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Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 12 Özel Sayı, 71 - 84, 01.11.2012


This research has been conducted to compare the sports consumption factors of the Turkish extreme athletes (N=1574) who took part in seventeen different individual extreme sports branch activities that were held in various provinces and towns of Turkey in 2010 In the research, Extreme Sports Consumption Scale (ESCS) has been benefited as a means of collecting data. Moreover, the comparison of different extreme sports in terms of averages at the level of p<0,05 and p<0,01 has been realized by means of
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In addition, to determine the group range of the reason of statistical differences obtained by taking the averages into consideration Scheffe Post Hoc” and“Tamhane’s Test” have been used. At the end of the research,
the following have been determined as the most important
extreme sports consumption factors: socialization for BMX extreme athletes, values for racecourse / free running extreme athletes, excitement and adventure-seeking for delta-wing extreme athletes, physical fitness for windsurfing extreme
athletes, stress-reduction for the delta-wing extreme athletes, perceived satisfaction for windsurfing extreme athletes, perceived value for delta-wing extreme athletes and behavioral intentions for kite-surfing extreme athletes


  • Adamson, B. ve Wade, K. (1986) “Predictors of Sport and Exercise Participation Among Ealth Science Students” Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18(4): 3-10.
  • Al-Sabbahy, H.Z., Ekinci, Y. ve Riley, M. (2004) “An Investigation of Perceived Value Dimensions: Framework for Analysis and Research” 38:260-269. Implications for Hospitality Research” Journal of Travel Research, 42:226-234.
  • Arslan, Y. ve Altay, F., (2009) “The Examination of sport Participation Motives of the Elementary School Male Students in School Teams” Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 4(2):59-66.
  • Bennett, G., Henson, R.K. ve Zhang, J. (2003) “Generation Y’s Perceptions of the Action Sports Industry Segment” Journal of Sport Management, 17:95-115
  • Bishop, W.R.J. (1984) “Competitive Intelligence” Progressive Grocer, 63(3):19-20.
  • Bolton, R.N. ve Drew, J.H.(1991) “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value” Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4):375-384.
  • Brady, M.K. ve Robertson, C.J. (1999) “An Exploratory Study of Service Value in The USA and Ecuador” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 10(5):469-86.
  • Courneya, K.S. ve Laurie-ann M.H. (1998) “Personality Correlates of Exercise Behavior, Motives, Barriers and Preferences: An Application of The Five- Factor Model” Personality and Individual Differences, 24(5): 625-633.
  • Cronin, J. J., Brady, M.K. ve Hult, G.T.M. (2000) “Assessing the Effects of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Service Environments” Journal of Retailing, 76(2):193-218.
  • Doyle, M. (1984) “New Ways of Measuring Value” Progressive Grocer-Value, Executive Report, 15-19.
  • Duman, T. (2002) “A Model of Perceived Value for Leisure Travel Products” Unpublished Doctoral Disserttation, State Collage, USA, Pennsyvania State University.
  • Eggert, A. ve Ulaga, W. (2002) “Customer Perceived Value: A Substitute Forsatisfaction in Business Markets?” Journal of Business&Industrial Marketing, 17(2/3):107-118.
  • Fornell, C., Johnson, M.D., Anderson, E.W., Cha, J. ve Byrant, B.E. (1996) “The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose and Findings” Nature of Sporting Event Consumption” Journal of Leisure Journal of Marketing, 60:7-18. Research, 38:267-292.
  • Funk, D.C, Ridinger, L. ve Moorman, A.J. (2004) “Exploring Origins of Involvement: Understanding The Relationship Between Consumer Motives and Involvement with Professional Sport Teams” Leisure Sciences, 26:35-61.
  • Gale, B.T. (1994) “Anaging Customer Value: A
  • Gilbert A. ve Churchill, J. (1979) “A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs” Journal of Marketing Research, 16(1):64-73.
  • Gill, D.L., Gross, J.B. ve Huddleston, S. (1983) “Participation motivation in youth sports” International Journal of Sport Psychology. 14: 1-14.
  • Gould D., Feltz D., Weiss M.,R. (1985) “Motives for Participating in Competitive Swimming” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 6:126-140.
  • Hisrich, R.(1993) Pazarlama Çev. Yavuz Odabaşı, Eskişehir, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Hymbaugh, K. ve Garrett, J. (1974) “Sensation Among Skydivers” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38:118.
