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Determination of Some Physical Properties of Oil Heat Treated Oriental beech Wood

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 361 - 374, 30.06.2024


In this study, some physical properties of wood heat treated with vegetable oil were examined. While Oriental beech (Fagus Orientalis L.) wood was preferred as the wood material, corn oil was preferred as the vegetable-based oil. In the study, oil heat treatment temperatures and times were carried out at 150 °C and 210 °C for 2.5 hours and 5 hours, respectively. After oil heat treatment, the physical properties of the wood specimens, such as oven-dry and air-dry density and water absorption levels, were examined according to TS ISO 13061-2 2472 standard. According to the results obtained, the oven-dry and air-dry densities of the oil heat treated specimens increased compared to the control specimens. Among the oil heat treated specimens, the highest oven-dry density value was determined in the specimens heat treated at 150 0C for 2.5 hours. Besides; Among the oil heat treated specimens, the highest air dry density value was determined in the specimens heat treated at 210 0C for 2.5 hours. In the study, according to the water absorption test results, oil heat treated specimens had lower water absorption compared to control specimens. Additionally, after a 120-hour water absorption period; While the lowest water absorption, 49.94%, was determined in the specimens subjected to oil heat treatment at 150 0C for 5 hours, the highest water absorption was determined in the control specimens, with 80.51%. In summary, the oil heat treatment method with corn oil was effective in increasing the density of the wood material and reducing water absorption.


