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Elektrolitik Çok Katmanlı Cu-Ni-Cr Kaplı ABS'nin Farklı Test Kuvvetleri Altında Aşınma Performansı Üzerine Deneysel Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2021, , 666 - 674, 31.05.2021


Plastik malzemeler hafif ve ucuz olmalarının yanı sıra enjeksiyon kalıplama ve eklemeli imalat gibi çeşitli imalat yöntemleriyle kolayca üretilebildiği için bir çok uygulamada yaygın olarak tercih edilmektedirler. En çok kullanılan plastik malzemelerden biri olan ABS zaman zaman aşınma ve korozyon direncinin artırılması amacıyla kaplanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, enjeksiyon kalıplama ile üretilen ABS numunelerin aşınma davranışına kaplama ve test kuvvetlerinin etkisinin araştırılmasına odaklanılmıştır. Bu amaçla, ABS numuneler enjeksiyon kalıplama teknolojisiyle üretilmiş ve daha sonra bazı numuneler adım adım çok katmanlı Cu-Ni-Cr ile kaplanmıştır. Daha sonra, hazırlanan kaplamalı ve kaplamasız numunelerin yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri profilometre ile ölçülmüştür. Akabinde, kaplanan numune hassas kesme cihazı ile kesilerek, optik mikroskop ile mikro görüntüsü elde edilmiştir. Son olarak, kaplamalı ve kaplamasız numunelerin aşınma performansı 5N, 7N ve 10N gibi çeşitli yükler altında pin-on-disk aşınma cihazı ile test edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ortalama sürtünme katsayısı ve sürtünme kuvvetlerinin yanı sıra numunelerin yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve aşınma seviyesi belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, çok katmanlı Cu-Ni-Cr kaplamanın sürtünme kuvvetlerini ve ortalama sürtünme katsayısı değerlerini önemli ölçüde etkilediğini göstermektedir.


