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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 51 - 58, 01.08.2010


Continuity of care, discharge planning, and home care are the main topics for quality of health care in the developed countries. Receiving the diagnosis of cancer and being discharged from the hospital are known to be stressful situations for families. The families of children with cancer are anticipated to be a decision-maker and primary caregiver in this process due to complex cancer treatment threatens their childrens lives, their lives are hospital-centered, and they are in the communication with many health care workers. In addition to this, families are responsible for close monitoring of their child’s health condition. They have educational needs in the physical care areas such as organizing patients diet, symptom and medication management, pain management, mouth care and catheter care. In our country discharge planning is not well organized in hospitals, and is not coordinated by physician or nurse and their needs are meet by families. Therefore it is important to train families on home care needs of their children from hospital admissions to discharge. Pediatric oncology team take responsibility for education and counselling approach to children with cancer and their families. The aim of this review is to highlight physical care needs of children with cancer and their families at home, to ensure in use for discharge planning program by clinical nurses


  • Bryant R (2003). Managing side effects of childhood cancer treatment. J Pediatr Nurse, 5(2): 113-125.
  • Clarke JN, Fletcher PC, Schneider MA (2005). Mother’s home health care work when their children have cancer. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 22 (6) : 365-73.
  • Donovan E, Lathem P (2000).Rehabilitation Issues. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 127-136.
  • Fieler VK (2000). Symptom Management. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc,33.
  • Frierdich S, Goes C, Dadd G (2003). Community and home care services provided to children with cancer: a report from the Children’s Cancer Group Nursing Committee- Clinical Practice Group. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 20 (5): 252-259.
  • Fukui S (2002).Information needs and the related characteristics of japanese family caregivers of newly diagnosed patients with cancer. Cancer Nurs, 25(3): 181-86.
  • Gedaly-Duff V, Lee KA, Nail LM ve ark. (2006). Pain, sleep disturbance, and fatigue in children with leukemia and their parents: A pilot study. Oncol Nurs Forum, 33 (3): 641-46.
  • Gordon K, Dearmun AK (2003). Occlusion problems in central venous catheters: the child and family perspectives. J Child Health Care, 7(1): 55-69.
  • Hanson PA (2000). Caregiver Issues. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 159-162.
  • Hockenberry-Eaton M, Hinds PS (2000). Fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer: evalution of a program of study. Semin Oncol Nurs, 16 (4): 261-272.
  • Kantar M (2009). Kanserli çocukta beslenme. (içinde)Ed. Alp Özkan, Pediatrik Onkoloji. İstanbul,Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 1327-1331.
  • Kelly KP, Parock D (2005). A Survey of pediatric oncology nurses’ perceptions of parent educational needs. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 22(1) : 58-66.
  • Ljungman G, Gordh T, Sörensen S ve ark.(2000). Pain variations during cancer treatment in children: A descriptive survey. Ped Hematol Oncol, 17:211-221.
  • Lundblad B, Burne MV, Hellström, A (2001).continuing nursing care needs of children at time of discharge from one regional medical center in Sweeden. J Pediatr Nurs, 16(1).73-78.
  • London F (2004). How to prepare families for the discharge in the limited time available. Pediatr Nurs, 30(3): 212-216.
  • Pate S (2000). The Future of Home Care. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 247-258
  • Pyke-Grimm KA, Degner L, Small A ve ark.(1999). Preferences for participation in treatment decision making and ınformational needs of parents of children with cancer: A pilot study. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 16 (1): 13-24.
  • Rubenstein BE, Peterson DE, Schubert M (2004). Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cancer therapy-ınduced oral and gastrointestinal mucositis. Cancer, 100 (9): 2026-2046.
  • Rutledge D, Engelking C (1998). Cancer-related diarrhea: selected findings of a national survey of oncology nurse experiences. Oncol Nur Forum, 25 (5): 861-873.
  • Savaşer S (2000). Kanserli çocuğun taburculuğa hazırlanması ve evde bakımında hemşirenin rolü. Atatürk Ünv. HYO Dergisi , 3(1): 51- 56.
  • Taş F, Başbakkal Z (2009). Kemoterapi alan çocukların yaşadıkları semptomlar ve ebeveynlerin uygulamaları, Ege Pediatri Bülteni; 16(1):33-44.
  • Thompson JM (2000). Pediatric assesment in the home. Home Health Care Nurse , 5(10) : 639-646
  • Wohlschlaeger A (2004). Prevention and treatment of mucositis: A guide for nurses. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 21 (5): 281-289.
  • Woodgate, RL, Degner, LF, Yanofsky, RA (2003). Different perspective to approaching cancer symptoms in children. J Pain Symp Manage: 26(3): 800-817.
  • Woolery M, Carroll E, Fenn E ve ark. (2006).A Constipation Assessment Scale for Use in Pediatric Oncology. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 23 (2): 65-74.
  • Yılmaz ÇM, Özsoy SA (2010). Effectiveness of a discharge-planning program and home visits for meeting the physical care needs of children with cancer. Support Care Cancer 18; 243-253.
  • Yiu JM, Twinn S (2001). Determining the needs of chinese parents during the hospitalization of their child diagnosed with cancer: An explatory study. Cancer Nurs, 24(6): 483-489.
  • Yuska CM, Nedved PG (2000). Home Care. (içinde) Margaret H. Frogge, Michelle Goodman, Susan L. Groenwald (ed). Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice.Jones and Barlett Publ.Inc. 1661-1680.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 51 - 58, 01.08.2010


