), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Lawton, M.P. (1983). Environment and Other Determinants of Well-Being in Older People, Gerontologist, 23(4), ss. 349-357.
  • Lecovich, E. (2014). Aging in Place: From Theory to Practice, Anthropological Notebooks, 20(1), ss. 21-33.
  • Lehning, A. J., Smith, R.J., Dunkle, R. E. (2012). Age-Friendly Environments and Self-Rated Health: An Exploration of Detroit Elders, Research on Aging, 36(1), ss. 72-94.
  • Liddle, J. (2016). Everyday Life in a UK Retirement Village: A Mixed-Methods Study, PhD Thesis, Keele University, UK.
  • Lister, R. (1994). The Retirement Industry: An Overview Illus, Valuer and Land Economist, 33(1), ss. 29-33.
  • (2017). Mt. Eymard Retirement Village Australian Unity Mt Eymard Retirement Village Mt Eymard Serviced Apartments,, Erişim (27.02.2017).
  • McCullagh, R. (2014). Care in Australian Retirement Villages, Elder Law Review, (4), ss. 8.
  • Property Council of Australia (2014). National Overview of the Retirement Village Sector, of-the-retirement-village-sector-Grant-Thornton.pdf (28.02.2017).
  • Retirement Villages Act, (1999). (5.03.2017).
  • Tutal, O. (2016). Yaşlılık, Yaşam Çevresi ve Evrensel Tasarım. Yaşlılık Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşım, Sorunlar, Çözümler (Edit: Velittin Kalınkara) Ankara, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., ss. 489-507.
  • TÜİK (2013). Nüfus Projeksiyonları. 2013-2075 Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24644,16 Mart 2017. (9.08.2017).
  • TÜİK (2017). İstatistiklerle Yaşlılar, 2016, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24644, 16 Mart 2017. (9.08.2017).
  • Wahl, H. W. ve Weisman, G. D. (2003). Environmental Gerontology at the Beginning of the New Millennium: Reflections on its Historical, Empirical and Theoretical Development, The Gerontologist, 43(5), ss. 616-627.
  • Weisman, M.L. (1999). The History of Retirement, From Early Man to A.A.R.P., New York Times, (28.02.2017).
  • Wikipedia .org (2016). Retirement community. (12.04.2017).
  • Xia, B., Zuo, J., Skitmore, M., Rarasati, A. D. (2013). A Sustainable Community for Older People: Case Studies of Green Retirement Villages in Australia. RICS Research, London, United Kingdom, (p: 1-20). (21.09.2016).
  • Xia, B., Zuo, J., Skitmore, M., Buys, L., Hu, X. (2014). Sustainability Literacy of Older People in Retirement Villages, Journal of Aging Research 2014, (919054), ss. 1- 7, (14.01.2017).
  • Yıldırım, N. (2011). Kent Merkezinde İkamet Eden Yaşlıların Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumu (Adapazarı Örneği), 38. ICANAS Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi, Ankara.
