Yağmur Suyu Toplama Sistemlerinde Optimum Depolama Yönteminin Belirlenmesi: Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi Örneği
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 102 - 116, 31.01.2021
Sibel Temizkan
Merve Tuna Kayılı
Yağmur suyu toplama (YST) sistemi, yağmur suyunu toplama ve bu serbest yağmur suyunu belirli bir amaç için tekrar kullanmadan önce depolama yöntemidir. Bu sistem, dünyadaki yerel iklim şartlarına uygun olan çoğu bölgede yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yağmur suyu toplama sistemlerinin optimum maliyetle uygulanması ve düşük geri ödeme süresiyle tasarlanması, sistemin sürdürülebilirliği ve tercih edilebilirliği açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, yüksek alanda sert zemine ve çatı yüzeyine sahip olan Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi’nin meydan ve çatısından elde edilebilecek yağmur suyu hasadı için yağmur suyu toplama sistemi (YST) tasarımı sürecinde uygun depo büyüklüğü hesaplanmıştır. Üniversitenin mevcut depo hacmi de göz önünde bulundurularak kurgulanan senaryolar üzerinden, kurulabilecek YST sistemi için inşaat ve depo maliyetleri göz önünde bulundurularak optimum depolama yöntemine karar verilmiştir. Çalışmanın YST sistem tasarımında ön süreç olan depo miktarı ve depolama yönteminin belirlenmesi aşamasında, sistem kurucularına ve karar vericilerine yol göstermesi beklenmektedir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Karabük Üniversitesi
Proje Numarası
Bu çalışmanın ortaya çıkmasında verdiği destekten ötürü Karabük Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi Birimi’ne teşekkür ederiz.
- [1] Şahin, M., Güven, Y., Oğuz, Y., Şahin E., Hidroelektrik santrallerinin çevre politikalari açısından önemi, El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 2016, 3(3): 521-532.
- [2] Global Hunger Index Global hunger index: The challenge of hunger: Ensuring Sustainable Food Security Under Land, Water, and Energy Stresses. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2012.
- [3] United Nations World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision, Highlights And Advance Tables, New York United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs, 2013.
- [4] Heggen, R.J., Rainwater catchment and the challenges of sustainable development, Water Science and Technology, 2000, 42(1-2), 141-145.
- [5] UNESCO-IHP, Final Report, 20th Session of the Intergovernmental Council, Paris, 4-7 June. 2012, Paris, France.
- [6] Abdulla, F.A.. Al-Shareef, A.W., Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan, Desalination, 2009, 243(1-3), 195-207.
- [7] Campisano, A., Butler, D., Ward, S., Burns, M.J., Friedler, E., DeBusk, K., ... & Han, M., Urban rainwater harvesting systems: Research, implementation and future perspectives, Water Research, 2017, 115, 195-209.
- [8] Radhakrishna, B. P., Rainwater harvesting, a time-honoured practice: Need for revival, Current Science, 2003, 85(9), 1259-1261.
- [9] Abdulla, F.A., Al-Shareef, A.W., Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan, Desalination, 2009, 243(1-3), 195-207.
- [10] Alam, R., Munna, G., Chowdhury, M.A.I., Sarkar, M.S.K.A., Ahmed, M., Rahman, M.T., ... Toimoor, M.A., Feasibility study of rainwater harvesting system in Sylhet City, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(1), 573-580.
- [11] Glendenning, C.J., Vervoort, R.W., Hydrological impacts of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in a case study catchment: The Arvari River, Rajasthan, India. Part 1: Field-scale impacts, Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 98(2), 331-342.
- [12] Kahinda, J.M., Taigbenu, A.E., Boroto, R.J., Domestic rainwater harvesting as an adaptation measure to climate change in South Africa, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2010, 35(13-14), 742-751.
- [13] Daigger, G.T., Evolving urban water and residuals management paradigms: Water reclamation and reuse, decentralization and resource recovery, Water Environment Research, 2009, 81(8), 809-823.
- [14] Vieira, A.S., Beal, C.D., Ghisi, E., Stewart, R.A., Energy intensity of rainwater harvesting systems: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 34, 225-242.
- [15] Dallman, S., Chaudhry, A. M., Muleta, M. K., Lee, J., The value of rain: benefit-cost analysis of rainwater harvesting systems, Water Resources Management, 2016, 30(12), 4415-4428.
- [16] Malinowski, P.A., Stillwell, A.S., Wu, J.S., Schwarz, P.M., Energy-water nexus: Potential energy savings and implications for sustainable integrated water management in urban areas from rainwater harvesting and gray-water reuse, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2015, 141(12), A4015003.
- [17] UNESCO (2019), Water security and the sustainable development goals, International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/home. (25.04.2020)
- [18] UN Water, Water security and the global water agenda: A UN-water analytical brief, Hamilton, ON: UN University, 2013.
