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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 123 - 133, 01.01.2017


Compassion is an important and valuable emotion, which keeps people together under the turbulent and painful times. Beyond empathy and respect, the emotion of compassion accepts the individual solely and specially. Compassion fatigue is a risk for the nursing profession, which involves developing empathy during the care of the individual and his/her family. Compassion fatigue is related to depersonalization and insufficiency. Basing on actually he/ping or willing to help a suffering person, compassion fatigue reveals itself through the development of deep empathy and sadness. The antecedents of compassion fatigue are caregiver's exposure to the pain, continuous and intense contact with the patient, experiencing high levels of stress, and highly devoting herself-himself for someone else. The symptoms of compassion fatigue arise in acute manner, and they cause to job dissatisfaction and stress driven symptoms. The nursing profession is one the professions that experience compassion fatigue intensely, and it comes into the picture asa cost of providing intense care to the patients in pain. Managerial and individua/ attempts must be planned in order to prevent compassion fatigue


  • Austin W, Goble E, Leier B, & et al. Compassion Fatigue: The Experience of Nurses. Ethics & Social Welfare 2009;3(2):195.
  • Aycock N, Boyle D. Interventions to Manage Compassion Fatigue in Oncology Nursing. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing 2009;13(2):183-191.
  • Berger J, Polivka B, Smoot EA, & et al. Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric Nurses. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing 2015;6:11.
  • Boyle DA. Compassion Fatigue: The Cost Of Caring. Nursing 2015;45(7): 48-51.
  • Coetzee S, Klopper H. Compassion Fatigue Within Nursing Practice: A Concept Analysis. Nursing & Health Sciences 2010;12(2): 235-243 9p.
  • Cole-King A, Gilbert P. Compassionate Care: The Theory and The Reality. Journal Of Holistic Healthcare 2011;8(3):29-37.
  • Conrad D, Kellar-Guenther Y. Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Colorado Child Protection Workers. Child Abuse & Neglect 2006: 301071-1080.
  • Cornwell J, Goodrich J. Ensuing Compassionate Care In Hospital. Nurs Times 2009;105(15):14–6.
  • Deighton RM, Gurris N, Traue H. Factors Affecting Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Psychotherapists Treating Torture Survivors: Is The Therapist's Attitude to Working Through Trauma Relevant?. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2007;20(1):63-75.
  • Dikmen Y, Aydın Y. Hemşirelerde Merhamet Yorgunluğu: Ne? Nasıl? Ne Yapmalı? J hum rhythm 2016;2(1):13-21
  • Drury V, Craigie M, Francis K, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress in Registered Nurses in Australia: Phase 2 Results. Journal Of Nursing Management 2014; 22(4):519-531
  • Figley CR. Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stres Disorder in Those who Treat the Traumatized. New York, Brunner-Mazel 1995
  • Flarity K, Eric Gentry J, Mesnikoff N. The Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Preventing and Treating Compassion Fatigue in Emergency Nurses. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal 2013;35(3):247-258 12p.
  • Gentry JE. Compassion Fatigue: A Crucible of Transformation. Journal Of Trauma Practice 2002;1(3/4):37-61.
  • Gök GA. Merhamet Etmenin Dayanılmaz Ağırlığı: Hemşirelerde Merhamet Yorgunluğu. Suleyman Demirel University Journal Of Faculty Of Economics & Administrative Sciences 2015; 20(2):299-313.
  • Gürdil G. Üstlenilmiş Travma ve İkincil Travmatik Stresin Travmatik Yaşantılara Müdahale Eden Bir Grup Üzerinde Geştalt Temas Biçimleri Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Psikoloji (Klinik Psikoloji) Anabilim Dalı; 2014
  • Harris C, Griffin TQ. Nursıng On Empty: Compassıon Fatıgue Sıgns, Symptoms, And System Interventıons. Journal Of Christian Nursing 2015; 32(2):80-87
  • Hegney DG, Craigie M, Hemsworth D, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress in Registered Nurses in Australia: Study 1 Results. Journal Of Nursing Management 2014; 22(4):506-518
  • Hiçdurmaz D, İnci FA. Eşduyum Yorgunluğu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi. Current Approaches In Psychiatry / Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2015; 7(3): 295-303.