  • Johnson, M.D. ve Fornell, C.A (1974) “Framework for Comparing Customer Satisfaction Across Individuals and Product Categories” Journal of Economic Psychology, 12(2):267-286.
  • Jones, G.W., Mackay, K.S. ve Peters, D.M. (2006) “Participation Motivation in Martial Artists in The West Midlands Region of England” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5:28-34.
  • Karasar, N. (2005) Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Koivula, N. (1999) “Sports Participation: Differences in Motivation and Actual Participation Due to Gender Typing” Journal of Sport Behavior, 22:360-376.
  • Kropp, F., Lavack, A.M. ve Holden, S.H. (1999) “Smokers and Beer Drinkers: Values and Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(6):536-557
  • Leunes, A.D. ve Nation, J.R. (1989) “Sport Psychology: An Introduction” Chicago, Nelson-Hall.
  • Lin, C.H., Sher, P.T. ve Shih, H.Y.(2005) “Past Progress and Foture Directions in Conceptualizing Customer Perceived Value” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16(4):318-336.
  • Madrigal, R. (2006) “ Measuring The Multidimensional
  • Milne, G.R. ve Mcdonald, M.A. (1999) “Sport Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process” Milne et al (eds.) Motivation of sport Consumer, Sudbury, MA,Jones and Bartlett Publisher.
  • McDougall, G.H. ve Levesque, T. (2000) “Customer Satisfaction with Service: Putting Perceived Value into the Equation” Journal of Services Marketing, 14(5):392- 410.
  • Mucuk, İ.(1999) Pazarlama İlkeleri, 11. Basım, İstanbul, Türkmen Yayınevi.
  • McNamee, M.J.(2007) Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports, London, Routledge.
  • McDonald, M.A., Milne, R.G. ve Hong, J.B. (2002) “Motivational Factors for Evaluating Sport Spectator and Participant Markets” Sport MarketingQuarterly, 11(2):100-113.
  • Naylor, G. (1996) “How Consumer Determine Value: A New Look At Inputs And Process” Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Tucson, AZ, The University of Arizona.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., Krishnana, B., Pullig, C., Wang, G., Yagci, M. ve Dean, D. (2004) “Developing and Validating Measures of Facets of Customer-Based Brand Equity” Journal of Business Research, 57:209-224.
  • Oaten, M. ve Cheng K. (2005) “Academic Examination Stress Impairs Self-Control” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(2):254-279.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999) “Value as Exclllence in the Consumption Experience” Holbrook (eds.) Consumer Value: A Framework For Analysis And Research, New York, Routledge.
  • Park, H.W, Ko, Y.J. ve Claussen, C.L. (2008) “Action Sports Participation: Consumer Motivation” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 9(2):111-124.
  • Park, H.(2004) “Analyzing Motivational Factors of Action Sports Participants” Unpublished Master Disserttation, USA, Washington State Unıversity, College of Education.
  • Petrick, J.F. ve Backman, S.J. (2002) “An Examination of the Construct of Perceived Value for the Prediction of Golf Travelers’ Intention to Revisit” Journal of Travel Research, 41:38-45.
  • Petrick, J.F., Morais, D.D. ve Norman, W.C. (2001) “An Examination of the Determinants of Entertainment Vacationers’ Intentions to Revisit” Journal of Travel Research, 40:41-48.
  • Rinehart, R.E. ve Sydnor, S. (2003) To the extreme: Alternative Sports, Inside and Out. Albany, State University of New York Pres.
  • Robinson, D. (1985) “Stress Seeking: Selected Behavioral Characteristics of Elite Rock Climbers” Journal of Sport Psychology, 7:400-404.
  • Rowland, G.L., Franken, R.E. ve Harrison, K. (1986) “Sensation Seeking and Participation in Sporting Activities” Journal of Sport Psychology, 8:212-220.
  • Schneider, T.M. (2001) “Sensation Seeking in Ultra- Endurance Sports” Unpublished Manuscript, San Jose State University.
  • Schechter, L.(1984) A Normative Conception of Value. Progressive Grocer, Executive Report, 12-14.
  • Schnohr, P., Kristensen T.S., Prescott, E. ve Scharling, H. (2005) “Stress and Life Dissatisfaction are Inversely Associated with Jogging and Other Types of Physical Activity in Leisure Time -The Copenhagen City Heart Study” Scand J Med Sci Sports, 15:107-112.