- [19] Örs, İ., Safi, S., Ünlükara, A., Yürekli, K., Su hasadı teknikleri, yapıları ve etkileri, International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 2011, 4(2), 65-71.
- [20] Amin, M.T., Alazba, A.A., Probable sources of rainwater contamination in a rainwater harvesting system and remedial options, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011, 5(12), 1054-1064.
- [21] Daigger, G.T., Evolving urban water and residuals management paradigms: Water reclamation and reuse, decentralization and resource recovery, Water Environment Research, 2009, 81(8), 809-823.
- [22] Alpaslan, N., Tanık, A., Dölgen, D., Türkiye’de Su Yönetimi Sorunlar ve Öneriler, TÜSİAD Yayın No: 2008-09.
- [23] Şahin, N.İ., Manioğlu, G., Binalarda yağmur suyunun kullanılması, Tesisat Mühendisliği Dergisi, 2011, 125, 21-32.
- [24] U.N. Water Security & The Global Water Agenda, UN Water Analytical Brief, Hamilton, Canada: UN University, 2013.
- [25] URL 1 (2019) https://www.karmodplastik.com/depo-yeri-hazirlanmasi-kurulum.html, Depo Yeri Hazırlanması ve Kurulumu (25.12.2019).
- [26] TWDB, Texas Water Development Board in Cooperation with Chris Brown, Jan Gerston, Stephen Colley, The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting, Third Edition, 2005, 88, Austin, Texas. https://www.twdb.texas.gov/publications/brochures/ (26.02.2020)
- [27] URL 2 (2020), https://www.karmodplastik.com/yagmur-suyu-depolama-tanki.html https://sudeposu.net/yagmur-suyu-hasadi-tanki (25.07.2020)
- [28] Dönmez, Y., Türkmen, F., Çabuk, S., Students Opinions on The Plan of University Campus, International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, 2015, (6), 1–1.
- [29] Karabük Üniversitesi 2019 Yılı İdare Faaliyet Raporu, http://strateji.karabuk.edu.tr. (02.03.2020).
- [30] Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi, Yapı İşleri Daire Başkanlığı, 2019.
- [31] URL 3 (2019) https://karabuk.ktb.gov.tr/TR-63702/cografya.html (27.12.2019)
- [32] URL 4 (2019) https://www.mgm.gov.tr/tahmin/il-ve-ilceler.aspx?il=KARABUK (27.12.2019)
- [33] Bektaş, İ., Dinçer, A.E., Değişen İklim Koşullarında Çatı Kaplama Malzemelerinin Verimliliğinin İncelenmesi-Safranbolu Örneği, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017, 33(3), 35-53.
- [34] Ball, T., Harvesting rainwater for domestic uses: an information guide, Bristol: Aztec West Almondsbury, 2001.
Determination of Optimum Storage Method in Rainwater Harvesting: Karabuk University Social Life Center Example
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 102 - 116, 31.01.2021
Sibel Temizkan
Merve Tuna Kayılı
Rainwater harvesting (YST) system is a method of collecting rainwater and storing this free rainwater before reuse for a specific purpose. This system is widely used in most regions of the world that are suitable for local climatic conditions. Application of rainwater collection systems at optimum cost and design with low payback period is important for the sustainability and preferability of the system. In this study, the appropriate tank size was calculated for the rainwater harvesting system (YST) design process for the rainwater harvesting that can be obtained from the square and roof of the Karabük University Social Life Center, which has a hard floor and roof surface in the high area. Based on the scenarios designed by taking the existing warehouse volume of the university into consideration, the optimum storage method was decided for the YST system to be installed, considering the construction and warehouse costs. The study is expected to guide system builders and decision makers in the process of determining the warehouse quantity and storage method, which are the preliminary processes in YST system design.
Proje Numarası
- [1] Şahin, M., Güven, Y., Oğuz, Y., Şahin E., Hidroelektrik santrallerinin çevre politikalari açısından önemi, El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 2016, 3(3): 521-532.
- [2] Global Hunger Index Global hunger index: The challenge of hunger: Ensuring Sustainable Food Security Under Land, Water, and Energy Stresses. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2012.
- [3] United Nations World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision, Highlights And Advance Tables, New York United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs, 2013.
- [4] Heggen, R.J., Rainwater catchment and the challenges of sustainable development, Water Science and Technology, 2000, 42(1-2), 141-145.
- [5] UNESCO-IHP, Final Report, 20th Session of the Intergovernmental Council, Paris, 4-7 June. 2012, Paris, France.
- [6] Abdulla, F.A.. Al-Shareef, A.W., Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan, Desalination, 2009, 243(1-3), 195-207.
- [7] Campisano, A., Butler, D., Ward, S., Burns, M.J., Friedler, E., DeBusk, K., ... & Han, M., Urban rainwater harvesting systems: Research, implementation and future perspectives, Water Research, 2017, 115, 195-209.
