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Ekonomik Büyüme, Ticari Açıklık Ve Enerji Tüketiminin Ekolojik Ayak İzine Etkileri: G7 Ülkeleri İçin Panel Eşbütünleşme Analizi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 329 - 342, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmada G7 ülkelerinde 1971-2015 döneminde üretim, ticaret ve enerji alanlarındaki gelişmelerin çevresel bozulma üzerindeki uzun dönemli etkileri ekonometrik yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Üretim göstergesi olarak kişi başına GSYH, ticaret göstergesi olarak ticari açıklık ve enerji göstergesi olarak enerji tüketiminin kullanıldığı çalışmada çevresel bozulma göstergesi olarak ekolojik ayak izi kullanılmıştır. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma literatürüne bakıldığında çevresel bozulma göstergesi olarak çoğunlukla karbon emisyonu kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada karbon emisyonundan daha kapsamlı olan ekolojik ayak izinin kullanılması çalışmanın orijinal taraflarındandır. Logaritmik düzeydeki değişkenler arasında Pedroni FMOLS ve DOLS yöntemleri ile uzun dönem eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin katsayıları araştırılmış ve esneklik değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Test sonuçlarına göre; inceleme yapılan dönemde G7 ülkelerinde kişi başına düşen GSYH’da meydana gelen %1’lik artış ekolojik ayak izini % 0.24; ticari açıklıkta meydana gelen %1’lik artış ekolojik ayak izini %0,39 ve enerji tüketimindeki %1’lik artış ekolojik ayak izini %0,72 artırmaktadır.


