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The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 73 - 81, 01.02.2014


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of fans’ level of identification with their favorite sports teams on their perceived quality and purchase intentions of team-licensed products. The research data were obtained from Eskisehir Osmangazi University students and Anadolu University students by using convenience sampling method. A total of 314 data obtained in this study, were analyzed by means of AMOS 16.0 with structural equation modeling. The results showed that fans’ level of identification with their favorite sports teams had a significant positive impact on both their purchase intentions and perceived quality of their favorite sports teams’ licensed products. On the other hand, the results revealed that fans’ level of identification with their favorite sports teams had more effect on their purchase intentions of their favorite sports teams’ products than their perceived quality of team-licensed products


  • Aaker, D.A. ve Jacobson, R. (1994) “The Financial Information About Content of Perceived Quality” Journal of Marketing Research, 31:191-202.
  • Argan, M. ve Katırcı, H. (2008) Spor Pazarlaması, 2. Basım, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Aşçı, A. (2009) “Futbolcularda Kuvvet Performansının Değerlendirilmesi” 3.Ulusal Futbol ve Bilim Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Aycan, A., Polat, E. ve Uçan, Y. (2009) “Takım Özdeşleşme Düzeyi ile Profesyonel Futbol Müsabakalarına Seyirci Olarak Katılım Kararını Etkileyen Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi” Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7 (4):169-174.
  • Aytaç, K.Y.(2009) “Taraftarların Spor Kulüplerindeki Lisanslı Ürün Pazarlama Faaliyetlerine İlişkin Satın Alma Tutumlarının İncelenmesi” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Banks, S. (2002) Going Down – Football in Crisis, Edinburgh, Mainstream Publishing Ltd.
  • Crosby, P. (1979) Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, New York, McGraw Hill Custom Publishing.
  • Bauer, H., Nicola, E,. Stokburger, S. ve Exler, S. (2008) “Brand Image and Fan Loyalty in Professional Team Sport: A Refined Model and Empirical Assessment” Journal of Sport Management, 22:205-226.
  • Boulding, W., Karla, A., Staelin, R. ve Zeithaml, V.A. (1993) “A Dynamic Process Model of Service Quality: From Expectations to Behavioral İntentions” Journal of Marketing Research, 30(1):7-27.
  • Burton, R. ve Howard. D. (1999) “Professional Sports Leagues: Marketing Mix Mayhem” Marketing Management, 8(1):36-46.
  • Daniel, S.M. (1999) “What is The Sports Product and Who Buys It? The Marketing of Professional Sports Leagues” European Journal of Marketing, 33(3):402-419.
  • Dees, W., Hall, T., Tsuji, Y. ve Bennett, G. (2010) “Examining The Effects of Fan Loyalty and Goodwill on Consumer Perceptions of Brands at an Action Sports Event” Journal of Sponsorship 4(1):38-50.
  • Demirel, M., Karahan, G.B. ve Ünlü, H. (2007) “Farklı Üniversitelerdeki Spor Taraftarlarının Takımları İle Özdeşleşme Düzeyleri” Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2:76-86.
  • Dodds, W.B., Monroe, K.B. ve Grewal, D. (1991) “Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Information on Buyers’ Product Evaluations” Journal of Marketing Research , 28:309-19.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2008) “Futbol ve Futbolu İnceleme Üzerine” İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 26: 1-58.
  • Euchner, C.C. (1993) Playing the Field: Why Sport Teams Move and Cities Fight to Keep Them, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • European Football Merchandising Report (2010) football-merchandising-report/european-football- merchandising-report-2010.html, (06.12.2012).
  • Ferrand, A. ve Pages, M. (1999) “Image Management in Sport Organisations: The Creation of Value” European Journal of Marketing, 33(3/4):387-401.
  • Fisher, R.J. ve WakeŞeld, K. (1998) “Factors Leading to Group IdentiŞcation: A Şeld Study of Winners And Losers” Psychology and Marketing , 15:23-40.
  • Garvin, D. (1983) “Quality on The Line” Harvard Business Review, 61:65-73.
  • Gencer, T. ve Aycan, A. (2008) “Seyircilerin Profesyonel Futbol Müsabakalarına Katılım Kararını Etkileyen Değişkenler Üzerine Bir İnceleme” Ege Akademik Bakış, 8(2):771-783.
  • Gustafson, R. (2001) “Product Brands Look Set to Gain New Advantage” Marketing, 5:1-20.
  • Giulianotti, R ve Robertson, R. (2004) “The Globalization of Football: A Study in The Glocalization of The ‘Serious Life’” The British Journal of Sociology, 55(4):545-568.
  • Güllü, M. ve Güçlü, M.(2006) “Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Taraftarı Oldukları Spor Takımları İle Özdeşleşmelerinin İncelenmesi” 9. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 686-689.
  • Günay, N. ve Tiryaki, Ş. (2003) “Spor Taraftarı Özdeşleşme Ölçeğinin (STÖÖ) Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 1:14-26.
  • Harolle, M., Trail, G., Rodriguez, A. ve Jordan, J. (2010)“Conative Loyalty of Latino and Non-Latino Professional Baseball Fans” Journal of Sport Management, 24:456-471.
  • Hinckley, S. (2004) “Team Apparel Contracts: Licensing Can Help Maximize Benefits” Athletic Administration, 39,57.
  • Hoffer, E. (1988) Kesin İnançlılar Kitle Hareketlerinin Anatomisi 4.Baskı, İstanbul, Akran Yayınları.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Olson, J. (1985) Perceived Quality, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
  • Kolah, A. (2005) Maximizing Revenue from Licensing and Merchandising, Sport Business Group, London.
  • Kwak, D.K. ve Kang, J. (2009) “Symbolic Purchase in Sport: The Roles of Self-Image Congruence and Perceived Quality” Management Decision, 47(1):85-99.
  • Kwon, H. (2002) “An Investigation of The Pschosocial and Financial Factors Influencing The Impulse Buying of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise” Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, The Ohio State University.
  • Kwon, H. ve Armstrong, K.L. (2006) “Impulse Purchases of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise: What Matters?” Journal of Sport Management, 20:101-119.
  • Mitra, D. ve Golder, P.N. (2006) “How Does Objective Quality Affect Perceived Quality? Short-Term Effects, Long-Term Effects and Asymmetries” Marketing Science, 25:230-47.
  • Monroe, K. ve Krishnan, R. (1985) “The Effect of Price on Subjective Product Evaluations” Olson et al (eds.) Perceived Quality, Lexington, Lexington Books.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. ve Berry, L. (1996) “The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality” Journal of Marketing, 60:31-46.
  • Pierpoint, B. (2000) “Heads above Water: Business Strategies for a New Football Economy” Garland et al. (eds.) The Future of Football – Challenges for the Twenty- First Cen-tury, London, Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Shank, M.D. (1999) Sport Marketing, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
  • Spears, N. ve Singh, S.N.(2004) “Measuring Attitude Toward The Brand and Purchase Intentions” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 26(2):53-66.
  • Stevens, J. (1996) Applied Multivariate Statistics for The Social Sciences, 3rd Edition, New Jersey, Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, L.S. (2007) Using Multivariate Statistics, 5th Edition, Boston, Pearson Education.
  • The National Post(2004) “Real Madrid Claims Top Spot With Euros 138M in Sports Marketing” The National Post , FP3, 2004/7/20.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006) “The Role of Perceived Product Quality and Overall Satisfaction on Purchase Intentions” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30:207-17.
  • Underwood, R., Bond, E. ve Baer, R.(2001) Building Service Brands Via Social Identity: Lessons From The Sports Marketplace, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 9(1):1-13.
  • Yavaş, Ö. (2005) “Sporun Ekonomi İçerisindeki Yeri Ve Spor Pazarlama: Üç Büyük Spor Kulübünde Uygulamalı Bir Araştırma” Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Edirne Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Walvin, J. (2001) The Only Game: Football in Our Times, London, Pearson.
  • Wann, D.L. (1997) Sport Psychology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc.
  • Wann, D.L ve Branscombe, N.R. (1993) “Sports Fans: Measuring Degree of Identification With Their Team” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24(1):17.
  • Wann, D., Walker, R., Cygan, J., Kawase, I. ve Ryan, J. (2005) North American Journal of Pyschology, 7(3):361- 366.
  • Zeithaml, V. (1998) “Consumer Perception of Price Quality and Value: A Means End Analysis and Synthesis of Evidence” Journal of Marketing, 52:2-22.