  • Yumurtacı, A. (2013). Demografik Değişim: Psiko-Sosyal ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Boyutları ile Yaşlılık, Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(6), ss. 9-31.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1 - 19, 25.12.2017


Yaşanılan yer, konut özellikle yaşlı bireyler açısından yaşam kalitesinin önemli bir boyutunu oluşturmaktadır. Dünya genelinde toplam nüfus içinde yaşlı nüfusun artışıyla birlikte yaşlı nüfusun yaşam süresi de artmaktadır. Ülkemiz ile ilgili yapılan istatistiksel tahminlere göre önümüzdeki 25 yıllık süre içinde yaşlı nüfusun en hızlı artış göstereceği ülkeler arasında ülkemizin ön sıralarda yer alacağı öne sürülmektedir. Yaşlanma ile birlikte ortaya çıkan çeşitli sağlık sorunları ve fiziksel kısıtlılıklar, yaşlı bireylerin günlük yaşam faaliyetleri, sosyal ilişkileri ve yaşama aktif katılımları üzerinde olumsuz etkilere sahip olduğu yapılan çeşitli araştırmalar ile ortaya konulmuştur. Diğer yandan içinde yaşadıkları çevreye ilişkin düzenlemelerin yetersiz olması yaşlı bireylerin yaşam kalitesi ve yaşam doyumlarının da düşmesine neden olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle yaşlı bireylerin yaşam kalitesini ve yaşam doyumunu arttırmaya yönelik çevre tasarımlarının ya da planlamanın merkezine koyan yaklaşımlar daha uzun ve sağlıklı yaşlanma hedefiyle bireyin biyolojik kayıplarını zamana yaymasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla evrensel tasarım, yaşam çevresinde yaşlılar için kullanışlı ve esnek düzenlemeleri öngörmektedir. Toplam nüfus içinde yaşlı nüfusun artışıyla yaşlı bireyler için bakım ve barınma sağlayabilecek uygulanabilir konut alternatiflerinden biri de “yaşlı köyleri” dir. Avustralya, İngiltere, Yeni Zelanda, Hollanda gibi ülkelerde artan yaşlı nüfus için yaşlı köyleri uygulanabilir bir barınma alternatifi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, yaşlı bireylerin, yaşama aktif katılımlarını sağlayan, yaşam kaliteleri ve yaşam doyumlarını arttıran ve barınma ihtiyacına alternatif olabilecek yaşlı köyü uygulamaları dünya genelinde incelenmektedir. Aynı zamanda ülkemiz için yaşlı köyleri uygulamalarına ilişkin bir durum değerlendirilmesi sunulmuştur. 


  • Altan, Ö. Z. ve Şişman, Y. (2003). Yaşlılara Yönelik Sosyal Politikalar, Kamu-İş, 7(29), ss. 2-36.
  • Anon, (2010). Second Home Buying: Glossary of Terms, (20.02.2017).
  • Aydıner B.,A. (2013). Yaşlılıkta Yaşam Kalitesi ve Konut İlişkisi, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 24(1), ss. 145-156.
  • Bernard, M., Bartlam, B., Biggs, S., Sim, J. (2004). New Lifestyles in Old Age. Health, Identity and Well-being in Berryhill Retirement Village. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Biggs, S., Bernard, M., Kingston, P., Nettleton, H. (2000). Lifestyles of Belief: Narrative and Culture in a Retirement Community, Ageing & Society, 20(6), ss. 649-672.
  • Bolu Belediyesi, (2014). Yaşlılar Köyü Projesi İçin Çalışmalar Hızla Devam Ediyor, ediyor (5.03.2017).
  • Bolununsesi, (2014). “Yaşlılar Köyü” Projesi İle İlgili Çalışıyoruz,, (5.03.2017).
  • Buys, L. R. (2000). Care and Support Assistance Provided in Retirement Villages: Expectations vs Reality, Australian Journal on Aging, 19(3), ss. 149-151.
  • Buys, L. R. (2001). Life in a Retirement Village: Implications for Contact with Community and Village Friends, Gerontology, 47, ss. 55-59.
  • Buys, L. R ve Miller, E. (2007). The Physical, Leisure and Social Activities of Very Old Australian Men Living in A Retirement Village and The Community, Geriaction, 25, ss.15-19.
  • Cankurtaran, M., Yeşil, Y. (2012). Türkiye’de Geriatri-Güncel Durum, 18-24 Mart Yaşlılara Saygı Haftası “Kuşaklararası Dayanışma ve Aktif Yaşlanma” Sempozyumu, 20-21 Mart 2012 Ankara, ss. 243-256.
  • Cheek, J., Ballantyne, A., Byers, L., Quan, J. (2007). From Retirement Village to Residential Aged Care: What Older People and Their Families Say, Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(1), ss. 8-17.
  • Cotter, N., Monahan, E., McAvoy, H., Goodman, P. (2012). Coping With the Cold-Exploring Relationships Between Cold Housing, Health and Social Wellbeing in a Sample of Older People in Ireland, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 13(1), ss. 38-47.
