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Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 189 - 198, 01.05.2014


Innovation is what we may call the most significant means of changing and rearranging life through research-and-development and production of technology, including the outcomes in economy. Improvements to innovation support rapid change in information production. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to apply innovation management to survive and prosper in this age of information. From this point of view, the research aims to investigate the properties of SMEs in Burdur concerning strategy, innovation and whether they have developed innovation and an effective strategy thus far. Moreover, it aims to ascertain which strategies and innovation types they employ and factors influencing their innovation. We retrieved the data used in this study from the Burdur Commerce and Industry Chamber (BUTSO). We collected data through a survey that tests strategies, innovation types and factors influencing innovation for SMEs in Burdur. The results of the study show that internal and external factors are very important for SMEs. According to another result, process and marketing innovation is applied more frequently than product and organizational innovation in SMEs. Finally, the results of this study indicate that SMEs apply analyzer and defender strategy


  • Acs, Z.J. ve Audretsch, D. (1990) Innovation and Small Firms, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
  • Antonioli, D., Mazzanti, M., Pini, P. ve Tortia, E. (2004) “Adoption of Techno Organizational Innovations, And Industrial Relations in Manufacturing Firms: An Analysis for A Local Industrial System” Economia Politica, 21(1):11 -52.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988) “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16:74-94.
  • Baldwin, J. ve Lin, Z. (2002) “Impediments to Advenced Technology Adoption for Canadian Manufacturers” Research Policy, 31:1 -18.
  • Buse, S., Tiwari, R. ve Herstatt, C. (2010) “Global Innovation: an Answer to Mitigate Barriers to Innovation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises?” International Journal of Innovation and Technological Management, 7(3): 215-227.
  • BUTSO (2012) ticaret-ve-sanayi-odasi/63-burdur-ekonomisi.html, (Erişim Tarihi, 11.06. 2012)
  • Cansız, M. (2008) Türkiye’de Kobiler ve KOSGEB, DPT Uzmanlık Tezleri, Ankara, Yayın No. 2782: 5.
  • Carlson, C.R. ve Wilmot, W.W. (2006) Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want, NewYork, Crown Publishing Group.
  • Cordeiro, A.S. ve Vieira, F.D. (2012) “Barriers to Innovation in SMEs: An International Comparıson” II Conferência Internacional de Integração do Design, Engenharia e Gestão para a inovação Florianópolis, 21- 23, Outubro, Brasil.
  • Cormican, K. ve O’sullŞvan, D. (2004) “Auditing Best Practice for Effective Product Innovation Management” Technovation, 24(10): 819- 829.
  • Croteau, A.M. ve Bergeron, F. (2001) “An Information Technology Trilogy: Business Strategy, Technological Deployment and Organizational Performance” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 10(2):77–99.
  • Demirbaş, D. (2010) “How do Entrepreneurs Perceive Barriers to Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Turkish SMEs”, Proceedings of Oxford Business and Economics Conference, Oxford, UK.
  • Fatoki, O.O. (2011) “The Impact of Human, Social and Financial Capital on The Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa” Journal of Social Science, 29(3):193-204.
  • Gimenez, F.A.P. (2002) “The Benefits of a Coherent Strategy for Innovation and Corporate Change: A Study Applying Miles and Snow’s Model in the Context of Small Firms” Creativity and Innovation Management, 9(4):235-244.
  • Guan, J.G., Yam, R.C.M., Tang, E.P.Y. ve Lau, A.K.W. (2009) “Innovation Strategy and Performance during Economic Transition: Evidences in Beijing, China” Research Policy, 38(5):802-812.
  • Günay, Ö. (2007) “KOBİ’lerde Yenilik Türlerinin Analizi Ve Yenilik Engellerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (1999) “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs in a Small Less Developed Country (Cyprus)” Technovation, (19):561-570.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. ve Dickson, K. (2000) “Innovation Strategies of SMEs in Cyprus, a Small Developing Country” International Small Business Journal, 18(4): 62- 79.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (2003) “The Barriers Approach to Innovation” Em Larisa V. Shavinina (eds.) The International Handbook innovation, Oxford UK, Elsevier Science.
  • Kamalian, A., Rashki, M. ve Arbabi, M.L. (2011) “Barriers to Innovation Among Iranian SMEs” Asian Journal of Business Management, 3(2):79-90.
