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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 145 - 158, 01.06.2007


Bu yazıda bağlanma kuramı, anne–bebek arasındaki bağlanma, bağlanma stilleri, çocuk ve ergen bağlanmasında ebeveynin rolü, bağlanma ile ilgili psikopatolojik bozukluklar, yetişkin bağlanması ile ilgili araştırmalar gözden geçirilmiştir. “PubMed” ve “ScienceDirect” tıbbi arama motorları kullanılarak, özellikle 1985-2004 yılları arasında yayımlanan makaleler öncelikli olarak değerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. Bebeklik döneminde duygusal gelişimin sağlıklı olabilmesinde anahtar rolü ana-baba oynamaktadır. Bebeklikteki bağlanma kavramı; anne-baba yada birincil bakım verenlere olumlu tepkilerin verilmesi, bu kişilere yönelme, arama, bağlanılan kişinin varlığının duyumsanmasına eş zamanlı olarak rahatlama duygusunun eşlik etmesi gibi duygu ve davranış örüntülerinin tümünü kapsamaktadır. Bağlanma bebekle birincil bakım veren kişi arasında gelişen ve bebekte güven duygusunu yerleştiren güçlü bir bağdır. Bağlanma kuramı bebek psikolojisini temel almasına rağmen ergenleri anlamak için de kullanılmıştır. Bebeklik döneminde yaşanan patolojik bağlanma örüntülerinin gelecekteki ilişkiler üzerindeki etkisi günümüzde önemini koruyan bir konu niteliğindedir. Çocukluk ve ergenlik döneminde ortaya çıkan birçok psikopatolojinin kaynağı, bebeğin birincil bakıcısı ile olan ilişkisinin niteliği ile yakından ilişkilidir. Sonuç olarak, bağlanma kuramı psikiyatrik yaklaşıma ve klinik uygulamalara farklı bir alt yapı oluşturur. Bu durum doğumdan yetişkinlik sürecine kadar bireysel gelişim, bağlanma süreci, davranışsal gelişim sürecinin dikkate alınmasını gereğini vurgular. Böylece bu yaklaşımla bağlanma ile ilgili bozuklukların çözümüne olanak sağlanmış olur


  • Ainsworth MD (1989). Attachments Beyond İnfancy. Am Psychol. Apr;44(4):709-16.
  • Ainsworth MS (1997). The Personal Origins Of Attachment Theory. An İnterview WithMary Salter Ainsworth. Interview By Peter L. Rudnytsky. Psychoanal Study Child. 52: 386-405.
  • Allen JP, Moore CM, Kuperminc G ve ark (1998). Attachment And Adolescent Psychosocial Functioning. Child Development . Oct; 69(5): 1406-19.
  • Barnett D, Vondra JI (1999). Atypical Attachment İn İnfancy And Early Childhood Among Children At Developmental Risk. I. Atypical Patterns Of Early Attachment
  • Theory, Research, And Current Directions. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 64(3): 1-24
  • Bartholomew K, Horovitz LM (1991). Attachment Styles Among Young Adults: A Test Of A Four-Category Model. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology. 61(2): 226- 244
  • Bowlby J (1988). Developmental Psychiatry Comes Of Age. Am J Psychiatry. Jan;145(1): 1-10.
  • Brown J, Cohen P, Johnson JG ve ark (1999). Childhood Abuse And Neglect: Specificity Of Effects On Adolescent And Young Adult Depression And Suicidality
  • Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry. 2(38): 1490– 1496
  • Cassidy J (1988). Child-Mother Attachment And The Self İn Six-Year-Olds. Child Dev. Feb; 59(1): 121-34.
  • Cassidy J (1994). Emotion regulation: Influences of attachment relationships. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev 59: 228-49.
  • Cook WI (2000). Understanding Attachment Security İn Family Context. J Pers Soc Psychol. Feb; 78(2): 285-94
  • Crittenden PM (1995). Attachment And Risk For Psychopathology: The Early Years. Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics .16(3): 12–16.