  • Anonymous (2024). Accessed Date: 01.05.2024.
  • Bak, M., and Németh, R. (2012). Changes in swelling properties and moisture uptake rate of oil-heat-treated poplar (Populus Euramericana CV. Pannónia) wood. BioResources, 7, 5128– 5137
  • Bal, B.C. (2016). Bitkisel yağ ile farklı sıcaklıklarda muamele edilen toros göknarı odununun bazı fiziksel özellikleri. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(2), 20-26.
  • Bal, B.C., and Ayata, Ü. (2021). ‘’Bitkisel yağ ile ısıl işlem uygulanmış kavak odununun bazı fiziksel özellikleri.’’ International Conferences on Scientific Research November 5-6, 2021 / Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan: 181-192.
  • Bazyar, B. (2012). Decay resistance and physical properties of oil heat-treated aspen wood. Bioresources, 7(1), 696-705.
  • Bal, B.C. (2013). Effects of heat treatment on the physical properties of heartwood and sapwood of Cedrus libani. BioResources, 8:211–9.
  • Bayraktar, S., Pelit, H. (2022). Farklı yöntemlerle ısıl işlem uygulanmış ağaç malzemelerde yoğunluk ve eğilme direncinin belirlenmesi. Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9(Özel Sayı), 355-362.
  • Can, A., and Sivrikaya, H. (2016). Dimensional stabilization of wood treated with tall oıl dissolved in different solvents. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 18(2), 317 – 324.
  • Dubey, M. K.; Pang, S.; Chauhan, S.; Walker, J., 2016: Dimensional stability, fungal resistance and mechanical properties of radiata pine after combined thermomechanical compression and oil heat-treatment. Holzforschung, 70 (8): 793-800.
  • Epmeier, H., Westin, M., and Rapp, A. (2004). “Differently modified wood: comparison of some selected properties. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 19, 31–7.
  • Esteves, B., and Pereira, H. (2009). Wood modification by heat treatment: A review. BioResources, 4(1), 370-404.
  • Gökmen, K. (2017). Tall yağı emprenyesi ile ısıl işlemin ağaç malzemenin özellikleri üzerine etkisi (Yüksek lisans tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Gunstone, F.D. (2002). Vegetable Oils in Food Technology: Composition, Properties, and Uses, Blackwell, Osney Mead, Oxford, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • Hao, X., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Han, X., Yuan, C., Cao, Y., Lou, Z., and Li, Y. (2021). The effect of oil heat treatment on biological, mechanical and physical properties of bamboo. Journal Of Wood Science, 67(26), 1-14. 01959-7
  • Hyvonen A, Nelo M, Piltonen P, Hormi O, Niinimaki J (2007) Holz als Roh-und Werkst 65:105
  • Hill, C.A. (2007). Wood modification: Chemical, thermal and other processes. New York, ABD: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hofland, A., and Tjeerdsma, B. F. (2005). “Wood protection by chemical modification,” ECOTAN 3rd Report, Part 3.
  • Hyvönen, A., Piltonen, P., Nelo, M., and Niinimäki, J. (2005). “Wood protection of tomorrow – Potential of modified crude tall oil formulations in wood protection,” Proceedings of the Seventh Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, May12- 13, Jyväskylä. Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences. University of Jyväskylä: 35-38.
  • Kaya, A.I. (2023). Combined effects of linseed oil and heat treatment on the properties of Cypress and Maple wood part 1: water uptake, mechanical properties, and sound uptake capacity. BioResources, 18(2), 2940-2963.
  • Kumar, M., Shusheng, D., and John, P. (2012). Oil uptake by wood during heat-treatment and post-treatment cooling, and effects on wood dimensional stability. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70, 183–190. 011-0535-1
  • Korkut, S., and Kocaefe, D. (2009). Isıl işlemin odun özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Dergisi, 5(2), 11–34
  • Lee, S.H., Ashaari, Z., Lum, W.C., Halip, J.A., Ang, A.F., Tan, L.P., Chin, K.L., and Tahir, P.M. (2018). Thermal treatment of wood using vegetable oils: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 181, 408-419.
  • Mastouri, A., Efhamisisi, D., Shirmohammadli, Y., and Oladi, R. (2021). Physicochemical properties of thermally treated poplar wood in silicone and rapeseed oils: A comparative study. Journal of Building Engineering, 43: 102511. https://10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102511
  • Okon, K.E., Lin, F., Lin, X., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Huang, B. (2018). Modification of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata L.) wood by silicone oil heat treatment with micro-wave pretreatment. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(1), 221-228.
  • Rapp, A.O.; Sailer, M., (2001). Oil-heat-treatment of wood-process and properties. In International Conference: wood in construction industry-tradition and future, Zagreb, Croatia, 25 April 2001 (pp. 27-38). Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šumarski Fakultet (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb).
  • Salim, R., Ashaari, Z., Samsi, H.W., Wahab, R., and Alamjuri, R.H. (2010). Effect of oil heat treatment on physical properties of semantan bamboo (Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble). Modern Applied Science, 4(2), 107-113. file:///C:/Users/%C3%87a%C4%9Flar%20Altay/Desktop/Effect_of_Oil_Heat_Treat ment_on_Physical.pdf
  • Sailer M, Rapp AO, Leithoff H, Peek R. (2000), È l-Hitzebehandlung È tung von Holz durch Anwendung einer O Vergu;58.
  • Sidorova, K. (2008). Oil heat treatment of wood. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 13(4),
  • Sivrikaya, H., Can, A., Gökmen, K. ve Taşdelen, M. (2016). Effect of tall oil pretreatment on physical and mechanical properties of heat treated fir and beech. 27th International conference on wood science and technology. 205-214.
  • Taşdelen, M., Can, A., and Sivrikaya, H. (2019). Some physical and mechanical properties of maritime pine and poplar exposed to oil-heat treatment. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 20(3), 254-260. 10.18182/tjf.566647.
  • Tang, T., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Wang, W., Chen, X., and Fei, B. (2019). Synergistic effects of tung oil and heat treatment on physicochemical properties of bamboo materials. Scientific Reports, 9, 12824
  • Temiz A, Panov D, Terziev N, Hafren J (2008) In: Proceedings of V Congreso Nacional de proteccion de la madera, San Sebastian, Spain, 12–13 June 2008, p 75 TS ISO 13061-2 2472 (TS ISO, 2021) Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear wood samples - Part 2: Determination of density for physical and mechanical tests
  • Wang, J., and Cooper, P. (2005). Effect of oil type, temperature and time on moisture properties of hot oil-treated wood. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 63(6), 417-422.
  • Wang, J. (2007). Initiating evaluation on thermal-oil treatment for post-MPB lodgepole pine. Forintek Canada Corp., Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Welzbacher, C., and Rapp, A. (2005). Durability of different heat treated materials from industrial processes in ground contact. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation. Document no. In 36th Annual Meeting, Bangalore, India.
  • Var, A.A., Yalçın, M., Yalçın, O.U., Demir, M. (2021). Effects of hot-cold oil treatment on biological resistance and physical properties of brutia pine sapwood. MaderasCiencia y Tecnologia, 23(42), 1-12. 221x2021000100442.
  • Var, A.A., Demir, M. (2020). Yağ ısıl işleminin kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) odununda yağ alımı, yoğunluk ve rutubet miktarı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 21(3), 318-323.
  • Yin, Y., Berglund, L., Salmén, L. (2011). Effect of steam treatment on the properties of wood cell walls. Biomacromol 12:194–202.