  • Crisp, A.D., Windsor, D.T., Anstey, K.J., Butterworth, P. (2012). What are Older Adults Seeking? Factors Encouraging or Discouraging Retirement Village, Australian Journal on Ageing, 32(3), ss. 163-170.
  • Croucher, K. (2006). Making the Case for Retirement Villages, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Croucher, K., Pleace, N., Bevan, M. (2003). Living at Hartrigg Oaks, Residents’ Views of the UK’s First Continuing Care Retirement Community, York: JRF
  • Diehl, M. ve Willis, S. L. (2003). Everyday Competence and Everyday Problem Solving in Aging Adults: The Role of Physical and Social Context. In H.-W. Wahl, R. Scheidt, & P. Windley, (Eds.), Environments, Gerontology and Old Age, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, New York: Springer, ss. 130-166.
  • Durgun, B. (1999). Yaşlılık ve Yaşlılara Sunulan Hizmetler, İstanbul: Belbim A.Ş. No:8.
  • Duyker, E. (2008). Sydney’s People: The Dutch, Sydney Journal 1(1), ss. 52-58.
  • Elliott, P., Earle, G., Reid, R. (2002).The Valuation of Self-Funded Retirement Villages in Australia: Analysis, Reliability and Investment Valuation Methodology, Paper Presented at the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference 21-23 January 2002, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Extra Care Retirement Village (2012). (25.03.2017).
  • Gitlin, L. N. (2003). Conducting Research on Home Environments: Lessons Learned and New Directions, The Gerontologist, 43(5), ss. 628-637.
  • Grant, B.C. (2006). Retirement Villages: An Alternative Form of Housing on an Ageing Landscape, Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 27(March), ss. 100-113.
  • Greenbrook, S.R. (2005). Village People: The Changing Role of Retirement Villages in New Zealand is Ageing Society, Master’s Thesis, University of Auckland.
  • Günay, G., Aydıner B.A., Şahin, H., Demirci A.A., Oğuz, A. (2016). Yoksulluk ve Yaşlılık (Bölüm VIII), (s:165-196), Yaşlılık: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşım, Sorunlar, Çözümler 2, Ed.Velittin Kalınkara.
  • (2015). Huzurevinde "Koğuş Sistemini" Bitiren Uygulama, (5.03.2017).
  • Hablemitoğlu, Ş., Özmete, E. (2010). Yaşlı Refahı, Ankara, Kilit Yayınları.
  • Hernandez, C. R., ve Gonzalez, M. Z. (2008). Effects of Intergenerational Interaction on Aging, Educational Gerontology, 34(4), ss. 292-305.
  • (2017). Longbridge Retirement Village, Birmingham, birmingham-england.aspx (5.03.2017).
  • Hu, X., Xia, B., Skitmore, M., Buys, L. (2015). Conceptualizing Sustainable Retirement Villages in Australia, Raidén, A. B. & Aboagye-Nimo, E. (Eds.) Proceedings 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ss. 357-366.
  • Iwarsson, S. (2005). A Long-Term Perspective on Person-Environment Fit and ADL Dependence Among Older Swedish Adults, The Gerontologist, 45(3), ss. 327-336.
  • Iwarsson, S., Isacsson, A., Lanke, J. (1998). ADL Dependence in the Elderly: The Influence of Functional Limitations and Physical Environmental Demand, Occupational Therapy International, 5(3), ss. 173-193.
  • Kingston, P., Bernard, M., Biggs, S., Nettleton, H. (2001). Assessing the Health Impact of Age-Specific housing, Health & Social Care in the Community, 9(4), ss. 228-234.
  • Knight, S.C., Buys, L.R. (2003). The Involvement of Adult Children in Their Parent’s Decision to Move to a Retirement Village, Australasian Journal on Ageing, Brief Report, 22(2), ss. 91-93.
