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Does Exogenous Barriers to Entry Make Firms Less Competitive? A Field Study in Inebolu

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 128 - 150, 30.12.2018


 Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm argues that
market structure affects firm behavior and performance. In markets with high
exogenous barriers to entry, incumbent firms are not afraid of competitor’s entering
the market. Because of this reason they can have less motivation to behave
competitive and this can affect both performance of firm and behavior. Shortly,
exogenous barriers to entry can be reason of inefficient results in markets.
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between barriers to
entry and firm’s behavior. To this aim, a survey is conducted to Inebolu firms.
By this way, we obtained the ideas and perceptions of firms about the
relationship between barriers to entry and firm’s behavior. As a result of this
research it is reached that in markets with high exogenous barriers to entry,
incumbent firms behave less competitive consistent with the results of previous
studies. This behavior also effects market and firm performance negatively.


  • Bain, John (1956), Barriers to New Competition, Harvard University Press.Bayar, Yılmaz and Şaşmaz, Mahmut (2016). Karbon Vergisi, Ekonomik Büyüme ve CO2 Emisyonu Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi: Danimarka, Finlandiya, Hollanda, İsveç ve Norveç Örneği. International Journal of Applied Economic and Finance Studies. 1(1). 32-41.Bresnahan, Timothy F. And Reiss, Peter C. (1991). Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets. Journal of Political Economy. 99(5). 977-1009 Bresnahan, Timothy F.; Reiss, Peter C.; Willig, Robert and Stigler, George J. (1987). Do Entry Conditions Vary across Markets?. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3, Special Issue On Microeconomics. 833-881Broadman, Harry G. (2000). Reducing Structural Dominance and Entry Barriers In Russian Industry. Review of Industrial Organization. 17, 155-176Carlton, Dennis (2005). Barriers to Entry. NBER Working Paper, 11645.Caves, R.E. (1984). Economic Analysis And The Quest For Competitive Advantage. American Economic Review. May. 74(2). 127-132Caves, R.E and Porter, M.E. (1977). From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 91(2), May, 241-262.Çam, Ülker (2017). Yarışılabilir Piyasalar Teorisi: Potansiyel Rekabetin Önemi. Ekonomi İşletme Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler. 3(1), 91-110Demsetz, Harold (1982). Barriers To Entry. The American Economic Review. 72(1). 47-57.Dilek, Serkan (2017). Oyun Teorisi Eşliğinde Sanayi Ekonomisi. Seçkin Yayınları.Dilek, Serkan and Çolakoğlu, Nurdan (2013). Barriers To Entry and Two-Sided Markets: A Research In A Shopping Mall In Istanbul. Asian Economic And Financial Review. 3(4). 542-552.Dilek, Serkan and Top, Seyfi (2012). Is Setting Up Barriers To Entry Always Profitable For Incumbent Firms. Propedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 58.774-782Dunne, Timothy; Klimek, Shane; Roberts, Mark and Xu Daniel Yi (2013). Entry Exit and Determinants Of Market Structure. Rand Journal of Economics. 44(3). 462-487Eaton, B. Curtis and Lipsey, Richard G. (1980). Exit Barriers are Entry Barriers: the Durability of Capital As A Barrier to Entry. The Bell Journal of Economics. 11(2). 721-729.Ercan, Cuma, Dayı, Faruk and Akdemir, Erdem (2013). Kamu Sağlık İşletmelerinde Finansal Performans Değerlendirmesi: Kamu Hastaneleri Birlikleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Asia Minor Studies- International Journal of Social Sciences. 1(2). 54-71.Gable, Myron; Topol, Martin T.; Mathis, Stephen and Fisher Melyvn (1995), Entry Barriers In Retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2(4), 211-221.Greer, Douglas (1992), Industrial Organization and Public Policy, MacMillan Publishing.Gümüş, Niyazi (2016). Usage of Social Media In City Marketing: A Research On 30 Metropolitan Municipalities In Turkey. Emerging Markets Journal. 6(6). 