Sıcak Haddelenmiş Çelik Hollanda Profillerinin Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarımı, Analizi ve İmalatı
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 9 - 19, 31.01.2020
Mehmet Akkaş
Burak Önder
Ezgi Sevgi
Osman Çulha
Bu çalışmada, kalibreler tasarlanmış ve gemi
yapılarında kullanılan düşük karbon-mikro alaşımlı çelik ile asimetrik bir
profil elde etmek için sonlu elemanlar metoduna dayanan Simufact Forming
simülasyon aracı kullanılarak kontrollü haddeleme simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Üretim kusurlarının ortadan kaldırılması, gerilme-gerinim eğrileri, merdanelere
etki eden kuvvetler ve merdanelerin giriş ve çıkışlarındaki tork
gereksinimlerinin sağlanması için simülasyon yardımlı imalat çalışmaları yapılmıştır.
Nihai ürünün mekanik özelliklerini iyileştirmek için üretim parametrelerinin
optimizasyon çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Simülasyon destekli
faaliyetlerden elde edilen üretim parametrelerinin prototip üretiminde kullanılması
ve asimetrik profilin mekanik özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi sağlanarak elde
edilen üretim numunelerine mekanik testler ve metalurjik testler uygulanmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Kocaer Haddecilik San. Tic. ve A.Ş.
Projedeki deney çalışmalarının gerçekleştirilebilmesi için laboratuvar olanaklarını kullanımımıza açan Kocaer Haddecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.’ye teşekkürü bir borç biliriz. Bu vesile ile tüm Kocaer Ar-Ge Merkezi personeline projemize verdikleri destek için de ayrıca teşekkür ederiz.
- [1]: Eyres D.J., Bruce G. J., " Ship construction", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012.
- [2]: Rackham J. W., Hicks S. J., Newman G. M., "Design of Asymmetric Slimflor Beam withprecast concrete slabs", The Steel Construction Institute, 2006.
- [3]: Um, Kyung-Keun, et al. "High performance steel plates for shipbuilding applications." The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2008.
- [4]: Yanagimoto, Jun, et al. "Strategic CAE system for the design of calibre in the rolling of complex sections." steel research international 73.12, 2002, 526-530.
- [5]: Suominen M., Romanoff J., Remes H., Kujala P., "The determination of ice-induced loads on the ship hull from shear strain measurements", Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V, 2015, pp. 375 – 383.
- [6]: Sundermeyer, W., W. Fricke, H. Paetzold. "Investigation of weld root fatigue of single-sided welded T-joints." Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V (2015): 309.
- [7]: Guimaraes P. B., Pedrosa P. M. A., Yadava Y. P., Barbosa J. M. A., Filho A. V. S., Ferreira R. A. S., "Determination of residual stresses numerically obtained in ASTM AH36 steel welded by TIG process", Materials Sciences and Applications, 2013, 4, pp. 268- 274.
- [8]: Bintu, A., et al. "Effect of symmetric and asymmetric rolling on the mechanical properties of AA5182." Materials & Design 100, 2016, pp. 151-156.
- [9]: Choung, Joonmo, Chun-Sik Shim, and Ha-Cheol Song. "Estimation of failure strain of EH36 high strength marine structural steel using average stress triaxiality." Marine Structures 29.1, 2012, 1-21.
- [10]: Cristea, B., C. I. Mocanu, and L. Domnisoru. "Non-linear hydroelastic and fatigue analyses for a very large bulk carrier." Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V 235.315, 2015, 83.
- [11]: Taş, Z. “Metallurgical mechanisms for increasing the strength of high-strength-low-alloy-steels” Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2012; 28(2), 97-101
- [12]: Islamgaliev, R K., et al” Effect of grain refinement on mechanical properties of martensitic steel” 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 194 012025
- [13]: (access 01.05.2018)
- [14]: 01.05.2018)
Computer Aided Design, Analysis and Manufacturing of Hot Rolled Bulb Flat Steel Profiles
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 9 - 19, 31.01.2020
Mehmet Akkaş
Burak Önder
Ezgi Sevgi
Osman Çulha
: In this study, roll-pass designs were designed and controlled rolling simulations were realized by using of Simufact Forming simulation tool based on finite element method for acquiring an asymmetrical profile with low carbon- micro alloyed steel used in ship buildings. Simulation aided manufacturing studies have been realized for eliminating the manufacturing defects and obtaining stress-strain curves, forces acting on the rollers and torque requirements at the inlets and the outlets of the rolling stands. Optimization studies of the production parameters to improve the final product mechanical properties. Mechanical tests and metallurgical tests have been applied to the production samples obtained by ensuring that the production parameters obtained in simulated support activities are used in prototype productions and the improvement of the mechanical properties of the profile with asymmetric section is provided.
- [1]: Eyres D.J., Bruce G. J., " Ship construction", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012.
- [2]: Rackham J. W., Hicks S. J., Newman G. M., "Design of Asymmetric Slimflor Beam withprecast concrete slabs", The Steel Construction Institute, 2006.
- [3]: Um, Kyung-Keun, et al. "High performance steel plates for shipbuilding applications." The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2008.
- [4]: Yanagimoto, Jun, et al. "Strategic CAE system for the design of calibre in the rolling of complex sections." steel research international 73.12, 2002, 526-530.
- [5]: Suominen M., Romanoff J., Remes H., Kujala P., "The determination of ice-induced loads on the ship hull from shear strain measurements", Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V, 2015, pp. 375 – 383.
- [6]: Sundermeyer, W., W. Fricke, H. Paetzold. "Investigation of weld root fatigue of single-sided welded T-joints." Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V (2015): 309.
- [7]: Guimaraes P. B., Pedrosa P. M. A., Yadava Y. P., Barbosa J. M. A., Filho A. V. S., Ferreira R. A. S., "Determination of residual stresses numerically obtained in ASTM AH36 steel welded by TIG process", Materials Sciences and Applications, 2013, 4, pp. 268- 274.
- [8]: Bintu, A., et al. "Effect of symmetric and asymmetric rolling on the mechanical properties of AA5182." Materials & Design 100, 2016, pp. 151-156.
- [9]: Choung, Joonmo, Chun-Sik Shim, and Ha-Cheol Song. "Estimation of failure strain of EH36 high strength marine structural steel using average stress triaxiality." Marine Structures 29.1, 2012, 1-21.
- [10]: Cristea, B., C. I. Mocanu, and L. Domnisoru. "Non-linear hydroelastic and fatigue analyses for a very large bulk carrier." Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V 235.315, 2015, 83.
- [11]: Taş, Z. “Metallurgical mechanisms for increasing the strength of high-strength-low-alloy-steels” Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2012; 28(2), 97-101
- [12]: Islamgaliev, R K., et al” Effect of grain refinement on mechanical properties of martensitic steel” 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 194 012025
- [13]: (access 01.05.2018)
- [14]: 01.05.2018)