  • KOSGEB, (2012) “Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmelerin Tanımı, Nitelikleri ve Sınıflandırılması Hakkında Yönetmelik”, Haberler.aspx?ref=606, (Erişim Tarihi,11.06. 2012)
  • Laforet, S. (2008) “Size, Strategic, and Market Orientation Effects on Innovation” Journal of Business Research, 61(7):753-764.
  • Leskovar-Spacapan, G. ve Bastic, M. (2007) “Differences in Organizations’ Innovation Capability in Transition Economy: Internal Aspect of the Organizations’ Strategic Orientation” Technovation, 27(9): 533-546.
  • Lim, S. ve Shyamala, N. (2007) “Obstacles to Innovation: Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Firms” Munich Personal RePEc Archive MPRA, 1-25. paper_18077.pdf (12.04.2012)
  • Luke, R.D., Walston, S.L. ve Plummer, P.M. (2004) Healthcare Strategy in Pursuit of Competitive, Washington DC, Health Administration Press.
  • Madrid-Guijarro, A., Garcia, D. ve Auken, H.V. (2009) “Barriers to Innovation among Spanish Manufacturing SMEs” Journal of Small Business How to Overcome it?” Munich personal RePEc Archive Management, 47(4): 465-488. MPRA,
  • McAdam, R., McConvery T. ve Armstrong, G. (2004) “Barriers to Innovation within Small Firms in a Peripheral Location” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Small Business Sector of the Textile and Behaviour & Research, 10(3):206-221. Clothing Industry” Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,
  • Mcfarland, K.R. (2008) “Should You Build Strategy Like You Build Software?” MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3):68-75.
  • Miles, R.E. ve Snow, C.C. (2003) Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process, Stanford, California, Stanford University Press.
  • Mohen, P. ve Roller, R. (2005) “Complementarities in Innovation Policy” European Economic Review, (49):1431-1450.
  • Mone, M.A., Mckinley, W. ve Barker III, V.L. (1998) “Organizational Decline and Innovation: A Contingency Framework” Academy of Management Review, 23(1): 115- 132.
  • Nunally, J.C. (1978) Psychometric Theory, 2nd Edition, NewYork, McGraw-Hill.
  • OSLO GUIDE, (2005) “Yenilik Verilerinin Toplanmasi ve Yorumlanmasi için İlkeler” OECD ve Eurostat ortak yayımı, 3. Baskı. tr/tubitak_content_files/BTYPD/kilavuzlar/Oslo_3_ TR.pdf. (Erişim Tarihi,11.01. 2012)
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç, R. ve Savaş, A. (2011) “Innovation Strategies of SMEs and the Factors Affecting Involvement in Innovation: An Implementation” Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(1):58-73.
  • Piattier, A. (1984) Barriers to Innovation, London and Dover NH, Frances Printer.
  • Piperopoulos, P. (2007) “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs: Empirical Evidence from Greece” International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 1(4): 365- 386.
  • Pittino, D. ve Visintin, F. (2009) “Innovation and Strategic Types of Family SMEs: A Test and Extension of Miles and Snow’s Configurational Model” Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17(3):257-295
  • Sánchez, A.A. ve Sánchez-Marín, G. (2005) “Strategic Orientation, Management Characteristics, and
  • Health Administration Pres.
  • Performance: A Study of Spanish SMEs” Journal of Small
  • Business Management, 43(3):287-308.
  • Silva, M., Leitão, J. ve Raposo, M. (2007) “Barriers to İnnovation Faced by Manufacturing Firms in Portugal: MPRA_paper_5408.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi,15.04.2012)
  • Stanislawski, R. ve Olczak, A. (2010) “Innovative 18(1):13‐16.
  • Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J. ve Ginter, P.M. (2006) Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 5th Edition, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Tajeddini, K. (2010) “Effect of Customer Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovativeness: Evidence from the Hotel Industry in Switzerland” Tourism Management, 31(2):221-231.
  • Teece, D.J. (1996) “Firm Organisation, Industrial Structure, and Technological Innovation” Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, (31):193-224.
  • Tiwari, R. ve Buse, S. (2007) “Barriers to Innovation in SMEs:Can the Internationalization of R&D Mitigate Their Effects?” Seville- Spain, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Knowledge for Growth: Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D.
