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“Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları

Yıl 2019, , 537 - 566, 30.12.2019


M.Ö. 14. yüzyılda Suriye ve Filistin, döneme özgü askeri, siyasi, ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel dinamikler üzerinden şekillenmiştir. Amarna Çağı olarak adlandırılan dönemde, bölgedeki önemli ticaret merkezleri ve küçük politik yapılar arasındaki çıkar çatışmaları, büyük politik güçlerin bu bölgedeki hâkimiyet alanlarının genişlemesi veya daralmasında önemli ölçüde etkili olmuştur. Suriye ve Filistin Bölgesi’nde yer alan kentlerin askeri anlamda yetersizliği, bölgede bulunan göçebe ve yağmacı grupların hareket alanlarını genişletmiştir. Göçebe ve yağmacı grupların ormanlık ve dağlık alanlarda, coğrafyanın da sunduğu imkânlarla gerçekleştirdikleri küçük gruplar halindeki saldırılar karşısında, bu güçlere karşı etkili bir mücadele verilememiştir. Yağmacı ve göçebe gruplar, bölgede yer alan ve askeri savunma anlamında yetersiz küçük politik merkezler ile bölgede ekonomik ve askeri çıkarları bulunan büyük politik güçler, Mitanni, Hitit ve Mısır tarafından kendi aralarındaki mücadelelerde paralı asker olarak kullanılmışlardır. Bu çalışmada, Amarna Çağı’nda, doğası gereği çok çabuk siyasi kamp değiştiren göçebe ve yağmacı grupların politik anlamda yükselişinde etkili olan vekâlet savaşları, bölgesel çatışmalar ve çıkar ilişkileri tartışılacaktır.


  • Adalı 2011 Selim F. Adalı, The Scourge of God: The Umman-manda and Its Significance in the First Millennium BC. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, Helsinki. Adalı ve Taş 2014 Selim F. Adalı, İlknur Taş, “The Umman-manda in the Hittite Texts”, P. Taracha ve M. Kapeluś (eds.) Proceedings of the Eight International Congress of Hittitology. 5-9 September 2011, Warsaw, s. 3-19. Altman 1977 Amnon Altman, “The Fate of Abdi-Ashirta”, Ugarit Forschungen 9, s. 1-11. Altman 1978 Amnon Altman, “Some Controversial Topomyns from the Amurru Region in the Amarna Archive”, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästine-Vereins (1953-) 94 (2), s. 99-107. Altman 1988 Amnon Altman, “Trade Between the Aegean and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age: Some Neglected Questions”, M. Heltzer ve E. Lipiński (eds.) Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (c.1500-1000 B.C.). Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the University of Haifa from the 28th of April to 2nd of May 1985, Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven, s. 229-237. Altman 2003 Amnon Altman, “The Mittanian Raid on Amurru (EA 85:51-55) Reconsidered”, Altorientalische Forschungen 30, s. 345-371. Artzi 1968 Pinhas Artzi, “Some Unrecognized Syrian Amarna Letters”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27 (3), s. 163-171. Beckman 1992 Gary Beckman, “Hittite Administration in Syria in the Light of the Texts from Hattuša, Ugarit and Emar”, M. W. Chavalas ve J. L. Hayes (eds.) New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria, Undena Publications, Malibu, CA, s. 41-49. Beckman 1995 Gary Beckman, “Hittite Provincial Administration in Anatolia and Syria: the View from Maşat and Emar”, O. Carruba, M. Giorgieri, C. Mora (eds.) Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia. Studia Mediterranea 9, Pavia, s. 19-37. Beckman 1996 Gary Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts. H. A. Hoffner, Jr. (ed.) Scholar Press, Atlanta, Georgia. Bryce 1989 Trevor R. Bryce, “Some Observations on the Chronology of Šuppiluliuma’s Reign”, Anatolian Studies 39, s. 19-30. Bryce 2003 Trevor R. Byrce, Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near East: The Royal Correspondence of the Late Bronze Age. Routledge, London. Bryce 2005 Trevor R. Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Bryce 2014 Trevor R. Bryce, Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Campbell 1960 Edward F. Campbell, “The Amarna Letters and the Amarna Period”, The Biblical Archaeologist 23 (1), s. 1-22. Cordani 2013 Violetta Cordani, “Suppiluliuma in Syria After the First Syrian War: The (Non-) Evidence of the Amarna Letters”, S. de Martino ve J. L. Miller (eds.) New Results and New Questions on the Reign of Suppiluliuma I. LoGisma, Florence. CTH E. Laroche, Catalogue des textes hittites (Paris, 1971). Devecchi 2012 Elena Devecchi, “Aziru, Servant of Three Masters?”, Altorientalische Forschungen 39 (1), s. 38-48. Dönmez 2013 Sevgi Dönmez, Hitit Döneminde Anadolu’da Değişim Aracı Olarak Kullanılan Madenler. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Eskiçağ Tarihi Anabilim Dalı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara. Dönmez 2014 Sevgi Dönmez, “Hititler Döneminde Askeri ve Siyasi Faaliyetlere Bağlı Metal Dolaşımı”, History Studies 6 (1), s. 61-79. EA Die El-Amarna-Tafeln, vols. I-II, J. A. Knudtzon. Leipzig, 1915. Feldman 2006 Marian H. Feldman, Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an “International Style” in the Ancient Near East, 1400-1200 BCE. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London. Fleming 2012 Daniel F. Fleming, “People without Town: The ‘apiru in the Amarna Evidence”, R. Hasselbach ve N. Pat-El (eds.) Language and Natures: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Ocassion of his 60th Birthday. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 67, Chicago, s. 39-49. Genz 2006 Hermann Genz, “Geç Tunç Çağı’nda Levant Bölgesi’nde Zanaat ve Ticaret”, Ü. Yalçın, C. Pulak ve R. Slotta (eds.) Uluburun Gemisi: 3000 Yıl Önce Dünya Ticareti. Bochum, s. 375-382. Gestoso-Singer 2003 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “The Term “Love”in the Amarna Letters”, The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 14, s. 81-83. Gestoso-Singer 2016 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “Amber Exchange in the Late Bronze Age in Cross-cultural Perspective”, Aula Orientalis 34 (2), s. 251-264. Gestoso-Singer 2017 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “Fortunes and Misfortunes of Messengers and Merchants in the Amarna Letters”, O. Drewnowska ve M. Sandowicz (eds.) Fortunes and Misfortunes in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale ar Warsaw 21-25 July 2014, Eisenbrauns, Indiana, s. 143-164. Gonen 1984 Rivka Gonen, “Urban Canaan in the Late Bronze Period”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 253, s. 61-73. Goren vd. 2002 Yuval Goren, Israel Finkelstein ve Nadav Na’aman, “Petrographic Investigation of the Amarna Tablets”, Near Eastern Archaeology 65 (3), s. 196-205. Goren vd. 2003 Yuval Goren, Israel Finkelstein ve Nadav Na’aman, “The Expansion of the Kingdom of Amurru According to the Petrographic Investigation of the Amarna Tablets”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 329, s. 1-11. Greenberg 1955 Moshe Greenberg, The Ḫab/piru. American Oriental Society 39, New Haven. Greenstein ve Marcus 1976 Edward L. Greenstein ve David Marcus, “The Akkaddian Inscription of Idrimi”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society 8, s. 59-96. Heltzer 1976 Michael Heltzer, The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden. Heltzer 1977 Michael Heltzer, “Metal Trade of Ugarit and the Problem of Transportation of Commercial Goods”, Iraq 39 (2), s. 203-211. Heltzer 1981 Michael Heltzer, The Suteans. Istituto Universitario Orientale Seminario Di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor XIII, Naples. Heltzer 1999 Michael Heltzer, “The Economy of Ugarit”, W. G. E. Watson ve N. Wyatt (eds.) Handbook of Ugaritic Studies. Brill, Leiden, Boston, Köln, s. 423-454. Izre’el 1995 Shlomo Izre’el, “The Amarna Letters from Canaan”, J. M. Sasson, J. Baines, G. Beckman ve K. S. Rubinson (eds.) Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 4, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, s. 2411-2419. Kınal 1943 Firuzan Kınal, “Amarna Çağı’nda Mısır’ın Önasya Münasebetleri”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (1), s. 99-106. Kınal 1967 Firuzan Kınal, “Yamhad Krallığı”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi V (8-9), s. 193-212. Kitchen 1962 Kenneth Anderson Kitchen, Suppiluliuma and the Amarna Pharaohs: A Study in Relative Chronology. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Klengel 1969 Horst Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend v.u.Z Teil 2 – Mittel- und Südsyrien. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin Knapp 1986 Arthur Bernard Knapp, Copper Production and Divine Protection: Archaeology, Ideology and Social Complexity on Bronze Age Cyprus. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Pocket-book 42, Paul Åströms Förlag, Göteborg. Liverani 2001 Mario Liverani, International Relations in the Ancient Near East, 1600-1100 BC. Palgrave, New York. Liverani 2014 Mario Liverani, The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Trans. S. Tabatabai, Routledge, New York. Malamat 1983 Abraham Malamat, “Silver, Gold, and Precious Stones from Hazor’ in a New Mari Document”, The Biblical Archaeologist 46 (3), s. 169-174. Matthäus 2006 Hartmut Matthäus, “Geç Tunç Çağı’nda Akdeniz’de Kültürler Arası İlişkiler, Ticaret ve Deniz Seferleri”, Ü. Yalçın, C. Pulak ve R. Slotta (eds.) Uluburun Gemisi: 3000 Yıl Önce Dünya Ticareti. Bochum, s. 335-368. Moran 1992 William L. Moran, The Amarna Letters. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London. Moran 2003 William L. Moran, Amarna Studies: Collected Writings. J. Huehnergard ve Shlomo Izre’el (eds.) Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake. Morris 2010 Ellen F. Morris, “Opportunism in Contested Lands, B.C. and A.D. Or How Abdi-Ashirta, Aziru, and Padsha Khan Zadran Got Away with Murder”, Z. Hawass ve J Houser Wegner (eds.) Studies in Honor of David Silverman. Vol. 1, Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, Cairo, s. 413-438. Mynářová 2005 Jana Mynářová, “A Comment on the Opening Passages of the Amarna Letters – Its Structure and Its Adress”, Archiv Orientální 73, s. 397-406. Mynářová 2012a Jana Mynářová, “From the mountain or from the kiln? Lapis Lazuli in the Amarna Letters”, G. del Olmo Lete, J. Vidal ve N. Wyatt (eds.) The Perfumes of Seven Tamarisks, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster. Mynářová 2012b Jana Mynářová, “The Representatives of Power in the Amarna Letters”, G. Wilhelm (ed.) Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 54th Recontre Assyriologique Internationale, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, s. 551-558. Mynářová 2014 Jana Mynářová, “Egyptian State Correspondence of the New Kingdom: The Letters of the Levantine Client Kings in the Amarna Correspondence and Contemporary Evidence”, K. Radner (ed.) State Correspondence in the Ancient World: From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, s. 10-31. Na’aman 1981 Nadav Na’aman, “Economic Aspects of the Egyptian Occupation of Canaan”, Israel Exploration Journal 31 (3/4), s. 172-185. Na’aman 2005 Nadav Na’aman, Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E. Collected Essays. Vol. 2, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake. Pfoh 2016 Emanuel Pfoh, Syria – Palestine in the Late Bronze Age: An anthropology of politics and power. Routledge, London and New York. Podany 2010 Amanda H. Podany, Brotherhood of Kings: How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. Postgate 1981 J. Nicholas Postgate, “Nomads and Sedentaries in the Middle Assyrian Sources”, J. S. Castillo (ed.), Nomads and Sedentary Peoples. XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Colegio