Yağlı Isıl İşlem Gören Doğu Kayını Odununun Bazı Fiziksel Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 361 - 374, 30.06.2024


Bu çalışmada bitkisel yağ ile yağlı ısıl işlem gören odunun bazı fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ağaç malzeme olarak Doğu kayını (Fagus Orientalis L.) odunu tercih edilirken, bitkisel esaslı yağ olarak mısırözü yağı tercih edilmiştir. Çalışmada yağlı ısıl işlem sıcaklık ve süreleri sırasıyla 150 °C ve 210 °C'de 2,5 saat ve 5 saat olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yağlı ısıl işlem uygulamasından sonra ahşap örneklerinin TS ISO 13061-2 2472 standardına göre tam kuru ve hava kurusu yoğunluğu ve su alma seviyeleri gibi fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre yağlı ısıl işlem gören örneklerin tam kuru ve hava kurusu yoğunlukları, kontrol örneklerine göre artış göstermiştir. Yağlı ısıl işlem gören örnekler arasında en yüksek tam kuru yoğunluk değeri 150 0C’de 2.5 saat ısıl işlem gören örneklerde belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında; yağlı ısıl işlem gören örnekler arasında en yüksek hava kurusu yoğunluk değeri 2100C’de 2.5 saat ısıl işlem gören örneklerde tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada, su alma testi sonuçlarına göre, yağlı ısıl işlem gören örneklerde kontrol örneklerine kıyasla daha düşük su alımı gerçekleştirmiştir. Ayrıca 120 saat su alma periyodu sonrası; en düşük su alımı %49.94 ile 150 0C’de 5 saat yağlı ısıl işlem gören örneklerde belirlenirken, en yüksek su alımı %80.51 ile kontrol örneklerinde tespit edilmiştir. Özetle mısır özü yağı ile yağlı ısıl işlem yöntemi ağaç malzemenin yoğunluğu artırmada ve su emilimini azaltmada etkili olmuştur.


