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Üretim Yapan İşletmeler için Hidrolik Giyotin Alternatiflerinin TOPSIS Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 549 - 562, 01.09.2012


Bu çalışma üretim yapan işletmeler için hidrolik giyotin alternatiflerinin TOPSIS yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesini amaçlamıştır. Değerlendirme ölçütleri kesme kapasitesi, maksimum kesme boyu, maksimum kesme açısı, toplam baskı silindiri sayısı ve motor gücüdür. İşletmeler açısından bu ölçütler birarada düşünülerek 66 farklı modelin tercih sırası belirlenmiştir


  • Aalami, H.A. Moghaddam, M.P. ve Yousefi, G.R. (2010) “Modeling and Prioritizing Demand Response Programs in Power Markets” Electric Power Systems Research, 80:426-435.
  • Amiri, M. Zandieh, M. Vahdani, B. Soltani, R. ve Roshanaei, V. (2010) “An Integrated Eigenvector-DEA- TOPSIS Methodology for Portfolio Risk Evaluation in the FOREX Spot Market” Expert Systems with Applications, 37:509-516.
  • Ayala, J.G. (2012) “Selecting Irrigation Water Pricing Alternatives Using A Multi-Methodological Approach” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55:861-883.
  • Boix, M. Montastruc, L. Pibouleau, L. Azzaro- Pantel, C. ve Domenech, S. (2011) “A Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Multicontaminant Industrial Water Network Design” Journal of Environmental Management, 92:1802-1808.
  • Chang, C.H., Lin, J.J., Lin, J.H. ve Chiang, M.C. (2010) “Domestic Open-End Equity Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation Using Extended TOPSIS Method with Different Distance Approaches” Expert Systems with Applications. 37:4642-4649.
  • Chen, M.F. Tzeng, G.H. (2004) “Combining Grey Relation and TOPSIS Concepts For Selecting An Expatriate Host Country” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 40:1473-1490.
  • Dai, L. ve Wang, J. (2011) “Evaluation of the Profitability of Power Listed Companies Based on Entropy Improved TOPSIS Method” Procedia Engineering, 15:4728-4732.
  • Fazlollahtabar, H. (2010) “A Subjective Framework for Seat Comfort Based on A Heuristic Multi Criteria Decision Making Technique and Anthropometry” Applied Ergonomics. 42:16-28.
  • Frini, A., Guitouni, A. ve Martel, J.M. (2012) “A General Decomposition Approach for Multi-Criteria Decision Trees” European Journal of Operational Research, 220:452-460.
  • Garcia, F., Guijarro, F. ve Moya, I. (2010) “A Goal Programming Approach to Estimating Performance Weights for Ranking Firms” Computers & Operations Research, 37:1597-1609.
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012a) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012b) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012c) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Mvd Inan Takım Tezgahları Sanayi A.Ş. (2012) , (07.05.2012).
  • Ostim Makina Sanayi ve TicretA.Ş. (2012a) http:// odCatID=1&prodID=30, (07.05.2012).
  • Ostim Makina Sanayi ve TicretA.Ş. (2012b)
  • age=8&prodCatID=1&prodID=28, (07.05.2012).
  • Töreci Makine Ticaret, (2012) http://www.toreci. source=web&cd=2&ved=0CG8QFjAB&url=http%3A %2FSheares.htm&ei=CpGnT4DVCbGM4gT3yqGEC Q&usg=AFQjCNFHnuARcnq3iDtEoQ6ThMuSao63o A| htm, (07.05.2012).
  • Huang, W. ve Huang, Y.Y. (2012) “Research on the Performance Evaluation of Chongqing Electric Power Supply Bureaus Based on TOPSIS” Energy Procedia, 14:899-905.
  • Hwang, C.L. ve Yoon, K. (1981) Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
  • Kiran, C.P. Clement, S. Agrawal, V.P. (2011) “Coding, Evaluation and Optimal Selection of A Mechatronic System” Expert Systems with Applications, 38:9704-9712.
  • Li, Y., Gao, X. ve Yang, X. (2011) “TOPSIS-AHP Information Comprehensive Appraisal Methodology and its Application” Energy Procedia, 13:6120-6128
  • Lozano-Minguez, E., Kolios, A.J. ve Brennan, F.P. (2011) “Multi-criteria Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures” Renewable Energy, 36:2831- 2837.
  • Mela, K., Tiainen, T. ve Heinisuo, M. (2012) “Comparative Study of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods for Building Design” Advanced Engineering Informatics, (Baskıda).
  • Ouattara, A. Pibouleau, L. Azzaro-Pantel, C. Domenech, S. Baudet, P. ve Yao, B. (2012) “Economic and Environmental Strategies for Process Design” Computers and Chemical Engineering, 36:174-188.
  • Peng, Y. Zhang, Y. Tang, Y. ve Li, S. (2011) “An Incident Information Management Framework Based on Data Integration, Data Mining, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making” Decision Support Systems, 51:316-327.
  • Ramezani, M. Bashiri, M. ve Atkinson, A.C. (2011) “A Goal Programming-TOPSIS Approach to Multiple Response Optimization Using the Concepts of Non- Dominated Solutions and Prediction Intervals” Expert Systems with Applications, 38:9557-9563.
  • Rao, P.V. ve Baral, S.S. (2011) “Attribute Based Specification, Comparison and Selection of Feed Stock for Anaerobic Digestion Using MADM Approach” Journal of Hazardous Materials,186:2009-2016.
  • Sadeghzadeh, K. Salehi, M.B. (2011) “Mathematical Analysis of Fuel Cell Strategic Technologies Development Solutions in The Automotive Industry by The TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36:13272-13280.
  • Shih, H.S., Shyur, H.J. ve Lee, E.S. (2007) “An Extension of TOPSIS for Group Decision Making” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45:801-813.
  • Simanaviciene, R. ve Ustinovichius, L. (2010) “Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods: TOPSIS and SAW” Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2: 7743-7744.
  • Sun, Y.F., Liang, Z.S., Shan, C.J., Viernstein, H. ve Unger, F. (2011) “Comprehensive Evaluation of Natural Antioxidants and Antioxidant Potentials in Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. Var. Spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou Fruits Based on Geographical Origin by TOPSIS method” Food Chemistry, 124:1612-1619.
  • Vaidya, O. ve Chitnis, A. (2012) “Performance Evaluation in Indian Corporate Organizations: A Survey” Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37:38- 45.
  • Wen, Y.F., Shi, Z.S. ve Wu, Z.H. (2011) “A Research on the Threat Sequencing of Ship-Self-Defense” Procedia Engineering, 15:4967-4972.
  • Yang, T., Wen, Y.F. ve Wang, F.F. (2011) “Evaluation of Robustness of Supply Chain Information-Sharing Strategies Using A Hybrid Taguchi and Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Method” International Journal of Production Economics, 134:458-466.

Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 549 - 562, 01.09.2012


This study aims at evaluating of hydraulic guillotine alternatives with TOPSIS method for production companies. Evaluation criteria are shearing capacity, maximum cutting length, maksimum rake angle, total number of holddowns and engine power. Preference ranking of 66 different models have been determined by taking into account all of these criteria together from the viewpoint of the companies


  • Aalami, H.A. Moghaddam, M.P. ve Yousefi, G.R. (2010) “Modeling and Prioritizing Demand Response Programs in Power Markets” Electric Power Systems Research, 80:426-435.
  • Amiri, M. Zandieh, M. Vahdani, B. Soltani, R. ve Roshanaei, V. (2010) “An Integrated Eigenvector-DEA- TOPSIS Methodology for Portfolio Risk Evaluation in the FOREX Spot Market” Expert Systems with Applications, 37:509-516.
  • Ayala, J.G. (2012) “Selecting Irrigation Water Pricing Alternatives Using A Multi-Methodological Approach” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55:861-883.
  • Boix, M. Montastruc, L. Pibouleau, L. Azzaro- Pantel, C. ve Domenech, S. (2011) “A Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Multicontaminant Industrial Water Network Design” Journal of Environmental Management, 92:1802-1808.
  • Chang, C.H., Lin, J.J., Lin, J.H. ve Chiang, M.C. (2010) “Domestic Open-End Equity Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation Using Extended TOPSIS Method with Different Distance Approaches” Expert Systems with Applications. 37:4642-4649.
  • Chen, M.F. Tzeng, G.H. (2004) “Combining Grey Relation and TOPSIS Concepts For Selecting An Expatriate Host Country” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 40:1473-1490.
  • Dai, L. ve Wang, J. (2011) “Evaluation of the Profitability of Power Listed Companies Based on Entropy Improved TOPSIS Method” Procedia Engineering, 15:4728-4732.
  • Fazlollahtabar, H. (2010) “A Subjective Framework for Seat Comfort Based on A Heuristic Multi Criteria Decision Making Technique and Anthropometry” Applied Ergonomics. 42:16-28.
  • Frini, A., Guitouni, A. ve Martel, J.M. (2012) “A General Decomposition Approach for Multi-Criteria Decision Trees” European Journal of Operational Research, 220:452-460.
  • Garcia, F., Guijarro, F. ve Moya, I. (2010) “A Goal Programming Approach to Estimating Performance Weights for Ranking Firms” Computers & Operations Research, 37:1597-1609.
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012a) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012b) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Baykal Machine Tools (2012c) http://www.baykal., (07.05.2012).
  • Mvd Inan Takım Tezgahları Sanayi A.Ş. (2012) , (07.05.2012).
  • Ostim Makina Sanayi ve TicretA.Ş. (2012a) http:// odCatID=1&prodID=30, (07.05.2012).
  • Ostim Makina Sanayi ve TicretA.Ş. (2012b)
  • age=8&prodCatID=1&prodID=28, (07.05.2012).
  • Töreci Makine Ticaret, (2012) http://www.toreci. source=web&cd=2&ved=0CG8QFjAB&url=http%3A %2FSheares.htm&ei=CpGnT4DVCbGM4gT3yqGEC Q&usg=AFQjCNFHnuARcnq3iDtEoQ6ThMuSao63o A| htm, (07.05.2012).
  • Huang, W. ve Huang, Y.Y. (2012) “Research on the Performance Evaluation of Chongqing Electric Power Supply Bureaus Based on TOPSIS” Energy Procedia, 14:899-905.
  • Hwang, C.L. ve Yoon, K. (1981) Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
  • Kiran, C.P. Clement, S. Agrawal, V.P. (2011) “Coding, Evaluation and Optimal Selection of A Mechatronic System” Expert Systems with Applications, 38:9704-9712.
  • Li, Y., Gao, X. ve Yang, X. (2011) “TOPSIS-AHP Information Comprehensive Appraisal Methodology and its Application” Energy Procedia, 13:6120-6128
  • Lozano-Minguez, E., Kolios, A.J. ve Brennan, F.P. (2011) “Multi-criteria Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures” Renewable Energy, 36:2831- 2837.
  • Mela, K., Tiainen, T. ve Heinisuo, M. (2012) “Comparative Study of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods for Building Design” Advanced Engineering Informatics, (Baskıda).
