Direct R&D Effect and Technological Diffusion: The Case of Turkey
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 609 - 624, 01.12.2017
Özlem Fikirli
Mustafa Emir Yücel
In this study, the cointegration relationship between total factor productivity (TFP) and direct R&D effect and technological diffusion is investigated by applying ARDL method in period of 1990-2015 years in Turkey. Direct R&D effect is analyzed with total R&D capital stock which is derived from total R&D investment expenditure. Technological diffusion is investigated with variables of İth rate and foreign direct investment. In Turkey the effect of R&D investment expenditures and the technology diffusion on total factor productivity arise from the coexistence of these two channels
- Augier, P., Cadot, O. ve Dovis, M. (2013). “İmports and TFP at the Firm Level: The Role of Absorptive Capacity”. Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(3):956-981.
- Aghion, P. ve Howitt, P. (1992). “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction”. Econometrica, 60:323-351.
- Aitken, B. ve Harrison, A. (1999). “Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Direct Foreign Investment? Evidence from Venezuela”. American Economic Review, 89(3):605-618.
- Ballot, G.,Fakhfakh, F. ve Taymaz, E. (2001). “Firms’ Human Capital, R&D andPerformance: A Study on French andSwedishFirms”. LabourEconomics, 8: 443-462.
- Bell,S.veMorse,S.(2008).SustainabilityIndicatorsMeasuringtheImmeasurable?.Earthscan, London.
- Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J.D. ve Lee, J-W. (1998). “How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth?”. Journal of International Economics, 45: 115–135.
- Cameron, G., Proudman, J. ve Redding, S. (2005). “Technological Convergence, R&D, Trade and Productivity Growth”. European Economic Review, 49:775–807.
- Cecchini, L. ve Lai-Tong, C. (2008). “The Links BetweenOpennessand Productivity in MediterraneanCountries”. AppliedEconomics, 40: 685-697.
- Chuang, Y.C. ve Lin, C.M. (1999). “Foreign Direct Investment, R&D and Spillover Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan's Manufacturing Firms”. The Journal of Development Studies, 35(4):117-137.
- Ciruelos, A. ve Wang, M. (2005). “International TechnologyDiffusion: Effects of Tradeand DYY”. AtlanticEconomicJournal, 33:437-449.
- Coe, D. T. ve Helpman, E. (1995). “International R&D Spillovers”. EuropeanEconomicReview, 39: 859-887.
- Damijan, J.P.,Knell, M., Majcen, B. ve Rojec, M. (2003). “The role of DYY, R&D AccumulationandTrade in TransferringTechnologytoTransitionCountries: EvidencefromFirm Panel Data forEightTransitionCountries”. EconomicSystems, 27:189-204.
- Djankov, S. ve Hoekman, B. (1998). “Avenue of Technology Transfer: Foreign Investment and Productivity Change in the Czech Republic”. CEPR Discussion Paper, No:1883.
- Fikirli, Ö. ve Çetin, A.K. (2015). “Ar-Ge Sermaye Birikiminin Toplam Faktör Verimliliğine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği”. Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisif, 4(2): 147-166.
- Frantzen, D. (2000). “R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers: A Cross- country Analysis”. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 102(1):57-75.
- Girma, S. (2005). “Absorptive Capacity and Productivity Spillovers from FDI: A Threshold Regression Analysis”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 67(3): 281-306.
- Griliches, Z. (1980). “R&D andthe Productivity Slowdown”. NBER WorkingPaper Series, WorkingPaper No:434.
- Griliches, Z. ve Lichtenberg, F. (1984). “InterindustryTechnologyFlowsand Productivity Growth: A Reexamination”. Review of EconomicsandStatistics, 66 (2) : 324-329.
- Grossman, G. M. ve Helpman, E. (1991). “InnovationandGrowth in the Global Economy”. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Ha, J. ve Howitt, P. (2007). “Accounting forTrends in Productivity and R&D: A SchumpeterianCritique of Semi-EndogenousGrowthTheory”. Journal of Money, CreditandBanking, 39(4):733-774.
- Higόn, D.A. (2007). “TheImpact of R&D Spillovers on UK Manufacturing TFP: A Dynamic Panel Approach”. ResearchPolicy, 36:964–979.
- Jerzmanowski, M. (2007). “Total Factor Productivity Differences: AppropriateTechnology vs. Efficiency”. EuropeanEconomicReview, 51:2080-2110.
- Keller, W. (2002). “TradeandtheTransmission of Technology”. Journal of EconomicGrowth, 7: 5-24.
- Keller, W. (2010). International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology Spillovers. Kenneth J. Arrow ve Michael D. Intriligator (Ed.), Handbooks In Economics 2 :. 793- 829 , UK: Elsevier.
- Kim, T. ve Park, C. (2003). “R&D, Tradeand Productivity Growth in KoreanManufacturing”. Review of World Economics, 139(3):460-483.