  • Lawrence, A.J., Schiller-Schigelone, A.R. (2002). Reciprocity Beyond Dyadic Relationships -Age Related Communal Coping, Research on Ageing, 24(6), ss. 684-704.
  • Lawton, M. P. (1977). An Ecological Theory of Aging Applied to Elderly Housing, Journal of Aging and Environment,1(1), ss. 8-10.
  • Lawton, M. P., Nahemow, L. (1973). Ecology and the Aging Process, In C. Eisdorfer & M. P. Lawton (Eds.), The Psychology of Adult Development and Aging (pp. 619-674), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Lawton, M.P. (1983). Environment and Other Determinants of Well-Being in Older People, Gerontologist, 23(4), ss. 349-357.
  • Lecovich, E. (2014). Aging in Place: From Theory to Practice, Anthropological Notebooks, 20(1), ss. 21-33.
  • Lehning, A. J., Smith, R.J., Dunkle, R. E. (2012). Age-Friendly Environments and Self-Rated Health: An Exploration of Detroit Elders, Research on Aging, 36(1), ss. 72-94.
  • Liddle, J. (2016). Everyday Life in a UK Retirement Village: A Mixed-Methods Study, PhD Thesis, Keele University, UK.
  • Lister, R. (1994). The Retirement Industry: An Overview Illus, Valuer and Land Economist, 33(1), ss. 29-33.
  • (2017). Mt. Eymard Retirement Village Australian Unity Mt Eymard Retirement Village Mt Eymard Serviced Apartments,, Erişim (27.02.2017).
  • McCullagh, R. (2014). Care in Australian Retirement Villages, Elder Law Review, (4), ss. 8.
  • Property Council of Australia (2014). National Overview of the Retirement Village Sector, of-the-retirement-village-sector-Grant-Thornton.pdf (28.02.2017).
  • Retirement Villages Act, (1999). (5.03.2017).
  • Tutal, O. (2016). Yaşlılık, Yaşam Çevresi ve Evrensel Tasarım. Yaşlılık Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşım, Sorunlar, Çözümler (Edit: Velittin Kalınkara) Ankara, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., ss. 489-507.
  • TÜİK (2013). Nüfus Projeksiyonları. 2013-2075 Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24644,16 Mart 2017. (9.08.2017).
  • TÜİK (2017). İstatistiklerle Yaşlılar, 2016, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Haber Bülteni, Sayı: 24644, 16 Mart 2017. (9.08.2017).
  • Wahl, H. W. ve Weisman, G. D. (2003). Environmental Gerontology at the Beginning of the New Millennium: Reflections on its Historical, Empirical and Theoretical Development, The Gerontologist, 43(5), ss. 616-627.
  • Weisman, M.L. (1999). The History of Retirement, From Early Man to A.A.R.P., New York Times, (28.02.2017).
  • Wikipedia .org (2016). Retirement community. (12.04.2017).
  • Xia, B., Zuo, J., Skitmore, M., Rarasati, A. D. (2013). A Sustainable Community for Older People: Case Studies of Green Retirement Villages in Australia. RICS Research, London, United Kingdom, (p: 1-20). (21.09.2016).
  • Xia, B., Zuo, J., Skitmore, M., Buys, L., Hu, X. (2014). Sustainability Literacy of Older People in Retirement Villages, Journal of Aging Research 2014, (919054), ss. 1- 7, (14.01.2017).
  • Yıldırım, N. (2011). Kent Merkezinde İkamet Eden Yaşlıların Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumu (Adapazarı Örneği), 38. ICANAS Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi, Ankara.
  • Yumurtacı, A. (2013). Demografik Değişim: Psiko-Sosyal ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Boyutları ile Yaşlılık, Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(6), ss. 9-31.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Aybala Demirci Aksoy

Gülay Günay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirci Aksoy, A., & Günay, G. (2017). YAŞLILARIN BARINMA İHTİYACINA ALTERNATİF OLARAK SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR YAŞLI KÖYLERİ. Düzce Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2), 1-19.