Taraftarların Takımlarla Özdeşleşme Düzeylerinin, Takımların Lisanslı Ürünlerine Yönelik Kalite Algısı ve Satın Alma Niyetine Etkisi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 73 - 81, 01.02.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı, taraftarların takımlarla özdeşleşme düzeylerinin, tuttukları takımların lisanslı ürünlerine yönelik kalite algısına ve satın alma niyetine olan etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmada kolayda örnekleme yöntemi uygulanmış olup, araştırmanın verileri Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi ve Anadolu Üniversitesi öğrencilerinden elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen 314 veri, AMOS 16.0 paket programı aracılığıyla yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları taraftarların takımlarla özdeşleşme düzeylerinin, hem tuttukları takımların lisanslı ürünlerini satın alma niyetleri üzerinde hem de tuttukları takımların lisanslı ürünlerine yönelik kalite algıları üzerinde pozitif yönde anlamlı etkileri olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca elde edilen bulgular, taraftarların tuttukları takımların lisanslı ürünlerini satın almalarına yönelik niyetleri üzerinde, takımları ile özdeşleşme düzeylerinin, lisanslı ürünlere yönelik kalite algılarından daha fazla etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir


  • Aaker, D.A. ve Jacobson, R. (1994) “The Financial Information About Content of Perceived Quality” Journal of Marketing Research, 31:191-202.
  • Argan, M. ve Katırcı, H. (2008) Spor Pazarlaması, 2. Basım, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Aşçı, A. (2009) “Futbolcularda Kuvvet Performansının Değerlendirilmesi” 3.Ulusal Futbol ve Bilim Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • Aycan, A., Polat, E. ve Uçan, Y. (2009) “Takım Özdeşleşme Düzeyi ile Profesyonel Futbol Müsabakalarına Seyirci Olarak Katılım Kararını Etkileyen Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi” Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7 (4):169-174.
  • Aytaç, K.Y.(2009) “Taraftarların Spor Kulüplerindeki Lisanslı Ürün Pazarlama Faaliyetlerine İlişkin Satın Alma Tutumlarının İncelenmesi” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Banks, S. (2002) Going Down – Football in Crisis, Edinburgh, Mainstream Publishing Ltd.
  • Crosby, P. (1979) Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, New York, McGraw Hill Custom Publishing.
  • Bauer, H., Nicola, E,. Stokburger, S. ve Exler, S. (2008) “Brand Image and Fan Loyalty in Professional Team Sport: A Refined Model and Empirical Assessment” Journal of Sport Management, 22:205-226.
  • Boulding, W., Karla, A., Staelin, R. ve Zeithaml, V.A. (1993) “A Dynamic Process Model of Service Quality: From Expectations to Behavioral İntentions” Journal of Marketing Research, 30(1):7-27.
  • Burton, R. ve Howard. D. (1999) “Professional Sports Leagues: Marketing Mix Mayhem” Marketing Management, 8(1):36-46.
  • Daniel, S.M. (1999) “What is The Sports Product and Who Buys It? The Marketing of Professional Sports Leagues” European Journal of Marketing, 33(3):402-419.
  • Dees, W., Hall, T., Tsuji, Y. ve Bennett, G. (2010) “Examining The Effects of Fan Loyalty and Goodwill on Consumer Perceptions of Brands at an Action Sports Event” Journal of Sponsorship 4(1):38-50.
  • Demirel, M., Karahan, G.B. ve Ünlü, H. (2007) “Farklı Üniversitelerdeki Spor Taraftarlarının Takımları İle Özdeşleşme Düzeyleri” Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2:76-86.
  • Dodds, W.B., Monroe, K.B. ve Grewal, D. (1991) “Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Information on Buyers’ Product Evaluations” Journal of Marketing Research , 28:309-19.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2008) “Futbol ve Futbolu İnceleme Üzerine” İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 26: 1-58.
  • Euchner, C.C. (1993) Playing the Field: Why Sport Teams Move and Cities Fight to Keep Them, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • European Football Merchandising Report (2010) football-merchandising-report/european-football- merchandising-report-2010.html, (06.12.2012).
  • Ferrand, A. ve Pages, M. (1999) “Image Management in Sport Organisations: The Creation of Value” European Journal of Marketing, 33(3/4):387-401.
  • Fisher, R.J. ve WakeŞeld, K. (1998) “Factors Leading to Group IdentiŞcation: A Şeld Study of Winners And Losers” Psychology and Marketing , 15:23-40.
  • Garvin, D. (1983) “Quality on The Line” Harvard Business Review, 61:65-73.
