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Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Özel Sayı, 41 - 50, 01.11.2016


Dynamic market structure, shortened product life cycles, urgency of predicting the preferences and expectations of customers in competition intensive industries has brought the importance of sustainability in business and the presence of innovation management strategy which is one of the necessity of it. Within this context, the aim of this paper is to explore the importance and the factors affecting the integration of research and development, marketing and production functions which are one of the functions that have the potantial of creating innovation, and also present knowledge-based innovation which can be evaluated as a guide for companies in this process. This exploratory study is tought to be beneficial for the companies especially operating in competetive environments to lead and easily adapt this process to their companies


  • Anand, N., Gardner, H. K., Morris T. (2007), “Knowledge-Based Innovatıon: Emergence and Embed- dıng of New Practıce Areas in Management Consulting Firms” Academy of Management Journal, 50(2): 406–428.
  • Ayers,D. J., Gordon G. L. ve Schoenbachler, D. D. (2001), “Integration and New Product Development Success: The Role Of Formal And Informal Controls” Journal of Applied Business Research, 17(2)
  • Brettel, M., Heinemann, F., Engelen, A. ve Neubauer, S. (2011), “Cross-Functional Integration of R&D, Mar- keting and Manufacturing in Radical and Incremental Product Innovations and Its Effects on Project Innova- tiveness and Efficiency” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28, 251–269.
  • Calantone, R., Rubera, G. (2012) “When Should RD&E and Marketing Collaborate? The Moderating Role Of Exploration–Exploitation And Environmental Uncertainty” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(1): 144–157.
  • Chesbrough, H. (2007) "Business Model Innovation: It's Not Just About Technology Anymore" Strategy & Leadership, 35(6):12–17.
  • Drejer, A. (2002) “Situations for Innovation Manage- ment: Towards A Contingency Model” European Journal of Innovation Management, 5(1): 4-17.
  • Eng, T. ve Ozdemir, S. (2014) “International R&D Partnerships and Intrafirm R&D–Marketing–Production Integration of Manufacturing Firms in Emerging Econo- mies” Industrial Marketing Management, 43: 32–44
  • Fain, N. ve Wagner B. (2014) "R&D-Marketing Inte- gration in Innovation – Does Culture Matter?" European Business Review, 26(2):169–187.
  • Frishammar, J. ve Hörte, S.Å. (2005) “Managing External Information in Manufacturing Firms: The Impact on Innovation Performance” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22: 399–411.
  • Goffin, K. ve Pfeiffer, R. (1999) Innovation Man- agement in UK and German Manufacturing Companies, London, Anglo-German Foundation.
  • Goffin, K. ve Rick, M. (2005) Innovation Manage- ment: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Griffin, A. ve J.R. Hauser (1996) “Integrating R&D and Marketing: A Review and Analysis of the Literature” The Journal of Prodduct Innovation Management, 13 (May): 191-215.
  • Hidalgo, A. ve Albors J. (2008), “Innovation Manage- ment Techniques and Tools: A Review from Theory and Practice R&D Management, 38(2): 113–127.
  • Knight, K.E. (1967) “A descriptive model of intra-firm innovation process” Journal of Business, 40(4): 478-496.
  • Koufteros, X., Vonderembse, M.A. ve Doll, W. J. (2002) “Integrated Product Development Practices and Competitive Capabilities: The Effects of Uncertainty, Equivocality, and Platform Strategy” Journal of Operations Management, 20: 331–355.
  • Leenders Mark A.A.M. ve Wierenga B. (2008) “The Effect of The Marketing–R&D Interface on New Product Performance: The Critical Role of Resources and Scope”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 25: 56–68.
  • Liyanage, S., Greenfield, P.F. ve Don, R. (1999) “Towards a Fourth Generation R&D Management Model-Research Networks in Knowledge Management” International Journal Management, 40(4): 478-96.
  • Lu, I. ve Chang, T. (2002), “A Contingency Model for Studying R&D-Marketing, International Journal of Technology Management, 24(2-3):143-151.
  • Lu, L. Y. Y. Ve Yang, C. (2004) “The R&D and Mar- keting Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan's IT Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 593–605.
