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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 47 - 60, 01.06.2013


Objective: This research is made descriptively to observe the early postoperative effects ofprostate surgery on the activities of daily life and the development of complications. Methods: The universe of the research consists of 99 individuals who had prostate surgery between August 2003 and September 2003 in Urology services of Cumhuriyet University Health Care Practice and Research Hospital, Sivas Numune Hospital and Social Insurance Hospitals. The data required to conduct the study is collected with "Patient Identification Form", "Barthel Activities of Daily Life Index”, “Complications Form Which Can Occur At Home After Prostate Surgery” and " Question Form Related With Adequacy Of Daily Life Activities". The data obtained was calculated with computer by using percentage calculations and Kruskal- Wallis tests. Barthel index is used to determine the levels of independence of individuals in their daily lifes due to prostate surgery and is evaluated over 100 points. Results and Conclusion: People experienced urinary and bathing problems, pain, frequent urination, sleeplessness and constipation after discharge. Their partner and child relations were effected after prostate surgery, most people experienced pain and constipation problems after surgery, most of the people thought that their sexual life wouldn't be effected because of the surgery, most of the people sleeped less and many peoples’ body image was effected negatively. According to the data obtained it is suggested to give nursing educations at discharge about the side effects of the prostate surgery, the effects to the daily life activities, the complications which can occur at home and by making home visits to plan appropriate interventions for the problems the patients can experience at home


  • Bıshop P. Bipolar Transurethral Resection of the Prostate-A New Approach. AORN Journal 2003; 77(5): 979.
  • Castle R, Malone M. Discharge Planning Following Surgery. Nursing The Surgical Patient 2000; 97–106.
  • Condie JD, Cutherell L, Mian A. Suprapubik Prostatektomy; For Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia in Rural Asia: 200 Consecutive Cases. Urolog 199;54(6): 1012 – 1016.
  • Fillon M. Men Eager o Renew Activities After Prostate Surgery. Web MD Medical News Archive 2000.
  • Gass R. Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia: The Opposite Effects of Alcohol and Coffee Intake, BJU International 2002; 90:649-654.
  • Goldrıck BA, Larson EL. Wound Management in Home Care: An Assessment. Journal of Community Health Nursing 1993; 10(1):23-29.
  • Gray R E, Fitch M , Phillips G and et al. Presurgery Experiences of Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Spouses. Cancer Practice 1997;(3): 130-135.
  • Harris J. The Prewvalence of Impotence after Radical Prostatectomy. Urologic Nursing 1998;17(4): 142- 145.
  • Jakobson, Lisolette Ingalill R ve ark, Hallberg. Experiences of Micturition Problems, Indwelling Catheter Treatment and Sexual Life Consequences in Men With Prostate Cancer. Jounal of Advanced Nursing 2000; 31(1).
  • Keetch DW, Buback DA. Clinical_Care Pathway For Decreasing Hospital Stay After Radical Prostatectomy. British Journal of Urology 1998; 81:398-402.
  • Kiviniemi K. Going to the Bathroom Four or Five Tımes a Night: Seven Men Talk About Theır Experiences of Bening Prostatiıc Hyperplasia and the Perioperative Period. Journal of Clinical Nursing 1999;8(5).
  • Kring D. Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia, Clinical Nurse Specialist 2003;33(5); 44-45.
  • Lewis S, Heitkemper M, Dirksen SR. Male Geniourinary Problems, Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 2002; 2;1553 – 1564.
  • Miranda BJ, Diez MC, Bertran P A and Villavvicencio H. Quality of Life Assesment in Patients With Bening Prostatic Hyperplasıa. Pharmaco-economics 2001; 19(1):1079-1090.
  • Moore KN, Estey A. The Early Post-Operative Concerns of Men After Radical Prostatectomy, Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999;29 (5): 1121 – 1129.
  • Navon L, Morag A. Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients’ Relationships With Their Spouses Following Hormonal Theraphy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Elsevier Science 2003;7(2); 73 -80.
  • Noldus J and et all. Treatment of Prostate Cancer – The Clinical Use of Radical Prostatectomy. EAU Update Series 2003; 1(1): 16-22.
  • Pateman B, Johnson M. Men’s Lived Experiences Following Transurethral Prostatectomy For Bening Prostatic Hypertrophy. JONA 2000; 31(1):51 – 58 .
  • Postacıoğlu Z. Prostat Ameliyatı Olan Hastaların Ameliyat Sonrası Bakımına İlişkin Hemşirelerin Bilgi Düzeyinin Saptanması. Ege Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 1985; 1 (3): 43 –48.
  • Sebesta M and et all. Questionnaire- Based Outcomes of Urinary Incontinence and Satisfaction Rates After Radical Prostatectomy in a National Study Population. Urology 2002; 60(6):1055 – 1058.
  • Thatcherv J. Follow up After Day Surgery: How Well Do Patients Cope? Nursing Times 1996;92(37):30 – 32.
  • Tomoko O, Takehiro K, Yoshimi M, Miyoko K ve ark Urination Assessment After the Removal of Bladder Catheter Using a Novel Urination Chart, Nursing & Health Sciences 2003;5(3):189-197.
  • Trueman P, Hood S C, Nayak USL and Mrazek MF. Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Self-Reported Diagnosed’ Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia’ and Their Effect on Quality if Life In a Community-Based Survey of Men in the UK, BJU International 1999; 83: 410-415.
  • Vasseur AS, Fitzgerald R, Bell F. A Descriptive Study Examınıng Postdischarge Patient Needs After Laser Ablation and Transurethral Resection of the Prostate. International Journal of Nursing Practice 1998; 4:33-39
  • Weizer AZ, Silverstein AD, Young MD Vieweg J ve ark. Prospective Evaluation of Pain Medication Requipments and Recovery After Radical Perianal Prostatectomy. Urology 2003; 62(4): 693-697.
  • Warmkessel JH. How to Care Man With Prostate Cancer. Nursing. Horsham 1999; 29(11): 51-53.
  • Warmkessel JH. What Your Patient Needs to Know About Prostate Cancer. Nursing. Horsham 2002; 32(12):36-42.
  • Weaver J. Combating Complications of Transurethral Surgery. Nursing Horsham 2001;31(7):3.
  • Willis D. Taming the Overgrown Prostate. AJN. 1992; 34–40.
  • Zink MR. Nursing Diagnosis in Home Care: Audit Tool Development. Journal of Community Health Nursing 1994; 11 (1):51 – 58.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 47 - 60, 01.06.2013