  • Steptoe, A., Kimbell. J. ve Basford, P. (1998) “Exercise and the Experience and Appraisal of Daily Stressors: A Naturalistic Study” Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21(4):363-374.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Soutar, G.N. ve Johnson, L.W.(1999) “The Role of Perceived Risk in the Quality-Value Relationship: A Study in A Retail Environment” Journal of Retailing, 75(1):77-105.
  • Trail, G.T. ve James, J.D.(2001) “The Motivation Scale for Sport Consumption: Assesment of the Scale’s Psychometric Properties” Journal of Sport Behavior, 24(1):108-127.
  • Wankel L.M.(1993) “The Importance of Enjoyment to Adherence and Psychological Benefits From Physical Activity” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24:151-169.
  • Wann, D.L.(1995) “Preliminary Validation of the Sport Fan Motivation Scale” Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 19(4):377-396.
  • Wann, D.L., Melnick, M.J., Russell, G.W. ve Pease, D.G. (2001) Sport Fans:The Psychology and Social Impact of Spectators, London: Routledge.
  • Wells, W.D.(1993) “Discovery-Oriented Consumer Research” Journal of Consumer Research, 19:489-504.
  • Woodruff, Richard, L.O.(1991) “Tahe Dimensionality of Consumption Emotion Patterns and Consumer Satisfaction” Journal Of Consumer Research, 18:84-91.
  • Zeithaml, V.A.(1998) “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value: Ameans-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence” Jornal of Marketing, 52:2-22.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. ve Bitner, M.J.(2003) “Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm” 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill.

Türk Ekstrem Sporcularının Spor Tüketim Faktörleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 12 Özel Sayı, 71 - 84, 01.11.2012


Bu araştırma, 2010 yılında Türkiye’nin çeşitli il ve ilçelerinde düzenlenmiş olan 17 farklı bireysel ekstrem spor branşının etkinliğine katılan (N=1574) Türk ekstrem sporcularının spor tüketim faktörlerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır.Araştırmada, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Ekstrem Spor Tüketim Ölçeği (Extreme Sport Consumption Scale) (ESCS)
veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Farklı ekstrem sporcuların
ortalamaları açısından p<0,05 ve p<0,01 düzeyinde karşılaştırılması Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) ile yapılmıştır. Ortalamaların ele alınarak değerlendirilmesi sonucu
elde edilen istatistiksel farklılıkların kaynağının hangi gruplar arasında olduğunun belirlenmesi işlemi ise “Scheffe Post Hoc” ve “Tamhane’s” testi ile yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, BMX ekstrem sporcuları için sosyalleşme, parkur/serbest koşu ekstrem
sporcuları için değerler, delta kanat ekstrem sporcuları için heyecan ve macera arama, rüzgar sörfü ekstrem sporcuları fiziksel fitness, delta kanat ekstrem sporcuları için stres atma, rüzgar sörfü ekstrem sporcuları için algılanan tatmin, delta kanat
ekstrem sporcuları için algılanan değer ve uçurtma sörfü ekstrem sporcuları için davranışsal niyetler en önemli ekstrem spor tüketim faktörleri olarak saptanmıştır.


  • Adamson, B. ve Wade, K. (1986) “Predictors of Sport and Exercise Participation Among Ealth Science Students” Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18(4): 3-10.
  • Al-Sabbahy, H.Z., Ekinci, Y. ve Riley, M. (2004) “An Investigation of Perceived Value Dimensions: Framework for Analysis and Research” 38:260-269. Implications for Hospitality Research” Journal of Travel Research, 42:226-234.
  • Arslan, Y. ve Altay, F., (2009) “The Examination of sport Participation Motives of the Elementary School Male Students in School Teams” Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 4(2):59-66.
  • Bennett, G., Henson, R.K. ve Zhang, J. (2003) “Generation Y’s Perceptions of the Action Sports Industry Segment” Journal of Sport Management, 17:95-115
  • Bishop, W.R.J. (1984) “Competitive Intelligence” Progressive Grocer, 63(3):19-20.
  • Bolton, R.N. ve Drew, J.H.(1991) “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value” Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4):375-384.
  • Brady, M.K. ve Robertson, C.J. (1999) “An Exploratory Study of Service Value in The USA and Ecuador” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 10(5):469-86.
  • Courneya, K.S. ve Laurie-ann M.H. (1998) “Personality Correlates of Exercise Behavior, Motives, Barriers and Preferences: An Application of The Five- Factor Model” Personality and Individual Differences, 24(5): 625-633.
