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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 97 - 106, 01.06.2016


Recovery is a concept that is discussed frequently recently. This is not a new concept for mental health, although there is not a universal definition. In terms o f the health care team, recovery m eans symptom control a nd psychosocial functions, while for people positive behaviors with mental illness involves the renewal of self a nd re-discovery o f a long journey. That can vary depending on people with mental health problems a nd health care team concept. The role of psychiatric nurses in the recovery starts with listening to the life experiences of people. At this point capture the com m on m eaning of recovery is important. Recovery tried to explain with m any models a nd tools. But there is no com m on recovery model, theory or tool that can measure it. Therefore, this article, reviewing recovery perspectives of people with mental health problems andpsychiatric nurses on the concept of recovery in mental health a nd their role in the recovery process, models a nd tools for developed to assess the recovery was written


  • A n th on y W A . Recovery From Mental Illness: T h e Guiding V ision O f T h e M ental System In T h e 1990s. Innovations A n d Research 1993; 2(3):17-24.
  • A ston V , C offey M . Recovery: W hat M ental Health Nurses and Service Users Say A bou t T h e Concept o f Recovery. Journal o f Psychiatric and M ental Health Nursing 2012; 19, 257-263.
  • Bonney S, Stickley T . Recovery and M ental Health: A Review o f the British Literature. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2008; 15, 140-153.
  • Bradstreet S, C onnor A . Communities o f recovery. M ental Health T oday M ay 2005, 22.
  • Cara C. A Pragmatic V iew o f Jean W atson ’s Caring T heory. International Association for Human Caring 2003; 7: 51-61.
  • Chi M , Long A , Jeang S & et al. Healing and Recovering A fter a Suicide Attem pt: A G rounded Theory Study, Journal o f Clinical Nursing 2013; 23, 1751-1759.
  • Chiba R , M iyam oto Y, Kawakami N & et al. Effectiveness o f a Program to Facilitate Recovery For People W ith Long-Term M ental Illness in Japan. Nursing and Health Science 2014; 16, 277-283.
  • Chiba R, Kawakami N , M iyam oto Y & et al. Reliability and validity o f the Japanese version o f the Self- Identified Stage o f Recovery for People W ith Long Term M ental illness. International Journal o f M ental Health Nursing 2010; 19, 195-202.
  • Craddock E. Supporting M ental Health Carers’ R ole in Recovery. Nursing Tim es 2013; 109(47), 22-24.
  • Çam O , Savaşan A . (2014) R uh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği: Bakım Sanatı. İçinde. Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliğinde Bir M odel: Tidal (G el-G it) M odel. Çam O , Engin E, Editör, l.basım. İstanbul: İstanbul T ıp Kitabevi; 2014. 87-102.
  • Davidson L, Lawless M S, Leary F. İyileşme Kavramları: Birbiriyle Çelişiyor M u Yoksa Birbirini Tamamlayıcı M ı?, Current O pinion in Psychiatry 2006; 2(1),41-46.
  • D eegan P. Recovering O u r Sense O f Value A fter Being Labelled Mentally ill. Journal o f Psychosocial Nursing 1993; 31, 7-11.
  • D eegan PE. Recovery: T h e Lived Experience o f Rehabilitation. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 1988; 11(4), 11-19.
  • Estroff SE. Making It Crazy: A n Ethnography O f Psychiatric Clients In A n Am erican Community, Berkeley: University o f California Press; 1981.
  • Estroff SE. Self, identity, and subjective experiences o f schizophrenia: in search o f the subject. Schizophrenia Bulletin 1989; 15:189-196.
  • Frankl VE. M an’s Search For M eaning, N ew York: W ashington Square Press; 1984.
  • Fredericab W , Delaney R. T h e Recovery M ovem ent: Defining Evidence-Based Processes. Archives o f Psychiatric Nursing 2007; 21(3), 172-175.
  • G ould A , DeSouza S, Rebeiro-Gruhl K. A n d then I Lost That Life: A Shared Narrative O f Four Young M en W ith Schizophrenia. British Journal o f Occupational Therapy 2005; 68, 4 6 7 -4 7 3 .