  • Hinderer KA, VonRueden KT, Friedmann E, & et al. Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Trauma Nurses. Journal Of Trauma Nursing 2014;21(4):160-169
  • Hooper C, Craig J, Janvrin D, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Compassion Fatigue Among Emergency Nurses Compared With Nurses in Other Selected Inpatient Specialties. JEN: Journal Of Emergency Nursing 2010;36(5):420-427
  • Hunsaker S, Chen H, Maughan D, & et al. Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship 2015;47(2):186-194
  • Jenkins B, Warren NA. Concept Analysis: Compassion Fatigue and Effects Upon Critical Care Nurses. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 2012;35(4):388-395
  • Joinson C. Coping With Compassion Fatigue. Nursing 1992; 22:118–121.
  • Kaçmaz NT. Tükenmişlik (Burnout) Sendromu. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;68(1):29.
  • Kelly L, Runge J, Spencer C. Predictors of Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction in Acute Care Nurses. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship 2015;47(6):522-528
  • Leon A, Altholz J, Dziegielewski S. Compassion fatigue: Considerations For Working With The Elderly. Journal Of Gerontological Social Work 1999;32(1):43-62
  • Lombardo B, Eyre C. Compassion Fatigue: A Nurse's Primer. Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing 2011;16(1):1
  • Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job Burnout. Annual Review of Psychology 2011;52:397-422.
  • Nimmo A, Huggard P. A Systematic Review of the Measurement of Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Physicians. Australasian Journal Of Disaster and Trauma Studies 2013;(1):37.
  • Perron B, Hiltz B. Burnout and Secondary Trauma Among Forensic Interviewers of Abused Children. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 2006;23(2):216-234.
  • Sabin-Farrell R, Turpin G. Vicarious Traumatization: Implications For The Mental Health Of Health Workers?. Clinical Psychology Review, 23 (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), 2003;449-480.
  • Sacco TL, Ciurzynski SM, Harvey ME, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Among Critical Care Nurses. Critical Care Nurse, 2015;35(4):32-44.
  • Schauben LJ, Frazier PA. Vicarious Trauma: The Effects on Female Counselors of Working with Sexual Violence Survivors. Psychology of Women Quarterly 1995;19:49-64.
  • Schroeter K. Compassion Fatigue: An Unwanted Reflection of Your Reality. Journal Of Trauma Nursing 2014;21(2):37-38.
  • Scott P. Emotion, Moral Perception, and Nursing Practice. Nursing Philosophy 2000;1(2):123-133
  • Sheppard K. Compassion Fatigue: Are You at Risk?. American Nurse Today 2016; 11(1):53-55
  • Stamm B. The Concise ProQOL Manual. ,Pocatello, ID., 2010.
  • Şirin M, Yurttaş A. Hemşirelik Bakımının Bedeli: Merhamet Yorgunluğu, DEUHFED 2015;8(2):123-130
  • Tuncay T, Oral M. Onkoloji Çalışanlarında Dolaylı Travmatizasyon Üzerine Bir Gözden Geçirme. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 2012;23(1):161.
  • Uslu Y, Demir Korkmaz F. Yoğun Bakımda Hemşirenin Hissi Tarafı “Şefkat” ve Bakım. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2016;20(2):108-15.
  • Van der Cingel M. Compassion and Professional Care: Exploring the Domain. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal For Healthcare Professionals 2009;10(2): 124-136.
  • Van Mol MC, Kompanje EO, Benoit DD, & et al. The Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout among Healthcare Professionals in Intensive Care Units: A Systematic Review. Plos ONE, 2015;10(9):1-22.
  • Yu H, Jiang A, Shen J. Prevalence and Predictors of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Compassion Satisfaction among Oncology Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 2016;5728-38.
