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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 148 - 157, 01.01.2017


lndividualized care which protect to fact of that each person is a uniqueness, is an expression of providing midwifery on an individual basis. Universally accepted opinions that individualized care giving a person to fulfil a requirements is the most important. lndividualized care is the basic value of the defined standards of midwifery care. The reasons of avoid the use of individualized care in midwifery practice; not use of independent midwifery roles, task-oriented approach, the management is be in position to restrict hea/th personnel in the application environment and limited use of health resources. Providing individualized midwifery care improve midwife-woman relationship as a priority and improve the outcomes of pregnancy and the postpartum period. in addition, individualized care can be used to increase the positive effects on the motivation of midwives and increase the midwives' sense of control over their practices. There are few studies related to eva/uation of individualized care outcomes in our country despite the fact that attach importance to individualized care. This study was performed to reveal the concept of individualized care, characteristics and determine re/ations and necessity between midwifery cares0


  • Acaroğlu R, Şendır M. Bireysellştirilmiş Bakımı Değerlendirme Skalaları. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi 2012, 20(1), 10-16.
  • Attree M. Patients‖ and Relatives‖ Experiences and Perspectives of ―Good‖ and ―Not So Good‖ Quality Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2001, 33(4), 456–466.
  • Berg A, Suhonen R, Idvall E. A Survey of Orthopaedic Patient‖s Assessment of Care Using The İndividualised Care Scale. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2007, 11(3–4), 185–193.
  • Bonner S, Zimmerman BJ, Evans D & et all. An individualized intervention to improve asthma management among urban Latino and African–American families. Journal of Asthma 2002, 39: 167– 79.
  • Brown SJ. Tailoring Nursing Care To The İndividual Client: Empirical Challenge of a Theoretical Concept. Research in Nursing & Health 1992; 15: 39–46.
  • Capezuti E, Talerico KA, Cochran I & et all. Individualised İnterventions to Prevent Bed-Related Falls And Reduce Siderail Use. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1999; 25: 26–34.
  • Davison BJ, Goldenberg SL, Gleave ME & et all. Provision of İndividualised İnformation To Men snd Their Partners To Facilitate Treatment Decision Making in Prostate Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum 2003; 30 (1), 107–114.
  • Dehn B. Care of The Menopausal Patient: A Nurse Practitioner‖s View. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2007; 19 (8): 427–437.
  • Department of Health. Keeping it Personal. Clinical Case for Change: Repost by David Colin-Thome´ Department of Health, London; 2007.
  • Florin J, Ehrenberg A, Ehnfors M. Patient Participation in Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing: A Comparative Study of Nurses‖ And Patients‖ Perceptions. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15 (12): 1498–1508.
  • Gentz CA. Perceived learning needs of the patient undergoing coronary angioplasty: an integrative review of the literature. The Journal of Acute and Critical Care 2002; 29: 161–72.
  • Gerrish K. Individualized Care: İts Conceptualization and Practice Within a Multiethnic Society. Journal of Advances Nursing 2000; 32 (1): 91–99.
  • Godino C, Jodar L, Duran A & et all. Nursing Education as An İntervention To Decrease Fatigue Perception in Oncology Patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2006; 10 (2): 150–155.
  • Hagsten B, Svensson O, Gardulf A. Early İndividualised Postoperative Occupational Therapy Training in 100 Patientsimproves ADL After Hip Fracture: A Randomised Trial. Acta Orthopaedica 2004; 75 (2): 177–183.
  • Happ MB, Williams CC, Strumpf NE & et all. Individualised Care For Frail Elders: Theory And Practice. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1996; 22: 6–14.
  • Heidelise A, Lawhon G, Duffy FH & et all. Individualized Developmental Care for the Very Low-Birth- Weight Preterm Infant: Medical and Neurofunctional Effects. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994; 272(11): 853-858.
  • Henderson V. The Concept of Nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1978; 3(2): 113–130.
  • International Confederation of Midwives. International Code of Ethics for Midwives. Glasgow International Council meeting, 2008.