  • Anonymous (2024). Accessed Date: 01.05.2024.
  • Bak, M., and Németh, R. (2012). Changes in swelling properties and moisture uptake rate of oil-heat-treated poplar (Populus Euramericana CV. Pannónia) wood. BioResources, 7, 5128– 5137
  • Bal, B.C. (2016). Bitkisel yağ ile farklı sıcaklıklarda muamele edilen toros göknarı odununun bazı fiziksel özellikleri. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(2), 20-26.
  • Bal, B.C., and Ayata, Ü. (2021). ‘’Bitkisel yağ ile ısıl işlem uygulanmış kavak odununun bazı fiziksel özellikleri.’’ International Conferences on Scientific Research November 5-6, 2021 / Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan: 181-192.
  • Bazyar, B. (2012). Decay resistance and physical properties of oil heat-treated aspen wood. Bioresources, 7(1), 696-705.
  • Bal, B.C. (2013). Effects of heat treatment on the physical properties of heartwood and sapwood of Cedrus libani. BioResources, 8:211–9.
  • Bayraktar, S., Pelit, H. (2022). Farklı yöntemlerle ısıl işlem uygulanmış ağaç malzemelerde yoğunluk ve eğilme direncinin belirlenmesi. Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9(Özel Sayı), 355-362.
  • Can, A., and Sivrikaya, H. (2016). Dimensional stabilization of wood treated with tall oıl dissolved in different solvents. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 18(2), 317 – 324.
  • Dubey, M. K.; Pang, S.; Chauhan, S.; Walker, J., 2016: Dimensional stability, fungal resistance and mechanical properties of radiata pine after combined thermomechanical compression and oil heat-treatment. Holzforschung, 70 (8): 793-800.
  • Epmeier, H., Westin, M., and Rapp, A. (2004). “Differently modified wood: comparison of some selected properties. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 19, 31–7.
  • Esteves, B., and Pereira, H. (2009). Wood modification by heat treatment: A review. BioResources, 4(1), 370-404.
  • Gökmen, K. (2017). Tall yağı emprenyesi ile ısıl işlemin ağaç malzemenin özellikleri üzerine etkisi (Yüksek lisans tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Gunstone, F.D. (2002). Vegetable Oils in Food Technology: Composition, Properties, and Uses, Blackwell, Osney Mead, Oxford, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • Hao, X., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Han, X., Yuan, C., Cao, Y., Lou, Z., and Li, Y. (2021). The effect of oil heat treatment on biological, mechanical and physical properties of bamboo. Journal Of Wood Science, 67(26), 1-14. 01959-7
  • Hyvonen A, Nelo M, Piltonen P, Hormi O, Niinimaki J (2007) Holz als Roh-und Werkst 65:105
  • Hill, C.A. (2007). Wood modification: Chemical, thermal and other processes. New York, ABD: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hofland, A., and Tjeerdsma, B. F. (2005). “Wood protection by chemical modification,” ECOTAN 3rd Report, Part 3.
  • Hyvönen, A., Piltonen, P., Nelo, M., and Niinimäki, J. (2005). “Wood protection of tomorrow – Potential of modified crude tall oil formulations in wood protection,” Proceedings of the Seventh Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, May12- 13, Jyväskylä. Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences. University of Jyväskylä: 35-38.
  • Kaya, A.I. (2023). Combined effects of linseed oil and heat treatment on the properties of Cypress and Maple wood part 1: water uptake, mechanical properties, and sound uptake capacity. BioResources, 18(2), 2940-2963.
  • Kumar, M., Shusheng, D., and John, P. (2012). Oil uptake by wood during heat-treatment and post-treatment cooling, and effects on wood dimensional stability. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70, 183–190. 011-0535-1
  • Korkut, S., and Kocaefe, D. (2009). Isıl işlemin odun özellikleri üzerine etkisi. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Dergisi, 5(2), 11–34
  • Lee, S.H., Ashaari, Z., Lum, W.C., Halip, J.A., Ang, A.F., Tan, L.P., Chin, K.L., and Tahir, P.M. (2018). Thermal treatment of wood using vegetable oils: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 181, 408-419.
  • Mastouri, A., Efhamisisi, D., Shirmohammadli, Y., and Oladi, R. (2021). Physicochemical properties of thermally treated poplar wood in silicone and rapeseed oils: A comparative study. Journal of Building Engineering, 43: 102511. https://10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102511
  • Okon, K.E., Lin, F., Lin, X., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Huang, B. (2018). Modification of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata L.) wood by silicone oil heat treatment with micro-wave pretreatment. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(1), 221-228.
  • Rapp, A.O.; Sailer, M., (2001). Oil-heat-treatment of wood-process and properties. In International Conference: wood in construction industry-tradition and future, Zagreb, Croatia, 25 April 2001 (pp. 27-38). Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šumarski Fakultet (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb).
  • Salim, R., Ashaari, Z., Samsi, H.W., Wahab, R., and Alamjuri, R.H. (2010). Effect of oil heat treatment on physical properties of semantan bamboo (Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble). Modern Applied Science, 4(2), 107-113. file:///C:/Users/%C3%87a%C4%9Flar%20Altay/Desktop/Effect_of_Oil_Heat_Treat ment_on_Physical.pdf
  • Sailer M, Rapp AO, Leithoff H, Peek R. (2000), È l-Hitzebehandlung È tung von Holz durch Anwendung einer O Vergu;58.
  • Sidorova, K. (2008). Oil heat treatment of wood. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 13(4),
  • Sivrikaya, H., Can, A., Gökmen, K. ve Taşdelen, M. (2016). Effect of tall oil pretreatment on physical and mechanical properties of heat treated fir and beech. 27th International conference on wood science and technology. 205-214.
  • Taşdelen, M., Can, A., and Sivrikaya, H. (2019). Some physical and mechanical properties of maritime pine and poplar exposed to oil-heat treatment. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 20(3), 254-260. 10.18182/tjf.566647.
  • Tang, T., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Wang, W., Chen, X., and Fei, B. (2019). Synergistic effects of tung oil and heat treatment on physicochemical properties of bamboo materials. Scientific Reports, 9, 12824
  • Temiz A, Panov D, Terziev N, Hafren J (2008) In: Proceedings of V Congreso Nacional de proteccion de la madera, San Sebastian, Spain, 12–13 June 2008, p 75 TS ISO 13061-2 2472 (TS ISO, 2021) Physical and mechanical properties of wood - Test methods for small clear wood samples - Part 2: Determination of density for physical and mechanical tests
  • Wang, J., and Cooper, P. (2005). Effect of oil type, temperature and time on moisture properties of hot oil-treated wood. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 63(6), 417-422.
  • Wang, J. (2007). Initiating evaluation on thermal-oil treatment for post-MPB lodgepole pine. Forintek Canada Corp., Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Welzbacher, C., and Rapp, A. (2005). Durability of different heat treated materials from industrial processes in ground contact. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation. Document no. In 36th Annual Meeting, Bangalore, India.
  • Var, A.A., Yalçın, M., Yalçın, O.U., Demir, M. (2021). Effects of hot-cold oil treatment on biological resistance and physical properties of brutia pine sapwood. MaderasCiencia y Tecnologia, 23(42), 1-12. 221x2021000100442.
  • Var, A.A., Demir, M. (2020). Yağ ısıl işleminin kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) odununda yağ alımı, yoğunluk ve rutubet miktarı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 21(3), 318-323.
  • Yin, Y., Berglund, L., Salmén, L. (2011). Effect of steam treatment on the properties of wood cell walls. Biomacromol 12:194–202.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Odun Koruma Teknolojisi
Bölüm Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi 20(1)

Davut Çiftçi 0009-0000-3756-8079

Çağlar Altay 0000-0003-1286-8600

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiftçi, D., & Altay, Ç. (2024). Determination of Some Physical Properties of Oil Heat Treated Oriental beech Wood. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 20(1), 361-374.
