Assessment of the Impact of Trade Partner’s Cross- Country Sovereign Rating on the Financial Market of Selected Emerging Market Economies
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 137 - 150, 01.05.2013
Hesam-aldin Shahrivar
Nwin-anefo Fru Asaba
In recent years, credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, S&P and Fitch either upgraded or downgraded countries when their economies were either blossoming or in a chaotic state. There is general consensus that credit rating agencies’ actions have triggered substantial financial unrestrained behaviour that resulted to the recent financial meltdown in 2008. To what extent does a sovereign ratings upgrade or downgrade of the major trade partners of an emerging market economy impact trade both domestically and internationally? This research is done using data from 10 emerging countries between 2000-2011to investigate the cross-country impact of either an upgrade or downgrade of an emerging economy’s principal trade partners on its financial market. In addition we analyse the impact prior and after the 2008 financial crisis. The ramifying impact on emerging economies due to sovereign grade change given a 10 days event window prior and after the event is investigated. We use both a pooled panel framework and event study methodology to assess the significance of the effect of rating changes
- Afonso, A. (2003) “Understanding The Determinants of Sovereign Debt Ratings: Evidence for The two Explains Changing Spreads on Emerging-Market Debt: Leading Agencies” Journal of Economics and Finance, Fundamentals or Market Sentiment?” NBER Working 27(1):56-74.
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Credit Ratings for Emerging Market Economies” IMF
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Ticaret Ortağı Kredi Notunun Seçilmiş Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinin Finansal
Piyasaları Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 137 - 150, 01.05.2013
Hesam-aldin Shahrivar
Nwin-anefo Fru Asaba
Son yıllarda Moody’s, S&P ve Fitch gibi kredi derecelendirme kuruluşları ülkelerin notlarını ekonomilerinin iyi veya kötü durumda olmalarına göre arttırmakta ve düşürmektedirler. Kredi derecelendirme kuruluşlarının hareketlerinin 2008 finansal krizi ile sonuçlanan finansal olarak kontrol edilemeyen davranışları tetiklediği üzerinde genel bir fikir birliğine varılmıştır. Yükselen piyasa ekonomisinin en önemli ticaret ortaklarının kredi notlarının yükseltilmesi ve düşürülmesi ülke ticareti üzerinde ne ölçüde etkilidir? Bu çalışmada 20012011 yılları arası 10 yükselen piyasa ekonomisine ait veriler kullanılarak en önemli ticaret ortaklarının kredi notundaki değişikliklerin ülkenin finansal piyasaları üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Olay çalışmasında kredi notu değişikliklerinin 10 gün öncesi ve sonrası etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kredi notu değişikliklerinin etkilerinin değerlendirilmesinde havuzlanmış panel ve olay çalışması yöntemi birlikte kullanılmıştır
- Afonso, A. (2003) “Understanding The Determinants of Sovereign Debt Ratings: Evidence for The two Explains Changing Spreads on Emerging-Market Debt: Leading Agencies” Journal of Economics and Finance, Fundamentals or Market Sentiment?” NBER Working 27(1):56-74.
- Afonso, A., Gomes, P. ve Rother, P. (2007) “What ‘Hides’ Behind Sovereign Debt Ratings?” European Central Bank Working Paper Series, No:711.
- Afonso, A., Furceri, D. ve Gomes, P. (2012) “Sovereign Credit Ratings and Financial Market Linkages: Application to European Data” Journal of International Money and Finance, 31:606-638.
- Archer, C.C, Glen, B. ve Karl, D. (2011) “Politics, Early Warning Systems, and Credit Rating Agencies” Foreign Policy Analysis, 7(1):67-87.
- Arezki, R., Candelon, B. ve Amadou, S.R.Sy (2011) “Sovereign Rating News and Financial Markets Spillovers: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis” IMF Working Paper Series, No:11/68
- Cantor, R. ve Packer, F. (1996) “Determinants and Impact of Sovereign Credit Ratings” Economic Policy Review, 2(2):37-53.
- Chiodo, A.J. ve Owyang, M.T. (2002) “A Case Study of a Currency Crisis: The Russian Default of 1998” Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review, 7-17.
- Eichengreen, B. ve Mody, A. (1998) “What Paper Series, No:W6408.
- Eickmeier, S., Lemke, W. ve Marcellino, M. (2011) “The Changing International Transmission of Financial Shocks:Evidence from a Classical Time-Varying FAVAR” CEPR Discussion Paper, No:8341.
- Ferri, G., Liu, G. ve Stiglitz, J. (1999) “The Procyclical Role of Rating Agencies:Evidence from the East Asian Crisis” Economic Notes 3:335-355.
- Frederic S.M. (1999) “International Capital Movements, Financial Volatility and Financial Instability” NBER WorkingPaper Series, No: 6390.
- Herrera, S. ve Perry, G. (2000) “Determinants of Latin Spreads in the New Economy Era:The Role of U.S. Interest Rates and Other External Variables” World Bank Unpublished Working Paper.
- Hull, J., Presescu, M. ve White, A. (2004) “The
Relationship Between Credit Default Swap Spreads,
Bond Yields, and Credit Rating Announcements”
Working Paper Series, No:2173171
- Ismailescu, I. ve Kazemi, H. (2009) “The Reaction
of Emerging Market Credit Default Swap Spreads to
Sovereign Credit Rating Changes” Journal of Banking
and Finance, 34:2861-2873.
- Juan J. C. (2001) “Statistical Properties of Sovereign
Credit Ratings” Lacea 2001, Octeber 18-20, Uruguay.
- Kamin, S. ve Karsten,V.K (1999) “The Evolution and
Determinants of Emerging Market Credit Spreads in the
1990s” International Finance Discussion Paper, No:653.
- Kaminsky, G. ve Schmukler, S. (2001) “Financial
Globalization, Crises and Contagion” World Bank
Economic Review, 15(2):315-340.
- Mellios, C. ve Paget-Blanc, E. (2006) “Which
Factors Determine Sovereign Credit Ratings?” European
Journal of Finance, 12(4):361-377.
- Mulder, C. ve Perrelli, R. (2001) “Foreign Currency
Credit Ratings for Emerging Market Economies” IMF
Working Paper Series, No:01/191.
- Reisen, H. ve Von Maltzan, J. (1999) “Boom and
Bust and Sovereign Ratings” OECD Development Centre,
Technical Paper No:148.
- Richards, A. and Deddouche, D., 1999, “Bank
Rating Changes and Bank Stock Returns:Puzzling
Evidence from Emerging Markets,” IMF Working Paper
Series No: 99/151
- Roman, K. (2005) “Do Changes in Sovereign Credit
Ratings Contribute to Financial Contagion in Emerging
Market Crises?” CFS Working Paper Series No:22.