  • TÜİK (2008) “Yenilik Araştırması 2004–2006” Haber Bülteni, Sayı : 23.
  • TÜİK (2011) “Seçilmiş Göstergelerle Burdur 2011, pdf, (11.03. 2012)
  • Vossen, R.W. (1998) “Relative Strengths and Weaknesses of Small Firms in Innovation” International Small Business Journal 16(3): 88–94.
  • Xie, X.M., Zeng, S.X. ve Tam, C.M. (2010) “Overcoming Barriers to Innovation in SMEs in China: A perspective Based Cooperation Network” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 12(3): 298-310.
  • Zajac, E.J. ve Shortell, S.M. (1989) “Changing Generic Strategies: Likelihood, Direction and Performance Implications” Strategic Management Journal, 10(5): 413-430.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2002) Improve Your Competitive

KOBİ’lerin İşletme Stratejileri, İnovasyon Türleri ve İnovasyonlarını Etkileyen Faktörler: Burdur Modeli

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 189 - 198, 01.05.2014


İnovasyon araştırma geliştirme ve üretim teknolojisi yoluyla ekonomik sonuçları da içererek hayatı yeniden düzenleyen en önemli araç olarak adlandırılabilir. İnovasyon geliştirmeye yönelik iyileştirmeler bilgi üretimindeki hızlı değişimi desteklemektedir. Bu nedenle inovasyon yönetimi uygulamaları işletmelerin bilgi çağında gelişmeleri takip edebilmeleri ve hayatta kalabilmeleri için çok önemlidir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında araştırma Burdur ilinde faaliyette bulunan KOBİ’lerin inovasyon ve işletme stratejileri ile ilgili özelliklerini ve bugüne kadar inovasyon konusunda etkili bir strateji geliştirip geliştirmediklerini incelemeyi amaçlar. Ayrıca diğer bir amacı da KOBİ’lerin inovasyonlarını etkileyen faktörler ve uyguladıkları inovasyon türleri ile işletme stratejilerini tespit etmektir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan veriler Burdur Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası’ndan (BUTSO) elde edilmiştir. Veriler Burdur ilinde faaliyette bulunan KOBİ’lerin inovasyonlarını etkileyen faktörler ile inovasyon türleri ve işletme stratejilerini belirlemek üzere hazırlanan bir anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları iç ve dış faktörlerin KOBİ’ler için çok önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Bir başka sonuca göre KOBİ’lerde süreç ve pazarlama inovasyonu ürün ve örgütsel inovasyona göre daha sık uygulanmaktadır. Son olarak bu araştırma sonuçları kobilerin daha çok analizci ve savunmacı bir strateji izlediklerini göstermiştir


  • Acs, Z.J. ve Audretsch, D. (1990) Innovation and Small Firms, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
  • Antonioli, D., Mazzanti, M., Pini, P. ve Tortia, E. (2004) “Adoption of Techno Organizational Innovations, And Industrial Relations in Manufacturing Firms: An Analysis for A Local Industrial System” Economia Politica, 21(1):11 -52.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988) “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16:74-94.
  • Baldwin, J. ve Lin, Z. (2002) “Impediments to Advenced Technology Adoption for Canadian Manufacturers” Research Policy, 31:1 -18.
  • Buse, S., Tiwari, R. ve Herstatt, C. (2010) “Global Innovation: an Answer to Mitigate Barriers to Innovation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises?” International Journal of Innovation and Technological Management, 7(3): 215-227.
  • BUTSO (2012) ticaret-ve-sanayi-odasi/63-burdur-ekonomisi.html, (Erişim Tarihi, 11.06. 2012)
  • Cansız, M. (2008) Türkiye’de Kobiler ve KOSGEB, DPT Uzmanlık Tezleri, Ankara, Yayın No. 2782: 5.
  • Carlson, C.R. ve Wilmot, W.W. (2006) Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want, NewYork, Crown Publishing Group.
  • Cordeiro, A.S. ve Vieira, F.D. (2012) “Barriers to Innovation in SMEs: An International Comparıson” II Conferência Internacional de Integração do Design, Engenharia e Gestão para a inovação Florianópolis, 21- 23, Outubro, Brasil.