  • Miller, W.L. (2001) “Innovation for Business Growth” Research Technology Management, 44(5): 26-41.
  • Niosi, J. (1999) “Fourth-generation R&D: from Linear Models to Flexible Innovation” Journal of Business Research, 45(2): 111-7.
  • O’Connor, G. ve Rice, M. (2001) “Opportunity Recognition and Breakthrough Innovation in Large Established Firms” California Management Review, 43, 95–116.
  • OECD-Eurostat (2005) Oslo Manual Guidelines For Collecting And Interpreting Innovation Data, 3rd Ed., , (17.7.2015)
  • Ojasalo, J. (2008) “Management of Innovation Net- works: A Case Study Of Different Approaches” European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(1): 51-86.
  • Oke, A. (2007)"Innovation Types and Innovation Management Practices in Service Companies" Interna- tional Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(6): 564 – 587
  • Olson, E. M., Walker, O. C., Jr., Ruekert, R. W. ve Bonner, J. M. (2001) “Patterns of Cooperation During New Product Development Among Marketing, Opera- tions and R&D: Implications for Project Performance” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18: 258–271.
  • Ortt, J. R. ve Duin, P.A. (2008) "The Evolution of Innovation Management Towards Contextual Innova- tion", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 Iss 4 522 – 538.
  • Postrel, S. (2002) ”Islands of Shared Knowledge: Specialization and Mutual Understanding in Problem Solving Teams” Organization Science, 13: 303−320.
  • Rogers, A. D.M. (1996) “The Challenge Of Fifth Generation R&D” Research Technology Management, July-August: 33-41.
  • Rowley,J. , Baregheh A., Sambrook S. (2011) “To- wards an Innovation-Type Mapping Tool”, Management Decision, 49(1): 73-86.
  • Ruekert, R. W. ve Walker, O. C., Jr. (1987) “Mar- keting's Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 51: 1–19.
  • Ruekert, R. W.,Orville C, ve Walker Jr. (1987) "Marketing's Integration with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence", Journal of Marketing, 51 (January):1-19.
  • Saulais, P. ve Ermine J. (2012) “Knowledge Based Innovation: An Experiment On Incremental Technical Innovation”, International Conference on Organizations, Institutions and Innovation in the ICT Sector: Where do we stand? Institut-Mines Telecom, Telecom Ecole de Management, Paris
  • Sherman, J.D., Berkowitz, D., ve Souder, W. E. (2005) “New Product Development Performance and The İnteraction of Cross-Functional Integration and Knowledge Management” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(5): 399–411.
  • Sindakis, S., Depeige A. ve Anoyrkati E. (2015) "Customer-Centered Knowledge Management: Chal- lenges and Implications for Knowledge-Based Innovation in The Public Transport Sector" Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(3): 559 – 578.
  • Song, M., Di Benedetto, A. Ve Zhao, Y. (1999) “Pioneering Advantages in Manufacturing and Service Industries: Empirical Evidence From Nine Countries”, Strategic Management Journal,20: 811-36.
  • Song, M., Montoya-Weiss, M. ve Schmidt, J. (1997) “Antecedents and Consequences of Cross-Functional Co- operation: A Comparison of R&D, Manufacturing, and Marketing Perspectives”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14(1): 35–47.
  • Song, M. ve Montoya-Weiss, M.M. (2001) “The Ef- fect of Perceived Technological Uncertainty on Japanese New Product Development”, Acad. Manag. J. 44 (1): 61–80.
  • Song, M. ve Thieme, R.J. (2006) “A Cross-National Investigation of The R&D-Marketing Interface in The Product Innovation Process” Industrial Marketing Man- agement, 35: 308-322.
  • Song, M. ve Xie, J. (2000) “Does Innovativeness Moderate The Relationship Between Cross-Functional Integration and Product Performance?” Journal of Inter- national Marketing,8(4): 61–89.
  • Song, X. M., Thieme, R. J., ve Xie, J. (1998) “The Impact of Cross-Functional Joint Involvement Across Product Development Stages: An Exploratory Study” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15, 289–303.
  • Teece, David J. (2010) “Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation” Long Range Planning 43: 172- 194.
  • Tsai, K. ve Hsu, T. T. (2014), “Cross-Functional Collaboration, Competitive Intensity, Knowledge In- tegration Mechanisms, and New Product Performance: A Mediated Moderation Model”, Industrial Marketing Management, 43: 293–303.

