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Çalışma Sermayesi Politikalarının Karlılık Üzerine Etkisi: Dinamik Panel Uygulaması

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Özel Sayı, 75 - 85, 01.11.2011


Bu çalışmada, firmaların çalışma sermayesi politikalarının karlılık üzerine etkisi incelenmektedir. Çalışmada 1991-2005 döneminde İMKB’de faaliyet gösteren 74 firmanın yıllık verilerinden oluşan panel veri seti kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sermayesi politikalarının ölçütü olarak sektöre göre düzeltilmiş nakit dönüş süresi, alacak tahsil süresi, borç ödeme süresi ve stok devir süresi ile karlılık ölçütü olarak aktif karlılığı kullanılmıştır. Dinamik panel veri analizi yöntemiyle, SistemGMM tahmin tekniğinin uygulandığı çalışmada, sektöre göre agresif yatırım politikası izleyerek alacak tahsil süresini ve stokta kalma süresini azaltan firmaların karlılıklarını artırabildiği diğer bir ifadeyle, nakit dönüş süresi, alacak tahsil süresi ve stok devir süresi ile karlılık arasında negatif ilişki olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca borç ödeme süresi ile karlılık arasında pozitif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre borç ödeme süresinin artırılması suretiyle agresif bir finansman politikası izlenmesi karlılığı artırabilmektedir


