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The Preliminary Report on the Early Iron Age Studies of Ayasuluk Excavations and Evaluations on The Early Iron Age of Ephesus

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 30, 119 - 154, 30.04.2023


Ayasuluk Hill is known for the St. John Basilica, which became a pilgrimage centre during the Byzantine period. Recent excavations have revealed evidence suggesting that the first settlement dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period and that Apaša, an important political centre in the region during the Late Bronze Age, was located at Ayasuluk Hill. Another significant finding is the understanding that the earliest inhabitants of the cult lived on Ayasuluk Hill, based on shared artefacts from the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages found at the Ephesus Artemis Temple located on the hillside. Due to the presence of ceramics that need to be studied, documenting the ceramics found in previous years and fieldwork is planned as part of the Early Iron Age studies. As the classification process is still ongoing, this publication covers a selection of these ceramics. Not only that, those not extensively discussed in previous publications due to different topics being covered are addressed in detail for this preliminary report. In the interpretation of ceramics, considering the data from previous years of the Artemision, evaluations have been made regarding the issues of continuity and migration in the Early Iron Age, specifically in Ephesus.


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Yıl 2023, Sayı: 30, 119 - 154, 30.04.2023


Ayasuluk Hill is known for the St. John Basilica, which became a pilgrimage centre during the Byzantine period. Recent excavations have revealed evidence suggesting that the first settlement dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period and that Apaša, an essential political centre in the region during the Late Bronze Age, was located at Ayasuluk Hill. Another significant finding of these excavations is that the earliest inhabitants of the cult lived on Ayasuluk Hill, as attested by Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages artefacts found at the Ephesus Artemis Temple on the hillside. Due to the presence of ceramics that need to be studied other than published ones from previous years, documenting these ceramics and fieldwork is planned within the scope of the Early Iron Age studies. As the classification process of the site’s ceramics is still ongoing, this paper covers a selection of these ceramics. This preliminary report also examines pieces mentioned but not thoroughly examined in previous publications. Evaluations are made on the issues of continuity and migration in the Early Iron Age of Ephesus based on these interpretations of the ceramics and data from previous years’ excavations of the Artemision.


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Toplam 148 adet kaynakça vardır.


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