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Yıl 2023, , 667 - 687, 28.12.2023


Komsomol, an organization for both male and female youth aged 14 to 28, was founded in 1918 in Moscow and continued until the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. The organization was important in shaping the new Soviet society. Due to this, it has become a subject of many scholarly studies. But different from them, this study, utilizing many archival sources, focuses on the role and place of women in the Komsomol. Through archival examples from both Soviet Russia and the Turkic republics in the Soviet Union such as Uzbekistan, Karachay-Cherkess, Kalmykia from the beginning of Komsomol to the WWII era, this study aims to examine and show to what extent women participated in the Komsomol activities, administration and how male members approached them. While doing this, it emphasizes what changed and what continued in time.


  • Arbaç 2019 İmren Arbaç, “İkinci Dünya Savaşında Cephedeki Sovyet Kadınları”, Kesit Akademi Dergisi, 5/20, pp.244-265.
  • Bernstein 2013 Seth Bernstein, “Communist Upringing Under Stalin: The Political Socialization and Militarization of Soviet Youth, 1934-1941”, A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of History University of Toronto.
  • Busch 2011 Tracy Nichols Busch, “Women and Children First? Avtodor's Campaigns and the Limits of Soviet Automobility from 1927 to 1935”, The Russian Review, 70/3, pp. 397-418.
  • Cardona and Markwick 2009 Euridice Charon Cardona-Roger D. Markwick, “Our Brigade Will Not Be Sent to the Front: Soviet Women under Arms in the Great Fatherland War, 1941-45”, The Russian Review, 68/2, pp. 240-262.
  • Fainsod 1951 Merle Fainsod, “The Komsomols--A Study of Youth Under Dictatorship”, The American Political Science Review, 45/1, pp. 18-40.
  • Fitzpatrick 1982 Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution 1917-1932, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Gallagher 2020 Grace E. Gallagher, “The Komsomol Experience Under Stalin”, Student Publications, 871, pp.1-12.
  • Jones 1988 Stephen Jones, “The Establishment of Soviet Power in Transcaucasia: The Case of Georgia 1921-1928”, Soviet Studies, 40/4, pp. 616-639.
  • Gooderham 1982 Peter Gooderham, “The Komsomol and Worker Youth: The Inculcation of 'Communist Values in Leningrad during NEP”, Soviet Studies, 34/ 4, pp. 506-528.
  • Gorsuch 1996 Anne E. Gorsuch, “A Woman is Not a Man: The Culture of Gender and Generation in Soviet Russia, 1921-1928”, Slavic Review, 55/3, pp. 636-660.
  • Guillory 2012 Sean Guillory, “The Shattered Self of Komsomol Civil War Memoirs”, Slavic Review, 71/3, pp. 546-565.
  • Gusev 1997 B.N. Gusev, Iz istorii molodezhnoi organizatsii- Komsomol v 20-30e godı: uroki proshlogo dlya nastoyashego, izd-vo Kostrom gos. Tehnol, Kostroma.
  • Hahn 1969 Jeffrey W. Hahn, “The Komsomol Kollektiv as an Agency of Political Socialization”, Youth Society, 1, pp. 220-239.
  • Hornsby 2018 R. A. Hornsby, “Women and Girls in the Post-Stalin Komsomol”, The Palgrave Handbook on Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century Russia and the Soviet Union. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 285-298.
  • İz stenogrammı I syezda “İz stenogrammı I syezda trudyaşeysya jenskoy molodeji Karaçayevskoy avtonomnoy oblasti 6-10, 1979 İmanzadə 1957 S. N. İmanzadə, Oktyabr sosialist inqilabı və Azərbaycanda qadın azadlığı, Ed. S.Axundova, Azərnəşr, Bakü.
  • Korrespondentsiya Komsomol “Korrespondentsiya Komsomol Armenii-Rodine”, Kommunist, 1 Yanvarya 1942, 212866
  • Krivoriçenko 1988 V.K.Krivoriçenko, Istoriya VLKSM v desyatiletiyah ego deyatelnosti, Moscow.
  • Mally 1996 Lynn Mally, “Performing the New Woman: The Komsomolka as Actress and Image in Soviet Youth Theater”, Journal of Social History, 30/1, pp. 79-95.
  • Oktyabrya 1935 Velikiy Oktyabr i raskrepoşeniye jenşin Severnego Kavkaza i Zakavkazya (1917-1936) gg., Moskova.
  • Reyes 2017 Michelle Reyes, Experiences of Soviet Women Combatants During World War II, History Theses, State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College, New York.
  • Sokolov 1996 V. İ. Sokolov, Istoriya molodezhnovo dvizheniya Rossii (SSSR) vtoroi polovinı XIX-XX veka, ocherki, chast 1, Znanie, Moscow.
  • Soobsheniia s predpriiatii “Soobsheniia s predpriiatii, kolkhozov i sovkhozov o zamene muzhchín, ushedshih na front, jenshinami na proizvodstve”, Dagestanskaya Pravda, 24 Noyabrya 1941,
  • Sulemova 1983 V. A. Sulemova, Istoriya VLKSM i vsesoyuznoi pionerskoi organizatsii imeni V. I. Lenina, Prosveshenie, Moscow.
  • Tippner 2014 Anja Tippner, “Girls in Combat: Zoia Kosmodem'ianskaia and the Image of Young Soviet Wartime Heroines”, The Russian Review, 73/3, pp. 371-388. Tirado 1993 Isabel A. Tirado, “The Komsomol and Young Peasants: The Dilemma of Rural Expansion, 1921-1925”, Slavic Review, 52/3, pp. 460-476.
  • Tirado 2013 Isabel Tirado, “The Komsomol’s Village Vanguard: Youth and Politics in the NEP Countryside’, The Russian Review, 72, pp. 427-446.
  • Unger 1981 Aryeh L. Unger, “Political Participation in the USSR: YCL and CPSU”, Soviet Studies, 33/1, p. 107-124.
  • Ustav vsesoyuznogo Leninskogo 1941 Ustav vsesoyuznogo Leninskogo kommunistiçeskogo soyuza molodeji, (Baku, Izd-vo detskoy i yunoşeskoy literaturı).
  • Vaughan 2018 Yasmine Vaughan, “Dancing in the airfield: The women of the 46th Taman Guards Aviation Regiment and their journey through war and womanhood”, Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019, 551.