  • Zeidner M, Hadar D, Matthews G, & et al. Personal Factors Related to Compassion Fatigue in Health Professionals. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 2013;26(6):595-609


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 123 - 133, 01.01.2017


Şefkat, insanları acı duyma ya da benzeri sıkıntılı durumlarda bir arada tutan, değerli ve önemli bir duygudur. Şefkat duygusu empati ve saygının da ötesinde bireyi tek ve özel olarak kabul eder. Şefkat yorgunluğu acı çeken bireye bakım verme sırasında hemşirenin kendi duygularını kapatması, duygusal yönden uzaklaşması, çaresizlik ve öfke hissetmesi durumudur. Şefkat yorgunluğu, hasta birey ve ailesinin bakımı sırasında empati gerektiren meslek olan hemşirelik için bir risktir. Şefkat yorgunluğu duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve yetersizlik ile ilişkili bir durumdur. Şefkat yorgunluğunun öncülleri; bakım vericinin acıya maruziyeti, hasta ile sürekli ve yoğun temasta bulunması, yüksek strese maruz kalması ve bireyin kendisini iş içerisinde bir başkası için fazlaca tüketmesidir. Şefkat yorgunluğunun belirtileri akut olarak ortaya çıkar ve strese bağlı belirtilere ve iş memnuniyetsizliğine neden olur. Hemşirelik mesleği şefkat yorgunluğunun en ağır yaşandığı meslek olup acı çeken bireylere bakım vermenin bedeli olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Şefkat yorgunluğunu önlemeye yönelik yönetimsel ve bireysel girişimler planlanmalıdır.


  • Austin W, Goble E, Leier B, & et al. Compassion Fatigue: The Experience of Nurses. Ethics & Social Welfare 2009;3(2):195.
  • Aycock N, Boyle D. Interventions to Manage Compassion Fatigue in Oncology Nursing. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing 2009;13(2):183-191.
  • Berger J, Polivka B, Smoot EA, & et al. Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric Nurses. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing 2015;6:11.
  • Boyle DA. Compassion Fatigue: The Cost Of Caring. Nursing 2015;45(7): 48-51.
  • Coetzee S, Klopper H. Compassion Fatigue Within Nursing Practice: A Concept Analysis. Nursing & Health Sciences 2010;12(2): 235-243 9p.
  • Cole-King A, Gilbert P. Compassionate Care: The Theory and The Reality. Journal Of Holistic Healthcare 2011;8(3):29-37.
  • Conrad D, Kellar-Guenther Y. Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Colorado Child Protection Workers. Child Abuse & Neglect 2006: 301071-1080.
  • Cornwell J, Goodrich J. Ensuing Compassionate Care In Hospital. Nurs Times 2009;105(15):14–6.
  • Deighton RM, Gurris N, Traue H. Factors Affecting Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Psychotherapists Treating Torture Survivors: Is The Therapist's Attitude to Working Through Trauma Relevant?. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2007;20(1):63-75.
  • Dikmen Y, Aydın Y. Hemşirelerde Merhamet Yorgunluğu: Ne? Nasıl? Ne Yapmalı? J hum rhythm 2016;2(1):13-21
  • Drury V, Craigie M, Francis K, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress in Registered Nurses in Australia: Phase 2 Results. Journal Of Nursing Management 2014; 22(4):519-531
  • Figley CR. Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stres Disorder in Those who Treat the Traumatized. New York, Brunner-Mazel 1995
  • Flarity K, Eric Gentry J, Mesnikoff N. The Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Preventing and Treating Compassion Fatigue in Emergency Nurses. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal 2013;35(3):247-258 12p.
  • Gentry JE. Compassion Fatigue: A Crucible of Transformation. Journal Of Trauma Practice 2002;1(3/4):37-61.
  • Gök GA. Merhamet Etmenin Dayanılmaz Ağırlığı: Hemşirelerde Merhamet Yorgunluğu. Suleyman Demirel University Journal Of Faculty Of Economics & Administrative Sciences 2015; 20(2):299-313.
  • Gürdil G. Üstlenilmiş Travma ve İkincil Travmatik Stresin Travmatik Yaşantılara Müdahale Eden Bir Grup Üzerinde Geştalt Temas Biçimleri Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Psikoloji (Klinik Psikoloji) Anabilim Dalı; 2014
  • Harris C, Griffin TQ. Nursıng On Empty: Compassıon Fatıgue Sıgns, Symptoms, And System Interventıons. Journal Of Christian Nursing 2015; 32(2):80-87
  • Hegney DG, Craigie M, Hemsworth D, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression and Stress in Registered Nurses in Australia: Study 1 Results. Journal Of Nursing Management 2014; 22(4):506-518
  • Hiçdurmaz D, İnci FA. Eşduyum Yorgunluğu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi. Current Approaches In Psychiatry / Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2015; 7(3): 295-303.