  • Jones A, Kamath PD. Issues For The Development of Care Pathways in Mental Health Services. Journal of Nursing Management 1998; 6: 87–95.
  • Kelley E, Hurst J. Health Care Quality Indicators Project Conceptual Framework Paper. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2006, 12-25.
  • Kirkley C, Bamford C, Poole M & et all. The İmpact of Organisational Culture on The Delivery of Person- Centred Care in Services Providing Respite Care and Short Breaks for People With Dementia. Health & Social Care in the Community 2011; 19(4): 438–448.
  • Lauver DR, Ward SE, Heidrich SM & et all. Patient-Centered İnter-2 Ventions. Research Nursing Health 2002; 25: 246–55.
  • Levine ME. This I Believe About Patient-Centered Care. Nursing Outlook 1967; 15 (1): 53–55.
  • Lutze´n, K. Nursing Ethics İnto The Next Millennium: A Context Sensitive Approach for Nursing Ethics. Nursing Ethics 1997; 4 (3): 218– 226.
  • MacArthur C, Winter HR, Bick DE & et all. Effects of Redesigned Community Postnatal Care Onwomen‖s Health 4 Months After Birth: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Lancet 2002; 359: 378-385.
  • Malkin KF. Patients‖ Perceptions of a Pre-Admission Clinic. Jorunal of Nursing Management 2000; 8: 107–13.
  • Manthey M. Primary Nursing İs Alive And Well in The Hospital. American Journal of Nursing 1973; 73(1): 83–87.
  • McCormack B, Dewing J, Breslin L & et all. Developing Person-Centred Practice: Nursing Outcomes Arising From Changes To The Care Environment in Residential Settings for Older People. International Journal of Older People Nursing 2010; 5 (2): 93–107.
  • Muntlin A, Gunningberg L, Carlsson M. Patients‖ Perceptions of Quality Care At An Emergency Department And İdentification of Areas For Quality İmprovement. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15(8): 1045–1056.
  • Network for Future Regional Health Care. Future Vision Of Regional Health Care. Regional Health Care Service Network. Interreg IIIc Programme. Helsinki University Press, Helsinki; 2006.
  • Nilsson M. Annotated Bibliography—Patient Centeredness. Collaborative and Integrated Approaches to Health. Nursing Ethics 2005; 13(2): 116–129.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Towards High-performing Health Systems. OECD Publication Services, Paris; 2004.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Towards High-performing Health Systems. OECD Health Project. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Publications 2. Publication Services, Paris, France; 2006.
  • Rader J, Lavelle M, Hoeffer B & et all. Maintaining Cleanliness: An İndividualized Approach. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1996; 22: 32–38.
  • Radwin LE. Cancer Patients‖ Demographic Characteristics And Ratings of Patient-Centered Nursing Care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2003; 35(4): 365–370.
  • Radwin LE, Alster K. Individualized Nursing Care: An Empirically Generated Definition. International Nursing Review 2002; 49(1): 54–63.
  • Radwin LE, Cabral HJ, Wilkes G. Relationships Between Patientcentered Cancer Nursing İnterventions And Desired Health Outcomes in The Context of The Health Care System. Research in Nursing & Health 2009; 32(1): 4– 17.
  • Rakowski W. The Potential Variances of Tailoring in Health Behaviour İnterventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 1999; 21: 284–289.
  • Rantz MJ, Zwygart-Stauffacher M, Mehr DR & et all. Field Testing, Refinement and Psychometric Evaluation of A New Measure of Nursing Home Care Quality. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2006; 14(2): 129–148.
  • Redfern S. Individualised Patient Care: İts Meaning And Practice in A General Setting. Journal of Research in Nursing 1996; 1(1): 22–33.
  • Revere D, Dunbar PJ. Review Of Computer-Generated Outpatient Health Behaviour Interventions: Clinical Encounters ――İn Absentia‖‖. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2001; 8(1): 62–79.
  • Schmidt LA. The Development and Testing of A Measure of Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Dissertation Abstracts International 2001; 63: 1325.