  • Cronin, J. J., Brady, M.K. ve Hult, G.T.M. (2000) “Assessing the Effects of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Service Environments” Journal of Retailing, 76(2):193-218.
  • Doyle, M. (1984) “New Ways of Measuring Value” Progressive Grocer-Value, Executive Report, 15-19.
  • Duman, T. (2002) “A Model of Perceived Value for Leisure Travel Products” Unpublished Doctoral Disserttation, State Collage, USA, Pennsyvania State University.
  • Eggert, A. ve Ulaga, W. (2002) “Customer Perceived Value: A Substitute Forsatisfaction in Business Markets?” Journal of Business&Industrial Marketing, 17(2/3):107-118.
  • Fornell, C., Johnson, M.D., Anderson, E.W., Cha, J. ve Byrant, B.E. (1996) “The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose and Findings” Nature of Sporting Event Consumption” Journal of Leisure Journal of Marketing, 60:7-18. Research, 38:267-292.
  • Funk, D.C, Ridinger, L. ve Moorman, A.J. (2004) “Exploring Origins of Involvement: Understanding The Relationship Between Consumer Motives and Involvement with Professional Sport Teams” Leisure Sciences, 26:35-61.
  • Gale, B.T. (1994) “Anaging Customer Value: A
  • Gilbert A. ve Churchill, J. (1979) “A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs” Journal of Marketing Research, 16(1):64-73.
  • Gill, D.L., Gross, J.B. ve Huddleston, S. (1983) “Participation motivation in youth sports” International Journal of Sport Psychology. 14: 1-14.
  • Gould D., Feltz D., Weiss M.,R. (1985) “Motives for Participating in Competitive Swimming” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 6:126-140.
  • Hisrich, R.(1993) Pazarlama Çev. Yavuz Odabaşı, Eskişehir, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Hymbaugh, K. ve Garrett, J. (1974) “Sensation Among Skydivers” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38:118.
  • Johnson, M.D. ve Fornell, C.A (1974) “Framework for Comparing Customer Satisfaction Across Individuals and Product Categories” Journal of Economic Psychology, 12(2):267-286.
  • Jones, G.W., Mackay, K.S. ve Peters, D.M. (2006) “Participation Motivation in Martial Artists in The West Midlands Region of England” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5:28-34.
  • Karasar, N. (2005) Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Koivula, N. (1999) “Sports Participation: Differences in Motivation and Actual Participation Due to Gender Typing” Journal of Sport Behavior, 22:360-376.
  • Kropp, F., Lavack, A.M. ve Holden, S.H. (1999) “Smokers and Beer Drinkers: Values and Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(6):536-557
  • Leunes, A.D. ve Nation, J.R. (1989) “Sport Psychology: An Introduction” Chicago, Nelson-Hall.
  • Lin, C.H., Sher, P.T. ve Shih, H.Y.(2005) “Past Progress and Foture Directions in Conceptualizing Customer Perceived Value” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16(4):318-336.
  • Madrigal, R. (2006) “ Measuring The Multidimensional
  • Milne, G.R. ve Mcdonald, M.A. (1999) “Sport Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process” Milne et al (eds.) Motivation of sport Consumer, Sudbury, MA,Jones and Bartlett Publisher.
  • McDougall, G.H. ve Levesque, T. (2000) “Customer Satisfaction with Service: Putting Perceived Value into the Equation” Journal of Services Marketing, 14(5):392- 410.
  • Mucuk, İ.(1999) Pazarlama İlkeleri, 11. Basım, İstanbul, Türkmen Yayınevi.
  • McNamee, M.J.(2007) Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports, London, Routledge.
  • McDonald, M.A., Milne, R.G. ve Hong, J.B. (2002) “Motivational Factors for Evaluating Sport Spectator and Participant Markets” Sport MarketingQuarterly, 11(2):100-113.
  • Naylor, G. (1996) “How Consumer Determine Value: A New Look At Inputs And Process” Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Tucson, AZ, The University of Arizona.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., Krishnana, B., Pullig, C., Wang, G., Yagci, M. ve Dean, D. (2004) “Developing and Validating Measures of Facets of Customer-Based Brand Equity” Journal of Business Research, 57:209-224.
  • Oaten, M. ve Cheng K. (2005) “Academic Examination Stress Impairs Self-Control” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(2):254-279.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999) “Value as Exclllence in the Consumption Experience” Holbrook (eds.) Consumer Value: A Framework For Analysis And Research, New York, Routledge.