30-37Günalp, Burak and Cilasun, Mümin (2012). Türk İmalat Endüstrilerinde Piyasaya Giriş Davranışı. Ege Akademik Bakış. 2(2). 43-53Günalp, Burak and Özel, Hüseyin (2005). Rekabet Politikalarının Esasları. Siyasa. 1(1).Han, Jin K.; Kim, Namwoon and Kim, Hong-Buun (2001). Entry Barriers: A Dull One or Two Edged Sword For Incumbents? Unraveling The Paradox From A Contingency Perspective. Journal of Marketing. 65(1). 1-14.Kandemir, Orhan and Aktaş, Yaşar (2011). Importance of Mıcrocredit In Fight Against Poverty In Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies. 3(2).253-261Kepler, Jan- Horst (2009). Barriers To Entry: Abolishing The Barriers to Understanding. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice. 27(2-3). 99-124.Küçük, Orhan (2016). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ekin YayınlarıLutz, Clemens H.M; Kemp, Ron M.G. and Dijkstra, S. Gerhard (2010). Perceptions Regarding Strategic and Structural Entry Barriers. Small Bus Econ. 35, 19-33.Markman, Gideon G. And Waldron, Theodore (2014). Small Entrants and Large Incumbents: A Framework of Micro Entry. The Academy of Management Perspectives. 28(2). 179-197Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., and Barrett, K. C. (2004). SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation. Psychology Press.Niu, Yongge; Dong Lily C. and Chen, Rong (2011), Market Entry Barriers In China, Journal of Business Research, 65, 68-76.Öncü, Mehmet Akif; Çömlekçi, İstemi and Çoşkun, Erhan (2010). Havayolu Şirketlerinin Uyguladıkları Finansal Stratejiler Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 6(6). 27-58Reiss, Peter C and Spiller, Pablo T. (1989). Competition and Entry In Small Airline Markets. The Journal of Law and Economics. 32(2).Robinson, Kenneth C. And Mcdougall, Patricia Philips (2001). Entry Barriers and New Venture Performance: A Comparison of Universal and Contingency Approaches. Strategic Management Journal. 22. 659-685.Sayılgan, Emine (2009). Medya Sektöründe Rekabet Olgusu ve Medyaya Giriş Engelleri. Marmara İletişim Dergisi. 15. 79-89Schmalensee, Richard (2001). Sunk Costs and Antitrust Barriers To Entry. The American Economic Review. 94(2). 471-475.Spiller, Pablo T and Favaro, Edgardo (1984). The Effects of Entry Regulation On Oligopolistic Interaction: The Uruguayan Banking Sector. The Rand Journal of Economics, 15(2), 244-254Stigler, G. (1968). The Organization of Industry. Sutton, John (1998). Technology and Market Structure: Theory and History. MIT Press, Camebridge, Mass. Talaş, Emrah; Çelik, Ali Kemal; Çakmak, Fatih, Kocacan, Fatma Aydan and Karaibrahimoğlu, Adnan (2013). Relative Efficiency Measurement of Enterprises Operating In The Oltu Stone Industry Using Data Envelopment Analysis. International Journal of Business and Management. 8(6). 115-127Tekin, Erol and Nas, Tülay İlhan (2017). Firma ve Üst Düzey Yönetici Özelliklerinin Türkiye’de Faaliyette Bulunan KOBİ’lerin İhracat Performansı Üzerine Etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 72(4). 1185-1217.Terzi, Nuray (2011). The Impact of E-commerce On International Trade and Employment. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences. 24. 745-753Toivanen, Otto and Waterson, Micheal (2005). Market Structure and Entry: Where’s The Beef?. The Rand Journal of Economics. 36(3). 680-699Türkkan, Erdal (2001). Rekabet Teorisi ve Endüstri İktisadı. Turhan Yayınevi.Weiss, Leonard W. (1979). The Structure-Conduct- Performance Paradigm and Performance. University of Penns. Law Review. 127(4). 1104-1140Williams, Abagail and Smart, Dennis (1993). Efficiency V. Structure-Conduct-Performance: Implications for Strategy Research and Practise. Journal of Management. 19(1). 63-78Wu, Haibin (2009). Entry Barriers and Mark Up Ratios. Applied Economic Letters, 16, 125-130.Yayar, Rüştü and Baykara, Halid Velid (2012). Topsis Yöntemi ile Katılım Bankalarının Etkinliği ve Verimliliği Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Business and Economics Research Journal. 3(4). 21-42Yiannis and Sloukas (2001). An Examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter'sCompetitive Strategy Framework and the Resource-Based Perspective.