Gelişmiş ülkelerde kaliteli sağlık bakımı için “bakımın sürekliliği, taburculuk planlama ve evde sağlık bakımının” ana konular olduğu üzerinde durulmaktadır. Kanser tanısı alarak hastaneden taburcu olmanın aileler için çok stresli bir durum olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu süreçte çocuklarının yaşamını tehdit eden karmaşık kanser tedavileri, yaşamlarının hastane merkezli olması ve birçok sağlık çalışanıyla iletişim kurmaları nedeniyle ailelerin karar verici ve primer bakım veren olarak bakıma katılmaları beklenmektedir. Buna ek olarak ailelerin evde çocuklarının sağlığını ve tedavi şeklini yakından izleme sorumlulukları bulunmaktadır. Ailelerin hastanın diyetini/beslenmesini düzenleme, semptom ve ilaç yönetimi, ağrı yönetimi, ağız bakımı ve kateter bakımı gibi fiziksel bakım alanlarında bilgi gereksinimleri bulunmaktadır. Ülkemiz sağlık sisteminde pediatrik onkoloji hastalarını kapsayan organize ve sistemli hizmet veren evde bakım kurumları yer almamakta, gereksinimler aileleri tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Bu nedenle hastaneye ilk yatıştan başlamak üzere taburculuğa kadar çocuk ve ailenin evde bakım gereksinimlerine yönelik konularda eğitilmesi son derece önem kazanmaktadır. Bu derleme kanserli çocuk ve ailesinin evde bakım gereksinimlerine dikkat çekmek, klinik alanda çalışan hemşireler tarafından bakım verenlere/ailelere yönelik düzenlenecek taburculuk planlama programlarında kullanılmak üzere bir kaynak olması amacıyla yazılmıştır