Komsomol ve Kadın Meselesi

Yıl 2023, , 667 - 687, 28.12.2023


Komsomol, Sovyetler Birliği tarihinde 14-28 yaş arası gençlere yönelik bir teşkilat olup 1918 yılında Moskova'da kurulmuştur. Örgüt, yeni Sovyet toplumunun şekillendirilmesinde büyük bir rol oynadı. Peki Komsomol bunun için nasıl bir yöntem izlendi? Makale içerisinde açıklanacak konularda biri de budur. Komsomol içerisinde gençlere hangi değerlerin aşılandığı, örgüte üyelik koşulları, gençlerin Komsomol çatısı altında ne tür çalışmalar gerçekleştirdikleri bu çalışmanın ele aldığı konulardan bazılarıdır. Ancak çalışma esas olarak Komsomol’daki kadın üye meselesine odaklanmaktadır: Komsomol içerisinde kadın üyelere yönelik nasıl bir yaklaşım söz konusuydu? Kadınları – daha çok ilk yıllarda- Komsomol’a katılmaktan alıkoyan sebepler nelerdi? Kadın üyeler Komsomol’da ne tür görevler üstlenmişti? Komsomol içerisindeki görev dağılımında cinsiyetten kaynaklanan eşitsizlikler söz konusu muydu? Komsomol’da kadın üyelerin konumu zaman içerisinde nasıl bir değişime uğramıştı? Bu çalışmada tüm bu sorular hem Sovyet Rusya’dan ve hem de Sovyetler Birliği’ndeki Türk Cumhuriyetlerinden (Özbekistan, Karaçay-Çerkes, Kalmukya, Dağıstan, Çuvaşistan vb.) örneklerle açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Arbaç 2019 İmren Arbaç, “İkinci Dünya Savaşında Cephedeki Sovyet Kadınları”, Kesit Akademi Dergisi, 5/20, pp.244-265.
  • Bernstein 2013 Seth Bernstein, “Communist Upringing Under Stalin: The Political Socialization and Militarization of Soviet Youth, 1934-1941”, A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of History University of Toronto.
  • Busch 2011 Tracy Nichols Busch, “Women and Children First? Avtodor's Campaigns and the Limits of Soviet Automobility from 1927 to 1935”, The Russian Review, 70/3, pp. 397-418.
  • Cardona and Markwick 2009 Euridice Charon Cardona-Roger D. Markwick, “Our Brigade Will Not Be Sent to the Front: Soviet Women under Arms in the Great Fatherland War, 1941-45”, The Russian Review, 68/2, pp. 240-262.
  • Fainsod 1951 Merle Fainsod, “The Komsomols--A Study of Youth Under Dictatorship”, The American Political Science Review, 45/1, pp. 18-40.
  • Fitzpatrick 1982 Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution 1917-1932, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Gallagher 2020 Grace E. Gallagher, “The Komsomol Experience Under Stalin”, Student Publications, 871, pp.1-12.
  • Jones 1988 Stephen Jones, “The Establishment of Soviet Power in Transcaucasia: The Case of Georgia 1921-1928”, Soviet Studies, 40/4, pp. 616-639.
  • Gooderham 1982 Peter Gooderham, “The Komsomol and Worker Youth: The Inculcation of 'Communist Values in Leningrad during NEP”, Soviet Studies, 34/ 4, pp. 506-528.
  • Gorsuch 1996 Anne E. Gorsuch, “A Woman is Not a Man: The Culture of Gender and Generation in Soviet Russia, 1921-1928”, Slavic Review, 55/3, pp. 636-660.
  • Guillory 2012 Sean Guillory, “The Shattered Self of Komsomol Civil War Memoirs”, Slavic Review, 71/3, pp. 546-565.
  • Gusev 1997 B.N. Gusev, Iz istorii molodezhnoi organizatsii- Komsomol v 20-30e godı: uroki proshlogo dlya nastoyashego, izd-vo Kostrom gos. Tehnol, Kostroma.
  • Hahn 1969 Jeffrey W. Hahn, “The Komsomol Kollektiv as an Agency of Political Socialization”, Youth Society, 1, pp. 220-239.
  • Hornsby 2018 R. A. Hornsby, “Women and Girls in the Post-Stalin Komsomol”, The Palgrave Handbook on Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century Russia and the Soviet Union. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 285-298.
  • İz stenogrammı I syezda “İz stenogrammı I syezda trudyaşeysya jenskoy molodeji Karaçayevskoy avtonomnoy oblasti 6-10, 1979 İmanzadə 1957 S. N. İmanzadə, Oktyabr sosialist inqilabı və Azərbaycanda qadın azadlığı, Ed. S.Axundova, Azərnəşr, Bakü.