de Mexico, s. 47-56. Pryke 2011 Louise M. Pryke, “The Many Complaints to Pharaoh of Rib-Addi of Byblos”, Journal of American Oriental Society 131 (3), s. 411-422. Pryke 2015 Louise M. Pryke, “Trade Routes and Fierced Disputes the Disruption of Trade Routes in the Amarna Letters”, ARAM 27 (1-2), s. 39-53. Rainey 2003 Anson F. Rainey, “Some Amarna Collations”, Eretz-Israel 27, s. 192-202. Rainey 2008 Anson F. Rainey, “Shasu or Habiru: Who Were the Early Israelites?”, Biblical Archaeological Rewiev 34 (6), s. 51-55. Rainey 2015 Anson F. Rainey, The El-Amarna Correspondence: A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of All Extant Tablets. W. M. Schniedewind (ed.). Brill, Leiden – Boston. Ringheim 2018 Hannah L. Ringheim, Mercenaries in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Doctoral Dissertation, St. Cross College University of Oxford, Oxford. RS Text from Ras Shamra/Ugarit. Singer 1990 Itamar Singer, “Aziru’s apostasy and the historical setting of the General’s letter”, S. Izre’el ve I. Singer (eds.) The General’s Letter from Ugarit. A Linguistic and Historical Reevaluation of RS 20.33 (Ugaritica V, No.20). Tel Aviv University, The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv, s. 113-183. Singer 2011 Itamar Singer, The Calm Before the Storm. Selected Writings of Itamar Singer on the Late Bronze Age in Anatolia and the Levant. Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta. Spalinger 2005 Anthony J. Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt – The New Kingdom. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Waterhouse 2001 S. Douglas Waterhouse, “Who are the Habiru of the Amarna Letters?”, Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 12 (1), s. 31-42. Van De Mieroop 2007 Marc Van De Mieroop, The Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of Ramesses II. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Vidal 2008 Jordi Vidal, “The Men of Arwad, Mercenaries of the Sea”, Bibliotheca Orientalis 65 (1/2), s. 6-16. Vidal 2010 Jordi Vidal, “Sutean Warfare in the Amarna Letters”, J. Vidal (ed.) Studies on War in the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays on Military History. Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, s. 95-103. Zaccagnini 2000 Carlo Zaccagnini, “The Interdependence of the Great Powers”, R. Cohen ve R. Westbrook (eds.) Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginning of International Relations. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London, s. 141-153.

“Like a Bird in a Trap”: Regional Conflicts, Mercenaries and Proxy Wars in the Amarna Age

Yıl 2019, , 537 - 566, 30.12.2019


14th century BC Syria and Palestine was shaped by particular military, political, economic, social and cultural dynamics. This era, also called the Amarna Age, the conflicts of interest between important trade centres in the region and small political structures were significant factors explaining the changes in great power zones of control and influence. Cities in Syria and Palestine had limited military capabilities, resulting in the expansion of mobility and activity on the part of nomads and marauders in the region. They lacked effective measures against the offensives of small nomad and marauder groups who used the advantages of geography, especially forests and mountainous terrain. Nomads and marauders were also utilized as mercenaries by lesser polities lacking in military defence as well as by great powers with military interests, that is Mitanni, Hittite and Egypt, during periods of conflict. Proxy wars, regional conflicts and relationships based on mutual interests of the quickly turning nomad and vagabond groups which facilitated their rise in political power in regards to nature of the zone in Amarna Age will be discussed in this study.