- Kim, S., Lim, H. ve Park, D. (2009). “İths, Exports and Total Factor Productivity in Korea”. Applied Economics, 41:1819–1834.
- Kinoshita, Y. (2000). R&D and Technology Spillovers Via FDI: Innovation and Absorptive Capacity. CEPR/WDI Annual Conference on Transition Economies, Moskova.
- Konings, J. (2000). “The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Firms: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data in Emerging Economies”. CEPR Discussion Paper, No:2586.
- Krugman, P. (1994). “The Myth of Asia's Miracle”. Foreign Affairs, 73: 62-78.
- Kugler, M. (2006). “Spillovers From Foreign Direct Investment: Within Or Between Industries?”. Journal of Development Economics, 80: 444– 477.
- Lichtenberg, F.R. ve Siegel, D. (1991). “TheImpact of R&D Investment on Productiviy - New Evidence Using Linked R&D – LRD Data”. EconomicInquiry, 29(2):203-229.
- Liu, X. ve Wang, C. (2003). “Does Foreign Direct Investment Facilitate Technological Progress? Evidence From Chinese Industries”. Research Policy, 32: 945–953.
- Los, B. ve Verspagen, B. (2000). “R&D Spilloversand Productivity: Evidencefrom U.S. ManufacturingMicrodata”. EmpiricalEconomics, 25: 127-148.
- Lucas, R.E. (1988). “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22:3-42.
- Maskus, K.E. ve McDaniel, C. (1999). “Impacts of TheJapanese Patent System on Productivity Growth”. Japan andthe World Economy, 11:557-574.
- Miller, S.M. ve Upadhyay, M.P. (2002). “Total Factor Productivity andtheConvergenceHypothesis”. Journal of Macroeconomics, 24:267–286.
- Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2006). What Determines Migration Flows From Low-Income to High-Income Countries? An empirical Investigation of FJI-US. Migration 1972-2001. Contemporary Economic Policy, 332-342.
- Park, W.G. (2013). “International Patenting, Patent Rights, andTechonolgyGaps”. Review of EconomicsandInstitutions, 4(1): 1-25.
- Pesaran,M. H. ve Shin, Y. (1999). “An AutodistributedLagModelingApproachtoCointegration Analysis”. Strom, S. (Ed.). EconometricsandEconomicTheory in the 20th Century: TheRagnarFrischCentennialSymposium, Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge.
- Pesaran, M. H.,Shin, Y. ve Smith, R. (2001). “BoundsTestingApproachestothe Analysis of Level Relationships”. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16, 289–326.
- Prescott, E.C. (1998). “Lawrence R. KleinLecture 1997 Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity”. International EconomicReview, 39(3):525-551.
- Romer, P. (1986). “Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth”. Journal of Political Economy, 94:1002-1037.
- Romer, P. (1990). “Endogenous Technical Change”. Journal of Political Economy, 98:71-102.
- Rouvinen, P. (2002). “R&D - Productivity Dynamics: Causality, Lags, and ‘DryHoles’”. Journal of AppliedEconomics, V(1): 123-156.
- Solow, R. M. (1957). “Technical ChangeandtheAggregateProductionFunction”. Review of EconomicsandStatistics, 39: 312-320.
- Verspagen, B. (1995). “R&D and Productivity: A Broad Cross-Section Cross- Country Look”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 6: 119-135.
- Verspagen, B. (1997). “MeasuringIntersectoralTechnologySpillovers: EstimatesfromtheEuropeanand US Patent Office Databases”. EconomicSystemsResearch, 9(1):47-65.
- Voutsinas, I. ve Tsamadias, C. (2014). “DoesResearchand Development CapitalAffect Total Factor Productivity? EvidencefromGreece”. Economics of Innovationand New Technology, 23: 631-651.
- Wang, J.C. ve Tsai, K.H. (2004). ”Productivity Growthand R&D Expenditure in Taiwan’sManufacturingFirms”. In Growthand Productivity in East Asia,NBER-East AsiaSeminar on Economics, 13:277-296.
- Wu, Y. (2000). “Is China'sEconomicGrowthSustainable? A Productivity Analysis”. ChinaEconomicReview, 11: 278 – 296.
- Xu, B. ve Chiang, E.P. (2005). “Trade, Patents and International Technology Diffusion”. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 14 (1): 115-135.
- Zhu, L. ve Jeon, B.N. (2007). “International R&D Spillovers: Trade, FDI and Information Technology as Spillover Channels”. Review of International Economics, 15(5): 955– 976.