  • [1] Y. Han, R. Lach, W. Grellmann, Effects of rubber content and temperature on unstable fracture behavior in ABS materials with different particle sizes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 79 (2001), pp. 9-20.
  • [2] Yingchun Li, Xiaolu Wu, Jiangfeng Song, Jianfeng Li, Qian Shao, Nuo Cao, Na Lu, Zhanhu Guo, Reparation of recycled acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene by pyromellitic dianhydride: Reparation performance evaluation and property analysis, Polymer, Volume 124, 25 August 2017, Pages 41-47.
  • [3] Narinder Singh, Rupinder Singh, in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2017.
  • [4] Andrea Mura, Federica Adamo, Haozhe Wang, Wei Sun Leong, Xiang Ji, Jing Kong, Investigation about tribological behavior of ABS and PC-ABS polymers coated with graphene, Tribology International, Volume 134, June 2019, Pages 335-340.
  • [5] M.Bazzaoui, J.I.Martins, E.A.Bazzaoui, A.Albourine, Environmentally friendly process for nickel electroplating of ABS, Applied Surface Science, Volume 258, Issue 20, 1 August 2012, Pages 7968-7975.
  • [6] Avila-Alfaro, J.A., Sánchez-Valdes, S., Ramos-deValle, L.F. et al. Ultrasound Irradiation Coating of Silver Nanoparticle on ABS Sheet Surface. J Inorg Organomet Polym 23, 673–683 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-013-9832-y.
  • [7] Andrea Mura, Federica Adamo, Haozhe Wang, Wei Sun Leong, Xiang Ji, Jing Kong, Investigation about tribological behavior of ABS and PC-ABS polymers coated with graphene, Tribology International, Volume 134, June 2019, Pages 335-340.
  • [8] M.S.Khan, S.B.Mishra, M Ajay Kumar, Dipabrata Banerjee, Optimizing Surface Texture and Coating Thickness of Nickel Coated ABS-3D Parts, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 9, Part 3, 2018, Pages 19011-19018.
  • [9] Shrutee Nigam, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Saroj Kumar Patel, Study of Various Aspects of Copper Coating on ABS Plastic by Electric Arc Spraying, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 2, Part 2, 2018, Pages 8446-8453.
  • [10] Shaikh, M.S.N.M., Ahuja, B.B. Optimization of Electroless Nickel Tungsten Composite Coating on 3D-Printed ABS Substrate for Maximum Tungsten Content. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40032-020-00630-2.
  • [11] Dexin Chen, Yan Zhang, Takeshi Bessho, Takahiro Kudo, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang, Formation of reflective and conductive silver film on ABS surface via covalent grafting and solution spray, Applied Surface Science, Volume 349, 15 September 2015, Pages 503-509.
  • [12] Dayi Gilberto Agredo Diaz, Raúl Gilberto Valdez Navarro, Nicolas Ortiz Godoy, Arturo Barba Pingarrón, Jesús Rafael González Parra, Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez, Magdalena Trujillo Barragán, Irma Angarita Moncaleano, Cesar Armando Ortiz Otalora, Flame-sprayed Zn-Al coatings on ABS without chemical surface preparation, Materials Letters, Volume 280, 1 December 2020, 128574.
  • [13] Yang, H.; Ji, F.; Li, Z.; Tao, S. Preparation of Hydrophobic Surface on PLA and ABS by Fused Deposition Modeling. Polymers 2020, 12, 1539.
  • [14] R. Mahesh Kumar, N. Rajini, K. Mayandi, Nadir Ayrilmis, Friction and wear properties of PTFE blended ABS polymer composite, AIP Conference Proceedings 2057, 020046 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5085617.
  • [15] P.Sukwisute, R.Sakdanuphab, A.Sakulkalavek, Hardness and wear resistance improvement of ABS surface by CrN thin film, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue 5, Part 2, 2017, Pages 6553-6561.
  • [16] Omar Ahmed Mohamed, Syed Hasan Masood, Jahar Lal Bhowmik, Analysis of wear behavior of additively manufactured PC-ABS parts, Materials Letters, Volume 230, 1 November 2018, Pages 261-265.
  • [17] Nigam, S., Patel, S. K., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016). Sliding Wear Analysis of a Metallic Coating on ABS Plastic Substrate. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 852, 381–387.
  • [18] S Nigam et al 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 149 012079.
  • [19] M. N. Sudin, F. R. Ramli, M. R. Alkahari, M. A. Abdullah, Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and ABS composite parts fabricated via fused deposition modelling, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(1) 2018, Pages: 164-169.
  • [20] Andrey Matseevich, Tatyana Matseevich, Andrey Askadskii, Study of the abrasion resistance of wood-polymer composites and mixtures of ABS-plastic with polyvinyl chloride, MATEC Web of Conferences 196, 04069 (2018).
  • [21] Abdellah, M.Y.; Fathi, H.I.; Abdelhaleem, A.M.M.; Dewidar, M. Mechanical Properties and Wear Behavior of a Novel Composite of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene Strengthened by Short Basalt Fiber. J. Compos. Sci. 2018, 2, 34.
  • [22] Döleker, K.M. (2020). ZrO2-5%CaO Termal Bariyer Kaplama (TBC) Sisteminin Sıcak Korozyon Direnci. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(2), 628-638.
  • [23] Uçar, K., Şen, U. (2019). Friction and Wear Properties of T6 Treatment And As-Plated Duplex NiP/NiB Coatings on Az91d Magnesium Alloy. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1), 31-42.
  • [24] Ergene, B., Bolat, Ç. (2020). Determination of Thermal Stress and Elongation on Different Ceramic Coated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at Elevated Temperatures by Finite Element Method. Sigma Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences, 38(4), 2013-2026.
  • [25] Sudin, M.N., Ramli, F.R., Alkahari, M.R. & Abdullah, M.A. (2018). Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and ABS composite pars fabricated via fused deposition modelling. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 164-169.
  • [26] Garg, H.K., Singh, R. (2015). Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and Nylon6-Fe powder composite parts prepared with fused deposition modelling. J. Cent. South Univ., 22, 3705-3711.
  • [27] Monterde, J.G., Soto, M.G., Maspoch, M.L. (2018). Influence of injection molding parameters on the morphology mechanical and surface properties of ABS foams. Advanced Polymer Technology, 37, 2707-2720.
  • [28] Yalçın, B., Ergene, B. (2017). Endüstride yeni eğilim olan 3-B eklemeli imalat yöntemi ve metalurjisi. SDU International Journal of Technological Science, 9(3), 65-88.
  • [29] Olivera, S., Muralidhara, H.B., Venkatesh, K., Gopalakrishna, K., Vivek, C.S. (2016). Plating on acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) plastic: a review. J. Mater. Sci., 51, 3657-3674.