  • Hinderer KA, VonRueden KT, Friedmann E, & et al. Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Trauma Nurses. Journal Of Trauma Nursing 2014;21(4):160-169
  • Hooper C, Craig J, Janvrin D, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Compassion Fatigue Among Emergency Nurses Compared With Nurses in Other Selected Inpatient Specialties. JEN: Journal Of Emergency Nursing 2010;36(5):420-427
  • Hunsaker S, Chen H, Maughan D, & et al. Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship 2015;47(2):186-194
  • Jenkins B, Warren NA. Concept Analysis: Compassion Fatigue and Effects Upon Critical Care Nurses. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 2012;35(4):388-395
  • Joinson C. Coping With Compassion Fatigue. Nursing 1992; 22:118–121.
  • Kaçmaz NT. Tükenmişlik (Burnout) Sendromu. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;68(1):29.
  • Kelly L, Runge J, Spencer C. Predictors of Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction in Acute Care Nurses. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship 2015;47(6):522-528
  • Leon A, Altholz J, Dziegielewski S. Compassion fatigue: Considerations For Working With The Elderly. Journal Of Gerontological Social Work 1999;32(1):43-62
  • Lombardo B, Eyre C. Compassion Fatigue: A Nurse's Primer. Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing 2011;16(1):1
  • Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job Burnout. Annual Review of Psychology 2011;52:397-422.
  • Nimmo A, Huggard P. A Systematic Review of the Measurement of Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Physicians. Australasian Journal Of Disaster and Trauma Studies 2013;(1):37.
  • Perron B, Hiltz B. Burnout and Secondary Trauma Among Forensic Interviewers of Abused Children. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 2006;23(2):216-234.
  • Sabin-Farrell R, Turpin G. Vicarious Traumatization: Implications For The Mental Health Of Health Workers?. Clinical Psychology Review, 23 (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), 2003;449-480.
  • Sacco TL, Ciurzynski SM, Harvey ME, & et al. Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Among Critical Care Nurses. Critical Care Nurse, 2015;35(4):32-44.
  • Schauben LJ, Frazier PA. Vicarious Trauma: The Effects on Female Counselors of Working with Sexual Violence Survivors. Psychology of Women Quarterly 1995;19:49-64.
  • Schroeter K. Compassion Fatigue: An Unwanted Reflection of Your Reality. Journal Of Trauma Nursing 2014;21(2):37-38.
  • Scott P. Emotion, Moral Perception, and Nursing Practice. Nursing Philosophy 2000;1(2):123-133
  • Sheppard K. Compassion Fatigue: Are You at Risk?. American Nurse Today 2016; 11(1):53-55
  • Stamm B. The Concise ProQOL Manual. ,Pocatello, ID., 2010.
  • Şirin M, Yurttaş A. Hemşirelik Bakımının Bedeli: Merhamet Yorgunluğu, DEUHFED 2015;8(2):123-130
  • Tuncay T, Oral M. Onkoloji Çalışanlarında Dolaylı Travmatizasyon Üzerine Bir Gözden Geçirme. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 2012;23(1):161.
  • Uslu Y, Demir Korkmaz F. Yoğun Bakımda Hemşirenin Hissi Tarafı “Şefkat” ve Bakım. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2016;20(2):108-15.
  • Van der Cingel M. Compassion and Professional Care: Exploring the Domain. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal For Healthcare Professionals 2009;10(2): 124-136.
  • Van Mol MC, Kompanje EO, Benoit DD, & et al. The Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout among Healthcare Professionals in Intensive Care Units: A Systematic Review. Plos ONE, 2015;10(9):1-22.
  • Yu H, Jiang A, Shen J. Prevalence and Predictors of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Compassion Satisfaction among Oncology Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 2016;5728-38.
  • Zeidner M, Hadar D, Matthews G, & et al. Personal Factors Related to Compassion Fatigue in Health Professionals. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 2013;26(6):595-609
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yasemin Uslu Bu kişi benim

Fatma Demir Korkmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uslu, Y., & Demir Korkmaz, F. (2017). HEMŞİRENİN HİSSİ TARAFI: ŞEFKAT YORGUNLUGU. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 123-133.