  • Ouattara, A. Pibouleau, L. Azzaro-Pantel, C. Domenech, S. Baudet, P. ve Yao, B. (2012) “Economic and Environmental Strategies for Process Design” Computers and Chemical Engineering, 36:174-188.
  • Peng, Y. Zhang, Y. Tang, Y. ve Li, S. (2011) “An Incident Information Management Framework Based on Data Integration, Data Mining, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making” Decision Support Systems, 51:316-327.
  • Ramezani, M. Bashiri, M. ve Atkinson, A.C. (2011) “A Goal Programming-TOPSIS Approach to Multiple Response Optimization Using the Concepts of Non- Dominated Solutions and Prediction Intervals” Expert Systems with Applications, 38:9557-9563.
  • Rao, P.V. ve Baral, S.S. (2011) “Attribute Based Specification, Comparison and Selection of Feed Stock for Anaerobic Digestion Using MADM Approach” Journal of Hazardous Materials,186:2009-2016.
  • Sadeghzadeh, K. Salehi, M.B. (2011) “Mathematical Analysis of Fuel Cell Strategic Technologies Development Solutions in The Automotive Industry by The TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36:13272-13280.
  • Shih, H.S., Shyur, H.J. ve Lee, E.S. (2007) “An Extension of TOPSIS for Group Decision Making” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45:801-813.
  • Simanaviciene, R. ve Ustinovichius, L. (2010) “Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods: TOPSIS and SAW” Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2: 7743-7744.
  • Sun, Y.F., Liang, Z.S., Shan, C.J., Viernstein, H. ve Unger, F. (2011) “Comprehensive Evaluation of Natural Antioxidants and Antioxidant Potentials in Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. Var. Spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou Fruits Based on Geographical Origin by TOPSIS method” Food Chemistry, 124:1612-1619.
  • Vaidya, O. ve Chitnis, A. (2012) “Performance Evaluation in Indian Corporate Organizations: A Survey” Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37:38- 45.
  • Wen, Y.F., Shi, Z.S. ve Wu, Z.H. (2011) “A Research on the Threat Sequencing of Ship-Self-Defense” Procedia Engineering, 15:4967-4972.
  • Yang, T., Wen, Y.F. ve Wang, F.F. (2011) “Evaluation of Robustness of Supply Chain Information-Sharing Strategies Using A Hybrid Taguchi and Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Method” International Journal of Production Economics, 134:458-466.
There are 35 citations in total.


Other ID JA36GF46MR
Journal Section Research Article

Aşkın Özdağoğlu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 12 Issue: 4


APA Özdağoğlu, A. (2012). Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies. Ege Academic Review, 12(4), 549-562.
AMA Özdağoğlu A. Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies. ear. September 2012;12(4):549-562.
Chicago Özdağoğlu, Aşkın. “Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives With TOPSIS Method for Production Companies”. Ege Academic Review 12, no. 4 (September 2012): 549-62.
EndNote Özdağoğlu A (September 1, 2012) Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies. Ege Academic Review 12 4 549–562.
IEEE A. Özdağoğlu, “Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies”, ear, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 549–562, 2012.
ISNAD Özdağoğlu, Aşkın. “Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives With TOPSIS Method for Production Companies”. Ege Academic Review 12/4 (September 2012), 549-562.
JAMA Özdağoğlu A. Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies. ear. 2012;12:549–562.
MLA Özdağoğlu, Aşkın. “Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives With TOPSIS Method for Production Companies”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 12, no. 4, 2012, pp. 549-62.
Vancouver Özdağoğlu A. Evaluation of Hydraulic Guillotine Alternatives with TOPSIS Method for Production Companies. ear. 2012;12(4):549-62.