An Experimental Study on Wear Performance of Electrolytic Multilayer Cu-Ni-Cr Coated ABS Under Different Test Forces

Yıl 2021, , 666 - 674, 31.05.2021


Plastic materials are widely preferred in many applications due to being light and cheap in addition to being manufactured easily with various manufacturing methods like injection molding or additive manufacturing. One of the most used plastic material ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is sometimes coated to increase its wear and corrosion resistance. In this study, investigating the effect of coating and test forces on wear behavior of injection-molded ABS specimens at room temperature were focused. For this purpose, ABS specimens were manufactured with injection molding technology and some samples were multilayer Cu-Ni-Cr coated step by step. Then, surface roughness values of prepared coated and uncoated specimens were measured by surface roughness profilometer. Subsequently, the micro view of the coated sample was obtained from an optical microscope after cutting the sample with the precision cutting machine. Lastly, the wear performance of coated and uncoated samples was tested under various loads such as 5N, 7N, and 10N by using pin-on-disc test equipment. In conclusion, surface roughness and wear level of samples were determined besides the average friction coefficient and friction forces. The results show that multilayer Cu-Ni-Cr coating affects the friction forces and average friction coefficient values significantly.


  • [1] Y. Han, R. Lach, W. Grellmann, Effects of rubber content and temperature on unstable fracture behavior in ABS materials with different particle sizes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 79 (2001), pp. 9-20.
  • [2] Yingchun Li, Xiaolu Wu, Jiangfeng Song, Jianfeng Li, Qian Shao, Nuo Cao, Na Lu, Zhanhu Guo, Reparation of recycled acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene by pyromellitic dianhydride: Reparation performance evaluation and property analysis, Polymer, Volume 124, 25 August 2017, Pages 41-47.
  • [3] Narinder Singh, Rupinder Singh, in Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 2017.
  • [4] Andrea Mura, Federica Adamo, Haozhe Wang, Wei Sun Leong, Xiang Ji, Jing Kong, Investigation about tribological behavior of ABS and PC-ABS polymers coated with graphene, Tribology International, Volume 134, June 2019, Pages 335-340.
  • [5] M.Bazzaoui, J.I.Martins, E.A.Bazzaoui, A.Albourine, Environmentally friendly process for nickel electroplating of ABS, Applied Surface Science, Volume 258, Issue 20, 1 August 2012, Pages 7968-7975.
  • [6] Avila-Alfaro, J.A., Sánchez-Valdes, S., Ramos-deValle, L.F. et al. Ultrasound Irradiation Coating of Silver Nanoparticle on ABS Sheet Surface. J Inorg Organomet Polym 23, 673–683 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-013-9832-y.
  • [7] Andrea Mura, Federica Adamo, Haozhe Wang, Wei Sun Leong, Xiang Ji, Jing Kong, Investigation about tribological behavior of ABS and PC-ABS polymers coated with graphene, Tribology International, Volume 134, June 2019, Pages 335-340.
  • [8] M.S.Khan, S.B.Mishra, M Ajay Kumar, Dipabrata Banerjee, Optimizing Surface Texture and Coating Thickness of Nickel Coated ABS-3D Parts, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 9, Part 3, 2018, Pages 19011-19018.
  • [9] Shrutee Nigam, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Saroj Kumar Patel, Study of Various Aspects of Copper Coating on ABS Plastic by Electric Arc Spraying, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 2, Part 2, 2018, Pages 8446-8453.
  • [10] Shaikh, M.S.N.M., Ahuja, B.B. Optimization of Electroless Nickel Tungsten Composite Coating on 3D-Printed ABS Substrate for Maximum Tungsten Content. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40032-020-00630-2.
  • [11] Dexin Chen, Yan Zhang, Takeshi Bessho, Takahiro Kudo, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang, Formation of reflective and conductive silver film on ABS surface via covalent grafting and solution spray, Applied Surface Science, Volume 349, 15 September 2015, Pages 503-509.
  • [12] Dayi Gilberto Agredo Diaz, Raúl Gilberto Valdez Navarro, Nicolas Ortiz Godoy, Arturo Barba Pingarrón, Jesús Rafael González Parra, Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez, Magdalena Trujillo Barragán, Irma Angarita Moncaleano, Cesar Armando Ortiz Otalora, Flame-sprayed Zn-Al coatings on ABS without chemical surface preparation, Materials Letters, Volume 280, 1 December 2020, 128574.