  • Cormican, K. ve O’sullŞvan, D. (2004) “Auditing Best Practice for Effective Product Innovation Management” Technovation, 24(10): 819- 829.
  • Croteau, A.M. ve Bergeron, F. (2001) “An Information Technology Trilogy: Business Strategy, Technological Deployment and Organizational Performance” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 10(2):77–99.
  • Demirbaş, D. (2010) “How do Entrepreneurs Perceive Barriers to Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Turkish SMEs”, Proceedings of Oxford Business and Economics Conference, Oxford, UK.
  • Fatoki, O.O. (2011) “The Impact of Human, Social and Financial Capital on The Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa” Journal of Social Science, 29(3):193-204.
  • Gimenez, F.A.P. (2002) “The Benefits of a Coherent Strategy for Innovation and Corporate Change: A Study Applying Miles and Snow’s Model in the Context of Small Firms” Creativity and Innovation Management, 9(4):235-244.
  • Guan, J.G., Yam, R.C.M., Tang, E.P.Y. ve Lau, A.K.W. (2009) “Innovation Strategy and Performance during Economic Transition: Evidences in Beijing, China” Research Policy, 38(5):802-812.
  • Günay, Ö. (2007) “KOBİ’lerde Yenilik Türlerinin Analizi Ve Yenilik Engellerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (1999) “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs in a Small Less Developed Country (Cyprus)” Technovation, (19):561-570.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. ve Dickson, K. (2000) “Innovation Strategies of SMEs in Cyprus, a Small Developing Country” International Small Business Journal, 18(4): 62- 79.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (2003) “The Barriers Approach to Innovation” Em Larisa V. Shavinina (eds.) The International Handbook innovation, Oxford UK, Elsevier Science.
  • Kamalian, A., Rashki, M. ve Arbabi, M.L. (2011) “Barriers to Innovation Among Iranian SMEs” Asian Journal of Business Management, 3(2):79-90.
  • KOSGEB, (2012) “Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmelerin Tanımı, Nitelikleri ve Sınıflandırılması Hakkında Yönetmelik”, Haberler.aspx?ref=606, (Erişim Tarihi,11.06. 2012)
  • Laforet, S. (2008) “Size, Strategic, and Market Orientation Effects on Innovation” Journal of Business Research, 61(7):753-764.
  • Leskovar-Spacapan, G. ve Bastic, M. (2007) “Differences in Organizations’ Innovation Capability in Transition Economy: Internal Aspect of the Organizations’ Strategic Orientation” Technovation, 27(9): 533-546.
  • Lim, S. ve Shyamala, N. (2007) “Obstacles to Innovation: Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Firms” Munich Personal RePEc Archive MPRA, 1-25. paper_18077.pdf (12.04.2012)
  • Luke, R.D., Walston, S.L. ve Plummer, P.M. (2004) Healthcare Strategy in Pursuit of Competitive, Washington DC, Health Administration Press.
  • Madrid-Guijarro, A., Garcia, D. ve Auken, H.V. (2009) “Barriers to Innovation among Spanish Manufacturing SMEs” Journal of Small Business How to Overcome it?” Munich personal RePEc Archive Management, 47(4): 465-488. MPRA,
  • McAdam, R., McConvery T. ve Armstrong, G. (2004) “Barriers to Innovation within Small Firms in a Peripheral Location” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Small Business Sector of the Textile and Behaviour & Research, 10(3):206-221. Clothing Industry” Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,
  • Mcfarland, K.R. (2008) “Should You Build Strategy Like You Build Software?” MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3):68-75.
  • Miles, R.E. ve Snow, C.C. (2003) Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process, Stanford, California, Stanford University Press.
  • Mohen, P. ve Roller, R. (2005) “Complementarities in Innovation Policy” European Economic Review, (49):1431-1450.
  • Mone, M.A., Mckinley, W. ve Barker III, V.L. (1998) “Organizational Decline and Innovation: A Contingency Framework” Academy of Management Review, 23(1): 115- 132.
  • Nunally, J.C. (1978) Psychometric Theory, 2nd Edition, NewYork, McGraw-Hill.