  • Crockenberg S, Lyons-Ruth K, Dickstein S (1993). The family context of infant mental health: II. Infant development in multiple family relationships. Handbook of ınfant mental health, CH Zeanah (Ed), New York Guilford Press, s. 38-55.
  • Demulder EK, Denham S, Schmidt M ve ark (2000). Q-Sort Assessment Of Attachment Security During The Preschool Years: Links From Home To School. Dev Psychol. Mar; 36(2): 274-82.
  • Denham SA (1994). Mother-Child Emotional Communication And Preschoolers' Security Of Attachment And Dependency. J Genet Psychol. Mar; 155(1): 119-21.
  • Deniz ME, Hamarta E, Ari R (2005). An Investigation Of Social Skills And Loneliness Levels Of University Students With Respect To Their Attachment Styles In A Sample Of Turkish Students, Social Behavior And Personality. 33(1): 19-32.
  • Goldberg S (1991). Recent Developments İn Attachment Theory And Research. Can J Psychiatry. Aug; 36(6): 393-400.G
  • Goodfriend MS (1993). Treatment Of Attachment Disorder Of İnfancy İn A Neonatal İntensive Care Unit. Pediatrics. Jan; 91(1): 139-42
  • Green J, Goldwyn R (2002). Annotation: Attachment Disorganisation And Psychopathology: New Findings İn Attachment Research And Their Potential İmplications For Developmental Psychopathology İn Childhood. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Oct; 43(7): 835-46
  • Haight WI, Kagle JD, Black JE (2003). Understanding And Supporting Parent–Child Relationships During Foster Care Visits: Attachment Theory And Research, Social Work. Apr; 48(2): 195-207
  • Hall SE, Geher G (2003). Behavioral And Personality Characteristics Of Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder. J Psychol. Mar; 137(2): 145-62.
  • Holmes J (1994). Attachment Theory: A Biological Basis For Psychotherapy?. Br J Psychiatry. Jan; 164(1): 129-30.
  • Hortacsu N, Cesur S, Oral A (1993). Relationships Between Depression And Attachment Styles İn Parent- And İnstitution-Reared Turkish Children. J Genet Psychol. Sep; 154(3): 329-37.
  • Horwitz AV, Widom CS, Mclaughlin J ve ark (2001). The İmpact Of Childhood Abuse And Neglect On Adult Mental Health: A Prospective Study, Journal Of Health And Social Behavior. Jun; 42(2): 184-201
  • Isabella RA, Belsky J (1985). Marital Change During The Transition To Parenthood And Security Of İnfant-Parent Attachment. J Fam Issues. Dec; 6(4): 505-22.
  • Isabella RA (1993). Origins Of Attachment: Maternal İnteractive Behavior Across The First Year. Child Dev. Apr; 64(2): 605-21.
  • Joseph B (1992). Psychic Change: Some Perspectives. Int J Psychoanal. Summer;73 (Pt 2): 237-43.
  • Kenny EM, Gallagher LA (2002). Instrumental And Social/Relational Correlates Of Perceived Maternal And Paternal Attachment İn Adolescence. Journal Of Adolescence. 25(2): 203–219
  • Kirkpatrick LA, Davis KE (1994). Attachment Style, Gender, And Relationship Stability: A Longitudinal Analysis. J Pers Soc Psychol. Mar; 66(3): 502-12.
  • Lapsey D, Varshney N, Aalsma M (2000). Pathological Attachment And Attachment Style İn Late adolescence. Journal Of Adolescence. 23(2): 137-155
  • Lieberman M, Doyle A, Markeiwicz D (1999). Developmental Patterns İn Security Of Attachment To Mothers And Fathers İn Late Childhood And Early Adolescence: Associations With Peer Relations. Child Development. Jan-Feb; 70(1): 202-13
  • Lowinger S, Dimitrovsky L, Strauss H ve ark (1995). Maternal Social And Physical Contact: Links To Early İnfant Attachment Behaviors. J Genet Psychol. Dec; 156(4): 461-76.