Amaç: Araştırma prostat cerrahisi geçiren bireylerin taburculuk sonrası erken dönemde günlük yaşam aktivitelerinin etkilenme düzeylerinin ve komplikasyon gelişme durumunu belirlemek amacı ile tanımlayıcı olarak yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemini Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Sivas Numune Hastanesi ve Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Hastanesi Üroloji Servislerinde, Ağustos-2003 ile Ekim-2003 tarihleri arasında prostat ameliyatı geçiren 99 birey oluşturdu. Araştırmanın yürütülebilmesi için gerekli olan veriler “Hasta Tanıtım Formu”, “Barthel Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri İndeksi“, “Prostat Cerrahisi Sonrası Evde Gelişebilecek Komplikasyonlar Formu“ ve “Günlük Yaşam Aktivitelerini Karşılama Durumu” ile ilgili soru formu kullanılarak toplandı. Elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamında yüzdelik hesapları ve kruskal – wallis testleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Barthel Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri indeksi prostat cerrahisine bağlı bireylerin günlük yaşamlarındaki bağımsızlık etkilenme düzeylerini belirlemek üzere kullanılmış ve 100 puan üzerinden değerlendirildi. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Taburculuk sonrasında bireylerin günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde daha çok banyo ve üriner boşaltım ile ilgili sorunlar yaşadıkları, çoğunluğunun eşleri ve çocukları ile olan ilişkilerinin etkilendiği, evde bireylerin büyük çoğunluğunun ağrı yaşadığı, ameliyattan sonra kabızlık problemlerinin arttığı, bireylerin çoğunluğunun ameliyattan sonra cinsel yaşamlarının etkilenmeyeceğini düşündükleri, çoğunluğunun uyku sürelerinin azaldığı ve beden imajlarının olumsuz etkilendiği belirlendi. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda prostat cerrahisi geçirecek bireylere cerrahi işlemin yan etkileri, günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde ve evde yaşayacakları sorunlara yönelik hemşireler tarafından taburculuk eğitimlerinin verilmesi ve ev ziyaretleri ile taburculuk sonrası yaşadıkları sorunlara yönelik planlamaların yapılması önerildi