Dışsal Giriş Engelleri Firmaları Daha Az Rekabetçi mi Yapıyor? İnebolu’da Bir Alan Çalışması

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 128 - 150, 30.12.2018


Yapı-Davranış-Performans paradigması piyasa yapısının
firma davranışı ve performansını etkilediğini ileri sürmektedir. Yüksek dışsal
giriş engellerinin bulunduğu piyasalarda yerleşik firmalar rakiplerinin
piyasaya giriş yapmasından çekinmezler. Bu nedenle rekabetçi davranmak için
daha düşük motivasyona sahip olurlar ve bu da firma davranış ve performansını
etkileyebilir. Kısaca dışsal giriş engelleri piyasalardaki etkinsiz sonuçların
bir nedeni olabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı giriş engelleri ve firma davranışı
arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu amaçla İnebolu’da faaliyet gösteren
firmalar üzerine anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Böylece giriş engelleri ve firma
davranışı arasındaki ilişkiye dair firma yöneticilerinin düşünce ve algıları
hakkında fikir elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda yapılmış diğer akademik
çalışmalarla uyumlu olarak yüksek dışsal giriş engellerinin bulunduğu
piyasalarda yerleşik firmaların daha az rekabetçi davrandığı neticesi elde
edilmiştir. Bu davranışlar ayrıca firma ve piyasa performansını da olumsuz