  • Aksoy, A. (1993) İşletme Sermayesi Yönetimi, Ankara, Gazi Büro Kitabevi.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991) “Some Tests of Spe- cification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations” Review of Econo- mic Studies, 58 (2):277-297.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bover, O. (1995) “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error- Compo- nents Models” Journal of Econometrics, 68(1):29-51.
  • Berk, N. (2003) Finansal Yönetim, 7.Baskı, İstanbul,Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Bhargava, S. (1994) “Profit Sharing and The Finan- cial Performance of Companies: Evidence from UK Pa- nel Data” The Economic Journal, 104(426):1044-1056.
  • Blundell, R. ve Bond, S. R. (1998) “Initial Condi- tions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models” Journal of Econometrics, 87(1):115-143.
  • Brigham, E. F. (1999) Finansal Yönetimin Temelleri, (Çev.) Ö. Akmut, H.Sarıaslan, Ankara, Ankara Üniversi- tesi Rektörlüğü Yayınları.
  • Ceylan, A. ve Korkmaz, T. (2010) İşletmelerde Finan- sal Yönetim, 11.Baskı, Bursa, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Deloof, M. (2003) “Does Working Capital Manage- ment Affect Profitability of Belgian Firms?” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 30(3/4): 573-587.
  • Eljelly, A. M. (2004) “Liquidity – Profitability Tra- deoff: An Empirical Investigation in an Emerging Mar- ket” International Journal of Commerce and Management, 14(2):48-61.
  • Ercan, M. K. ve Ban, Ü. (2005) Değere Dayalı İş- letme Finansı-Finansal Yönetim, 2. Baskı, Ankara, Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Filbeck, G. ve Krueger, T.M. (2005) “An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across Industries” Mid-American Journal of Business, 20 (2):11-18.
  • Fishman, R. and Love, I. (2003) “Trade Credit, Financial Intermediary Development and Industry Growth” Journal of Finance, 58(1):353-374.
  • Greene, W.H., (2000) Econometric Analysis, Fifth Edition, USA.Prentice Hall.
  • Gürsoy, C. T., (2007) Finansal Yönetim İlkeleri, İs- tanbul, Doğuş Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Howorth C., Westhead, P. (2003) ‘The Focus of Working Capital Management in UK Small Firms” Ma- nagement Accounting Research, 14:97-111.
  • Hu, Y., İzumida, S. (2008) “Ownership Concentrati- on and Corporate Performance: A Causal Analysis with Japanese Panel Data” Corporate Govarnence, 16(4):342- 358.
  • İşeri, M. ve Chambers, N. (2003) “Üretim ve Pera- kende Ticaret Sektörlerinin Nakit Dönüşüm Süreçleri- nin İrdelenmesi” Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 62:1-6.
  • Lamberson, M. (1995) “Changes in Working Capi- tal of Small Firms in Relation to Changes in Economic Activity” Mid-American Journal of Business, 10(2):45-50.
  • Lazaridis, I. ve Tryfonidis, D. (2006) “Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability of Listed Companies in the Athens Stock Exchange” Jo- urnal of Financial Management and Analysis, 19(1):26- 35.
  • Liu, H. ve Wilson, J.O.S. (2009) “The Profitabi- lity of Banks: The Road to Recovery?” Cass Business School, City University London Working Paper Series, No:06/09.
  • Luo, M.M., Lee, J.J., ve Hwang, Y. (2009) “Cash Conversion Cycle, Firm Performance and Stock Value” formance_value_FMA.pdf, (08.02.2011.)
  • Mathuva D., (2009) “The Influence of Working Ca- pital Management Components on Corporate Profitabi- lity: A Survey on Kenyan Listed Firms” Research Journal of Business Management, 3:1-11.
  • Mulford, C. W. ve Ely, M.L (2003) “Excess Cash Margin and The S&P 100, DuPree Financial Analysis Lab, Georgia Tech, Dupree College of Management” ecm_2003.pdf: , (08.02.2011).
  • Nazir, M. ve Afza, T. (2009) “Impact of Aggressive Working Capital Management Policy on Firms’ Profita- bility” The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 15(8):19-30.
  • Nobanee, H. ve Alhajjar, M. (2009) “A Note on Working Capital Management and Corporate Profita- bility of Japanese Firms” SSRN Working Paper Series, No:02
  • Nobanee, H., M. Abdullatif ve Alhajjar, M. (2010). “Cash Conversion Cycle and Firm’s Performance of Ja- panese Firms” SSRN Working Paper Series, No:09.
  • Öz , Y. ve Güngör, B. (2007) “Çalışma Sermayesi Yönetiminin Firma Kârlılığı Üzerine Etkisi: İmalat Sek- törüne Yönelik Panel Veri Analizi” Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2):319-332.
  • Petersen, M.A. ve Rajan, R.G (1997) “Trade Cre- dit: Theories and Evidence” Review of Financial Studies, 10(3): 661-691.
  • Raheman, A., Afza, T., Qayyum, A. ve Bolda, M. A. (2010) “Working Capital Management and Corpo- rate Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Pakistan” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, (47):151-163.
  • Roodman, D. (2006) “How to Do xtabond2: An Introduction to “Difference” and “System” GMM in Stata” Center for Global Development Working Paper Series No:103.
  • Russell P. B., Izzo, S. (2009) “ The Cash Flow Implications of Managing Working Capital and Capi- tal Investment” Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 15(1):98-109.
  • Şamiloğlu, F. ve Demirgüneş, K. (2008) “Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability: Evidence From Turkey” The International Journal of App- lied Economics and Finance, 2(1):44-50.
  • Şen, M. ve Oruç, E. (2009) “Relationship Between Efficiency Level of Working Capital Management Re- turn on Total Assets in ISE” International Journal of Bu- siness and Management, 4(10):109-114.
  • Uyar, A. (2009) “The Relationship of Cash Conversi- on Cycle with Firm Size and Profitability: An Empirical Investigation in Turkey” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 24:(186-193)
  • Wang, Y-J (2002) “Liquidity Management, Opera- ting Performance and Corporate Value: Evidence from Japan and Taiwan” Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 12:159-169.
  • Weinraub H.J. and Visscher, S. (1998) “Industry Practice Relating To Aggressive Conservative Working Capital Policies” Journal of Financial and Strategic Deci- sion, 11(2): 11-18.
  • Yücel, T. ve Kurt, G. (2002) “Nakit Dönüş Süresi, Nakit Yönetimi ve Karlılık: İMKB Şirketleri Üzerinde Ampirik Bir Çalışma” İMKB Dergisi, 6(22):1-15.

Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 11 Özel Sayı, 75 - 85, 01.11.2011


In this study, the effect of firm’s working capital policies on their profitability is investigated. We used panel data obtained from 74 manufacturing firms which were listed in ISE during 1991-2005. As a measure of working capital policies, cash conversion cycle, inventory period, accounts receivable period and accounts payable period are used. In addition, retun on assets is used as a measure of profitability.Dynamic panel data analysis method, the system-GMM estimation technique is applied study. It is concluded that the firms can increase their profitability by applying agressive investment policy to reduce account receivable period and inventory period. In other words, cash conversion cycle, accounts receivable period and inventory period show a negative relationship with profitability In addition, a positive relationship between profitability and accounts payable period has been determined


  • Aksoy, A. (1993) İşletme Sermayesi Yönetimi, Ankara, Gazi Büro Kitabevi.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991) “Some Tests of Spe- cification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations” Review of Econo- mic Studies, 58 (2):277-297.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bover, O. (1995) “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error- Compo- nents Models” Journal of Econometrics, 68(1):29-51.
  • Berk, N. (2003) Finansal Yönetim, 7.Baskı, İstanbul,Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Bhargava, S. (1994) “Profit Sharing and The Finan- cial Performance of Companies: Evidence from UK Pa- nel Data” The Economic Journal, 104(426):1044-1056.
  • Blundell, R. ve Bond, S. R. (1998) “Initial Condi- tions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models” Journal of Econometrics, 87(1):115-143.
  • Brigham, E. F. (1999) Finansal Yönetimin Temelleri, (Çev.) Ö. Akmut, H.Sarıaslan, Ankara, Ankara Üniversi- tesi Rektörlüğü Yayınları.
  • Ceylan, A. ve Korkmaz, T. (2010) İşletmelerde Finan- sal Yönetim, 11.Baskı, Bursa, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Deloof, M. (2003) “Does Working Capital Manage- ment Affect Profitability of Belgian Firms?” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 30(3/4): 573-587.
  • Eljelly, A. M. (2004) “Liquidity – Profitability Tra- deoff: An Empirical Investigation in an Emerging Mar- ket” International Journal of Commerce and Management, 14(2):48-61.
  • Ercan, M. K. ve Ban, Ü. (2005) Değere Dayalı İş- letme Finansı-Finansal Yönetim, 2. Baskı, Ankara, Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Filbeck, G. ve Krueger, T.M. (2005) “An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across Industries” Mid-American Journal of Business, 20 (2):11-18.
  • Fishman, R. and Love, I. (2003) “Trade Credit, Financial Intermediary Development and Industry Growth” Journal of Finance, 58(1):353-374.
  • Greene, W.H., (2000) Econometric Analysis, Fifth Edition, USA.Prentice Hall.
  • Gürsoy, C. T., (2007) Finansal Yönetim İlkeleri, İs- tanbul, Doğuş Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Howorth C., Westhead, P. (2003) ‘The Focus of Working Capital Management in UK Small Firms” Ma- nagement Accounting Research, 14:97-111.
  • Hu, Y., İzumida, S. (2008) “Ownership Concentrati- on and Corporate Performance: A Causal Analysis with Japanese Panel Data” Corporate Govarnence, 16(4):342- 358.
  • İşeri, M. ve Chambers, N. (2003) “Üretim ve Pera- kende Ticaret Sektörlerinin Nakit Dönüşüm Süreçleri- nin İrdelenmesi” Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 62:1-6.
  • Lamberson, M. (1995) “Changes in Working Capi- tal of Small Firms in Relation to Changes in Economic Activity” Mid-American Journal of Business, 10(2):45-50.
  • Lazaridis, I. ve Tryfonidis, D. (2006) “Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability of Listed Companies in the Athens Stock Exchange” Jo- urnal of Financial Management and Analysis, 19(1):26- 35.
  • Liu, H. ve Wilson, J.O.S. (2009) “The Profitabi- lity of Banks: The Road to Recovery?” Cass Business School, City University London Working Paper Series, No:06/09.
  • Luo, M.M., Lee, J.J., ve Hwang, Y. (2009) “Cash Conversion Cycle, Firm Performance and Stock Value” formance_value_FMA.pdf, (08.02.2011.)