İşletmelerde Yenilik Yönetimi ve Araştırma GeliştirmePazarlama-Üretim Entegrasyonunda Bilgiye Dayalı Yenilik Yaklaşımı

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Özel Sayı, 41 - 50, 01.11.2016


Rekabetin yoğun olduğu endüstrilerde dinamik pazar yapısı, kısalan ürün yaşam eğrileri, müşteri tercih ve beklentilerinin önceden tahmin edilme zorunluluğu gibi nedenler işletmelerde sürdürülebilirliği ve bunun bir gerekliliği olan yenilik yönetimi stratejisinin varlığını ön plana çıkarmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın amacı, bu stratejiyi destekleyen iş modellerinden biri olan ve yenilik yaratma potansiyelinde etkisi en yüksek birimlerden olan araştırma-geliştirme (Ar-Ge), pazarlama ve üretim fonksiyonlarının entegrasyonunun işletmeler açısından önemini, etkileyen faktörleri ve bu süreçte işletmeler açısından bir yol haritası niteliğinde değerlendirilebilecek bilgiye dayalı yenilik yaklaşımını (Knowledge Based Innovation) ortaya koymaktır. Keşifsel bir araştırma niteliğinde tasarlanan bu çalışmada bilgiye dayalı yenilik yaklaşımının, özellikle yoğun rekabet ortamında faaliyet gösteren işletmelere yol göstermesi ve bu süreci kendi bünyelerine uyarlamalarını kolaylaştırması anlamında faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Anand, N., Gardner, H. K., Morris T. (2007), “Knowledge-Based Innovatıon: Emergence and Embed- dıng of New Practıce Areas in Management Consulting Firms” Academy of Management Journal, 50(2): 406–428.
  • Ayers,D. J., Gordon G. L. ve Schoenbachler, D. D. (2001), “Integration and New Product Development Success: The Role Of Formal And Informal Controls” Journal of Applied Business Research, 17(2)
  • Brettel, M., Heinemann, F., Engelen, A. ve Neubauer, S. (2011), “Cross-Functional Integration of R&D, Mar- keting and Manufacturing in Radical and Incremental Product Innovations and Its Effects on Project Innova- tiveness and Efficiency” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28, 251–269.
  • Calantone, R., Rubera, G. (2012) “When Should RD&E and Marketing Collaborate? The Moderating Role Of Exploration–Exploitation And Environmental Uncertainty” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(1): 144–157.
  • Chesbrough, H. (2007) "Business Model Innovation: It's Not Just About Technology Anymore" Strategy & Leadership, 35(6):12–17.
  • Drejer, A. (2002) “Situations for Innovation Manage- ment: Towards A Contingency Model” European Journal of Innovation Management, 5(1): 4-17.
  • Eng, T. ve Ozdemir, S. (2014) “International R&D Partnerships and Intrafirm R&D–Marketing–Production Integration of Manufacturing Firms in Emerging Econo- mies” Industrial Marketing Management, 43: 32–44
  • Fain, N. ve Wagner B. (2014) "R&D-Marketing Inte- gration in Innovation – Does Culture Matter?" European Business Review, 26(2):169–187.
  • Frishammar, J. ve Hörte, S.Å. (2005) “Managing External Information in Manufacturing Firms: The Impact on Innovation Performance” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22: 399–411.
  • Goffin, K. ve Pfeiffer, R. (1999) Innovation Man- agement in UK and German Manufacturing Companies, London, Anglo-German Foundation.
  • Goffin, K. ve Rick, M. (2005) Innovation Manage- ment: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Griffin, A. ve J.R. Hauser (1996) “Integrating R&D and Marketing: A Review and Analysis of the Literature” The Journal of Prodduct Innovation Management, 13 (May): 191-215.
  • Hidalgo, A. ve Albors J. (2008), “Innovation Manage- ment Techniques and Tools: A Review from Theory and Practice R&D Management, 38(2): 113–127.
  • Knight, K.E. (1967) “A descriptive model of intra-firm innovation process” Journal of Business, 40(4): 478-496.
  • Koufteros, X., Vonderembse, M.A. ve Doll, W. J. (2002) “Integrated Product Development Practices and Competitive Capabilities: The Effects of Uncertainty, Equivocality, and Platform Strategy” Journal of Operations Management, 20: 331–355.
  • Leenders Mark A.A.M. ve Wierenga B. (2008) “The Effect of The Marketing–R&D Interface on New Product Performance: The Critical Role of Resources and Scope”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 25: 56–68.
  • Liyanage, S., Greenfield, P.F. ve Don, R. (1999) “Towards a Fourth Generation R&D Management Model-Research Networks in Knowledge Management” International Journal Management, 40(4): 478-96.
  • Lu, I. ve Chang, T. (2002), “A Contingency Model for Studying R&D-Marketing, International Journal of Technology Management, 24(2-3):143-151.
  • Lu, L. Y. Y. Ve Yang, C. (2004) “The R&D and Mar- keting Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: An Empirical Study of Taiwan's IT Industry”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 593–605.
  • Miller, W.L. (2001) “Innovation for Business Growth” Research Technology Management, 44(5): 26-41.
  • Niosi, J. (1999) “Fourth-generation R&D: from Linear Models to Flexible Innovation” Journal of Business Research, 45(2): 111-7.
  • O’Connor, G. ve Rice, M. (2001) “Opportunity Recognition and Breakthrough Innovation in Large Established Firms” California Management Review, 43, 95–116.
  • OECD-Eurostat (2005) Oslo Manual Guidelines For Collecting And Interpreting Innovation Data, 3rd Ed., , (17.7.2015)
