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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 91 - 103, 01.06.2012


The number of breast cancer incident in migrant women is gradually increasing. Once breast cancer is detected earlier the chances of medical treatment and survival are greatly increased. Early diagnosis in breast cancer is possible through self-breast examinations, clinical breast examinations, and mammographs, which are all important health behaviors for women. There are numerous factors that affect early breast cancer diagnosis behaviors in migrant women. The Health Belief Model is a beneficial model to be used as a reference to describe intentions relating to early diagnosis practices and initiate health promotion communications with migrant individuals. This model was used in studies carried out to explain the early diagnosis behaviors of migrant women. The Health Promotion Model is a model to be used as a complementary model to health protection models. The purpose of this review is to explain, by reviewing related literature, how using the health belief model and the health promotion model in migrant women affects early diagnosis behavior change for breast cancer


  • Adderley KB, Green PM. Breast cancer education, self-efficacy, and screening in older African American women. Journal of National Black Nurses Association. 1997; 9(1): 45-57. Abstract. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from
  • Ahmad F, Stewart DE. Predictors of Clinical Breast Examination Among South Asian Immigrant Women. Journal of İmmigrant Health. 2004; 6(3): 119-126.
  • Ahmad F, Cameron JI, Steward, DE. A tailored intervention to promote breast cancer screening among South Asian immigrant women. Social Science & Medicine. 2005; 60(3): 575-86.
  • Alpteker H, Avcı A. Kırsal alandaki kadınların meme kanseri bilgisi ve kendi kendine meme muayenesi uygulama durumlarının belirlenmesi. Meme Sağlığı Dergisi. 2010; 6(2): 74-79.
  • American Cancer Society. Cancer Prevention&Early Detection Facts&Figures 2008, US. Retrieved Noveber 20, 2010, from pdf
  • Andreeva VA, Unger JB, Pentz MA. Breast Cancer among Immigrants: A Systematic Review and New Research Directions. Journal of Immigrant Health. 2007; 9: 307–322.
  • Austin LT, Ahmad F, McNally MJ et al. Breast and cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women: a literature review using the health belief model. Women’s Health Issues. 2002; 12(3): 122-128.
  • Bahar Z, Beser A, Gordes N ve ark. Sağlıklı yasam bicimi davranısları olcegininn gecerlik ve guvenirlik çalısması. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemsirelik Yuksekokulu Dergisi. 2008; 12: 1-12.
  • Beşer A. Göç, kültür ve sağlık İlişkisi. (İçinde). Seviğ Ü, Tanrıverdi G (ed). Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti; 2012: 57-74.
  • Champion VL. Instrument refinement for breast cancer screening behaviors. Nursing Research. 1993; 42(3): 138-143.
  • Champion VL, Scott CR. Reliability and validity of breast cancer screening belief scales in African American women. Nursing Research. 1997; 46: 331-337.
  • Demir G. Göç nedenleri ve göç edenlerin beklentilerindeki gerçekleşme durumu. ΙΙ. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi Kitabı. Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü; 1996: 85-93.
  • Gençtürk N. Meme kanserinde risk faktorleri. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi. 2006; Temmuz-Ağustos, 106-112.
  • Glanz K, Rımer BK, Vıswanath K. Health behavıor and health educatıon theory, research, and practice. (İçinde). Orleans T (ed). 4 th Edition, Jossey Bass; 2008: 45-50.
  • Groenewold G, Brujin B, Billsborrow R. Migration of the Health Belief Model (HBM): Effects of psychosocial and migrant network characteristics on emigration intentions in five countries in west africa and the mediterranean region. Populationassociation of america 2006 annual meeting, March 30-April 1, Session 86: Migration and Social Networks; 2006.
  • Hall CP, Hall JD, Pfriemer JT & et al. Effects of a culturally sensitive education program on the breast cancer knowledge and beliefs of Hispanic women. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2007; 34(6): 1195-1202.
  • Han HR, Lee H, Kim MT & et al. Tailored lay health worker intervention improves breast cancer screening outcomes in non-adherent Korean-American women. Health Education Research. 2009; 24(2): 318-29.
  • Hyman I, Gruge S. A review of theory and health promotion strategies for new ımmigrant women. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2002; 93(3), 183-187
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM), About migration. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from adresinden indirildi.
  • Janz NK, Champion VL, Strecher VJ. The Health Belief Model. In K. Glanz, B.K. Rimer, &F.M. Lewis (Eds.). Health behavior and health education: Theory, research and practice (Ed), San Francisco, Jossey- Bass., 2002: 45-46.
  • Jirojwong S, Maclennan R. Health beliefs, perceived self-efficacy, and breast self-examination among Thai migrants in Brisbane. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2003; 41(3): 241-249.