  • Servellen G. The individualized care index. In Measurement of Nursing Outcomes. Volume One. Measuring client outcomes. Springer, New York 1998, 499.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. ―Individualised Care‖ From Patients, Nurses‖ and Relatives‖ Perspective – A Review of The Literature. Internation Journal of Nursing Studies 2002; 39: 645–54.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. Individualized Care, Quality of Life and Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2004; 50(3): 283–292
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. Individualised Care, Quality of Life And Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2005; 50(3): 283–292.
  • Suhonen R, Schmidt LA, Radwin L. Measuring İndividualized Nursing Care: Assessment of Reliability and Validity of Three Scales. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007; 59(1): 77-85.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. A Review of Outcomes of İndividualised Nursing İnterventions on Adult Patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17(7): 843–860.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. The driving and restraining forces that promote and impede the implementation of individualised nursing care: A literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2009; 46: 1637-1649
  • Suhonen R, Gustafsson M, Katajisto J & et all. Individualised Care Scale – Nurse Version: A Finnish Validation Study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practtice 2010; 16(1): 145–154.
  • Taylor AG, Hudson K, Keeling A. Quality Nursing Care: The Consumers‖ Perspective Revisited. Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance 1991; 5: 23–31.
  • Teeri S, Leino-Kilpi H, Valimaki M. Long-Term Nursing Care of Elderly People: İdentifying Ethically Problematic Experiences Among Patients, relatives and nurses in Finland; 2006
  • The National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics. Ethıcs Of Voluntary Actıvıtıes. ETENE publications, Helsinki; 2014.
  • The Nursing and Midwifery Concil. The Code Professional Standarts of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives. https://www.nmc. globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/nmc-code .pdf, 2008.
  • The Royal Collage of Miwifery. High Quality Midwifery Care. https:/ / files/High%20Quality%20Midwifery%20Care%20Final.pdf, 2014.
  • Thompson IE, Melia KM, Boyd KM & et all. Nursing Ethics, fifth ed. UK: Edinburgh, Elsevier-Churchill Livingstone; 2007.
  • Tonuma M, Winbolt M. From Rituals To Reason: Creating An Environment That Allows Nurses To Nurse. Internationsl Journal of Nursing Practice 2000; 6(4): 214–218.
  • Twaddle S, Liao XH, Fyvie H. An Evaluation Of Postnatal Care İndividualised To The Needs of The Woman. Midwifery 1993; 9: 154–60.
  • Wallace T, Robertson E, Millar C & et all. Perceptions of Care and Services by The Clients and Families: A Personal Experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999; 29(5): 1144–1153.
  • Ward S, Donovan HS, Owen B & et all. An İndividualized İntervention To Overcome Patient-Related Barriers To Pain Management in Women With Gynecologic Cancers. Research Nursing & Health 2000; 23: 393–405.
  • Weiner SJ. Contextualizing Medical Decisions To İndividualize Care: Lessons From The Qualitative Sciences. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2004; 19(3): 281–285.
  • Weiner SJ. Contextualizing Medical Decisions to İndividualize Care: Lessons From The Qualitative Sciences. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2004; 19(3): 281–285.
  • Westrup B, Bohm B, Lagercrantz H, & Stjernqvist K. Preschool Outcome in Children Born Very Prematurely and Cared for According to The Newborn Individualized Developmental Care And Assessment Program (NIDCAP). Acta Paediatrica 2004, 93.
  • World Health Organization. People-Centred Health Care. Geneva: A Policy Framework WHO; 2007.
