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Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 745 - 761, 01.09.2016


One of the aim of this study is to focus on voice which couldn’t find research space as much as silence. In this direction, the other aim is to analyze that the effect of internal locus of control on employee voice and job satisfaction affected status from employee voice. For this purpose, a survey has performed on 166 academics at Bulent Ecevit University. According to the survey results, the locus of control has a significant effect on employee voice and employee voice has a significant effect on job satisfaction. These results show that the employees with high locus of control are speaker about work problems than the employees with low locus of control. The other result is that employees whose have a speak opportunity at work place are more satisfied from their jobs than the employees whose have not a speak opportunity at work place


  • Abedi, A. ve Khorshidifar M. (2011) “An Empirical
  • Study of the Impact of Stress on the Relationship between Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction and Job Performance” Management Science Letters Journal, 1 (4): 511-516. Aiken, L. S. ve West, S. G. (1991) Multiple Regression:
  • Testing and Interpreting Interactions, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Akbolat, M., Işık, O. ve Uğurluoğlu, Ö. (2011) “Sağlık
  • Çalışanlarının Kontrol Odağı, İş Doyumu, Rol Belirsizliği ve Rol Çatışmasının Karşılaştırılması H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 29 (2): 23-48. Amah, O. E. ve Okafor, C. A. (2010) “Relationships
  • Among Silence Climate, Employee Silence Behaviour and Work Attitudes: The Role of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control” Asian Journal of Scientific Research, (4): 267-277. Angı, A. (2002) “A Comprehensive Study Concerning
  • The Job Satisfaction of the Instructors Associated with Students’ Evaluation” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, Marmara Üniverstesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Baba, A. ve Ngah N. (2009) “The Mediating Effect of
  • Work Family Conflict on the Relationship between Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction” Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (4): 348-354. Blau, G. J. (1987) “Locus of Control as A Potential
  • Moderator of the Turnover Process” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 60: 21-29. Bono, J. E. ve Judge T. A.(2003) “Core Self-Evaluations:
  • A Review of the Trait and its Role in Job Satisfaction and Job Performance”, European Journal of Personality, : 5-18. Boroff, Lewin D. (1997) “Loyalty, Voice and Intent to Exit a Union Firm: A Conceptual and Empirical
  • Analysis” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51: 50- Botero, I. C. ve Van Dyne L. (2009) “Interactive Effects of LMX and Power Distance in The United States and Colombia” Management Communication Quarterly, (1): 84-104.
  • Bowen F. ve Blackmon K. (2003) “Spirals of Silence: The Dynamic Effects of Diversity on Organizational Voice”
  • Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1393-1417.
  • Brinsfield, C. T. (2009) “Employee Silence: Investigation of Dimensionality, Development of Measures, and Examination of Related Factors” Degree of Doctor of
  • Philosophy, USA, The Ohio State University. Carrim, N., Basson J. ve Coetzee M. (2006) “The
  • Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control in a South African Call Centre Environment” South African Journal of Labour Relations, 30 (2): 66-81. Cheng, J. W., Lu, K. M. Chang Y. Y. ve Johnstone S. (2013) “Voice Behavior and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Attributed Motives”
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 51 (1): 81-102. Chhabba, B. (2013) “Locus of Control as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Organızational Commitment: A Study of Indian it
  • Professionals”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 4 (2): 25-41. Chiu, C.K., Chieh-Peng, L., Hui Tsai Y. ve Hsiao C. Y. (2005), Modeling Turnover Intentions and Their
  • Antecedents Using the Locus of Control as a Moderator: A Case of Customer Service Employees” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 16 (4): 481- Cohen J., Cohen P., West, S. ve Aiken, L. (2003) Applied
  • Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 3. Baskı, Mahwaj, NJ:Erlbaum. Çakıcı, A. (2007) “Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin
  • Teorik Temelleri ve Dinamikleri” Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1): 145-162. Çaylı, B. (2013) “Kontrol Odağı-İş Tatmini İlişkisi ve Örgütsel Adalet Algısının Aracılık Etkisi” Balıkesir
  • Üniversitesi SBE, Turizm İşletmeciliği ve Otelcilik ABD, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Balıkesir. Detert, J. R. ve Burris, E. R. (2007) “Leadership Behavior and Employee Voice: Is the Door Really Open?”
  • Academy of Management Journal, 50(4): 869-884. Detert, J. R. ve Edmondson A. C. (2006) “Everyday
  • Failures in Organizational Learning: Explaining the High Threshold for Speaking Up at Work” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series. Dutton, J. E. ve Ashford S. J. (1993) “Selling Issues To
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  • Managers Assess the Context for Selling Issues to Top Managers” Strategic Management Journal, 18(5): 407- Edmondson, A. C. (2003) “Speaking Up In The Operating Room: How Team Leaders Promote
  • Learning In Interdisciplinary Action Teams” Journal of Management Studies, 40: 1419-1452.
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  • Observers’ Reactions to Defensive Voice: Predictions Based on Communication Competence Theory” Voice and Silence in Organizations içinde 2. Bölüm, Ed. Jerald Greenberg ve Marissa S. Edwards, Emerald Group Publishing. Erenler, E. (2010) “Çalışanlarda Sessizlik Davranışının
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Çalışan Sesliliği ile Bazı Kişisel ve Örgütsel Özellikler Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi: Öğretim Elemanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 745 - 761, 01.09.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı, literatürde sessizlik konusu kadar araştırma alanı bulamamış olan seslilik konusuna odaklanmak ve bu doğrultuda içsel kontrol odağının çalışan sesliliği üzerindeki etkisini ve iş tatmininin çalışan sesliliğinden etkilenme durumunu analiz etmektir. Bu amaçla, Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’nde görev yapmakta olan 166 adet öğretim elemanına yapılan anket uygulaması sonuçlarına göre, içsel kontrol odağının çalışan sesliliği üzerinde ve çalışan sesliliğinin iş tatmini üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar, içsel kontrol odak düzeyi yüksek olan çalışanların düşük olanlara göre, işlerini geliştirmek adına daha fazla fikir beyanında bulunduklarını ve iş ortamlarında konuşma imkanı verilen çalışanların işlerinden duydukları memnuniyet düzeyinin konuşamayanlara göre daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir


  • Abedi, A. ve Khorshidifar M. (2011) “An Empirical
  • Study of the Impact of Stress on the Relationship between Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction and Job Performance” Management Science Letters Journal, 1 (4): 511-516. Aiken, L. S. ve West, S. G. (1991) Multiple Regression:
  • Testing and Interpreting Interactions, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, USA. Akbolat, M., Işık, O. ve Uğurluoğlu, Ö. (2011) “Sağlık
  • Çalışanlarının Kontrol Odağı, İş Doyumu, Rol Belirsizliği ve Rol Çatışmasının Karşılaştırılması H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 29 (2): 23-48. Amah, O. E. ve Okafor, C. A. (2010) “Relationships
  • Among Silence Climate, Employee Silence Behaviour and Work Attitudes: The Role of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control” Asian Journal of Scientific Research, (4): 267-277. Angı, A. (2002) “A Comprehensive Study Concerning
  • The Job Satisfaction of the Instructors Associated with Students’ Evaluation” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, Marmara Üniverstesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Baba, A. ve Ngah N. (2009) “The Mediating Effect of
  • Work Family Conflict on the Relationship between Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction” Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (4): 348-354. Blau, G. J. (1987) “Locus of Control as A Potential
  • Moderator of the Turnover Process” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 60: 21-29. Bono, J. E. ve Judge T. A.(2003) “Core Self-Evaluations:
  • A Review of the Trait and its Role in Job Satisfaction and Job Performance”, European Journal of Personality, : 5-18. Boroff, Lewin D. (1997) “Loyalty, Voice and Intent to Exit a Union Firm: A Conceptual and Empirical
  • Analysis” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51: 50- Botero, I. C. ve Van Dyne L. (2009) “Interactive Effects of LMX and Power Distance in The United States and Colombia” Management Communication Quarterly, (1): 84-104.
  • Bowen F. ve Blackmon K. (2003) “Spirals of Silence: The Dynamic Effects of Diversity on Organizational Voice”
  • Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1393-1417.
  • Brinsfield, C. T. (2009) “Employee Silence: Investigation of Dimensionality, Development of Measures, and Examination of Related Factors” Degree of Doctor of
  • Philosophy, USA, The Ohio State University. Carrim, N., Basson J. ve Coetzee M. (2006) “The
  • Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control in a South African Call Centre Environment” South African Journal of Labour Relations, 30 (2): 66-81. Cheng, J. W., Lu, K. M. Chang Y. Y. ve Johnstone S. (2013) “Voice Behavior and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Attributed Motives”
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 51 (1): 81-102. Chhabba, B. (2013) “Locus of Control as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Organızational Commitment: A Study of Indian it
  • Professionals”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 4 (2): 25-41. Chiu, C.K., Chieh-Peng, L., Hui Tsai Y. ve Hsiao C. Y. (2005), Modeling Turnover Intentions and Their
  • Antecedents Using the Locus of Control as a Moderator: A Case of Customer Service Employees” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 16 (4): 481- Cohen J., Cohen P., West, S. ve Aiken, L. (2003) Applied
  • Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 3. Baskı, Mahwaj, NJ:Erlbaum. Çakıcı, A. (2007) “Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin
  • Teorik Temelleri ve Dinamikleri” Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1): 145-162. Çaylı, B. (2013) “Kontrol Odağı-İş Tatmini İlişkisi ve Örgütsel Adalet Algısının Aracılık Etkisi” Balıkesir
  • Üniversitesi SBE, Turizm İşletmeciliği ve Otelcilik ABD, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Balıkesir. Detert, J. R. ve Burris, E. R. (2007) “Leadership Behavior and Employee Voice: Is the Door Really Open?”
  • Academy of Management Journal, 50(4): 869-884. Detert, J. R. ve Edmondson A. C. (2006) “Everyday
  • Failures in Organizational Learning: Explaining the High Threshold for Speaking Up at Work” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series. Dutton, J. E. ve Ashford S. J. (1993) “Selling Issues To
  • Top Management” Academy of Management Review, : 397-428. Dutton, J. E., Ashford, S.J., O’Neil, R. M., Hayes E. ve Wierba E. (1997) “Reading the Wind: How Middle
  • Managers Assess the Context for Selling Issues to Top Managers” Strategic Management Journal, 18(5): 407- Edmondson, A. C. (2003) “Speaking Up In The Operating Room: How Team Leaders Promote
  • Learning In Interdisciplinary Action Teams” Journal of Management Studies, 40: 1419-1452.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchison, S. ve Sowa, D. (1986) “Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 500-507.
  • Ellis, J. B. ve Van Dyne, L. (2009) “Voice and Silence as
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There are 105 citations in total.


Other ID JA48SK87ET
Journal Section Research Article

Halime Göktaş Kulualp This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 4


APA Kulualp, H. G. (2016). Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics. Ege Academic Review, 16(4), 745-761.
AMA Kulualp HG. Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics. ear. September 2016;16(4):745-761.
Chicago Kulualp, Halime Göktaş. “Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features With Employee Voice: A Study on Academics”. Ege Academic Review 16, no. 4 (September 2016): 745-61.
EndNote Kulualp HG (September 1, 2016) Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics. Ege Academic Review 16 4 745–761.
IEEE H. G. Kulualp, “Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics”, ear, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 745–761, 2016.
ISNAD Kulualp, Halime Göktaş. “Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features With Employee Voice: A Study on Academics”. Ege Academic Review 16/4 (September 2016), 745-761.
JAMA Kulualp HG. Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics. ear. 2016;16:745–761.
MLA Kulualp, Halime Göktaş. “Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features With Employee Voice: A Study on Academics”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 16, no. 4, 2016, pp. 745-61.
Vancouver Kulualp HG. Determining the Relationship Between Some Personal and Organizational Features with Employee Voice: A Study on Academics. ear. 2016;16(4):745-61.