  • Johnson RL. Gender differences in health-promoting lifestyles of African Americans. Public Health Nursing. 2005; 22(2): 130-137.
  • Karadeniz G, Yanıkerem UE, Dedeli Ö ve ark. Üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları, TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(6): 467-502.
  • Kwok C, Sullivan G, Cant R. The role of culture in breast health practices among Chinese–Australian women. Patient Education and Counseling. 2006; 64:1, 268-276.
  • Lee-Lin F, Menon U, Pett M et al. Breast cancer beliefs and mammography screening practices among Chinese-American immigrants. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. 2007; 36(3): 212-221.
  • Lee FH, Wang HH. A preliminary study of a health promoting lifestyle among Southeast Asian women in Taiwan. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2005; 114-120.
  • Maurer FA, Smith CM. Community/Publich Health Nursing Practice Health For Families and Populations. 4 th Edition. 2005: 477-485.
  • McDonald PA, Thorne DD, Pearson JC et al. Perceptions and knowledge of breast cancer among African- American women residing in public housing. Ethnicity & Disease, 1999; 9(1): 81-93.
  • Mutluer M. Uluslararası Göçler ve Türkiye. İstanbul: Çantay Kitabevi; 2003: 9-34.
  • Nahcivan ÖN, Secginli S Meme kanserinde erken tanıya yönelik tutum ve davranışlar: bir rehber olarak sağlık inanç modelinin kullanımı, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi. 2003; 7(1): 33-38.
  • Pasick RJ, Burke NJ. A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion across Cultures. Annual Review of Public Health, 2008; 29: 351-368.
  • Pender NJ. Health promotion in nursing practice. 2nd ed. Norwalk: CT:Appleton & Lange; 1987.
  • Pender NJ, Walker NS, Sechrıst RK et al. Predicting health – promoting lifestyles in the workplace. Nursing Research. 1990; 39:6, 326-332.
  • Pender. N., Barkauskas, V., Hayman, L. Health promotion and disease pervention toward exlence in nursing practice and education. Nursing Outlook. 1992; 40(3): 106-112.
  • Pender NJ. Health promotion in nursing practice. 5th edition. Prentce Hall; 2006: 51-57.
  • Petro-Nustas WI. Young Jordanian women’s health beliefs about mammography. Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2001; 18(3): 177-194.
  • Remennick L. The challenge of early breast cancer detection among immigrant and minority women in multicultural societies. The Breast Journal. 2006; 12: 103-110.
  • Schwartz K, Fakhouri M, Bartoces M et al. Mammography Screening Among Arab American Women in Metropolitan Detroit. Journal Immigrant Minority Heath. 2008; 10:541-549.
  • Shirazı M, Champeau D, Talebi A. Predictors of Breast Cancer Screening among Immigrant Iranian Women in California. Journal of Womens Health. 2006; 485-497.
  • Topçu S. Göç Eden ve Göç Etmeyen Kadınların Sağlığı Geliştirme Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilileri Enstitüsü. 2006: 70.
  • Turner LW, Hunt, SB, Dibirezzo R et al. Health Belief Model. 2004; Retrieved September 10, 2010, from
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health, 2nd edn. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington; 2000. Retrieved September 19, 2010, from adresinden indirildi.
  • Vazquez MO, Ayendez MS, Perez ES et al. Breast cancer health promotion model for older Puerto Rican women: results of a pilot programme. Health promotion International. 2002; 17: 3-11.
  • Velioğlu P. Hemşireliğin Düşünsel Temelleri. İstanbul; Alaş Ofset., 1994.
  • Weber MF, Banks E, Smith DP et al. Cancer screening among migrants in an Australian cohort; cross- sectional analyses from the 45 and Up Study. BMC Public Health. 2009; 9(144): 1-9.
  • World Health Organization, Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020. Retrieved September 23, 2010, from
  • Wu TY, Ronis D. Correlates of recent and regular mammography screening among Asian-American women. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009; 65(11): 2434-2446.
  • Wu TY, West B, Chen YW et al. Health beliefs and practices related to breast cancer screening in Filipino, Chinese and Asian-Indian women. Cancer Detection and Prevention. 2006; 30(1): 58-66.
  • Yu MY, Wu TY. Factors influencing mammography screening of Chinese American women. JOGNN. 2005; 34(3): 386-394.