  • Bıshop P. Bipolar Transurethral Resection of the Prostate-A New Approach. AORN Journal 2003; 77(5): 979.
  • Castle R, Malone M. Discharge Planning Following Surgery. Nursing The Surgical Patient 2000; 97–106.
  • Condie JD, Cutherell L, Mian A. Suprapubik Prostatektomy; For Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia in Rural Asia: 200 Consecutive Cases. Urolog 199;54(6): 1012 – 1016.
  • Fillon M. Men Eager o Renew Activities After Prostate Surgery. Web MD Medical News Archive 2000.
  • Gass R. Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia: The Opposite Effects of Alcohol and Coffee Intake, BJU International 2002; 90:649-654.
  • Goldrıck BA, Larson EL. Wound Management in Home Care: An Assessment. Journal of Community Health Nursing 1993; 10(1):23-29.
  • Gray R E, Fitch M , Phillips G and et al. Presurgery Experiences of Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Spouses. Cancer Practice 1997;(3): 130-135.
  • Harris J. The Prewvalence of Impotence after Radical Prostatectomy. Urologic Nursing 1998;17(4): 142- 145.
  • Jakobson, Lisolette Ingalill R ve ark, Hallberg. Experiences of Micturition Problems, Indwelling Catheter Treatment and Sexual Life Consequences in Men With Prostate Cancer. Jounal of Advanced Nursing 2000; 31(1).
  • Keetch DW, Buback DA. Clinical_Care Pathway For Decreasing Hospital Stay After Radical Prostatectomy. British Journal of Urology 1998; 81:398-402.
  • Kiviniemi K. Going to the Bathroom Four or Five Tımes a Night: Seven Men Talk About Theır Experiences of Bening Prostatiıc Hyperplasia and the Perioperative Period. Journal of Clinical Nursing 1999;8(5).
  • Kring D. Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia, Clinical Nurse Specialist 2003;33(5); 44-45.
  • Lewis S, Heitkemper M, Dirksen SR. Male Geniourinary Problems, Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 2002; 2;1553 – 1564.
  • Miranda BJ, Diez MC, Bertran P A and Villavvicencio H. Quality of Life Assesment in Patients With Bening Prostatic Hyperplasıa. Pharmaco-economics 2001; 19(1):1079-1090.
  • Moore KN, Estey A. The Early Post-Operative Concerns of Men After Radical Prostatectomy, Journal of Advanced Nursing 1999;29 (5): 1121 – 1129.
  • Navon L, Morag A. Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients’ Relationships With Their Spouses Following Hormonal Theraphy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Elsevier Science 2003;7(2); 73 -80.
  • Noldus J and et all. Treatment of Prostate Cancer – The Clinical Use of Radical Prostatectomy. EAU Update Series 2003; 1(1): 16-22.
  • Pateman B, Johnson M. Men’s Lived Experiences Following Transurethral Prostatectomy For Bening Prostatic Hypertrophy. JONA 2000; 31(1):51 – 58 .
  • Postacıoğlu Z. Prostat Ameliyatı Olan Hastaların Ameliyat Sonrası Bakımına İlişkin Hemşirelerin Bilgi Düzeyinin Saptanması. Ege Üniversitesi HYO Dergisi 1985; 1 (3): 43 –48.
  • Sebesta M and et all. Questionnaire- Based Outcomes of Urinary Incontinence and Satisfaction Rates After Radical Prostatectomy in a National Study Population. Urology 2002; 60(6):1055 – 1058.
  • Thatcherv J. Follow up After Day Surgery: How Well Do Patients Cope? Nursing Times 1996;92(37):30 – 32.
  • Tomoko O, Takehiro K, Yoshimi M, Miyoko K ve ark Urination Assessment After the Removal of Bladder Catheter Using a Novel Urination Chart, Nursing & Health Sciences 2003;5(3):189-197.
  • Trueman P, Hood S C, Nayak USL and Mrazek MF. Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Self-Reported Diagnosed’ Bening Prostatic Hyperplasia’ and Their Effect on Quality if Life In a Community-Based Survey of Men in the UK, BJU International 1999; 83: 410-415.
  • Vasseur AS, Fitzgerald R, Bell F. A Descriptive Study Examınıng Postdischarge Patient Needs After Laser Ablation and Transurethral Resection of the Prostate. International Journal of Nursing Practice 1998; 4:33-39
  • Weizer AZ, Silverstein AD, Young MD Vieweg J ve ark. Prospective Evaluation of Pain Medication Requipments and Recovery After Radical Perianal Prostatectomy. Urology 2003; 62(4): 693-697.
  • Warmkessel JH. How to Care Man With Prostate Cancer. Nursing. Horsham 1999; 29(11): 51-53.
  • Warmkessel JH. What Your Patient Needs to Know About Prostate Cancer. Nursing. Horsham 2002; 32(12):36-42.
  • Weaver J. Combating Complications of Transurethral Surgery. Nursing Horsham 2001;31(7):3.
  • Willis D. Taming the Overgrown Prostate. AJN. 1992; 34–40.
  • Zink MR. Nursing Diagnosis in Home Care: Audit Tool Development. Journal of Community Health Nursing 1994; 11 (1):51 – 58.
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2

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