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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 9 - 23, 01.08.2014


The photovoltaic energy systems are one of the renewable energy sources. The output power of solar energy systems are changed with respect to environmental conditions of temperature and solar irradiance. In this study, the mathematical model of solar cell has been used and the simulation studies of this model have been performed in Matlab/Simulink software. Power-Voltage (P-V), Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics have been investigated for different number of series-parallel connected solar cell and changing environmental conditions. Also, the maximum power points have been found to use perturbation-observation algorithm, which is one of the traditional algorithms under various environmental conditions of the solar energy systems. The performance of the algorithm has been examined in different step coefficients. Application of this algorithm is carried out in a laboratory environment.


  • Jaleel, A., Nazar, A., Omega, A. R., (2012). Simulation on maximum power point tracking of the photovoltaic module using LabVIEW, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 1(3), 190-199.
  • Soliman, A. M., Alsari, M. M., Reda, E. I., Alhammadi, R. M., (2012). MATLAB modeling and simulation of photovoltaic modules, 2012 IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 786-789.
  • Jiang, Y., Qahouq, J. A. A., Orabi, M., (2011). Matlab/Pspice hybrid simulation modeling of solar PV cell/module, 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1244-1250.
  • Krismadinata, Nasrudin, A. R., Hew, W. P., Jeyraj, S., (2013). Photovoltaic module modeling using simulink/matlab, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 17, 537-546.
  • Altas, I.H., Sharaf, A.M., (2007). A Photovoltaic array simulation model for MatlabSimulink GUI environment, International Conference on Clean Power, 341-345.
  • Walker, G., (2001). Evaluating MPPT converter topologies using a MATLAB PV model, Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Australia, 21(1), 49-56.
  • Salas, F., Olías, E., Barrado, A., Lázaro, A., (2006). Review of the maximum power point tracking algorithms for stand-alone photovoltaics systems, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 90, 1555-1578.
  • Ishaque, K., Salam, Z., (2013). A review of maximum power point tracking techniques of PV system for uniform insolation and partial shading condition, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 19, 475-488.
  • Jain, S. ve Agarwal, V., (2007). Comparison of the Performance of Maximum Power Point Tracking Schemes Applied to Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems, IET Electric Power Applications, 1(5), 753–762.
  • Buciarelli, L.L., Grossman, B.L., Lyon, E.F., Rasmussen, N.E., (1980). The energy balance associated with the use of a MPPT in a 100 kW peak power system, in IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conf., 523-527.
  • Teulings, W.J.A., Marpinard, J.C., Capel, A., O'Sullivan, D., (1993). A new maximum power point tracking system, in 24th Annual IEEE Power Electron. Specialists Conf., 8338
  • Kim, Y., Jo, H., Kim, D., (1996). A new peak power tracker for cost effective photovoltaic power system, in Proc. 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Eng. Conf., 1673-1678. Hashimoto, O., Shimizu, T., Kimura, G., (2000). A novel high performance utility interactive photovoltaic inverter system, in Conf. Record of the 2000 IEEE Ind. Applicat. Conf., 2255-2260.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 9 - 23, 01.08.2014


Fotovoltaik enerji sistemleri önemli yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından biridir. Sıcaklık ve güneş ışınımı gibi çevresel koşullara bağımlı olarak güneş enerji sistemlerinin çıkış gücü değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada güneş pilinin matematiksel modeli kullanılmış ve bu modelin benzetim çalışmaları Matlab/Simulink ortamında yapılmıştır. Farklı sayıda seri-paralel bağlı güneş pili ve değişen çevresel koşullar altında GüçGerilim (P-V), Akım-Gerilim (I-V) karakteristikleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, güneş enerji sistemlerinin çeşitli çevresel koşullar altındaki maksimum güç noktaları geleneksel algoritmalardan biri olan değiştir-gözetle algoritması kullanılarak bulunmuştur. Farklı adım katsayılarında algoritmanın performansı incelenmiştir. Bu algoritmanın laboratuvar ortamında uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Jaleel, A., Nazar, A., Omega, A. R., (2012). Simulation on maximum power point tracking of the photovoltaic module using LabVIEW, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 1(3), 190-199.
  • Soliman, A. M., Alsari, M. M., Reda, E. I., Alhammadi, R. M., (2012). MATLAB modeling and simulation of photovoltaic modules, 2012 IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 786-789.
  • Jiang, Y., Qahouq, J. A. A., Orabi, M., (2011). Matlab/Pspice hybrid simulation modeling of solar PV cell/module, 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1244-1250.
  • Krismadinata, Nasrudin, A. R., Hew, W. P., Jeyraj, S., (2013). Photovoltaic module modeling using simulink/matlab, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 17, 537-546.
  • Altas, I.H., Sharaf, A.M., (2007). A Photovoltaic array simulation model for MatlabSimulink GUI environment, International Conference on Clean Power, 341-345.
  • Walker, G., (2001). Evaluating MPPT converter topologies using a MATLAB PV model, Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Australia, 21(1), 49-56.
  • Salas, F., Olías, E., Barrado, A., Lázaro, A., (2006). Review of the maximum power point tracking algorithms for stand-alone photovoltaics systems, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 90, 1555-1578.
  • Ishaque, K., Salam, Z., (2013). A review of maximum power point tracking techniques of PV system for uniform insolation and partial shading condition, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 19, 475-488.
  • Jain, S. ve Agarwal, V., (2007). Comparison of the Performance of Maximum Power Point Tracking Schemes Applied to Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems, IET Electric Power Applications, 1(5), 753–762.
  • Buciarelli, L.L., Grossman, B.L., Lyon, E.F., Rasmussen, N.E., (1980). The energy balance associated with the use of a MPPT in a 100 kW peak power system, in IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conf., 523-527.
  • Teulings, W.J.A., Marpinard, J.C., Capel, A., O'Sullivan, D., (1993). A new maximum power point tracking system, in 24th Annual IEEE Power Electron. Specialists Conf., 8338
  • Kim, Y., Jo, H., Kim, D., (1996). A new peak power tracker for cost effective photovoltaic power system, in Proc. 31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Eng. Conf., 1673-1678. Hashimoto, O., Shimizu, T., Kimura, G., (2000). A novel high performance utility interactive photovoltaic inverter system, in Conf. Record of the 2000 IEEE Ind. Applicat. Conf., 2255-2260.
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Serhat Duman Bu kişi benim

Nuran Yörükeren Bu kişi benim

İsmail Hakkı Altaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Duman, S., Yörükeren, N., & Altaş, İ. H. (2014). FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 9-23.
AMA Duman S, Yörükeren N, Altaş İH. FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. Mart 2014;3(1):9-23.
Chicago Duman, Serhat, Nuran Yörükeren, ve İsmail Hakkı Altaş. “FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ Ve UYGULAMASI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 3, sy. 1 (Mart 2014): 9-23.
EndNote Duman S, Yörükeren N, Altaş İH (01 Mart 2014) FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 3 1 9–23.
IEEE S. Duman, N. Yörükeren, ve İ. H. Altaş, “FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI”, İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 9–23, 2014.
ISNAD Duman, Serhat vd. “FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ Ve UYGULAMASI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 3/1 (Mart 2014), 9-23.
JAMA Duman S, Yörükeren N, Altaş İH. FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;3:9–23.
MLA Duman, Serhat vd. “FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ Ve UYGULAMASI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 9-23.
Vancouver Duman S, Yörükeren N, Altaş İH. FOTOVOLTAİK ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİNİN MODELLENMESİ, BENZETİMİ ve UYGULAMASI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. 2014;3(1):9-23.