  • Harding C M , Brooks G W , Ashikaga T & et al. T h e V erm ont Longitudinal Study o f Persons W ith Severe M ental İllness: II. Long Term Outcom e o f Subjects W h o Retrospectively M et D SM -III Criteria for Schizophrenia. Am erican Journal o f Psychiatry 1987; 144, 727-735.
  • Herman J. (2011) Travma ve İyileşme, Şiddetin Sonuçları, Ev İçi İstismardan Siyasi Teröre. Çeviren: T osun T . 2. Basım. İstanbul:Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Jacobson N, Greenley D . W h at Is Recovery? A Conceptual M odel and Explication. Psychiatric Services 2001; 5 2 :4 8 2 -4 8 5 .
  • Kaewprom C , Curtis J, Deane P. Factors Involved in Recovery From Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Study o f Thai M ental Health Nurses. Nursing and Health Science 2011; 13, 323-327.
  • Kidd S, Kenny A , McKinstry C. T h e M eaning o f Recovery in a Regional M ental Health Service: A n A ction Research Study. Journal o f Advanced Nursing 2014; 71(1), 181-192.
  • Knutson M B, Newberry S, Schaper A . Recovery Education: A T o o l For Psychiatric Nurses. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2013; 20, 874-881.
  • Leese D , Smithies L, Green J. Recovery-focused Practice in M ental Health. Nursing Tim es 2013; 11012).
  • Lindgren B, Enmark A , Bohm an A & et al. A Qualitative Study o f Y oung W o m e n ’s Experiences o f Recovery From Bulimia Nervosa. Journal o f Advanced Nursing 2014; 71(4), 860-869.
  • Lunt A . A theory o f recovery. Journal o f Psychosocial Nursing & M ental Health Services 2002; 40, 12.
  • M ay R . Crossing the them and us barriers - an insight perspective on user involvement in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Forum 2001; 150, 14-17.
  • Mayers C . Quality o f life: priorities for people with enduring mental health problems. British Journal o f Occupational Therapy 2000; 63, 591-596.
  • M ental health: A R eport o f the Surgeon General Rockville: Department o f Health and Human Services, Substance A buse and M ental Health Services Administration. National Institutes o f Health; 1999.
  • M oller M D , M cLouhlin K A . Integrating Recovery Practices Into Psychiatric Nursing: W here A re W e in 2013? Journal o f the Am erican Psychiatric Nurses Association 2013; 19(3), 113-116.
  • Norm an I, Ryrie I. T h e Art and Science o f M ental Health Nursing. 3th ed. Newyork: O pen University Press; 2008. 128-153.
  • O ’C onnell M , T ondora J, C roog G & et al. From Rhetoric to Routine: Assessing Perceptions o f Recovery- Oriented Practices in a State M ental Health and A ddiction System. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2005; 2 8 (4 ), 378-386.
  • Pektekin Ç. Hemşirelik Felsefesi/ Kuramlar-Bakım M odelleri ve Politik Yaklaşımlar. 1.Baskı. İstanbul: İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık; 2013. 167-171.
  • Roberts G, W olfson P. T h e rediscovery o f recovery: open to all. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2004; 10, 3 7 -4 8
  • Savaşan A . Etkisiz Bireysel Baş Etme ve Benlik Kavramında Bozulma Hemşirelik Tanısı A lan A lkol Bağımlılarında Tidal (G E L -G İT ) M od el’e Dayalı Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Yaklaşımının Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Anabilim Dalı Programı, 2015.
  • Schrank B, Slade M . Recovery in Psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin 2007; 31:321-325.
  • Shanley E, Jubb-Shanley M . T h e Recovery Alliance Theory o f Mental Health Nursing. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2007; 14, 734-743.
  • Spaniol, L. Editorial. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 1991, 14(4), 1.
  • Spaniol L, Gagne C, Koehler M . Recovery From Serious M ental Illness: W h at It Is A n d H ow T o Assist People In T heir Recovery. Continuum 1997; 4 (4 ): 3-15.
  • Tektaş P. W atson İnsan Bakım M odeline Temellendirilmiş Hemşirelik Bakımının Gebelik Kaybı Yaşayan Gebelerin Ruh Sağlığına Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Anabilim Dalı Programı, 2015.
  • W atson J. W atson ’s Theory o f Human Caring and Subjective Living Experience: Carative Factors/Caritas Process as a Disciplinary Guide to T h e Professional Nursing Practice. T exto C ontexto Enferm, Florianopolis 2007; 16(1):129-135.frankl


