Comparison of Mycorrhizal Colonization Success in Oak Species Inoculated with Tuber aestivum Vitt. and Tuber borchii Vitt.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 405 - 420, 31.12.2022
Refika Ceyda Beram
Murat Mahsun
Hatice Lehtijarvi
Within the scope of this study, mycorrhizal colonization rates of T. aestivum and T. borchii species were investigated in Q. robur. and Q. coccifera seedlings, which have an important distribution area in Türkiye. For this purpose, oak seeds collected from natural oak fields were inoculated with ascospore grafting technique and incubated in greenhouse located in Denizli Karahasanlı Forest Nursery. As a result of the analysis, both T. borchii and T. aestivum spores produced well-formed ectomycorrhizae on seedlings. It was determined that the rate of T. aestivum infected roots (PT) was 0.55 for Q. robur, 0.41 for Q. coccifera, and the rate of T. borchii infected roots was 0.52 for Q. robur and 0.48 for Q. coccifera. According to the results, Q. robur is the oak species with the most succesful mycorrhizal growth rate for both ectomycorrhizal fungi species. Crucially, T. aestivum was determined to be higher in amount in Q. robur, on the other hand T. borchii was determined to be higher in amount in Q. coccifera.
- Anonymus, (2014) Türüf ormanı eylem planı. Access address: Access date: 20.10.2022.
- Anonymus, (2020). Türkiye Orman Varlığı. Access address: Access date: 05.11.2022.
- Akkemik, Ü., Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, H., Sevgi, E., ve Yılmaz, Y. (2019). Herdem Yeşil Meşelerin Türkçe Adları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Avrasya Terim Dergisi, 7(1), 26-33.
- Agerer, R. (1991). Characterization of ectomycorrhiza. In: Norris JR, Read DJ, Varma A (eds) Techniques for the study ofmycorrhiza Methods Microbiol, 23, 25–73.
- Avis, P.G., McLaughlin, D.J., Dentinger, B.C., & Reich, P.B. (2003). Long-term increase in nitrogen supply alters above- and below-ground ectomycorrhizal communities and increases the dominance of Russula spp. in a temperate oak savanna. New Phytol, 160, 239–253
- Berch, S. M., & Bonito, G. (2016). Mycorrhiza, Truffle diversity (Tuber, Tuberaceae) in British Columbia, 26(6), 587-594.
- Bonito, GM., Gryganskyi, AP., Trappe, JM., % Vilgalys, R. (2010). A global meta-analysis of Tuber ITS rDNA sequences, species diversity, host associations and long-distance dispersal.
- Council Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December (1999). On the marketing of forest reproductive material. Official Journal of the European Communities, 11:17-40.
- Donnini, D., Benucci, G. M., Bencivenga, M., & Falini, L. B. (2014). Quality assessment of truffle-inoculated seedlinghs in Italy: proposing revised parameters for certification. Forest systems, 23(2), 385-393.
- Fischer, C., & Colinas, C. (1996). Methodology for the certification of Quercus ilex seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum for commercial application. First International Conference in Mycorrhizae, August 4-9, Berkeley, California, USA.
- Giorgio Marozzi, G., Sánchez, S., Benucci, G.M. N., Bonito, G., Falini, L. B., Albertini, E., & Donnini, D. (2016). Mycorrhization of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) with black truffles: Tuber melanosporum and Tuber brumale, Mycorrhiza, 27(3)1-7.
- Gryndler, M., Hršelová, H., Soukupová, L., Streiblová, E., Valda, S., Borovička, J., Gryndlerová, H., Gažo, J., & Miko, M. (2011) Detection of summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) in ectomycorrhizae and in soil using specific primers. FEMS Microbiol Lett 318:84– 89. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2011.02243.x
- Karwa, A., Varma, A., & Rai, M. (2011). Edible ectomycorrhizal fungi: cultivation, conservation and challenges. In: Rai M, Varma A (eds), Diversity and biotechnology of ectomycorrhizae, Soil biology 25. Springer, Berlin, 429–453.
- Kessell, S.L. (1927). Soil organisms. The dependence of certain pine species on a biological soil factor. Empire Forestry, 6, 70-74.
- Langeron, M., & Vanbreuseghem, R. (1952). Mycology. General mycology, human and veterinary mycology. Techniques.
- Leonardi, P., Murat, C., Puliga, F., Iotti, M., & Zambonelli, A. (2020). Ascoma genotyping and mating type analyses of mycorrhizas and soil mycelia of Tuber borchii in a truffle orchard established by mycelial inoculated plants. Environmental microbiology, 22(3), 964-975.