  • Ojasalo, J. (2008) “Management of Innovation Net- works: A Case Study Of Different Approaches” European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(1): 51-86.
  • Oke, A. (2007)"Innovation Types and Innovation Management Practices in Service Companies" Interna- tional Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(6): 564 – 587
  • Olson, E. M., Walker, O. C., Jr., Ruekert, R. W. ve Bonner, J. M. (2001) “Patterns of Cooperation During New Product Development Among Marketing, Opera- tions and R&D: Implications for Project Performance” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18: 258–271.
  • Ortt, J. R. ve Duin, P.A. (2008) "The Evolution of Innovation Management Towards Contextual Innova- tion", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 Iss 4 522 – 538.
  • Postrel, S. (2002) ”Islands of Shared Knowledge: Specialization and Mutual Understanding in Problem Solving Teams” Organization Science, 13: 303−320.
  • Rogers, A. D.M. (1996) “The Challenge Of Fifth Generation R&D” Research Technology Management, July-August: 33-41.
  • Rowley,J. , Baregheh A., Sambrook S. (2011) “To- wards an Innovation-Type Mapping Tool”, Management Decision, 49(1): 73-86.
  • Ruekert, R. W. ve Walker, O. C., Jr. (1987) “Mar- keting's Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 51: 1–19.
  • Ruekert, R. W.,Orville C, ve Walker Jr. (1987) "Marketing's Integration with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence", Journal of Marketing, 51 (January):1-19.
  • Saulais, P. ve Ermine J. (2012) “Knowledge Based Innovation: An Experiment On Incremental Technical Innovation”, International Conference on Organizations, Institutions and Innovation in the ICT Sector: Where do we stand? Institut-Mines Telecom, Telecom Ecole de Management, Paris
  • Sherman, J.D., Berkowitz, D., ve Souder, W. E. (2005) “New Product Development Performance and The İnteraction of Cross-Functional Integration and Knowledge Management” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(5): 399–411.
  • Sindakis, S., Depeige A. ve Anoyrkati E. (2015) "Customer-Centered Knowledge Management: Chal- lenges and Implications for Knowledge-Based Innovation in The Public Transport Sector" Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(3): 559 – 578.
  • Song, M., Di Benedetto, A. Ve Zhao, Y. (1999) “Pioneering Advantages in Manufacturing and Service Industries: Empirical Evidence From Nine Countries”, Strategic Management Journal,20: 811-36.
  • Song, M., Montoya-Weiss, M. ve Schmidt, J. (1997) “Antecedents and Consequences of Cross-Functional Co- operation: A Comparison of R&D, Manufacturing, and Marketing Perspectives”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14(1): 35–47.
  • Song, M. ve Montoya-Weiss, M.M. (2001) “The Ef- fect of Perceived Technological Uncertainty on Japanese New Product Development”, Acad. Manag. J. 44 (1): 61–80.
  • Song, M. ve Thieme, R.J. (2006) “A Cross-National Investigation of The R&D-Marketing Interface in The Product Innovation Process” Industrial Marketing Man- agement, 35: 308-322.
  • Song, M. ve Xie, J. (2000) “Does Innovativeness Moderate The Relationship Between Cross-Functional Integration and Product Performance?” Journal of Inter- national Marketing,8(4): 61–89.
  • Song, X. M., Thieme, R. J., ve Xie, J. (1998) “The Impact of Cross-Functional Joint Involvement Across Product Development Stages: An Exploratory Study” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15, 289–303.
  • Teece, David J. (2010) “Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation” Long Range Planning 43: 172- 194.
  • Tsai, K. ve Hsu, T. T. (2014), “Cross-Functional Collaboration, Competitive Intensity, Knowledge In- tegration Mechanisms, and New Product Performance: A Mediated Moderation Model”, Industrial Marketing Management, 43: 293–303.
There are 43 citations in total.


Other ID JA95VU24AJ
Journal Section Research Article

Keti Ventura This is me

Haluk Soyuer This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Özel Sayı


APA Ventura, K., & Soyuer, H. (2016). Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration. Ege Academic Review, 16(5), 41-50.
AMA Ventura K, Soyuer H. Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration. ear. November 2016;16(5):41-50.
Chicago Ventura, Keti, and Haluk Soyuer. “Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration”. Ege Academic Review 16, no. 5 (November 2016): 41-50.
EndNote Ventura K, Soyuer H (November 1, 2016) Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration. Ege Academic Review 16 5 41–50.
IEEE K. Ventura and H. Soyuer, “Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration”, ear, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 41–50, 2016.
ISNAD Ventura, Keti - Soyuer, Haluk. “Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration”. Ege Academic Review 16/5 (November 2016), 41-50.
JAMA Ventura K, Soyuer H. Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration. ear. 2016;16:41–50.
MLA Ventura, Keti and Haluk Soyuer. “Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 16, no. 5, 2016, pp. 41-50.
Vancouver Ventura K, Soyuer H. Innovation Management and Knowledge Based-Innovation Approach in Research and Development-Marketing-Production Integration. ear. 2016;16(5):41-50.