  • Mikulincer M, Nachshon O (1991). Attachment Styles And Patterns Of Self- Disclosure. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 2(61): 321–331.
  • Meeus W, Oosterwege A, Vollebergh W (2002). Parental And Peer Attachment And İdentity Development İn Adolescence Journal Of Adolescence. 25(1): 93–106
  • Mukaddes NM, Kaynak FN, Kinali G ve ark (2004). Psychoeducational Treatment Of Children With Autism And Reactive Attachment Disorder. Autism. Mar; 8(1): 101-9.
  • Pehlivantürk B (2004).Otistik Bozukluğu Olan Çocuklarda Bağlanma Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 15(1): 56-63
  • Perry SE (1994). Maternal-Fetal Attachment. Res Nurs Health. Aug;17(4): 315-6.
  • Sagi-Schwartz A, Koren-Karie N, Joels T (2003). Failed Mourning İn The Adult Attachment Interview: The Case Of Holocaust Child Survivors. Attach Hum Dev. Dec; 5(4): 398-408
  • Troy NW (1995). The Time Of First Holding Of The İnfant And Maternal Self-Esteem Related To Feelings Of Maternal Attachment. Women Health. 22(3): 59-72.
  • Tyrrell C, Dozier M (1999). Foster Parents; Understanding Of Children's Problematic Attachment Strategies: The Need For Therapeutic Responsiveness, Adoption Quarterly. 2(4): 49–64
  • Van Den Boom DC (1994). The İnfluence Of Temperament And Mothering On Attachment And Exploration: An Experimental Manipulation Of Sensitive Responsiveness Among Lower-Class Mothers With İrritable İnfants. Child Dev. Oct; 65(5): 1457-77.
  • Waters E, Hamilton CE, Weinfield NS (2000). The Stability Of Attachment Security From İnfancy To Adolescence And Early Adulthood: General İntroduction. Child Dev. May-Jun; 71(3): 678-83.
  • Zeanah CH, Boris NW, Larrieu JA (1997). Infant Development And Developmental Risk: A Review Of The Past 10 Years J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Feb; 36(2): 165-78.


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 145 - 158, 01.06.2007


This article reviews literature on attachment theory, process of motherinfant attachment, attachment styles, role of parent on child and adolescent attachment, attachment related psychopathological disorder, adult attachment. Articles, published in 1985-2004 and searched via “PubMed” and “ScienceDirect” medical search engines, are primarily included in the review. Parents play a key role in the emotional development of infants. Attachment concept in infancy consists of many affectional and behavioral patterns of positive reactions to parents or primary caregivers, seeking and preference of them, sense of pleasure in the presence of primary caregivers. Attachment is the strong emotional bond that develops between infant and caregiver, providing the infant with emotional security. Attachment theory is central in infant psychology but is also more and more used to understand adolescent's vulnerability.. Effect of pathological attachment process in infancy on future relationships is still a popular reseach topic todays. The main cause of many psychopathologies in childhood and adolescence related to the quality of infant-caregiver relationship. Hence attachment theory drawing up a new concepts to psychiatric aproach and clinical practice. Indeed, this concept permits to take into account in a combined manner individual development, processes of attachment, and behaviour adjustments, from birth throughout adulthood. So thıs aproach give a permission to solution of related to attachment disorder


  • Ainsworth MD (1989). Attachments Beyond İnfancy. Am Psychol. Apr;44(4):709-16.
  • Ainsworth MS (1997). The Personal Origins Of Attachment Theory. An İnterview WithMary Salter Ainsworth. Interview By Peter L. Rudnytsky. Psychoanal Study Child. 52: 386-405.
