In this study; Thermoluminescence(TL) properties of tooth enamel which was obtained from healh teeth in the Faculty of Dentistry Aegean University. The tooth enamel was exposed to X-ray and TL spectra were taken with different heating rates (β) (2-10oC/s). It was observed that there is a broad TL peak approximately at 210 oC for tooth enamel in the range of 50-400 oC. The dependence of heating rate and exposed X-ray dose (dose response) of the 210 oC peak were investigated, as well as kinetic parameters were calculated using peak shape and heating rate methods for tooth enamel.
Bernier, J.L., Muhler, J.G., Improving dental pactice through preventive measure. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970. p. 139-145.
Hess, J.C., Librairine malonine. Endodonte I,II, S.A. Paris 1970.
Sicher, H., Dubrul, E. L., Oral anatomy. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970.
Toktamış, H., Toktamış, D., Yılmaz, S.M., Yazıcı, A.N., Yıldırım, C., Özbıçkıcı, Ö., The investigation of fluorapatite mineral(Ca5F(PO4)3)in tooth enamel under the different pre-irradiation thermal treatments. Thermochimica Acta, 2015.600:p. 102-109.
Fattibene, P., Callens, F., EPR dosimetry with tooth enamel: A review. Applied rediation and isotopes, 2010. 68: p. 2033-2116.
Deutsch, D., Alyoff, A., Changes in amino acid composition and protein distribution during development of human deciduous enamel. Growth, 1987.51: p. 342-352.
Brady, J.M., Aarestad, N.O., Schwartz, H.M., In vivo dosimetry by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Health Phys, 1968.15: p. 43-47.
Mathieu, D., Rainer, G., Are publishhed ESR dose assessments of fossil tooth enamel reliable?, Quathernary geochronology, 2016.31: p. 19-27.
Alghonamy, W.Y., Gaballah, O.M., Labah, D.A., Age estimation in adult human sound and periordontally affected teeth using tooth cementum. Tanta Dental Journal, 2015.12: p. 277-285.
Secu, C.E., Cherestes, M., Secu, M., Cherestes, C., Paraschiva, V., Barca, C., Retrospective dosimetry assesment using the 380 oC thermoluminescence peak of tooth enamel, Radiation Measurents, 2011.49: p. 1109-1112.
Shao, Q., Bahain, J.J., Dolo, J.M., Falgueres, C., Monte carlo approach to calculate US-ESR age and age uncertainty for tooth enamel, Quaternary Geochronology, 2014.22: p. 99-106.
Grün, R., The DATA program for the calcilation of ESR age estimates on tooth enamel, Quaternary Geochronology, 2009.4: p. 231-232.
Cameriere, R., Cunha, E., Wasterlain, S.N., De Luca, S., Sassaroli, E., Pagliora, F., Nuzzolese, E., Cingolani, M., Ferrante, L., Age estaimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lateral and central incisors by peri-apical x-ray, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2013.20: p. 530-536.
Sholom, S., DeWitt, R., Simon, S.L., Bouville, A., McKeever, S.W.S., Emergency dose estimation using optically stimulated luminescence from human tooth enamel, Radiation Measurements, 2011.46: p. 778-782.
DeWitt, R., Klein, D.M., Yukihara, E.G., Simon, S.L., McKeever, S.W.S, Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of tooth enamel and its potential use in past-radiation exsposure triage, Health Phys. 2014.98: p.432-439.
Young, R.A., Mackie, P.E, Sudarsanan, K., Materials Research Bulletin, 1972.7: p.1331-1338.
Annalakshmi, O., Jose, M.T., Sridevi, J., Venkatraman, B., Amarendra, G., Mandal, A.B., Kinetic parameters and TL mechanism in cadmium tetra borate phosphor, journal of luminescence, 2014.147: p. 284-289.
Chen, R., Glow curves with general order kinetics, Journal of electrochemical soc., 1969.16: p. 1254-1257.
Chen, R., Winer, S. A. A., Effects of various heating rates on glow curves, Journal of applied physics, 1970.41: p. 5227.
Hoogenstraaten, W., Philips Res.Rep, 1958.13: p. 515.
Yüce, R., Meriç, N., Atakol, A.,Yaşar, F., Dose response of hydranize-deproteinated tooth enamel under blue light stimulation, Radiation measurements, 2010.45: p. 797-800.