  • Gencer, T. ve Aycan, A. (2008) “Seyircilerin Profesyonel Futbol Müsabakalarına Katılım Kararını Etkileyen Değişkenler Üzerine Bir İnceleme” Ege Akademik Bakış, 8(2):771-783.
  • Gustafson, R. (2001) “Product Brands Look Set to Gain New Advantage” Marketing, 5:1-20.
  • Giulianotti, R ve Robertson, R. (2004) “The Globalization of Football: A Study in The Glocalization of The ‘Serious Life’” The British Journal of Sociology, 55(4):545-568.
  • Güllü, M. ve Güçlü, M.(2006) “Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Taraftarı Oldukları Spor Takımları İle Özdeşleşmelerinin İncelenmesi” 9. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 686-689.
  • Günay, N. ve Tiryaki, Ş. (2003) “Spor Taraftarı Özdeşleşme Ölçeğinin (STÖÖ) Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 1:14-26.
  • Harolle, M., Trail, G., Rodriguez, A. ve Jordan, J. (2010)“Conative Loyalty of Latino and Non-Latino Professional Baseball Fans” Journal of Sport Management, 24:456-471.
  • Hinckley, S. (2004) “Team Apparel Contracts: Licensing Can Help Maximize Benefits” Athletic Administration, 39,57.
  • Hoffer, E. (1988) Kesin İnançlılar Kitle Hareketlerinin Anatomisi 4.Baskı, İstanbul, Akran Yayınları.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Olson, J. (1985) Perceived Quality, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
  • Kolah, A. (2005) Maximizing Revenue from Licensing and Merchandising, Sport Business Group, London.
  • Kwak, D.K. ve Kang, J. (2009) “Symbolic Purchase in Sport: The Roles of Self-Image Congruence and Perceived Quality” Management Decision, 47(1):85-99.
  • Kwon, H. (2002) “An Investigation of The Pschosocial and Financial Factors Influencing The Impulse Buying of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise” Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, The Ohio State University.
  • Kwon, H. ve Armstrong, K.L. (2006) “Impulse Purchases of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise: What Matters?” Journal of Sport Management, 20:101-119.
  • Mitra, D. ve Golder, P.N. (2006) “How Does Objective Quality Affect Perceived Quality? Short-Term Effects, Long-Term Effects and Asymmetries” Marketing Science, 25:230-47.
  • Monroe, K. ve Krishnan, R. (1985) “The Effect of Price on Subjective Product Evaluations” Olson et al (eds.) Perceived Quality, Lexington, Lexington Books.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. ve Berry, L. (1996) “The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality” Journal of Marketing, 60:31-46.
  • Pierpoint, B. (2000) “Heads above Water: Business Strategies for a New Football Economy” Garland et al. (eds.) The Future of Football – Challenges for the Twenty- First Cen-tury, London, Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Shank, M.D. (1999) Sport Marketing, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
  • Spears, N. ve Singh, S.N.(2004) “Measuring Attitude Toward The Brand and Purchase Intentions” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 26(2):53-66.
  • Stevens, J. (1996) Applied Multivariate Statistics for The Social Sciences, 3rd Edition, New Jersey, Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, L.S. (2007) Using Multivariate Statistics, 5th Edition, Boston, Pearson Education.
  • The National Post(2004) “Real Madrid Claims Top Spot With Euros 138M in Sports Marketing” The National Post , FP3, 2004/7/20.
  • Tsiotsou, R. (2006) “The Role of Perceived Product Quality and Overall Satisfaction on Purchase Intentions” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30:207-17.
  • Underwood, R., Bond, E. ve Baer, R.(2001) Building Service Brands Via Social Identity: Lessons From The Sports Marketplace, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 9(1):1-13.
  • Yavaş, Ö. (2005) “Sporun Ekonomi İçerisindeki Yeri Ve Spor Pazarlama: Üç Büyük Spor Kulübünde Uygulamalı Bir Araştırma” Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Edirne Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Walvin, J. (2001) The Only Game: Football in Our Times, London, Pearson.
  • Wann, D.L. (1997) Sport Psychology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc.
  • Wann, D.L ve Branscombe, N.R. (1993) “Sports Fans: Measuring Degree of Identification With Their Team” International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24(1):17.
  • Wann, D., Walker, R., Cygan, J., Kawase, I. ve Ryan, J. (2005) North American Journal of Pyschology, 7(3):361- 366.
  • Zeithaml, V. (1998) “Consumer Perception of Price Quality and Value: A Means End Analysis and Synthesis of Evidence” Journal of Marketing, 52:2-22.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA77DD95MU
Bölüm Derleme