  • Mathuva D., (2009) “The Influence of Working Ca- pital Management Components on Corporate Profitabi- lity: A Survey on Kenyan Listed Firms” Research Journal of Business Management, 3:1-11.
  • Mulford, C. W. ve Ely, M.L (2003) “Excess Cash Margin and The S&P 100, DuPree Financial Analysis Lab, Georgia Tech, Dupree College of Management” ecm_2003.pdf: , (08.02.2011).
  • Nazir, M. ve Afza, T. (2009) “Impact of Aggressive Working Capital Management Policy on Firms’ Profita- bility” The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 15(8):19-30.
  • Nobanee, H. ve Alhajjar, M. (2009) “A Note on Working Capital Management and Corporate Profita- bility of Japanese Firms” SSRN Working Paper Series, No:02
  • Nobanee, H., M. Abdullatif ve Alhajjar, M. (2010). “Cash Conversion Cycle and Firm’s Performance of Ja- panese Firms” SSRN Working Paper Series, No:09.
  • Öz , Y. ve Güngör, B. (2007) “Çalışma Sermayesi Yönetiminin Firma Kârlılığı Üzerine Etkisi: İmalat Sek- törüne Yönelik Panel Veri Analizi” Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2):319-332.
  • Petersen, M.A. ve Rajan, R.G (1997) “Trade Cre- dit: Theories and Evidence” Review of Financial Studies, 10(3): 661-691.
  • Raheman, A., Afza, T., Qayyum, A. ve Bolda, M. A. (2010) “Working Capital Management and Corpo- rate Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Pakistan” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, (47):151-163.
  • Roodman, D. (2006) “How to Do xtabond2: An Introduction to “Difference” and “System” GMM in Stata” Center for Global Development Working Paper Series No:103.
  • Russell P. B., Izzo, S. (2009) “ The Cash Flow Implications of Managing Working Capital and Capi- tal Investment” Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 15(1):98-109.
  • Şamiloğlu, F. ve Demirgüneş, K. (2008) “Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability: Evidence From Turkey” The International Journal of App- lied Economics and Finance, 2(1):44-50.
  • Şen, M. ve Oruç, E. (2009) “Relationship Between Efficiency Level of Working Capital Management Re- turn on Total Assets in ISE” International Journal of Bu- siness and Management, 4(10):109-114.
  • Uyar, A. (2009) “The Relationship of Cash Conversi- on Cycle with Firm Size and Profitability: An Empirical Investigation in Turkey” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 24:(186-193)
  • Wang, Y-J (2002) “Liquidity Management, Opera- ting Performance and Corporate Value: Evidence from Japan and Taiwan” Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 12:159-169.
  • Weinraub H.J. and Visscher, S. (1998) “Industry Practice Relating To Aggressive Conservative Working Capital Policies” Journal of Financial and Strategic Deci- sion, 11(2): 11-18.
  • Yücel, T. ve Kurt, G. (2002) “Nakit Dönüş Süresi, Nakit Yönetimi ve Karlılık: İMKB Şirketleri Üzerinde Ampirik Bir Çalışma” İMKB Dergisi, 6(22):1-15.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA37UZ73FZ
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ender Coşkun Bu kişi benim

Dündar Kök Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 11 Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, E., & Kök, D. (2011). Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis. Ege Academic Review, 11(5), 75-85.
AMA Coşkun E, Kök D. Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis. eab. Kasım 2011;11(5):75-85.
Chicago Coşkun, Ender, ve Dündar Kök. “Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis”. Ege Academic Review 11, sy. 5 (Kasım 2011): 75-85.
EndNote Coşkun E, Kök D (01 Kasım 2011) Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis. Ege Academic Review 11 5 75–85.
IEEE E. Coşkun ve D. Kök, “Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis”, eab, c. 11, sy. 5, ss. 75–85, 2011.
ISNAD Coşkun, Ender - Kök, Dündar. “Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis”. Ege Academic Review 11/5 (Kasım 2011), 75-85.
JAMA Coşkun E, Kök D. Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis. eab. 2011;11:75–85.
MLA Coşkun, Ender ve Dündar Kök. “Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis”. Ege Academic Review, c. 11, sy. 5, 2011, ss. 75-85.
Vancouver Coşkun E, Kök D. Effect of Working Capital Policies on Profitability: A Dynamic Panel Analysis. eab. 2011;11(5):75-8.