  • Younger M, Hollins-Martin C, Choucri L. Individualised Care For Women With Assisted Conception Pregnancies and Midwifery Practice Implications: Ananalysis of The Existing Research And Current Practice. Midwifery 2015, 31: 265-270.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 148 - 157, 01.01.2017


Her hastanın eşsiz olduğu gerçeğinin korunmasını sağlayan bireyselleştirilmiş bakım, ebelik uygulamalarının bireylerin gereksinimleri kapsamında her bireye özgü uyarlanmasıdır. Evrensel olarak kabul gören bu görüş, bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik verilen özel bakım için son derece önemlidir. Bireyselleştirilmiş bakım ebelik uygulamalarının temel değerlerindendir. Ebelik uygulamalarında bireyselleştirilmiş bakımın kullanılmamasının nedenleri; bağımsız rollerin kullanılmaması, görev yönelimli yaklaşımın olması, yönetimin uygulama ortamlarında personeli kısıtlayan tutum içinde olması ve sağlık kaynaklarının tasarruflu kullanılması olarak sayılabilir. Bireyselleştirilmiş bakımının sağlanması öncelikli olarak ebe-kadın ilişkisini geliştirerek gebelik ve doğum sonrası dönem sonuçlarını iyileştirir. Ayrıca bireyselleştirilmiş bakım ebelerin motivasyonu üzerinde olumlu etkilerini ve ebelerin kendi uygulamaları üzerinde kontrol hissini arttırmak için kullanılabilir. Ülkemizde de bireyselleştirilmiş bakıma önem verilmesine karşın konu ile ilgili az sayıda araştırma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bireyselleştirilmiş bakım kavramını, özelliklerini, ebelik uygulamaları ile ilişkisini ve gerekliliğini güncel literatür ışığında incelemektir


  • Acaroğlu R, Şendır M. Bireysellştirilmiş Bakımı Değerlendirme Skalaları. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi 2012, 20(1), 10-16.
  • Attree M. Patients‖ and Relatives‖ Experiences and Perspectives of ―Good‖ and ―Not So Good‖ Quality Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2001, 33(4), 456–466.
  • Berg A, Suhonen R, Idvall E. A Survey of Orthopaedic Patient‖s Assessment of Care Using The İndividualised Care Scale. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2007, 11(3–4), 185–193.
  • Bonner S, Zimmerman BJ, Evans D & et all. An individualized intervention to improve asthma management among urban Latino and African–American families. Journal of Asthma 2002, 39: 167– 79.
  • Brown SJ. Tailoring Nursing Care To The İndividual Client: Empirical Challenge of a Theoretical Concept. Research in Nursing & Health 1992; 15: 39–46.
  • Capezuti E, Talerico KA, Cochran I & et all. Individualised İnterventions to Prevent Bed-Related Falls And Reduce Siderail Use. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1999; 25: 26–34.
  • Davison BJ, Goldenberg SL, Gleave ME & et all. Provision of İndividualised İnformation To Men snd Their Partners To Facilitate Treatment Decision Making in Prostate Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum 2003; 30 (1), 107–114.
  • Dehn B. Care of The Menopausal Patient: A Nurse Practitioner‖s View. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2007; 19 (8): 427–437.
  • Department of Health. Keeping it Personal. Clinical Case for Change: Repost by David Colin-Thome´ Department of Health, London; 2007.
  • Florin J, Ehrenberg A, Ehnfors M. Patient Participation in Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing: A Comparative Study of Nurses‖ And Patients‖ Perceptions. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15 (12): 1498–1508.
  • Gentz CA. Perceived learning needs of the patient undergoing coronary angioplasty: an integrative review of the literature. The Journal of Acute and Critical Care 2002; 29: 161–72.
  • Gerrish K. Individualized Care: İts Conceptualization and Practice Within a Multiethnic Society. Journal of Advances Nursing 2000; 32 (1): 91–99.
  • Godino C, Jodar L, Duran A & et all. Nursing Education as An İntervention To Decrease Fatigue Perception in Oncology Patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2006; 10 (2): 150–155.
  • Hagsten B, Svensson O, Gardulf A. Early İndividualised Postoperative Occupational Therapy Training in 100 Patientsimproves ADL After Hip Fracture: A Randomised Trial. Acta Orthopaedica 2004; 75 (2): 177–183.
  • Happ MB, Williams CC, Strumpf NE & et all. Individualised Care For Frail Elders: Theory And Practice. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1996; 22: 6–14.
  • Heidelise A, Lawhon G, Duffy FH & et all. Individualized Developmental Care for the Very Low-Birth- Weight Preterm Infant: Medical and Neurofunctional Effects. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994; 272(11): 853-858.
  • Henderson V. The Concept of Nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1978; 3(2): 113–130.