  • OSLO GUIDE, (2005) “Yenilik Verilerinin Toplanmasi ve Yorumlanmasi için İlkeler” OECD ve Eurostat ortak yayımı, 3. Baskı. tr/tubitak_content_files/BTYPD/kilavuzlar/Oslo_3_ TR.pdf. (Erişim Tarihi,11.01. 2012)
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç, R. ve Savaş, A. (2011) “Innovation Strategies of SMEs and the Factors Affecting Involvement in Innovation: An Implementation” Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(1):58-73.
  • Piattier, A. (1984) Barriers to Innovation, London and Dover NH, Frances Printer.
  • Piperopoulos, P. (2007) “Barriers to Innovation for SMEs: Empirical Evidence from Greece” International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 1(4): 365- 386.
  • Pittino, D. ve Visintin, F. (2009) “Innovation and Strategic Types of Family SMEs: A Test and Extension of Miles and Snow’s Configurational Model” Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17(3):257-295
  • Sánchez, A.A. ve Sánchez-Marín, G. (2005) “Strategic Orientation, Management Characteristics, and
  • Health Administration Pres.
  • Performance: A Study of Spanish SMEs” Journal of Small
  • Business Management, 43(3):287-308.
  • Silva, M., Leitão, J. ve Raposo, M. (2007) “Barriers to İnnovation Faced by Manufacturing Firms in Portugal: MPRA_paper_5408.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi,15.04.2012)
  • Stanislawski, R. ve Olczak, A. (2010) “Innovative 18(1):13‐16.
  • Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J. ve Ginter, P.M. (2006) Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 5th Edition, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Tajeddini, K. (2010) “Effect of Customer Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovativeness: Evidence from the Hotel Industry in Switzerland” Tourism Management, 31(2):221-231.
  • Teece, D.J. (1996) “Firm Organisation, Industrial Structure, and Technological Innovation” Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, (31):193-224.
  • Tiwari, R. ve Buse, S. (2007) “Barriers to Innovation in SMEs:Can the Internationalization of R&D Mitigate Their Effects?” Seville- Spain, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Knowledge for Growth: Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D.
  • TÜİK (2008) “Yenilik Araştırması 2004–2006” Haber Bülteni, Sayı : 23.
  • TÜİK (2011) “Seçilmiş Göstergelerle Burdur 2011, pdf, (11.03. 2012)
  • Vossen, R.W. (1998) “Relative Strengths and Weaknesses of Small Firms in Innovation” International Small Business Journal 16(3): 88–94.
  • Xie, X.M., Zeng, S.X. ve Tam, C.M. (2010) “Overcoming Barriers to Innovation in SMEs in China: A perspective Based Cooperation Network” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 12(3): 298-310.
  • Zajac, E.J. ve Shortell, S.M. (1989) “Changing Generic Strategies: Likelihood, Direction and Performance Implications” Strategic Management Journal, 10(5): 413-430.
  • Zuckerman, A.M. (2002) Improve Your Competitive
There are 53 citations in total.


Other ID JA96GZ46VC
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Çetinkaya Bozkurt This is me

Adnan Kalkan This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Bozkurt, Ö. . Ç., & Kalkan, A. (2014). Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model. Ege Academic Review, 14(2), 189-198.
AMA Bozkurt ÖÇ, Kalkan A. Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model. ear. May 2014;14(2):189-198.
Chicago Bozkurt, Özlem Çetinkaya, and Adnan Kalkan. “Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model”. Ege Academic Review 14, no. 2 (May 2014): 189-98.
EndNote Bozkurt ÖÇ, Kalkan A (May 1, 2014) Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model. Ege Academic Review 14 2 189–198.
IEEE Ö. . Ç. Bozkurt and A. Kalkan, “Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model”, ear, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 189–198, 2014.
ISNAD Bozkurt, Özlem Çetinkaya - Kalkan, Adnan. “Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model”. Ege Academic Review 14/2 (May 2014), 189-198.
JAMA Bozkurt ÖÇ, Kalkan A. Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model. ear. 2014;14:189–198.
MLA Bozkurt, Özlem Çetinkaya and Adnan Kalkan. “Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, pp. 189-98.
Vancouver Bozkurt ÖÇ, Kalkan A. Business Strategies of SME’s, Innovation Types and Factors Influencing Their Innovation: Burdur Model. ear. 2014;14(2):189-98.