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 97 - 106, 01.06.2016


iyileşme, son zamanlara sıkça gündeme gelen bir kavramdır. Ruh sağlığında yeni bir kavram olmamasına rağmen evrensel bir tanımı yoktur. Sağlık ekibi açısından, semptomları kontrol altında tutmayı ve psikososyal fonksiyonların yenilenmesini içerirken ruh hastalığı olan bireyler açısından olumlu davranışları ve kendini yeniden bulmayı içeren uzun bir yolculuktur. Ruhsal hastalığı olan bireylere ve sağlık ekibine göre değişebilen bir kavramdır. Psikiyatri hemşirelerinin iyileşmedeki rolü bireylerin yaşam deneyimlerini dinleme ile başlar. Bu noktada iyileşmede ortak anlamı yakalamak önem kazanmaktadır. İyileşme, birçok modelle açıklanmaya ve birçok araçla değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Fakat ortak bir iyileşme modeli, teorisi ya da iyileşmeyi ölçebilen bir araç bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle bu makale, ruhsal hastalığı olan bireylerin ve psikiyatri hemşirelerinin ruh sağlığında iyileşme kavramına bakış açılarını ve iyileşme sürecindeki rollerini, iyileşmeyle ilgili geliştirilen modelleri ve iyileşmeyi değerlendirmek için geliştirilen araçları gözden geçirmek amacıyla yazılmıştır