  • International Confederation of Midwives. International Code of Ethics for Midwives. Glasgow International Council meeting, 2008.
  • Jones A, Kamath PD. Issues For The Development of Care Pathways in Mental Health Services. Journal of Nursing Management 1998; 6: 87–95.
  • Kelley E, Hurst J. Health Care Quality Indicators Project Conceptual Framework Paper. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2006, 12-25.
  • Kirkley C, Bamford C, Poole M & et all. The İmpact of Organisational Culture on The Delivery of Person- Centred Care in Services Providing Respite Care and Short Breaks for People With Dementia. Health & Social Care in the Community 2011; 19(4): 438–448.
  • Lauver DR, Ward SE, Heidrich SM & et all. Patient-Centered İnter-2 Ventions. Research Nursing Health 2002; 25: 246–55.
  • Levine ME. This I Believe About Patient-Centered Care. Nursing Outlook 1967; 15 (1): 53–55.
  • Lutze´n, K. Nursing Ethics İnto The Next Millennium: A Context Sensitive Approach for Nursing Ethics. Nursing Ethics 1997; 4 (3): 218– 226.
  • MacArthur C, Winter HR, Bick DE & et all. Effects of Redesigned Community Postnatal Care Onwomen‖s Health 4 Months After Birth: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Lancet 2002; 359: 378-385.
  • Malkin KF. Patients‖ Perceptions of a Pre-Admission Clinic. Jorunal of Nursing Management 2000; 8: 107–13.
  • Manthey M. Primary Nursing İs Alive And Well in The Hospital. American Journal of Nursing 1973; 73(1): 83–87.
  • McCormack B, Dewing J, Breslin L & et all. Developing Person-Centred Practice: Nursing Outcomes Arising From Changes To The Care Environment in Residential Settings for Older People. International Journal of Older People Nursing 2010; 5 (2): 93–107.
  • Muntlin A, Gunningberg L, Carlsson M. Patients‖ Perceptions of Quality Care At An Emergency Department And İdentification of Areas For Quality İmprovement. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2006; 15(8): 1045–1056.
  • Network for Future Regional Health Care. Future Vision Of Regional Health Care. Regional Health Care Service Network. Interreg IIIc Programme. Helsinki University Press, Helsinki; 2006.
  • Nilsson M. Annotated Bibliography—Patient Centeredness. Collaborative and Integrated Approaches to Health. Nursing Ethics 2005; 13(2): 116–129.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Towards High-performing Health Systems. OECD Publication Services, Paris; 2004.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Towards High-performing Health Systems. OECD Health Project. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Publications 2. Publication Services, Paris, France; 2006.
  • Rader J, Lavelle M, Hoeffer B & et all. Maintaining Cleanliness: An İndividualized Approach. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1996; 22: 32–38.
  • Radwin LE. Cancer Patients‖ Demographic Characteristics And Ratings of Patient-Centered Nursing Care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2003; 35(4): 365–370.
  • Radwin LE, Alster K. Individualized Nursing Care: An Empirically Generated Definition. International Nursing Review 2002; 49(1): 54–63.
  • Radwin LE, Cabral HJ, Wilkes G. Relationships Between Patientcentered Cancer Nursing İnterventions And Desired Health Outcomes in The Context of The Health Care System. Research in Nursing & Health 2009; 32(1): 4– 17.
  • Rakowski W. The Potential Variances of Tailoring in Health Behaviour İnterventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 1999; 21: 284–289.
  • Rantz MJ, Zwygart-Stauffacher M, Mehr DR & et all. Field Testing, Refinement and Psychometric Evaluation of A New Measure of Nursing Home Care Quality. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2006; 14(2): 129–148.
  • Redfern S. Individualised Patient Care: İts Meaning And Practice in A General Setting. Journal of Research in Nursing 1996; 1(1): 22–33.
  • Revere D, Dunbar PJ. Review Of Computer-Generated Outpatient Health Behaviour Interventions: Clinical Encounters ――İn Absentia‖‖. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2001; 8(1): 62–79.