  • Acar, S. & Aşıcı, A.A. (2015). Does Income Growth Relocate Ecological Footprint? Working Papers, 938, Economic Research Forum, revised Sep 2015.
  • Ahmed, Z. vd. (2019). Does Globalization Increase the Ecological Footprint? Empirical Evidence from Malaysia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (26), 18565–18582.
  • Akbaş, Y.E. & Şentürk, M. (2013). MENA Ülkelerinde Elektrik Tüketimi ile Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki Karşılıklı İlişkinin Analizi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (41), 45-67.
  • Alola, A.A, Bekun, F.V. & Sarkodie, S.S. (2019). Dynamic Impact of Trade Policy, Economic Growth, Fertility Rate, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption on Ecological Footprint in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 685, 702–709.
  • Antonakakis N., Chatziantoniou I. & Filis G. (2017). Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth: an Ethical Dilemma. Renewable Sustain Energy Reviews, 68, 808–824.
  • Aşıcı, A.A. & Acar, S. ( 2016). Does Income Growth Relocate Ecological Footprint? Ecological Indicator, 61(2016), 707-714.
  • Bagliani, M., Bravo, G. & Dalmazzone, S. (2008). A Consumption-based Approach to Environmental Kuznets Curves Using the Ecological Footprint Indicator. Ecological Economics, 65(3), 650-661. Baloch, M.A, Zhang, J., Iqbal, K. & Iqbal, Z. (2019). The Effect of Financial Development on Ecological Footprint in BRI Countries: Evidence from Panel Data Estimation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 6199–6208.
  • Baltagi, B. H. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. 3. Baskı, John Wiley&Sons Ltd. West Sussex, England 2005, s. 7-8.
  • Büberkökü, Ö. (2014). Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Uluslararası Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi: Panel Koentegrasyon Testlerinden Kanıtlar. BDDK Bankacılık ve Finansal Piyasalar, 8(1), 117-139.
  • Caviglia-Harris, J.L., Chambers, D. & Kahn, J.R. (2009). Taking the ‘U’ out of Kuznets. A Comprehensive Analysis of the EKC and Environmental Degradation. Ecological Economics, 68(4),1149-1159.
  • Charfeddine, L. (2017) The Impact of Energy Consumption and Economic Development on Ecological Footprint and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from a Markov Switching Equilibrium Correction Model. Energy Economics, 65, 355-374.
  • Charfeddine, L. & Mrabet, Z. (2017). The Impact of Economic Development and Socialpolitical Factors on Ecological Footprint: A Panel Data Analysis for 15 MENA Countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 138-154.
  • Destek, M.A. & Sarkodie, S.A. (2019). Investigation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint: The Role of Energy and Financial Development. Science of the Total Environment, 650(2), 2483-2489.
  • Erdoğan, L., Ceylan, R. & Tiryaki A. (2018). Türkiye’de Uzun Dönem Ekonomik Büyümenin Belirleyicilerinin ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS ve CCR Yöntemleriyle Tahmini. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(4), 39-58.
  • Friedl B. & Getzner M (2003). Determinants of CO2 Emissions in a Small Open Economy. Ecological Economics, 45(1), 133–148.
  • Galeotti, M., Manera, M. & Lanza, A. (2009). On the Robustness of Robustness Checks of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Environmental Resource Economics, 42 (4), 551–574.
  • Gülmez, A. (2015). OECD Ülkelerinde Ekonomik Büyüme Ve Hava Kirliliği İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (9), 18-30.
  • Gülmez, A., Altıntaş, N. & Kahraman, Ü.O. (2020) A puzzle over ecological footprint, energy consumption and economic growth: the case of Turkey. Environmental Ecological Statatistic 27 (4), 753–768.
  • Güvenek, B. & Alptekin, V. (2010). Enerji Tüketimi ve Büyüme ilişkisi: OECD Ülkelerine İlişkin Bir Panel Veri Analizi. Enerji, Piyasa ve Düzenleme, 1(2), 172-193.
  • Grossman, G.M. & Krueger, A.B. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement. National Bureau Economic Research, 3914, 1-57.
  • Grossman, G.M. & Krueger, A.B. (1995). Economic Growth and the Environment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(2), 353-377.
  • Hervieux, M.-S. & Darné, O. (2015). Environmental Kuznets Curve and Ecological Footprint: A Time Series Analysis. Economics Bulletin, 35(1),814-826.
  • Hsiao, C. Analysis of Panel Data. 2. Baskı, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, s. 3-7. Kao, C. (1999). Spurious Regression and Residual-Based Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data. Journal of Econometrics. 90 (1999) 1-44.
  • Koçak, E. & N. Uzay (2018). Demokrasi, Ekonomik Özgürlükler ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Kurumların Rolü Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Sosyoekonomi, 26(36), 81-102.
  • Mrabet, Z. & Alsamara, M. (2017). Testing the Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for Qatar: A Comparison Between Carbon Dioxide and Ecological Footprint. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 1366-1375.
  • Nathaniel, S., Nwodo, O., Adediran, A., Sharma, G., Shah, M. & Adeleye, N. (2019). Ecological Footprint, Urbanization, and Energy Consumption in South Africa: Including the Excluded, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 27168–27179.
  • Richmond A.K., & Kaufmann R.K., (2006). Is There a Turning Point in the Relationship Between İncome and Energy Use and/or Carbon Emissions? Ecological Economics, 56(2), 176–189.
  • Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J. & Mohd, S. (2012). Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Malaysia: A Cointegration Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy 51, 184–191.
  • Selden, T.M. & Song, D. (1994). Environmental Quality and Development: Is There a Kuznets Curve for Air Pollution Emissions? Journal of Environmental Economics and Managament, 27 (2), 147–162.
  • Shahzad, U., Fareed, Z., Shadzad, F. & Shadzad, K. (2020). Investigating the Nexus between Economic Complexity, Energy Consumption and Ecological Footprint for the United States: New İnsights from Quantile Methods, Journal of Cleaner Production, 279(2021), 123806.
  • Uddin, G.A., Salahuddin, M., Alam, K. & Gow, J. (2017). Ecological Footprint and Real Income: Panel Data Evidence from the 27 Highest Emitting Countries. Ecological Indicators, (77)166-175.
  • Ulucak, R. & Bilgili, F. (2018). A Reinvestigation of EKC Model by Ecological Footprint Measurement for High, Middle and Low Income Countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 188(7), 144-157.
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2012). OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Bir İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(13), 27-47.
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2013). Eğitim Ve Sağlık İlişkisi: Panel Eşbütünleşme Ve Panel Nedensellik Analizi. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(1), 49-74.
  • Wackernagel, M. and Silverstein, J. (2000). Big things first: Focusing on the scale imperative with the ecological footprint, Ecological Economics 32(3), 391-394.
  • Wackernagel, M and Rees, W. (1996) Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth; New Society Publishers, Philadelphia.
  • Wang, S. & Liu, X. (2017). China’s City-Level Energy-Related CO2 Emissions: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Forces. Applied Energy, (200), 204–214.
  • Wang, Y., Kang, L., Wu, X. & Xiao, Y. (2013). Estimating the; Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint at the Global Level: a Spatial Econometric Approach. Ecological Indicator, (34), 15-21.
  • (Global Footprint Network) (Erişim: 20.11.2020)
  • (Dünya Bankası Veri Tabanı) (Erişim: 20.11.2020)