  • Korrespondentsiya Komsomol “Korrespondentsiya Komsomol Armenii-Rodine”, Kommunist, 1 Yanvarya 1942, 212866
  • Krivoriçenko 1988 V.K.Krivoriçenko, Istoriya VLKSM v desyatiletiyah ego deyatelnosti, Moscow.
  • Mally 1996 Lynn Mally, “Performing the New Woman: The Komsomolka as Actress and Image in Soviet Youth Theater”, Journal of Social History, 30/1, pp. 79-95.
  • Oktyabrya 1935 Velikiy Oktyabr i raskrepoşeniye jenşin Severnego Kavkaza i Zakavkazya (1917-1936) gg., Moskova.
  • Reyes 2017 Michelle Reyes, Experiences of Soviet Women Combatants During World War II, History Theses, State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College, New York.
  • Sokolov 1996 V. İ. Sokolov, Istoriya molodezhnovo dvizheniya Rossii (SSSR) vtoroi polovinı XIX-XX veka, ocherki, chast 1, Znanie, Moscow.
  • Soobsheniia s predpriiatii “Soobsheniia s predpriiatii, kolkhozov i sovkhozov o zamene muzhchín, ushedshih na front, jenshinami na proizvodstve”, Dagestanskaya Pravda, 24 Noyabrya 1941,
  • Sulemova 1983 V. A. Sulemova, Istoriya VLKSM i vsesoyuznoi pionerskoi organizatsii imeni V. I. Lenina, Prosveshenie, Moscow.
  • Tippner 2014 Anja Tippner, “Girls in Combat: Zoia Kosmodem'ianskaia and the Image of Young Soviet Wartime Heroines”, The Russian Review, 73/3, pp. 371-388. Tirado 1993 Isabel A. Tirado, “The Komsomol and Young Peasants: The Dilemma of Rural Expansion, 1921-1925”, Slavic Review, 52/3, pp. 460-476.
  • Tirado 2013 Isabel Tirado, “The Komsomol’s Village Vanguard: Youth and Politics in the NEP Countryside’, The Russian Review, 72, pp. 427-446.
  • Unger 1981 Aryeh L. Unger, “Political Participation in the USSR: YCL and CPSU”, Soviet Studies, 33/1, p. 107-124.
  • Ustav vsesoyuznogo Leninskogo 1941 Ustav vsesoyuznogo Leninskogo kommunistiçeskogo soyuza molodeji, (Baku, Izd-vo detskoy i yunoşeskoy literaturı).
  • Vaughan 2018 Yasmine Vaughan, “Dancing in the airfield: The women of the 46th Taman Guards Aviation Regiment and their journey through war and womanhood”, Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019, 551.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çağdaş Asya Tarihi, Çağdaş Rusya Tarihi

Burcu Özdemir 0000-0003-1352-018X

Kezban Acar Kaplan 0000-0003-4702-9778

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 26 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, B., & Acar Kaplan, K. (2023). KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 38(2), 667-687.
AMA Özdemir B, Acar Kaplan K. KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC. TID. Aralık 2023;38(2):667-687. doi:10.18513/egetid.1388491
Chicago Özdemir, Burcu, ve Kezban Acar Kaplan. “KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 38, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 667-87.
EndNote Özdemir B, Acar Kaplan K (01 Aralık 2023) KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 38 2 667–687.
IEEE B. Özdemir ve K. Acar Kaplan, “KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC”, TID, c. 38, sy. 2, ss. 667–687, 2023, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1388491.
ISNAD Özdemir, Burcu - Acar Kaplan, Kezban. “KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 38/2 (Aralık 2023), 667-687.
JAMA Özdemir B, Acar Kaplan K. KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC. TID. 2023;38:667–687.
MLA Özdemir, Burcu ve Kezban Acar Kaplan. “KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 38, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 667-8, doi:10.18513/egetid.1388491.
Vancouver Özdemir B, Acar Kaplan K. KOMSOMOL AND THE WOMEN’S PROBLEMATIC. TID. 2023;38(2):667-8.