  • Park, H.W, Ko, Y.J. ve Claussen, C.L. (2008) “Action Sports Participation: Consumer Motivation” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 9(2):111-124.
  • Park, H.(2004) “Analyzing Motivational Factors of Action Sports Participants” Unpublished Master Disserttation, USA, Washington State Unıversity, College of Education.
  • Petrick, J.F. ve Backman, S.J. (2002) “An Examination of the Construct of Perceived Value for the Prediction of Golf Travelers’ Intention to Revisit” Journal of Travel Research, 41:38-45.
  • Petrick, J.F., Morais, D.D. ve Norman, W.C. (2001) “An Examination of the Determinants of Entertainment Vacationers’ Intentions to Revisit” Journal of Travel Research, 40:41-48.
  • Rinehart, R.E. ve Sydnor, S. (2003) To the extreme: Alternative Sports, Inside and Out. Albany, State University of New York Pres.
  • Robinson, D. (1985) “Stress Seeking: Selected Behavioral Characteristics of Elite Rock Climbers” Journal of Sport Psychology, 7:400-404.
  • Rowland, G.L., Franken, R.E. ve Harrison, K. (1986) “Sensation Seeking and Participation in Sporting Activities” Journal of Sport Psychology, 8:212-220.
  • Schneider, T.M. (2001) “Sensation Seeking in Ultra- Endurance Sports” Unpublished Manuscript, San Jose State University.
  • Schechter, L.(1984) A Normative Conception of Value. Progressive Grocer, Executive Report, 12-14.
  • Schnohr, P., Kristensen T.S., Prescott, E. ve Scharling, H. (2005) “Stress and Life Dissatisfaction are Inversely Associated with Jogging and Other Types of Physical Activity in Leisure Time -The Copenhagen City Heart Study” Scand J Med Sci Sports, 15:107-112.
  • Steptoe, A., Kimbell. J. ve Basford, P. (1998) “Exercise and the Experience and Appraisal of Daily Stressors: A Naturalistic Study” Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21(4):363-374.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Soutar, G.N. ve Johnson, L.W.(1999) “The Role of Perceived Risk in the Quality-Value Relationship: A Study in A Retail Environment” Journal of Retailing, 75(1):77-105.
  • Trail, G.T. ve James, J.D.(2001) “The Motivation Scale for Sport Consumption: Assesment of the Scale’s Psychometric Properties” Journal of Sport Behavior, 24(1):108-127.
  • Wankel L.M.(1993) “The Importance of Enjoyment to Adherence and Psychological Benefits From Physical Activity” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24:151-169.
  • Wann, D.L.(1995) “Preliminary Validation of the Sport Fan Motivation Scale” Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 19(4):377-396.
  • Wann, D.L., Melnick, M.J., Russell, G.W. ve Pease, D.G. (2001) Sport Fans:The Psychology and Social Impact of Spectators, London: Routledge.
  • Wells, W.D.(1993) “Discovery-Oriented Consumer Research” Journal of Consumer Research, 19:489-504.
  • Woodruff, Richard, L.O.(1991) “Tahe Dimensionality of Consumption Emotion Patterns and Consumer Satisfaction” Journal Of Consumer Research, 18:84-91.
  • Zeithaml, V.A.(1998) “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value: Ameans-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence” Jornal of Marketing, 52:2-22.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. ve Bitner, M.J.(2003) “Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm” 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA25TV73PR
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 12 Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Şimşek, K. Y. (2012). Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen. Ege Academic Review, 12, 71-84.
AMA Şimşek KY. Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen. eab. Kasım 2012;12:71-84.
Chicago Şimşek, Kerem Yıldırım. “Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen”. Ege Academic Review 12, Kasım (Kasım 2012): 71-84.
EndNote Şimşek KY (01 Kasım 2012) Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen. Ege Academic Review 12 71–84.
IEEE K. Y. Şimşek, “Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen”, eab, c. 12, ss. 71–84, 2012.
ISNAD Şimşek, Kerem Yıldırım. “Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen”. Ege Academic Review 12 (Kasım 2012), 71-84.
JAMA Şimşek KY. Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen. eab. 2012;12:71–84.
MLA Şimşek, Kerem Yıldırım. “Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen”. Ege Academic Review, c. 12, 2012, ss. 71-84.
Vancouver Şimşek KY. Sport Consumption Factors of Turkish Extreme Sportsmen. eab. 2012;12:71-84.