Ömer Torlak Bu kişi benim

Behçet Yalın Özkara Bu kişi benim

Volkan Doğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Torlak, Ö., Özkara, B. Y., & Doğan, V. (2014). The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products. Ege Academic Review, 14(1), 73-81.
AMA Torlak Ö, Özkara BY, Doğan V. The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products. eab. Şubat 2014;14(1):73-81.
Chicago Torlak, Ömer, Behçet Yalın Özkara, ve Volkan Doğan. “The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification With Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products”. Ege Academic Review 14, sy. 1 (Şubat 2014): 73-81.
EndNote Torlak Ö, Özkara BY, Doğan V (01 Şubat 2014) The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products. Ege Academic Review 14 1 73–81.
IEEE Ö. Torlak, B. Y. Özkara, ve V. Doğan, “The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products”, eab, c. 14, sy. 1, ss. 73–81, 2014.
ISNAD Torlak, Ömer vd. “The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification With Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products”. Ege Academic Review 14/1 (Şubat 2014), 73-81.
JAMA Torlak Ö, Özkara BY, Doğan V. The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products. eab. 2014;14:73–81.
MLA Torlak, Ömer vd. “The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification With Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products”. Ege Academic Review, c. 14, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 73-81.
Vancouver Torlak Ö, Özkara BY, Doğan V. The Effect of Spectators’ Level of Identification with Their Favorite Sports Teams on Their Perceived Quality and Purchase Intentions of Team-Licensed Products. eab. 2014;14(1):73-81.