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Doğrudan AR-GE Etkisi ve Teknolojinin Difüzyonu: Türkiye Örneği
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 609 - 624, 01.12.2017
Özlem Fikirli
Mustafa Emir Yücel
Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de 1990-2015 yılları arasında toplam faktör verimliliği (TFV) ile doğrudan Ar-Ge etkisi ve teknolojinin difüzyonu arasındaki ilişki incelenmektedir. Doğrudan Ar-Ge etkisi, toplam Ar- Ge yatırım harcamalarından oluşturulan toplam Ar-Ge sermaye birikimi değişkeni ile analiz edilmiştir. Teknolojinin difüzyonu ise, ithalat oranı ve doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar değişkenleri ile incelenmiştir. Türkiye’de Ar-Ge yatırım harcamaları ve teknoloji difüzyonunun toplam faktör verimliliği üzerindeki etkisi, bu iki kanalın bir arada bulunması ile ortaya çıkmaktadır.
- Augier, P., Cadot, O. ve Dovis, M. (2013). “İmports and TFP at the Firm Level: The Role of Absorptive Capacity”. Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(3):956-981.
- Aghion, P. ve Howitt, P. (1992). “A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction”. Econometrica, 60:323-351.
- Aitken, B. ve Harrison, A. (1999). “Do Domestic Firms Benefit from Direct Foreign Investment? Evidence from Venezuela”. American Economic Review, 89(3):605-618.
- Ballot, G.,Fakhfakh, F. ve Taymaz, E. (2001). “Firms’ Human Capital, R&D andPerformance: A Study on French andSwedishFirms”. LabourEconomics, 8: 443-462.
- Bell,S.veMorse,S.(2008).SustainabilityIndicatorsMeasuringtheImmeasurable?.Earthscan, London.
- Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J.D. ve Lee, J-W. (1998). “How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth?”. Journal of International Economics, 45: 115–135.
- Cameron, G., Proudman, J. ve Redding, S. (2005). “Technological Convergence, R&D, Trade and Productivity Growth”. European Economic Review, 49:775–807.
- Cecchini, L. ve Lai-Tong, C. (2008). “The Links BetweenOpennessand Productivity in MediterraneanCountries”. AppliedEconomics, 40: 685-697.
- Chuang, Y.C. ve Lin, C.M. (1999). “Foreign Direct Investment, R&D and Spillover Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan's Manufacturing Firms”. The Journal of Development Studies, 35(4):117-137.
- Ciruelos, A. ve Wang, M. (2005). “International TechnologyDiffusion: Effects of Tradeand DYY”. AtlanticEconomicJournal, 33:437-449.
- Coe, D. T. ve Helpman, E. (1995). “International R&D Spillovers”. EuropeanEconomicReview, 39: 859-887.
- Damijan, J.P.,Knell, M., Majcen, B. ve Rojec, M. (2003). “The role of DYY, R&D AccumulationandTrade in TransferringTechnologytoTransitionCountries: EvidencefromFirm Panel Data forEightTransitionCountries”. EconomicSystems, 27:189-204.
- Djankov, S. ve Hoekman, B. (1998). “Avenue of Technology Transfer: Foreign Investment and Productivity Change in the Czech Republic”. CEPR Discussion Paper, No:1883.
- Fikirli, Ö. ve Çetin, A.K. (2015). “Ar-Ge Sermaye Birikiminin Toplam Faktör Verimliliğine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği”. Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisif, 4(2): 147-166.
- Frantzen, D. (2000). “R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers: A Cross- country Analysis”. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 102(1):57-75.
- Girma, S. (2005). “Absorptive Capacity and Productivity Spillovers from FDI: A Threshold Regression Analysis”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 67(3): 281-306.
- Griliches, Z. (1980). “R&D andthe Productivity Slowdown”. NBER WorkingPaper Series, WorkingPaper No:434.
- Griliches, Z. ve Lichtenberg, F. (1984). “InterindustryTechnologyFlowsand Productivity Growth: A Reexamination”. Review of EconomicsandStatistics, 66 (2) : 324-329.
- Grossman, G. M. ve Helpman, E. (1991). “InnovationandGrowth in the Global Economy”. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Ha, J. ve Howitt, P. (2007). “Accounting forTrends in Productivity and R&D: A SchumpeterianCritique of Semi-EndogenousGrowthTheory”. Journal of Money, CreditandBanking, 39(4):733-774.
- Higόn, D.A. (2007). “TheImpact of R&D Spillovers on UK Manufacturing TFP: A Dynamic Panel Approach”. ResearchPolicy, 36:964–979.
- Jerzmanowski, M. (2007). “Total Factor Productivity Differences: AppropriateTechnology vs. Efficiency”. EuropeanEconomicReview, 51:2080-2110.
- Keller, W. (2002). “TradeandtheTransmission of Technology”. Journal of EconomicGrowth, 7: 5-24.
- Keller, W. (2010). International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology Spillovers. Kenneth J. Arrow ve Michael D. Intriligator (Ed.), Handbooks In Economics 2 :. 793- 829 , UK: Elsevier.