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 91 - 103, 01.06.2012


Meme kanseri görülme sıklığı göçmen kadınlar arasında giderek artmaktadır. Meme kanseri erken tanılandığında tedavi edilebilmekte ve yaşama şansı artmaktadır. Kadınlar için önemli sağlık davranışları olan kendi kendine meme muayenesi, klinik meme muayenesi ve mamografi ile meme kanserine erken dönemde tanı konulabilmektedir. Göçmen kadınlarda meme kanseri erken tanı davranışlarını etkileyen birçok faktör vardır. Sağlık İnanç Modeli, göçmen bireylerle sağlığı geliştirme iletişimlerini başlatmak ve erken tanı uygulamalarına ilişkin niyetlerini açıklamak için kaynak olarak kullanılabilecek yararlı bir modeldir. Bu model göçmen kadınların erken tanı davranışlarını açıklamak için yapılan çalışmalarda kullanılmıştır. Sağlığı Geliştirme Modeli ise sağlığı koruma modellerinin tamamlayıcısı olarak kullanılabilecek bir modeldir. Bu derlemenin amacı, ilgili literatürü inceleyerek göçmen kadınlarda Sağlık İnanç Modeli ve Sağlığı Geliştirme Modeli kullanımının meme kanseri erken tanı davranışı değişimine etkisini açıklamaktır


  • Adderley KB, Green PM. Breast cancer education, self-efficacy, and screening in older African American women. Journal of National Black Nurses Association. 1997; 9(1): 45-57. Abstract. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from
  • Ahmad F, Stewart DE. Predictors of Clinical Breast Examination Among South Asian Immigrant Women. Journal of İmmigrant Health. 2004; 6(3): 119-126.
  • Ahmad F, Cameron JI, Steward, DE. A tailored intervention to promote breast cancer screening among South Asian immigrant women. Social Science & Medicine. 2005; 60(3): 575-86.
  • Alpteker H, Avcı A. Kırsal alandaki kadınların meme kanseri bilgisi ve kendi kendine meme muayenesi uygulama durumlarının belirlenmesi. Meme Sağlığı Dergisi. 2010; 6(2): 74-79.
  • American Cancer Society. Cancer Prevention&Early Detection Facts&Figures 2008, US. Retrieved Noveber 20, 2010, from pdf
  • Andreeva VA, Unger JB, Pentz MA. Breast Cancer among Immigrants: A Systematic Review and New Research Directions. Journal of Immigrant Health. 2007; 9: 307–322.
  • Austin LT, Ahmad F, McNally MJ et al. Breast and cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women: a literature review using the health belief model. Women’s Health Issues. 2002; 12(3): 122-128.
  • Bahar Z, Beser A, Gordes N ve ark. Sağlıklı yasam bicimi davranısları olcegininn gecerlik ve guvenirlik çalısması. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemsirelik Yuksekokulu Dergisi. 2008; 12: 1-12.
  • Beşer A. Göç, kültür ve sağlık İlişkisi. (İçinde). Seviğ Ü, Tanrıverdi G (ed). Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik. İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti; 2012: 57-74.
  • Champion VL. Instrument refinement for breast cancer screening behaviors. Nursing Research. 1993; 42(3): 138-143.
  • Champion VL, Scott CR. Reliability and validity of breast cancer screening belief scales in African American women. Nursing Research. 1997; 46: 331-337.
  • Demir G. Göç nedenleri ve göç edenlerin beklentilerindeki gerçekleşme durumu. ΙΙ. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi Kitabı. Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü; 1996: 85-93.
  • Gençtürk N. Meme kanserinde risk faktorleri. Hemşirelik Forum Dergisi. 2006; Temmuz-Ağustos, 106-112.
  • Glanz K, Rımer BK, Vıswanath K. Health behavıor and health educatıon theory, research, and practice. (İçinde). Orleans T (ed). 4 th Edition, Jossey Bass; 2008: 45-50.
  • Groenewold G, Brujin B, Billsborrow R. Migration of the Health Belief Model (HBM): Effects of psychosocial and migrant network characteristics on emigration intentions in five countries in west africa and the mediterranean region. Populationassociation of america 2006 annual meeting, March 30-April 1, Session 86: Migration and Social Networks; 2006.
  • Hall CP, Hall JD, Pfriemer JT & et al. Effects of a culturally sensitive education program on the breast cancer knowledge and beliefs of Hispanic women. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2007; 34(6): 1195-1202.
  • Han HR, Lee H, Kim MT & et al. Tailored lay health worker intervention improves breast cancer screening outcomes in non-adherent Korean-American women. Health Education Research. 2009; 24(2): 318-29.
  • Hyman I, Gruge S. A review of theory and health promotion strategies for new ımmigrant women. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2002; 93(3), 183-187
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM), About migration. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from adresinden indirildi.