The Effects of Economic Growth, Trade Openness and Energy Consumption on Ecological Footprint: Panel Cointegration Analysis for G7 Countries

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 329 - 342, 31.12.2021


In this study, the long-term effects of developments in the fields of production, trade and energy in the G7 countries between 1971-2015 on environmental deterioration has examined using econometric methods. In this analysis, production indicator has been represented by GDP per capita, commerce indicator has been represented by commercial openness and energy indicator has been stood for energy consumption and , the ecological footprint has been indicated by environmental deterioration. Typically, the indicator of environmental deterioration has been represented by carbon emission in the sustainable development literature. What is original with this study is that the ecological footprint ,which is more extensive, instead of carbon emission has chosen as a dependent variable. In this study the coefficients of the long-term cointegration relationship were investigated by Pedroni FMOLS and DOLS methods and elasticity values were calculated among the logarithmic variables. Our findings reveal 1% increase in per capita GDP increases 0,24% the ecological footprint; 1% increase in commercial openness increases 0,39% the ecological footprint and 1% increase in energy consumption increases 0,72% the ecological footprint in G7 countries during the period under examination.


  • Acar, S. & Aşıcı, A.A. (2015). Does Income Growth Relocate Ecological Footprint? Working Papers, 938, Economic Research Forum, revised Sep 2015.
  • Ahmed, Z. vd. (2019). Does Globalization Increase the Ecological Footprint? Empirical Evidence from Malaysia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (26), 18565–18582.
  • Akbaş, Y.E. & Şentürk, M. (2013). MENA Ülkelerinde Elektrik Tüketimi ile Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki Karşılıklı İlişkinin Analizi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (41), 45-67.
  • Alola, A.A, Bekun, F.V. & Sarkodie, S.S. (2019). Dynamic Impact of Trade Policy, Economic Growth, Fertility Rate, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption on Ecological Footprint in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 685, 702–709.
  • Antonakakis N., Chatziantoniou I. & Filis G. (2017). Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth: an Ethical Dilemma. Renewable Sustain Energy Reviews, 68, 808–824.
  • Aşıcı, A.A. & Acar, S. ( 2016). Does Income Growth Relocate Ecological Footprint? Ecological Indicator, 61(2016), 707-714.
  • Bagliani, M., Bravo, G. & Dalmazzone, S. (2008). A Consumption-based Approach to Environmental Kuznets Curves Using the Ecological Footprint Indicator. Ecological Economics, 65(3), 650-661. Baloch, M.A, Zhang, J., Iqbal, K. & Iqbal, Z. (2019). The Effect of Financial Development on Ecological Footprint in BRI Countries: Evidence from Panel Data Estimation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 6199–6208.
  • Baltagi, B. H. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. 3. Baskı, John Wiley&Sons Ltd. West Sussex, England 2005, s. 7-8.
  • Büberkökü, Ö. (2014). Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Uluslararası Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi: Panel Koentegrasyon Testlerinden Kanıtlar. BDDK Bankacılık ve Finansal Piyasalar, 8(1), 117-139.
  • Caviglia-Harris, J.L., Chambers, D. & Kahn, J.R. (2009). Taking the ‘U’ out of Kuznets. A Comprehensive Analysis of the EKC and Environmental Degradation. Ecological Economics, 68(4),1149-1159.
  • Charfeddine, L. (2017) The Impact of Energy Consumption and Economic Development on Ecological Footprint and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from a Markov Switching Equilibrium Correction Model. Energy Economics, 65, 355-374.
  • Charfeddine, L. & Mrabet, Z. (2017). The Impact of Economic Development and Socialpolitical Factors on Ecological Footprint: A Panel Data Analysis for 15 MENA Countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 138-154.
  • Destek, M.A. & Sarkodie, S.A. (2019). Investigation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint: The Role of Energy and Financial Development. Science of the Total Environment, 650(2), 2483-2489.
  • Erdoğan, L., Ceylan, R. & Tiryaki A. (2018). Türkiye’de Uzun Dönem Ekonomik Büyümenin Belirleyicilerinin ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS ve CCR Yöntemleriyle Tahmini. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(4), 39-58.
  • Friedl B. & Getzner M (2003). Determinants of CO2 Emissions in a Small Open Economy. Ecological Economics, 45(1), 133–148.
  • Galeotti, M., Manera, M. & Lanza, A. (2009). On the Robustness of Robustness Checks of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Environmental Resource Economics, 42 (4), 551–574.