- Iotti, M., Piattoni, F., & Zambonelli, A. (2012). Techniques for host plant inoculation with truffles and other edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In Edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms, 145-161, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Mello, A., Murat, C., & Bonfante, P. (2006). Truffles: Much more than a prized and local fungal delicacy. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 260, 1–8.
- Mukerji, K.G., Raina, S., & Chamola, B.P. (2000). Evolution of mycorrhiza, Mycorrhizal Biology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Editors: Mukerji K.G., Chamola B.P., Singh J., 1–25.
- Ortaş, İ. (1998). Toprak ve Bitkide Mikoriza. Workshop, 61,Çukurove Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü, 20-22 Mayıs, Adana.
- Özderin, S., Yılmaz, F., & Alli, H. (2018). Determining mycorrhiza rate in some oak species inoculated with Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle). Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19(3), 226-232.
- Öztürk, S. (2013). Türkiye’nin Meşeleri Teşhis ve Tanı Kılavuzu. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Orman Zararlılarıyla Mücadele Dairesi Başkanlığı.
- Reyna, S., Boronat, T., & Palomar, E. (2000). Control decalidad en la planta micorrizada con Tuber melanosporum Vitt. producida por viveros comerciales. Montes, 61, 17–24
- Smith, S. E., & Read, D. J. (2008). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Academic Press, San Diego, USA
- Türkoğlu, A. (2015). Yeraltındaki Gizli Hazine: Trüf Mantarı. T.C. Orman Ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü.
- Yuanzhi, T. (2016). Method for cultivating wild truffles -Google Patents,(CN105349435A)
- Zambonelli, A., Gıunchedı, L., & Pollini, C. P. (1993). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Tuber albidum ectomycorrhiza. Symbiosis.
- Zambonelli, A., Iotti, M., Giomaro, G., Hall, I., & Stocchi, V. (2002). T. borchii cultivation: an interesting perspective. Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms and their cultivation. In: Hall I, Yun W, Danell E, Zambonelli A (eds) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms, 3–6 July 2001. Christchurch, New Zealand (CD-Rom).
- Zambonelli, A., Iotti, M., Zinoni, F., Dallavalle, E., & Hall, I. R. (2005). Effect of mulching on Tuber uncinatum ectomycorrhizas in an experimental truffière. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 33(1), 65-73.
Tuber aestivum Vit. ve Tuber borchii Vit. ile İnokule Edilen Meşe Fidanlarının Mikorizal Kolonizasyon Başarısının Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 405 - 420, 31.12.2022
Refika Ceyda Beram
Murat Mahsun
Hatice Lehtijarvi
Bu araştırma kapsamında ülkemizde önemli yayılış alanına sahip, Q.robur ve Q. coccifera fidanlarında, T. aestivum ile T. borchii türlerinin mikorizal kolonizasyon oranları incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla doğal meşe alanlarından toplanan meşe tohumları askospor aşılama tekniği ile inokule edilmiş ve Denizli Orman Fidanlık Müdürlüğü’nde bulunan kontrollü serada inkube edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, hem T. borchii hem de T. aestivum sporları, fidanlar üzerinde başarılı şekilde ektomikorizalar üretmiştir. T. aestivum enfekteli kök oranının (PT) Q. robur için 0.55, Q. coccifera için 0.41, T. borchii enfekteli kök oranının Q. robur için 0.52, Q. coccifera için 0.48 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre Q. robur, her iki ektomikorizal fungus türü için mikorizal gelişme oranının en başarılı olduğu meşe türüdür. T. aestivum'un Q. robur'da kolonizasyon başarısının daha yüksek olduğu, diğer taraftan T. borchii'nin ise Q. coccifera'da kolonizasyon başarısının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Anonymus, (2014) Türüf ormanı eylem planı. Access address: Access date: 20.10.2022.
- Anonymus, (2020). Türkiye Orman Varlığı. Access address: Access date: 05.11.2022.
- Akkemik, Ü., Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, H., Sevgi, E., ve Yılmaz, Y. (2019). Herdem Yeşil Meşelerin Türkçe Adları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Avrasya Terim Dergisi, 7(1), 26-33.
- Agerer, R. (1991). Characterization of ectomycorrhiza. In: Norris JR, Read DJ, Varma A (eds) Techniques for the study ofmycorrhiza Methods Microbiol, 23, 25–73.
- Avis, P.G., McLaughlin, D.J., Dentinger, B.C., & Reich, P.B. (2003). Long-term increase in nitrogen supply alters above- and below-ground ectomycorrhizal communities and increases the dominance of Russula spp. in a temperate oak savanna. New Phytol, 160, 239–253
- Berch, S. M., & Bonito, G. (2016). Mycorrhiza, Truffle diversity (Tuber, Tuberaceae) in British Columbia, 26(6), 587-594.