  • Janz NK, Champion VL, Strecher VJ. The Health Belief Model. In K. Glanz, B.K. Rimer, &F.M. Lewis (Eds.). Health behavior and health education: Theory, research and practice (Ed), San Francisco, Jossey- Bass., 2002: 45-46.
  • Jirojwong S, Maclennan R. Health beliefs, perceived self-efficacy, and breast self-examination among Thai migrants in Brisbane. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2003; 41(3): 241-249.
  • Johnson RL. Gender differences in health-promoting lifestyles of African Americans. Public Health Nursing. 2005; 22(2): 130-137.
  • Karadeniz G, Yanıkerem UE, Dedeli Ö ve ark. Üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları, TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(6): 467-502.
  • Kwok C, Sullivan G, Cant R. The role of culture in breast health practices among Chinese–Australian women. Patient Education and Counseling. 2006; 64:1, 268-276.
  • Lee-Lin F, Menon U, Pett M et al. Breast cancer beliefs and mammography screening practices among Chinese-American immigrants. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. 2007; 36(3): 212-221.
  • Lee FH, Wang HH. A preliminary study of a health promoting lifestyle among Southeast Asian women in Taiwan. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2005; 114-120.
  • Maurer FA, Smith CM. Community/Publich Health Nursing Practice Health For Families and Populations. 4 th Edition. 2005: 477-485.
  • McDonald PA, Thorne DD, Pearson JC et al. Perceptions and knowledge of breast cancer among African- American women residing in public housing. Ethnicity & Disease, 1999; 9(1): 81-93.
  • Mutluer M. Uluslararası Göçler ve Türkiye. İstanbul: Çantay Kitabevi; 2003: 9-34.
  • Nahcivan ÖN, Secginli S Meme kanserinde erken tanıya yönelik tutum ve davranışlar: bir rehber olarak sağlık inanç modelinin kullanımı, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi. 2003; 7(1): 33-38.
  • Pasick RJ, Burke NJ. A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion across Cultures. Annual Review of Public Health, 2008; 29: 351-368.
  • Pender NJ. Health promotion in nursing practice. 2nd ed. Norwalk: CT:Appleton & Lange; 1987.
  • Pender NJ, Walker NS, Sechrıst RK et al. Predicting health – promoting lifestyles in the workplace. Nursing Research. 1990; 39:6, 326-332.
  • Pender. N., Barkauskas, V., Hayman, L. Health promotion and disease pervention toward exlence in nursing practice and education. Nursing Outlook. 1992; 40(3): 106-112.
  • Pender NJ. Health promotion in nursing practice. 5th edition. Prentce Hall; 2006: 51-57.
  • Petro-Nustas WI. Young Jordanian women’s health beliefs about mammography. Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2001; 18(3): 177-194.
  • Remennick L. The challenge of early breast cancer detection among immigrant and minority women in multicultural societies. The Breast Journal. 2006; 12: 103-110.
  • Schwartz K, Fakhouri M, Bartoces M et al. Mammography Screening Among Arab American Women in Metropolitan Detroit. Journal Immigrant Minority Heath. 2008; 10:541-549.
  • Shirazı M, Champeau D, Talebi A. Predictors of Breast Cancer Screening among Immigrant Iranian Women in California. Journal of Womens Health. 2006; 485-497.
  • Topçu S. Göç Eden ve Göç Etmeyen Kadınların Sağlığı Geliştirme Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilileri Enstitüsü. 2006: 70.
  • Turner LW, Hunt, SB, Dibirezzo R et al. Health Belief Model. 2004; Retrieved September 10, 2010, from
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health, 2nd edn. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington; 2000. Retrieved September 19, 2010, from adresinden indirildi.
  • Vazquez MO, Ayendez MS, Perez ES et al. Breast cancer health promotion model for older Puerto Rican women: results of a pilot programme. Health promotion International. 2002; 17: 3-11.
  • Velioğlu P. Hemşireliğin Düşünsel Temelleri. İstanbul; Alaş Ofset., 1994.
  • Weber MF, Banks E, Smith DP et al. Cancer screening among migrants in an Australian cohort; cross- sectional analyses from the 45 and Up Study. BMC Public Health. 2009; 9(144): 1-9.
  • World Health Organization, Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020. Retrieved September 23, 2010, from
  • Wu TY, Ronis D. Correlates of recent and regular mammography screening among Asian-American women. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009; 65(11): 2434-2446.
  • Wu TY, West B, Chen YW et al. Health beliefs and practices related to breast cancer screening in Filipino, Chinese and Asian-Indian women. Cancer Detection and Prevention. 2006; 30(1): 58-66.
  • Yu MY, Wu TY. Factors influencing mammography screening of Chinese American women. JOGNN. 2005; 34(3): 386-394.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2

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