- Kim, T. ve Park, C. (2003). “R&D, Tradeand Productivity Growth in KoreanManufacturing”. Review of World Economics, 139(3):460-483.
- Kim, S., Lim, H. ve Park, D. (2009). “İths, Exports and Total Factor Productivity in Korea”. Applied Economics, 41:1819–1834.
- Kinoshita, Y. (2000). R&D and Technology Spillovers Via FDI: Innovation and Absorptive Capacity. CEPR/WDI Annual Conference on Transition Economies, Moskova.
- Konings, J. (2000). “The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Firms: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data in Emerging Economies”. CEPR Discussion Paper, No:2586.
- Krugman, P. (1994). “The Myth of Asia's Miracle”. Foreign Affairs, 73: 62-78.
- Kugler, M. (2006). “Spillovers From Foreign Direct Investment: Within Or Between Industries?”. Journal of Development Economics, 80: 444– 477.
- Lichtenberg, F.R. ve Siegel, D. (1991). “TheImpact of R&D Investment on Productiviy - New Evidence Using Linked R&D – LRD Data”. EconomicInquiry, 29(2):203-229.
- Liu, X. ve Wang, C. (2003). “Does Foreign Direct Investment Facilitate Technological Progress? Evidence From Chinese Industries”. Research Policy, 32: 945–953.
- Los, B. ve Verspagen, B. (2000). “R&D Spilloversand Productivity: Evidencefrom U.S. ManufacturingMicrodata”. EmpiricalEconomics, 25: 127-148.
- Lucas, R.E. (1988). “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22:3-42.
- Maskus, K.E. ve McDaniel, C. (1999). “Impacts of TheJapanese Patent System on Productivity Growth”. Japan andthe World Economy, 11:557-574.
- Miller, S.M. ve Upadhyay, M.P. (2002). “Total Factor Productivity andtheConvergenceHypothesis”. Journal of Macroeconomics, 24:267–286.
- Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2006). What Determines Migration Flows From Low-Income to High-Income Countries? An empirical Investigation of FJI-US. Migration 1972-2001. Contemporary Economic Policy, 332-342.
- Park, W.G. (2013). “International Patenting, Patent Rights, andTechonolgyGaps”. Review of EconomicsandInstitutions, 4(1): 1-25.
- Pesaran,M. H. ve Shin, Y. (1999). “An AutodistributedLagModelingApproachtoCointegration Analysis”. Strom, S. (Ed.). EconometricsandEconomicTheory in the 20th Century: TheRagnarFrischCentennialSymposium, Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge.
- Pesaran, M. H.,Shin, Y. ve Smith, R. (2001). “BoundsTestingApproachestothe Analysis of Level Relationships”. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16, 289–326.
- Prescott, E.C. (1998). “Lawrence R. KleinLecture 1997 Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity”. International EconomicReview, 39(3):525-551.
- Romer, P. (1986). “Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth”. Journal of Political Economy, 94:1002-1037.
- Romer, P. (1990). “Endogenous Technical Change”. Journal of Political Economy, 98:71-102.
- Rouvinen, P. (2002). “R&D - Productivity Dynamics: Causality, Lags, and ‘DryHoles’”. Journal of AppliedEconomics, V(1): 123-156.
- Solow, R. M. (1957). “Technical ChangeandtheAggregateProductionFunction”. Review of EconomicsandStatistics, 39: 312-320.
- Verspagen, B. (1995). “R&D and Productivity: A Broad Cross-Section Cross- Country Look”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 6: 119-135.
- Verspagen, B. (1997). “MeasuringIntersectoralTechnologySpillovers: EstimatesfromtheEuropeanand US Patent Office Databases”. EconomicSystemsResearch, 9(1):47-65.
- Voutsinas, I. ve Tsamadias, C. (2014). “DoesResearchand Development CapitalAffect Total Factor Productivity? EvidencefromGreece”. Economics of Innovationand New Technology, 23: 631-651.
- Wang, J.C. ve Tsai, K.H. (2004). ”Productivity Growthand R&D Expenditure in Taiwan’sManufacturingFirms”. In Growthand Productivity in East Asia,NBER-East AsiaSeminar on Economics, 13:277-296.
- Wu, Y. (2000). “Is China'sEconomicGrowthSustainable? A Productivity Analysis”. ChinaEconomicReview, 11: 278 – 296.
- Xu, B. ve Chiang, E.P. (2005). “Trade, Patents and International Technology Diffusion”. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 14 (1): 115-135.
- Zhu, L. ve Jeon, B.N. (2007). “International R&D Spillovers: Trade, FDI and Information Technology as Spillover Channels”. Review of International Economics, 15(5): 955– 976.
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-, Erişim Tarihi: 23.06.2017.
-, Erişim Tarihi: 23.06.2017.