- Bonito, GM., Gryganskyi, AP., Trappe, JM., % Vilgalys, R. (2010). A global meta-analysis of Tuber ITS rDNA sequences, species diversity, host associations and long-distance dispersal.
- Council Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December (1999). On the marketing of forest reproductive material. Official Journal of the European Communities, 11:17-40.
- Donnini, D., Benucci, G. M., Bencivenga, M., & Falini, L. B. (2014). Quality assessment of truffle-inoculated seedlinghs in Italy: proposing revised parameters for certification. Forest systems, 23(2), 385-393.
- Fischer, C., & Colinas, C. (1996). Methodology for the certification of Quercus ilex seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum for commercial application. First International Conference in Mycorrhizae, August 4-9, Berkeley, California, USA.
- Giorgio Marozzi, G., Sánchez, S., Benucci, G.M. N., Bonito, G., Falini, L. B., Albertini, E., & Donnini, D. (2016). Mycorrhization of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) with black truffles: Tuber melanosporum and Tuber brumale, Mycorrhiza, 27(3)1-7.
- Gryndler, M., Hršelová, H., Soukupová, L., Streiblová, E., Valda, S., Borovička, J., Gryndlerová, H., Gažo, J., & Miko, M. (2011) Detection of summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) in ectomycorrhizae and in soil using specific primers. FEMS Microbiol Lett 318:84– 89. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2011.02243.x
- Karwa, A., Varma, A., & Rai, M. (2011). Edible ectomycorrhizal fungi: cultivation, conservation and challenges. In: Rai M, Varma A (eds), Diversity and biotechnology of ectomycorrhizae, Soil biology 25. Springer, Berlin, 429–453.
- Kessell, S.L. (1927). Soil organisms. The dependence of certain pine species on a biological soil factor. Empire Forestry, 6, 70-74.
- Langeron, M., & Vanbreuseghem, R. (1952). Mycology. General mycology, human and veterinary mycology. Techniques.
- Leonardi, P., Murat, C., Puliga, F., Iotti, M., & Zambonelli, A. (2020). Ascoma genotyping and mating type analyses of mycorrhizas and soil mycelia of Tuber borchii in a truffle orchard established by mycelial inoculated plants. Environmental microbiology, 22(3), 964-975.
- Iotti, M., Piattoni, F., & Zambonelli, A. (2012). Techniques for host plant inoculation with truffles and other edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In Edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms, 145-161, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Mello, A., Murat, C., & Bonfante, P. (2006). Truffles: Much more than a prized and local fungal delicacy. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 260, 1–8.
- Mukerji, K.G., Raina, S., & Chamola, B.P. (2000). Evolution of mycorrhiza, Mycorrhizal Biology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Editors: Mukerji K.G., Chamola B.P., Singh J., 1–25.
- Ortaş, İ. (1998). Toprak ve Bitkide Mikoriza. Workshop, 61,Çukurove Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü, 20-22 Mayıs, Adana.
- Özderin, S., Yılmaz, F., & Alli, H. (2018). Determining mycorrhiza rate in some oak species inoculated with Tuber aestivum Vittad. (summer truffle). Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19(3), 226-232.
- Öztürk, S. (2013). Türkiye’nin Meşeleri Teşhis ve Tanı Kılavuzu. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Orman Zararlılarıyla Mücadele Dairesi Başkanlığı.
- Reyna, S., Boronat, T., & Palomar, E. (2000). Control decalidad en la planta micorrizada con Tuber melanosporum Vitt. producida por viveros comerciales. Montes, 61, 17–24
- Smith, S. E., & Read, D. J. (2008). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Academic Press, San Diego, USA
- Türkoğlu, A. (2015). Yeraltındaki Gizli Hazine: Trüf Mantarı. T.C. Orman Ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü.
- Yuanzhi, T. (2016). Method for cultivating wild truffles -Google Patents,(CN105349435A)
- Zambonelli, A., Gıunchedı, L., & Pollini, C. P. (1993). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Tuber albidum ectomycorrhiza. Symbiosis.
- Zambonelli, A., Iotti, M., Giomaro, G., Hall, I., & Stocchi, V. (2002). T. borchii cultivation: an interesting perspective. Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms and their cultivation. In: Hall I, Yun W, Danell E, Zambonelli A (eds) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms, 3–6 July 2001. Christchurch, New Zealand (CD-Rom).
- Zambonelli, A., Iotti, M., Zinoni, F., Dallavalle, E., & Hall, I. R. (2005). Effect of mulching on Tuber uncinatum ectomycorrhizas in an experimental truffière. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 33(1), 65-73.