  • Allen JP, Moore CM, Kuperminc G ve ark (1998). Attachment And Adolescent Psychosocial Functioning. Child Development . Oct; 69(5): 1406-19.
  • Barnett D, Vondra JI (1999). Atypical Attachment İn İnfancy And Early Childhood Among Children At Developmental Risk. I. Atypical Patterns Of Early Attachment
  • Theory, Research, And Current Directions. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 64(3): 1-24
  • Bartholomew K, Horovitz LM (1991). Attachment Styles Among Young Adults: A Test Of A Four-Category Model. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology. 61(2): 226- 244
  • Bowlby J (1988). Developmental Psychiatry Comes Of Age. Am J Psychiatry. Jan;145(1): 1-10.
  • Brown J, Cohen P, Johnson JG ve ark (1999). Childhood Abuse And Neglect: Specificity Of Effects On Adolescent And Young Adult Depression And Suicidality
  • Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry. 2(38): 1490– 1496
  • Cassidy J (1988). Child-Mother Attachment And The Self İn Six-Year-Olds. Child Dev. Feb; 59(1): 121-34.
  • Cassidy J (1994). Emotion regulation: Influences of attachment relationships. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev 59: 228-49.
  • Cook WI (2000). Understanding Attachment Security İn Family Context. J Pers Soc Psychol. Feb; 78(2): 285-94
  • Crittenden PM (1995). Attachment And Risk For Psychopathology: The Early Years. Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics .16(3): 12–16.
  • Crockenberg S, Lyons-Ruth K, Dickstein S (1993). The family context of infant mental health: II. Infant development in multiple family relationships. Handbook of ınfant mental health, CH Zeanah (Ed), New York Guilford Press, s. 38-55.
  • Demulder EK, Denham S, Schmidt M ve ark (2000). Q-Sort Assessment Of Attachment Security During The Preschool Years: Links From Home To School. Dev Psychol. Mar; 36(2): 274-82.
  • Denham SA (1994). Mother-Child Emotional Communication And Preschoolers' Security Of Attachment And Dependency. J Genet Psychol. Mar; 155(1): 119-21.
  • Deniz ME, Hamarta E, Ari R (2005). An Investigation Of Social Skills And Loneliness Levels Of University Students With Respect To Their Attachment Styles In A Sample Of Turkish Students, Social Behavior And Personality. 33(1): 19-32.
  • Goldberg S (1991). Recent Developments İn Attachment Theory And Research. Can J Psychiatry. Aug; 36(6): 393-400.G
  • Goodfriend MS (1993). Treatment Of Attachment Disorder Of İnfancy İn A Neonatal İntensive Care Unit. Pediatrics. Jan; 91(1): 139-42
  • Green J, Goldwyn R (2002). Annotation: Attachment Disorganisation And Psychopathology: New Findings İn Attachment Research And Their Potential İmplications For Developmental Psychopathology İn Childhood. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Oct; 43(7): 835-46
  • Haight WI, Kagle JD, Black JE (2003). Understanding And Supporting Parent–Child Relationships During Foster Care Visits: Attachment Theory And Research, Social Work. Apr; 48(2): 195-207
  • Hall SE, Geher G (2003). Behavioral And Personality Characteristics Of Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder. J Psychol. Mar; 137(2): 145-62.
  • Holmes J (1994). Attachment Theory: A Biological Basis For Psychotherapy?. Br J Psychiatry. Jan; 164(1): 129-30.
  • Hortacsu N, Cesur S, Oral A (1993). Relationships Between Depression And Attachment Styles İn Parent- And İnstitution-Reared Turkish Children. J Genet Psychol. Sep; 154(3): 329-37.
  • Horwitz AV, Widom CS, Mclaughlin J ve ark (2001). The İmpact Of Childhood Abuse And Neglect On Adult Mental Health: A Prospective Study, Journal Of Health And Social Behavior. Jun; 42(2): 184-201
  • Isabella RA, Belsky J (1985). Marital Change During The Transition To Parenthood And Security Of İnfant-Parent Attachment. J Fam Issues. Dec; 6(4): 505-22.