  • Gülmez, A. (2015). OECD Ülkelerinde Ekonomik Büyüme Ve Hava Kirliliği İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (9), 18-30.
  • Gülmez, A., Altıntaş, N. & Kahraman, Ü.O. (2020) A puzzle over ecological footprint, energy consumption and economic growth: the case of Turkey. Environmental Ecological Statatistic 27 (4), 753–768.
  • Güvenek, B. & Alptekin, V. (2010). Enerji Tüketimi ve Büyüme ilişkisi: OECD Ülkelerine İlişkin Bir Panel Veri Analizi. Enerji, Piyasa ve Düzenleme, 1(2), 172-193.
  • Grossman, G.M. & Krueger, A.B. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement. National Bureau Economic Research, 3914, 1-57.
  • Grossman, G.M. & Krueger, A.B. (1995). Economic Growth and the Environment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(2), 353-377.
  • Hervieux, M.-S. & Darné, O. (2015). Environmental Kuznets Curve and Ecological Footprint: A Time Series Analysis. Economics Bulletin, 35(1),814-826.
  • Hsiao, C. Analysis of Panel Data. 2. Baskı, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, s. 3-7. Kao, C. (1999). Spurious Regression and Residual-Based Tests for Cointegration in Panel Data. Journal of Econometrics. 90 (1999) 1-44.
  • Koçak, E. & N. Uzay (2018). Demokrasi, Ekonomik Özgürlükler ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Kurumların Rolü Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Sosyoekonomi, 26(36), 81-102.
  • Mrabet, Z. & Alsamara, M. (2017). Testing the Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for Qatar: A Comparison Between Carbon Dioxide and Ecological Footprint. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 1366-1375.
  • Nathaniel, S., Nwodo, O., Adediran, A., Sharma, G., Shah, M. & Adeleye, N. (2019). Ecological Footprint, Urbanization, and Energy Consumption in South Africa: Including the Excluded, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 27168–27179.
  • Richmond A.K., & Kaufmann R.K., (2006). Is There a Turning Point in the Relationship Between İncome and Energy Use and/or Carbon Emissions? Ecological Economics, 56(2), 176–189.
  • Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J. & Mohd, S. (2012). Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Malaysia: A Cointegration Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy 51, 184–191.
  • Selden, T.M. & Song, D. (1994). Environmental Quality and Development: Is There a Kuznets Curve for Air Pollution Emissions? Journal of Environmental Economics and Managament, 27 (2), 147–162.
  • Shahzad, U., Fareed, Z., Shadzad, F. & Shadzad, K. (2020). Investigating the Nexus between Economic Complexity, Energy Consumption and Ecological Footprint for the United States: New İnsights from Quantile Methods, Journal of Cleaner Production, 279(2021), 123806.
  • Uddin, G.A., Salahuddin, M., Alam, K. & Gow, J. (2017). Ecological Footprint and Real Income: Panel Data Evidence from the 27 Highest Emitting Countries. Ecological Indicators, (77)166-175.
  • Ulucak, R. & Bilgili, F. (2018). A Reinvestigation of EKC Model by Ecological Footprint Measurement for High, Middle and Low Income Countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 188(7), 144-157.
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2012). OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Bir İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(13), 27-47.
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2013). Eğitim Ve Sağlık İlişkisi: Panel Eşbütünleşme Ve Panel Nedensellik Analizi. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(1), 49-74.
  • Wackernagel, M. and Silverstein, J. (2000). Big things first: Focusing on the scale imperative with the ecological footprint, Ecological Economics 32(3), 391-394.
  • Wackernagel, M and Rees, W. (1996) Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth; New Society Publishers, Philadelphia.
  • Wang, S. & Liu, X. (2017). China’s City-Level Energy-Related CO2 Emissions: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Forces. Applied Energy, (200), 204–214.
  • Wang, Y., Kang, L., Wu, X. & Xiao, Y. (2013). Estimating the; Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint at the Global Level: a Spatial Econometric Approach. Ecological Indicator, (34), 15-21.
  • (Global Footprint Network) (Erişim: 20.11.2020)
  • (Dünya Bankası Veri Tabanı) (Erişim: 20.11.2020)
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Gülmez 0000-0003-2474-9385

Elveda Özdilek 0000-0003-0737-0971

Derya Nur Karakaş 0000-0002-5397-1420

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gülmez, A., Özdilek, E., & Karakaş, D. N. (2021). Ekonomik Büyüme, Ticari Açıklık Ve Enerji Tüketiminin Ekolojik Ayak İzine Etkileri: G7 Ülkeleri İçin Panel Eşbütünleşme Analizi. Econder Uluslararası Akademik Dergi, 5(2), 329-342.

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