  • Bain, John (1956), Barriers to New Competition, Harvard University Press.Bayar, Yılmaz and Şaşmaz, Mahmut (2016). Karbon Vergisi, Ekonomik Büyüme ve CO2 Emisyonu Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi: Danimarka, Finlandiya, Hollanda, İsveç ve Norveç Örneği. International Journal of Applied Economic and Finance Studies. 1(1). 32-41.Bresnahan, Timothy F. And Reiss, Peter C. (1991). Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets. Journal of Political Economy. 99(5). 977-1009 Bresnahan, Timothy F.; Reiss, Peter C.; Willig, Robert and Stigler, George J. (1987). Do Entry Conditions Vary across Markets?. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3, Special Issue On Microeconomics. 833-881Broadman, Harry G. (2000). Reducing Structural Dominance and Entry Barriers In Russian Industry. Review of Industrial Organization. 17, 155-176Carlton, Dennis (2005). Barriers to Entry. NBER Working Paper, 11645.Caves, R.E. (1984). Economic Analysis And The Quest For Competitive Advantage. American Economic Review. May. 74(2). 127-132Caves, R.E and Porter, M.E. (1977). From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 91(2), May, 241-262.Çam, Ülker (2017). Yarışılabilir Piyasalar Teorisi: Potansiyel Rekabetin Önemi. Ekonomi İşletme Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler. 3(1), 91-110Demsetz, Harold (1982). Barriers To Entry. The American Economic Review. 72(1). 47-57.Dilek, Serkan (2017). Oyun Teorisi Eşliğinde Sanayi Ekonomisi. Seçkin Yayınları.Dilek, Serkan and Çolakoğlu, Nurdan (2013). Barriers To Entry and Two-Sided Markets: A Research In A Shopping Mall In Istanbul. Asian Economic And Financial Review. 3(4). 542-552.Dilek, Serkan and Top, Seyfi (2012). Is Setting Up Barriers To Entry Always Profitable For Incumbent Firms. Propedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 58.774-782Dunne, Timothy; Klimek, Shane; Roberts, Mark and Xu Daniel Yi (2013). Entry Exit and Determinants Of Market Structure. Rand Journal of Economics. 44(3). 462-487Eaton, B. Curtis and Lipsey, Richard G. (1980). Exit Barriers are Entry Barriers: the Durability of Capital As A Barrier to Entry. The Bell Journal of Economics. 11(2). 721-729.Ercan, Cuma, Dayı, Faruk and Akdemir, Erdem (2013). Kamu Sağlık İşletmelerinde Finansal Performans Değerlendirmesi: Kamu Hastaneleri Birlikleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Asia Minor Studies- International Journal of Social Sciences. 1(2). 54-71.Gable, Myron; Topol, Martin T.; Mathis, Stephen and Fisher Melyvn (1995), Entry Barriers In Retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2(4), 211-221.Greer, Douglas (1992), Industrial Organization and Public Policy, MacMillan Publishing.Gümüş, Niyazi (2016). Usage of Social Media In City Marketing: A Research On 30 Metropolitan Municipalities In Turkey. Emerging Markets Journal. 6(6). 30-37Günalp, Burak and Cilasun, Mümin (2012). Türk İmalat Endüstrilerinde Piyasaya Giriş Davranışı. Ege Akademik Bakış. 2(2). 43-53Günalp, Burak and Özel, Hüseyin (2005). Rekabet Politikalarının Esasları. Siyasa. 1(1).Han, Jin K.; Kim, Namwoon and Kim, Hong-Buun (2001). Entry Barriers: A Dull One or Two Edged Sword For Incumbents? Unraveling The Paradox From A Contingency Perspective. Journal of Marketing. 65(1). 1-14.Kandemir, Orhan and Aktaş, Yaşar (2011). Importance of Mıcrocredit In Fight Against Poverty In Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies. 3(2).253-261Kepler, Jan- Horst (2009). Barriers To Entry: Abolishing The Barriers to Understanding. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice. 27(2-3). 99-124.Küçük, Orhan (2016). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ekin YayınlarıLutz, Clemens H.M; Kemp, Ron M.G. and Dijkstra, S. Gerhard (2010). Perceptions Regarding Strategic and Structural Entry Barriers. Small Bus Econ. 35, 19-33.Markman, Gideon G. And Waldron, Theodore (2014). Small Entrants and Large Incumbents: A Framework of Micro Entry. The Academy of Management Perspectives. 28(2). 179-197Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., and Barrett, K. C. (2004). SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation. Psychology Press.Niu, Yongge; Dong Lily C. and Chen, Rong (2011), Market Entry Barriers In China, Journal of Business Research, 65, 68-76.Öncü, Mehmet Akif; Çömlekçi, İstemi and Çoşkun, Erhan (2010). Havayolu Şirketlerinin Uyguladıkları Finansal Stratejiler Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 6(6). 27-58Reiss, Peter C and Spiller, Pablo T. (1989). Competition and Entry In Small Airline Markets. The Journal of Law and Economics. 32(2).Robinson, Kenneth C. And Mcdougall, Patricia Philips (2001). Entry Barriers and New Venture Performance: A Comparison of Universal and Contingency Approaches. Strategic Management Journal. 22. 659-685.Sayılgan, Emine (2009). Medya Sektöründe Rekabet Olgusu ve Medyaya Giriş Engelleri. Marmara İletişim Dergisi. 15. 79-89Schmalensee, Richard (2001). Sunk Costs and Antitrust Barriers To Entry. The American Economic Review. 94(2). 471-475.Spiller, Pablo T and Favaro, Edgardo (1984). The Effects of Entry Regulation On Oligopolistic Interaction: The Uruguayan Banking Sector. The Rand Journal of Economics, 15(2), 244-254Stigler, G. (1968). The Organization of Industry. Sutton, John (1998). Technology and Market Structure: Theory and History. MIT Press, Camebridge, Mass. Talaş, Emrah; Çelik, Ali Kemal; Çakmak, Fatih, Kocacan, Fatma Aydan and Karaibrahimoğlu, Adnan (2013). Relative Efficiency Measurement of Enterprises Operating In The Oltu Stone Industry Using Data Envelopment Analysis. International Journal of Business and Management. 8(6). 115-127Tekin, Erol and Nas, Tülay İlhan (2017). Firma ve Üst Düzey Yönetici Özelliklerinin Türkiye’de Faaliyette Bulunan KOBİ’lerin İhracat Performansı Üzerine Etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 72(4). 1185-1217.Terzi, Nuray (2011). The Impact of E-commerce On International Trade and Employment. Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences. 24. 745-753Toivanen, Otto and Waterson, Micheal (2005). Market Structure and Entry: Where’s The Beef?. The Rand Journal of Economics. 36(3). 680-699Türkkan, Erdal (2001). Rekabet Teorisi ve Endüstri İktisadı. Turhan Yayınevi.Weiss, Leonard W. (1979). The Structure-Conduct- Performance Paradigm and Performance. University of Penns. Law Review. 127(4). 1104-1140Williams, Abagail and Smart, Dennis (1993). Efficiency V. Structure-Conduct-Performance: Implications for Strategy Research and Practise. Journal of Management. 19(1). 63-78Wu, Haibin (2009). Entry Barriers and Mark Up Ratios. Applied Economic Letters, 16, 125-130.Yayar, Rüştü and Baykara, Halid Velid (2012). Topsis Yöntemi ile Katılım Bankalarının Etkinliği ve Verimliliği Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Business and Economics Research Journal. 3(4). 21-42Yiannis and Sloukas (2001). An Examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter'sCompetitive Strategy Framework and the Resource-Based Perspective.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Serkan Dilek 0000-0002-0393-4509

Ali Konak 0000-0003-1804-8339

Hayrettin Kesgingöz 0000-0002-5143-4891

Havva Özdemir Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3696-9684

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Dilek, S., Konak, A., Kesgingöz, H., Özdemir, H. (2018). Does Exogenous Barriers to Entry Make Firms Less Competitive? A Field Study in Inebolu. Econder Uluslararası Akademik Dergi, 2(2), 128-150.

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