- [8] Radhakrishna, B. P., Rainwater harvesting, a time-honoured practice: Need for revival, Current Science, 2003, 85(9), 1259-1261.
- [9] Abdulla, F.A., Al-Shareef, A.W., Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan, Desalination, 2009, 243(1-3), 195-207.
- [10] Alam, R., Munna, G., Chowdhury, M.A.I., Sarkar, M.S.K.A., Ahmed, M., Rahman, M.T., ... Toimoor, M.A., Feasibility study of rainwater harvesting system in Sylhet City, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(1), 573-580.
- [11] Glendenning, C.J., Vervoort, R.W., Hydrological impacts of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in a case study catchment: The Arvari River, Rajasthan, India. Part 1: Field-scale impacts, Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 98(2), 331-342.
- [12] Kahinda, J.M., Taigbenu, A.E., Boroto, R.J., Domestic rainwater harvesting as an adaptation measure to climate change in South Africa, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2010, 35(13-14), 742-751.
- [13] Daigger, G.T., Evolving urban water and residuals management paradigms: Water reclamation and reuse, decentralization and resource recovery, Water Environment Research, 2009, 81(8), 809-823.
- [14] Vieira, A.S., Beal, C.D., Ghisi, E., Stewart, R.A., Energy intensity of rainwater harvesting systems: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 34, 225-242.
- [15] Dallman, S., Chaudhry, A. M., Muleta, M. K., Lee, J., The value of rain: benefit-cost analysis of rainwater harvesting systems, Water Resources Management, 2016, 30(12), 4415-4428.
- [16] Malinowski, P.A., Stillwell, A.S., Wu, J.S., Schwarz, P.M., Energy-water nexus: Potential energy savings and implications for sustainable integrated water management in urban areas from rainwater harvesting and gray-water reuse, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2015, 141(12), A4015003.
- [17] UNESCO (2019), Water security and the sustainable development goals, International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/home. (25.04.2020)
- [18] UN Water, Water security and the global water agenda: A UN-water analytical brief, Hamilton, ON: UN University, 2013.
- [19] Örs, İ., Safi, S., Ünlükara, A., Yürekli, K., Su hasadı teknikleri, yapıları ve etkileri, International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 2011, 4(2), 65-71.
- [20] Amin, M.T., Alazba, A.A., Probable sources of rainwater contamination in a rainwater harvesting system and remedial options, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011, 5(12), 1054-1064.
- [21] Daigger, G.T., Evolving urban water and residuals management paradigms: Water reclamation and reuse, decentralization and resource recovery, Water Environment Research, 2009, 81(8), 809-823.
- [22] Alpaslan, N., Tanık, A., Dölgen, D., Türkiye’de Su Yönetimi Sorunlar ve Öneriler, TÜSİAD Yayın No: 2008-09.
- [23] Şahin, N.İ., Manioğlu, G., Binalarda yağmur suyunun kullanılması, Tesisat Mühendisliği Dergisi, 2011, 125, 21-32.
- [24] U.N. Water Security & The Global Water Agenda, UN Water Analytical Brief, Hamilton, Canada: UN University, 2013.
- [25] URL 1 (2019) https://www.karmodplastik.com/depo-yeri-hazirlanmasi-kurulum.html, Depo Yeri Hazırlanması ve Kurulumu (25.12.2019).
- [26] TWDB, Texas Water Development Board in Cooperation with Chris Brown, Jan Gerston, Stephen Colley, The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting, Third Edition, 2005, 88, Austin, Texas. https://www.twdb.texas.gov/publications/brochures/ (26.02.2020)
- [27] URL 2 (2020), https://www.karmodplastik.com/yagmur-suyu-depolama-tanki.html https://sudeposu.net/yagmur-suyu-hasadi-tanki (25.07.2020)
- [28] Dönmez, Y., Türkmen, F., Çabuk, S., Students Opinions on The Plan of University Campus, International Refereed Journal of Design and Architecture, 2015, (6), 1–1.
- [29] Karabük Üniversitesi 2019 Yılı İdare Faaliyet Raporu, http://strateji.karabuk.edu.tr. (02.03.2020).
- [30] Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi, Yapı İşleri Daire Başkanlığı, 2019.
- [31] URL 3 (2019) https://karabuk.ktb.gov.tr/TR-63702/cografya.html (27.12.2019)
- [32] URL 4 (2019) https://www.mgm.gov.tr/tahmin/il-ve-ilceler.aspx?il=KARABUK (27.12.2019)
- [33] Bektaş, İ., Dinçer, A.E., Değişen İklim Koşullarında Çatı Kaplama Malzemelerinin Verimliliğinin İncelenmesi-Safranbolu Örneği, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017, 33(3), 35-53.
- [34] Ball, T., Harvesting rainwater for domestic uses: an information guide, Bristol: Aztec West Almondsbury, 2001.