  • Bryant R (2003). Managing side effects of childhood cancer treatment. J Pediatr Nurse, 5(2): 113-125.
  • Clarke JN, Fletcher PC, Schneider MA (2005). Mother’s home health care work when their children have cancer. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 22 (6) : 365-73.
  • Donovan E, Lathem P (2000).Rehabilitation Issues. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 127-136.
  • Fieler VK (2000). Symptom Management. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc,33.
  • Frierdich S, Goes C, Dadd G (2003). Community and home care services provided to children with cancer: a report from the Children’s Cancer Group Nursing Committee- Clinical Practice Group. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 20 (5): 252-259.
  • Fukui S (2002).Information needs and the related characteristics of japanese family caregivers of newly diagnosed patients with cancer. Cancer Nurs, 25(3): 181-86.
  • Gedaly-Duff V, Lee KA, Nail LM ve ark. (2006). Pain, sleep disturbance, and fatigue in children with leukemia and their parents: A pilot study. Oncol Nurs Forum, 33 (3): 641-46.
  • Gordon K, Dearmun AK (2003). Occlusion problems in central venous catheters: the child and family perspectives. J Child Health Care, 7(1): 55-69.
  • Hanson PA (2000). Caregiver Issues. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 159-162.
  • Hockenberry-Eaton M, Hinds PS (2000). Fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer: evalution of a program of study. Semin Oncol Nurs, 16 (4): 261-272.
  • Kantar M (2009). Kanserli çocukta beslenme. (içinde)Ed. Alp Özkan, Pediatrik Onkoloji. İstanbul,Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 1327-1331.
  • Kelly KP, Parock D (2005). A Survey of pediatric oncology nurses’ perceptions of parent educational needs. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 22(1) : 58-66.
  • Ljungman G, Gordh T, Sörensen S ve ark.(2000). Pain variations during cancer treatment in children: A descriptive survey. Ped Hematol Oncol, 17:211-221.
  • Lundblad B, Burne MV, Hellström, A (2001).continuing nursing care needs of children at time of discharge from one regional medical center in Sweeden. J Pediatr Nurs, 16(1).73-78.
  • London F (2004). How to prepare families for the discharge in the limited time available. Pediatr Nurs, 30(3): 212-216.
  • Pate S (2000). The Future of Home Care. (içinde) V.K. Fieler, Hanson, P.A.(ed). Oncology Nursing in the Home. Pennsylvania, Oncology Nursing Press Inc, 247-258
  • Pyke-Grimm KA, Degner L, Small A ve ark.(1999). Preferences for participation in treatment decision making and ınformational needs of parents of children with cancer: A pilot study. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 16 (1): 13-24.
  • Rubenstein BE, Peterson DE, Schubert M (2004). Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cancer therapy-ınduced oral and gastrointestinal mucositis. Cancer, 100 (9): 2026-2046.
  • Rutledge D, Engelking C (1998). Cancer-related diarrhea: selected findings of a national survey of oncology nurse experiences. Oncol Nur Forum, 25 (5): 861-873.
  • Savaşer S (2000). Kanserli çocuğun taburculuğa hazırlanması ve evde bakımında hemşirenin rolü. Atatürk Ünv. HYO Dergisi , 3(1): 51- 56.
  • Taş F, Başbakkal Z (2009). Kemoterapi alan çocukların yaşadıkları semptomlar ve ebeveynlerin uygulamaları, Ege Pediatri Bülteni; 16(1):33-44.
  • Thompson JM (2000). Pediatric assesment in the home. Home Health Care Nurse , 5(10) : 639-646
  • Wohlschlaeger A (2004). Prevention and treatment of mucositis: A guide for nurses. J Ped Oncol Nurs, 21 (5): 281-289.
  • Woodgate, RL, Degner, LF, Yanofsky, RA (2003). Different perspective to approaching cancer symptoms in children. J Pain Symp Manage: 26(3): 800-817.
  • Woolery M, Carroll E, Fenn E ve ark. (2006).A Constipation Assessment Scale for Use in Pediatric Oncology. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, 23 (2): 65-74.
  • Yılmaz ÇM, Özsoy SA (2010). Effectiveness of a discharge-planning program and home visits for meeting the physical care needs of children with cancer. Support Care Cancer 18; 243-253.
  • Yiu JM, Twinn S (2001). Determining the needs of chinese parents during the hospitalization of their child diagnosed with cancer: An explatory study. Cancer Nurs, 24(6): 483-489.
  • Yuska CM, Nedved PG (2000). Home Care. (içinde) Margaret H. Frogge, Michelle Goodman, Susan L. Groenwald (ed). Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice.Jones and Barlett Publ.Inc. 1661-1680.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma

Medine Çalişkan Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Kantar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, M. Ç., & Kantar, M. (2010). PEDİATRİK ONKOLOJİ HASTALARININ EVDE FİZİKSEL BAKIM GEREKSİNİMLERİ. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(3), 51-58.