  • [13] Yang, H.; Ji, F.; Li, Z.; Tao, S. Preparation of Hydrophobic Surface on PLA and ABS by Fused Deposition Modeling. Polymers 2020, 12, 1539.
  • [14] R. Mahesh Kumar, N. Rajini, K. Mayandi, Nadir Ayrilmis, Friction and wear properties of PTFE blended ABS polymer composite, AIP Conference Proceedings 2057, 020046 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5085617.
  • [15] P.Sukwisute, R.Sakdanuphab, A.Sakulkalavek, Hardness and wear resistance improvement of ABS surface by CrN thin film, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue 5, Part 2, 2017, Pages 6553-6561.
  • [16] Omar Ahmed Mohamed, Syed Hasan Masood, Jahar Lal Bhowmik, Analysis of wear behavior of additively manufactured PC-ABS parts, Materials Letters, Volume 230, 1 November 2018, Pages 261-265.
  • [17] Nigam, S., Patel, S. K., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016). Sliding Wear Analysis of a Metallic Coating on ABS Plastic Substrate. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 852, 381–387.
  • [18] S Nigam et al 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 149 012079.
  • [19] M. N. Sudin, F. R. Ramli, M. R. Alkahari, M. A. Abdullah, Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and ABS composite parts fabricated via fused deposition modelling, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(1) 2018, Pages: 164-169.
  • [20] Andrey Matseevich, Tatyana Matseevich, Andrey Askadskii, Study of the abrasion resistance of wood-polymer composites and mixtures of ABS-plastic with polyvinyl chloride, MATEC Web of Conferences 196, 04069 (2018).
  • [21] Abdellah, M.Y.; Fathi, H.I.; Abdelhaleem, A.M.M.; Dewidar, M. Mechanical Properties and Wear Behavior of a Novel Composite of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene Strengthened by Short Basalt Fiber. J. Compos. Sci. 2018, 2, 34.
  • [22] Döleker, K.M. (2020). ZrO2-5%CaO Termal Bariyer Kaplama (TBC) Sisteminin Sıcak Korozyon Direnci. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(2), 628-638.
  • [23] Uçar, K., Şen, U. (2019). Friction and Wear Properties of T6 Treatment And As-Plated Duplex NiP/NiB Coatings on Az91d Magnesium Alloy. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1), 31-42.
  • [24] Ergene, B., Bolat, Ç. (2020). Determination of Thermal Stress and Elongation on Different Ceramic Coated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at Elevated Temperatures by Finite Element Method. Sigma Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences, 38(4), 2013-2026.
  • [25] Sudin, M.N., Ramli, F.R., Alkahari, M.R. & Abdullah, M.A. (2018). Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and ABS composite pars fabricated via fused deposition modelling. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 164-169.
  • [26] Garg, H.K., Singh, R. (2015). Comparison of wear behavior of ABS and Nylon6-Fe powder composite parts prepared with fused deposition modelling. J. Cent. South Univ., 22, 3705-3711.
  • [27] Monterde, J.G., Soto, M.G., Maspoch, M.L. (2018). Influence of injection molding parameters on the morphology mechanical and surface properties of ABS foams. Advanced Polymer Technology, 37, 2707-2720.
  • [28] Yalçın, B., Ergene, B. (2017). Endüstride yeni eğilim olan 3-B eklemeli imalat yöntemi ve metalurjisi. SDU International Journal of Technological Science, 9(3), 65-88.
  • [29] Olivera, S., Muralidhara, H.B., Venkatesh, K., Gopalakrishna, K., Vivek, C.S. (2016). Plating on acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) plastic: a review. J. Mater. Sci., 51, 3657-3674.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Sencer Karabeyoğlu 0000-0001-8253-6412

Berkay Ergene 0000-0001-6145-1970

Çağın Bolat 0000-0002-4356-4696

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ocak 2021
Kabul Tarihi 29 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

IEEE S. Karabeyoğlu, B. Ergene, ve Ç. Bolat, “An Experimental Study on Wear Performance of Electrolytic Multilayer Cu-Ni-Cr Coated ABS Under Different Test Forces”, ECJSE, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 666–674, 2021, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.862808.