  • A n th on y W A . Recovery From Mental Illness: T h e Guiding V ision O f T h e M ental System In T h e 1990s. Innovations A n d Research 1993; 2(3):17-24.
  • A ston V , C offey M . Recovery: W hat M ental Health Nurses and Service Users Say A bou t T h e Concept o f Recovery. Journal o f Psychiatric and M ental Health Nursing 2012; 19, 257-263.
  • Bonney S, Stickley T . Recovery and M ental Health: A Review o f the British Literature. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2008; 15, 140-153.
  • Bradstreet S, C onnor A . Communities o f recovery. M ental Health T oday M ay 2005, 22.
  • Cara C. A Pragmatic V iew o f Jean W atson ’s Caring T heory. International Association for Human Caring 2003; 7: 51-61.
  • Chi M , Long A , Jeang S & et al. Healing and Recovering A fter a Suicide Attem pt: A G rounded Theory Study, Journal o f Clinical Nursing 2013; 23, 1751-1759.
  • Chiba R , M iyam oto Y, Kawakami N & et al. Effectiveness o f a Program to Facilitate Recovery For People W ith Long-Term M ental Illness in Japan. Nursing and Health Science 2014; 16, 277-283.
  • Chiba R, Kawakami N , M iyam oto Y & et al. Reliability and validity o f the Japanese version o f the Self- Identified Stage o f Recovery for People W ith Long Term M ental illness. International Journal o f M ental Health Nursing 2010; 19, 195-202.
  • Craddock E. Supporting M ental Health Carers’ R ole in Recovery. Nursing Tim es 2013; 109(47), 22-24.
  • Çam O , Savaşan A . (2014) R uh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği: Bakım Sanatı. İçinde. Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliğinde Bir M odel: Tidal (G el-G it) M odel. Çam O , Engin E, Editör, l.basım. İstanbul: İstanbul T ıp Kitabevi; 2014. 87-102.
  • Davidson L, Lawless M S, Leary F. İyileşme Kavramları: Birbiriyle Çelişiyor M u Yoksa Birbirini Tamamlayıcı M ı?, Current O pinion in Psychiatry 2006; 2(1),41-46.
  • D eegan P. Recovering O u r Sense O f Value A fter Being Labelled Mentally ill. Journal o f Psychosocial Nursing 1993; 31, 7-11.
  • D eegan PE. Recovery: T h e Lived Experience o f Rehabilitation. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 1988; 11(4), 11-19.
  • Estroff SE. Making It Crazy: A n Ethnography O f Psychiatric Clients In A n Am erican Community, Berkeley: University o f California Press; 1981.
  • Estroff SE. Self, identity, and subjective experiences o f schizophrenia: in search o f the subject. Schizophrenia Bulletin 1989; 15:189-196.
  • Frankl VE. M an’s Search For M eaning, N ew York: W ashington Square Press; 1984.
  • Fredericab W , Delaney R. T h e Recovery M ovem ent: Defining Evidence-Based Processes. Archives o f Psychiatric Nursing 2007; 21(3), 172-175.
  • G ould A , DeSouza S, Rebeiro-Gruhl K. A n d then I Lost That Life: A Shared Narrative O f Four Young M en W ith Schizophrenia. British Journal o f Occupational Therapy 2005; 68, 4 6 7 -4 7 3 .
  • Harding C M , Brooks G W , Ashikaga T & et al. T h e V erm ont Longitudinal Study o f Persons W ith Severe M ental İllness: II. Long Term Outcom e o f Subjects W h o Retrospectively M et D SM -III Criteria for Schizophrenia. Am erican Journal o f Psychiatry 1987; 144, 727-735.
  • Herman J. (2011) Travma ve İyileşme, Şiddetin Sonuçları, Ev İçi İstismardan Siyasi Teröre. Çeviren: T osun T . 2. Basım. İstanbul:Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Jacobson N, Greenley D . W h at Is Recovery? A Conceptual M odel and Explication. Psychiatric Services 2001; 5 2 :4 8 2 -4 8 5 .
  • Kaewprom C , Curtis J, Deane P. Factors Involved in Recovery From Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Study o f Thai M ental Health Nurses. Nursing and Health Science 2011; 13, 323-327.
  • Kidd S, Kenny A , McKinstry C. T h e M eaning o f Recovery in a Regional M ental Health Service: A n A ction Research Study. Journal o f Advanced Nursing 2014; 71(1), 181-192.
  • Knutson M B, Newberry S, Schaper A . Recovery Education: A T o o l For Psychiatric Nurses. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2013; 20, 874-881.
  • Leese D , Smithies L, Green J. Recovery-focused Practice in M ental Health. Nursing Tim es 2013; 11012).
  • Lindgren B, Enmark A , Bohm an A & et al. A Qualitative Study o f Y oung W o m e n ’s Experiences o f Recovery From Bulimia Nervosa. Journal o f Advanced Nursing 2014; 71(4), 860-869.
  • Lunt A . A theory o f recovery. Journal o f Psychosocial Nursing & M ental Health Services 2002; 40, 12.
  • M ay R . Crossing the them and us barriers - an insight perspective on user involvement in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Forum 2001; 150, 14-17.
  • Mayers C . Quality o f life: priorities for people with enduring mental health problems. British Journal o f Occupational Therapy 2000; 63, 591-596.
  • M ental health: A R eport o f the Surgeon General Rockville: Department o f Health and Human Services, Substance A buse and M ental Health Services Administration. National Institutes o f Health; 1999.
  • M oller M D , M cLouhlin K A . Integrating Recovery Practices Into Psychiatric Nursing: W here A re W e in 2013? Journal o f the Am erican Psychiatric Nurses Association 2013; 19(3), 113-116.
  • Norm an I, Ryrie I. T h e Art and Science o f M ental Health Nursing. 3th ed. Newyork: O pen University Press; 2008. 128-153.
  • O ’C onnell M , T ondora J, C roog G & et al. From Rhetoric to Routine: Assessing Perceptions o f Recovery- Oriented Practices in a State M ental Health and A ddiction System. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2005; 2 8 (4 ), 378-386.
  • Pektekin Ç. Hemşirelik Felsefesi/ Kuramlar-Bakım M odelleri ve Politik Yaklaşımlar. 1.Baskı. İstanbul: İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık; 2013. 167-171.
  • Roberts G, W olfson P. T h e rediscovery o f recovery: open to all. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2004; 10, 3 7 -4 8
  • Savaşan A . Etkisiz Bireysel Baş Etme ve Benlik Kavramında Bozulma Hemşirelik Tanısı A lan A lkol Bağımlılarında Tidal (G E L -G İT ) M od el’e Dayalı Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Yaklaşımının Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Anabilim Dalı Programı, 2015.
  • Schrank B, Slade M . Recovery in Psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin 2007; 31:321-325.
  • Shanley E, Jubb-Shanley M . T h e Recovery Alliance Theory o f Mental Health Nursing. Journal o f Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2007; 14, 734-743.
  • Spaniol, L. Editorial. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 1991, 14(4), 1.
  • Spaniol L, Gagne C, Koehler M . Recovery From Serious M ental Illness: W h at It Is A n d H ow T o Assist People In T heir Recovery. Continuum 1997; 4 (4 ): 3-15.
  • Tektaş P. W atson İnsan Bakım M odeline Temellendirilmiş Hemşirelik Bakımının Gebelik Kaybı Yaşayan Gebelerin Ruh Sağlığına Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Anabilim Dalı Programı, 2015.
  • W atson J. W atson ’s Theory o f Human Caring and Subjective Living Experience: Carative Factors/Caritas Process as a Disciplinary Guide to T h e Professional Nursing Practice. T exto C ontexto Enferm, Florianopolis 2007; 16(1):129-135.frankl
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma

M Olcay Çam Bu kişi benim

Hilal Aydoğdu Durmuş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çam, M. O., & Aydoğdu Durmuş, H. (2016). RUHSAL HASTALIĞI OLAN BİREYLER VE PSİKİYATRİ HEMŞİRELERİ AÇISINDAN İYİLEŞME. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 97-106.