Bu çalışmada, Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’nden alınan sağlıklı diş minelerinin termolüminesans (TL) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Diş minesi X ışınları ile uyarılarak farklı ısıtma hızlarında (β) (210oC/s) TL spektrumları alınmıştır. 50-400 oC aralığında diş minesi için yaklaşık 210 oC’ de geniş bir TL piki olduğu gözlenmiştir. 210 oC’ deki pikin ısıtma hızı ve X ışını dozuna bağlılığı (doz yanıt) incelenmiş, aynı zamanda pik şekli ve ısıtma hızı metodları kullanılarak diş minesi için kinetik parametreler hesaplanmıştır
Bernier, J.L., Muhler, J.G., Improving dental pactice through preventive measure. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970. p. 139-145.
Hess, J.C., Librairine malonine. Endodonte I,II, S.A. Paris 1970.
Sicher, H., Dubrul, E. L., Oral anatomy. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970.
Toktamış, H., Toktamış, D., Yılmaz, S.M., Yazıcı, A.N., Yıldırım, C., Özbıçkıcı, Ö., The investigation of fluorapatite mineral(Ca5F(PO4)3)in tooth enamel under the different pre-irradiation thermal treatments. Thermochimica Acta, 2015.600:p. 102-109.
Fattibene, P., Callens, F., EPR dosimetry with tooth enamel: A review. Applied rediation and isotopes, 2010. 68: p. 2033-2116.
Deutsch, D., Alyoff, A., Changes in amino acid composition and protein distribution during development of human deciduous enamel. Growth, 1987.51: p. 342-352.
Brady, J.M., Aarestad, N.O., Schwartz, H.M., In vivo dosimetry by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Health Phys, 1968.15: p. 43-47.
Mathieu, D., Rainer, G., Are publishhed ESR dose assessments of fossil tooth enamel reliable?, Quathernary geochronology, 2016.31: p. 19-27.
Alghonamy, W.Y., Gaballah, O.M., Labah, D.A., Age estimation in adult human sound and periordontally affected teeth using tooth cementum. Tanta Dental Journal, 2015.12: p. 277-285.
Secu, C.E., Cherestes, M., Secu, M., Cherestes, C., Paraschiva, V., Barca, C., Retrospective dosimetry assesment using the 380 oC thermoluminescence peak of tooth enamel, Radiation Measurents, 2011.49: p. 1109-1112.
Shao, Q., Bahain, J.J., Dolo, J.M., Falgueres, C., Monte carlo approach to calculate US-ESR age and age uncertainty for tooth enamel, Quaternary Geochronology, 2014.22: p. 99-106.
Grün, R., The DATA program for the calcilation of ESR age estimates on tooth enamel, Quaternary Geochronology, 2009.4: p. 231-232.
Cameriere, R., Cunha, E., Wasterlain, S.N., De Luca, S., Sassaroli, E., Pagliora, F., Nuzzolese, E., Cingolani, M., Ferrante, L., Age estaimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lateral and central incisors by peri-apical x-ray, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2013.20: p. 530-536.
Sholom, S., DeWitt, R., Simon, S.L., Bouville, A., McKeever, S.W.S., Emergency dose estimation using optically stimulated luminescence from human tooth enamel, Radiation Measurements, 2011.46: p. 778-782.
DeWitt, R., Klein, D.M., Yukihara, E.G., Simon, S.L., McKeever, S.W.S, Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of tooth enamel and its potential use in past-radiation exsposure triage, Health Phys. 2014.98: p.432-439.
Young, R.A., Mackie, P.E, Sudarsanan, K., Materials Research Bulletin, 1972.7: p.1331-1338.
Annalakshmi, O., Jose, M.T., Sridevi, J., Venkatraman, B., Amarendra, G., Mandal, A.B., Kinetic parameters and TL mechanism in cadmium tetra borate phosphor, journal of luminescence, 2014.147: p. 284-289.
Chen, R., Glow curves with general order kinetics, Journal of electrochemical soc., 1969.16: p. 1254-1257.
Chen, R., Winer, S. A. A., Effects of various heating rates on glow curves, Journal of applied physics, 1970.41: p. 5227.
Hoogenstraaten, W., Philips Res.Rep, 1958.13: p. 515.
Yüce, R., Meriç, N., Atakol, A.,Yaşar, F., Dose response of hydranize-deproteinated tooth enamel under blue light stimulation, Radiation measurements, 2010.45: p. 797-800.
M. İ. Katı, K. Kadiroğulları, M. Türemiş, İ. Ç. Keskin, A. Çetin, ve R. Kibar, “The Investigation of Thermoluminescence Properties of Tooth Enamel”, ECJSE, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 297–303, 2016, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.264193.