  • Schmidt LA. The Development and Testing of A Measure of Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Dissertation Abstracts International 2001; 63: 1325.
  • Servellen G. The individualized care index. In Measurement of Nursing Outcomes. Volume One. Measuring client outcomes. Springer, New York 1998, 499.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. ―Individualised Care‖ From Patients, Nurses‖ and Relatives‖ Perspective – A Review of The Literature. Internation Journal of Nursing Studies 2002; 39: 645–54.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. Individualized Care, Quality of Life and Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2004; 50(3): 283–292
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. Individualised Care, Quality of Life And Satisfaction With Nursing Care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2005; 50(3): 283–292.
  • Suhonen R, Schmidt LA, Radwin L. Measuring İndividualized Nursing Care: Assessment of Reliability and Validity of Three Scales. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007; 59(1): 77-85.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. A Review of Outcomes of İndividualised Nursing İnterventions on Adult Patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17(7): 843–860.
  • Suhonen R, Valimaki M, Leino-Kilpi H. The driving and restraining forces that promote and impede the implementation of individualised nursing care: A literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2009; 46: 1637-1649
  • Suhonen R, Gustafsson M, Katajisto J & et all. Individualised Care Scale – Nurse Version: A Finnish Validation Study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practtice 2010; 16(1): 145–154.
  • Taylor AG, Hudson K, Keeling A. Quality Nursing Care: The Consumers‖ Perspective Revisited. Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance 1991; 5: 23–31.
  • Teeri S, Leino-Kilpi H, Valimaki M. Long-Term Nursing Care of Elderly People: İdentifying Ethically Problematic Experiences Among Patients, relatives and nurses in Finland; 2006
  • The National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics. Ethıcs Of Voluntary Actıvıtıes. ETENE publications, Helsinki; 2014.
  • The Nursing and Midwifery Concil. The Code Professional Standarts of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives. https://www.nmc. globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/nmc-code .pdf, 2008.
  • The Royal Collage of Miwifery. High Quality Midwifery Care. https:/ / files/High%20Quality%20Midwifery%20Care%20Final.pdf, 2014.
  • Thompson IE, Melia KM, Boyd KM & et all. Nursing Ethics, fifth ed. UK: Edinburgh, Elsevier-Churchill Livingstone; 2007.
  • Tonuma M, Winbolt M. From Rituals To Reason: Creating An Environment That Allows Nurses To Nurse. Internationsl Journal of Nursing Practice 2000; 6(4): 214–218.
  • Twaddle S, Liao XH, Fyvie H. An Evaluation Of Postnatal Care İndividualised To The Needs of The Woman. Midwifery 1993; 9: 154–60.
  • Wallace T, Robertson E, Millar C & et all. Perceptions of Care and Services by The Clients and Families: A Personal Experience. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999; 29(5): 1144–1153.
  • Ward S, Donovan HS, Owen B & et all. An İndividualized İntervention To Overcome Patient-Related Barriers To Pain Management in Women With Gynecologic Cancers. Research Nursing & Health 2000; 23: 393–405.
  • Weiner SJ. Contextualizing Medical Decisions To İndividualize Care: Lessons From The Qualitative Sciences. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2004; 19(3): 281–285.
  • Weiner SJ. Contextualizing Medical Decisions to İndividualize Care: Lessons From The Qualitative Sciences. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2004; 19(3): 281–285.
  • Westrup B, Bohm B, Lagercrantz H, & Stjernqvist K. Preschool Outcome in Children Born Very Prematurely and Cared for According to The Newborn Individualized Developmental Care And Assessment Program (NIDCAP). Acta Paediatrica 2004, 93.
  • World Health Organization. People-Centred Health Care. Geneva: A Policy Framework WHO; 2007.
  • Younger M, Hollins-Martin C, Choucri L. Individualised Care For Women With Assisted Conception Pregnancies and Midwifery Practice Implications: Ananalysis of The Existing Research And Current Practice. Midwifery 2015, 31: 265-270.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ayden Çoban Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güneş, G., & Çoban, A. (2017). INDIVIDUALIZED CARE AND MIDWIFERY. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 148-157.