  • Isabella RA (1993). Origins Of Attachment: Maternal İnteractive Behavior Across The First Year. Child Dev. Apr; 64(2): 605-21.
  • Joseph B (1992). Psychic Change: Some Perspectives. Int J Psychoanal. Summer;73 (Pt 2): 237-43.
  • Kenny EM, Gallagher LA (2002). Instrumental And Social/Relational Correlates Of Perceived Maternal And Paternal Attachment İn Adolescence. Journal Of Adolescence. 25(2): 203–219
  • Kirkpatrick LA, Davis KE (1994). Attachment Style, Gender, And Relationship Stability: A Longitudinal Analysis. J Pers Soc Psychol. Mar; 66(3): 502-12.
  • Lapsey D, Varshney N, Aalsma M (2000). Pathological Attachment And Attachment Style İn Late adolescence. Journal Of Adolescence. 23(2): 137-155
  • Lieberman M, Doyle A, Markeiwicz D (1999). Developmental Patterns İn Security Of Attachment To Mothers And Fathers İn Late Childhood And Early Adolescence: Associations With Peer Relations. Child Development. Jan-Feb; 70(1): 202-13
  • Lowinger S, Dimitrovsky L, Strauss H ve ark (1995). Maternal Social And Physical Contact: Links To Early İnfant Attachment Behaviors. J Genet Psychol. Dec; 156(4): 461-76.
  • Mikulincer M, Nachshon O (1991). Attachment Styles And Patterns Of Self- Disclosure. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 2(61): 321–331.
  • Meeus W, Oosterwege A, Vollebergh W (2002). Parental And Peer Attachment And İdentity Development İn Adolescence Journal Of Adolescence. 25(1): 93–106
  • Mukaddes NM, Kaynak FN, Kinali G ve ark (2004). Psychoeducational Treatment Of Children With Autism And Reactive Attachment Disorder. Autism. Mar; 8(1): 101-9.
  • Pehlivantürk B (2004).Otistik Bozukluğu Olan Çocuklarda Bağlanma Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 15(1): 56-63
  • Perry SE (1994). Maternal-Fetal Attachment. Res Nurs Health. Aug;17(4): 315-6.
  • Sagi-Schwartz A, Koren-Karie N, Joels T (2003). Failed Mourning İn The Adult Attachment Interview: The Case Of Holocaust Child Survivors. Attach Hum Dev. Dec; 5(4): 398-408
  • Troy NW (1995). The Time Of First Holding Of The İnfant And Maternal Self-Esteem Related To Feelings Of Maternal Attachment. Women Health. 22(3): 59-72.
  • Tyrrell C, Dozier M (1999). Foster Parents; Understanding Of Children's Problematic Attachment Strategies: The Need For Therapeutic Responsiveness, Adoption Quarterly. 2(4): 49–64
  • Van Den Boom DC (1994). The İnfluence Of Temperament And Mothering On Attachment And Exploration: An Experimental Manipulation Of Sensitive Responsiveness Among Lower-Class Mothers With İrritable İnfants. Child Dev. Oct; 65(5): 1457-77.
  • Waters E, Hamilton CE, Weinfield NS (2000). The Stability Of Attachment Security From İnfancy To Adolescence And Early Adulthood: General İntroduction. Child Dev. May-Jun; 71(3): 678-83.
  • Zeanah CH, Boris NW, Larrieu JA (1997). Infant Development And Developmental Risk: A Review Of The Past 10 Years J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Feb; 36(2): 165-78.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Keskin, G., & Çam, O. (2007). BAĞLANMA SÜRECİ: RUH SAĞLIĞI AÇISINDAN LİTERATÜRÜN GÖZDEN GEÇİRİLMESİ. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 145-158.