  • Adalı 2011 Selim F. Adalı, The Scourge of God: The Umman-manda and Its Significance in the First Millennium BC. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, Helsinki. Adalı ve Taş 2014 Selim F. Adalı, İlknur Taş, “The Umman-manda in the Hittite Texts”, P. Taracha ve M. Kapeluś (eds.) Proceedings of the Eight International Congress of Hittitology. 5-9 September 2011, Warsaw, s. 3-19. Altman 1977 Amnon Altman, “The Fate of Abdi-Ashirta”, Ugarit Forschungen 9, s. 1-11. Altman 1978 Amnon Altman, “Some Controversial Topomyns from the Amurru Region in the Amarna Archive”, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästine-Vereins (1953-) 94 (2), s. 99-107. Altman 1988 Amnon Altman, “Trade Between the Aegean and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age: Some Neglected Questions”, M. Heltzer ve E. Lipiński (eds.) Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (c.1500-1000 B.C.). Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the University of Haifa from the 28th of April to 2nd of May 1985, Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven, s. 229-237. Altman 2003 Amnon Altman, “The Mittanian Raid on Amurru (EA 85:51-55) Reconsidered”, Altorientalische Forschungen 30, s. 345-371. Artzi 1968 Pinhas Artzi, “Some Unrecognized Syrian Amarna Letters”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27 (3), s. 163-171. Beckman 1992 Gary Beckman, “Hittite Administration in Syria in the Light of the Texts from Hattuša, Ugarit and Emar”, M. W. Chavalas ve J. L. Hayes (eds.) New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria, Undena Publications, Malibu, CA, s. 41-49. Beckman 1995 Gary Beckman, “Hittite Provincial Administration in Anatolia and Syria: the View from Maşat and Emar”, O. Carruba, M. Giorgieri, C. Mora (eds.) Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia. Studia Mediterranea 9, Pavia, s. 19-37. Beckman 1996 Gary Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts. H. A. Hoffner, Jr. (ed.) Scholar Press, Atlanta, Georgia. Bryce 1989 Trevor R. Bryce, “Some Observations on the Chronology of Šuppiluliuma’s Reign”, Anatolian Studies 39, s. 19-30. Bryce 2003 Trevor R. Byrce, Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near East: The Royal Correspondence of the Late Bronze Age. Routledge, London. Bryce 2005 Trevor R. Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Bryce 2014 Trevor R. Bryce, Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Campbell 1960 Edward F. Campbell, “The Amarna Letters and the Amarna Period”, The Biblical Archaeologist 23 (1), s. 1-22. Cordani 2013 Violetta Cordani, “Suppiluliuma in Syria After the First Syrian War: The (Non-) Evidence of the Amarna Letters”, S. de Martino ve J. L. Miller (eds.) New Results and New Questions on the Reign of Suppiluliuma I. LoGisma, Florence. CTH E. Laroche, Catalogue des textes hittites (Paris, 1971). Devecchi 2012 Elena Devecchi, “Aziru, Servant of Three Masters?”, Altorientalische Forschungen 39 (1), s. 38-48. Dönmez 2013 Sevgi Dönmez, Hitit Döneminde Anadolu’da Değişim Aracı Olarak Kullanılan Madenler. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Eskiçağ Tarihi Anabilim Dalı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara. Dönmez 2014 Sevgi Dönmez, “Hititler Döneminde Askeri ve Siyasi Faaliyetlere Bağlı Metal Dolaşımı”, History Studies 6 (1), s. 61-79. EA Die El-Amarna-Tafeln, vols. I-II, J. A. Knudtzon. Leipzig, 1915. Feldman 2006 Marian H. Feldman, Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an “International Style” in the Ancient Near East, 1400-1200 BCE. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London. Fleming 2012 Daniel F. Fleming, “People without Town: The ‘apiru in the Amarna Evidence”, R. Hasselbach ve N. Pat-El (eds.) Language and Natures: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Ocassion of his 60th Birthday. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 67, Chicago, s. 39-49. Genz 2006 Hermann Genz, “Geç Tunç Çağı’nda Levant Bölgesi’nde Zanaat ve Ticaret”, Ü. Yalçın, C. Pulak ve R. Slotta (eds.) Uluburun Gemisi: 3000 Yıl Önce Dünya Ticareti. Bochum, s. 375-382. Gestoso-Singer 2003 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “The Term “Love”in the Amarna Letters”, The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 14, s. 81-83. Gestoso-Singer 2016 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “Amber Exchange in the Late Bronze Age in Cross-cultural Perspective”, Aula Orientalis 34 (2), s. 251-264. Gestoso-Singer 2017 Graciela N. Gestoso Singer, “Fortunes and Misfortunes of Messengers and Merchants in the Amarna Letters”, O. Drewnowska ve M. Sandowicz (eds.) Fortunes and Misfortunes in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale ar Warsaw 21-25 July 2014, Eisenbrauns, Indiana, s. 143-164. Gonen 1984 Rivka Gonen, “Urban Canaan in the Late Bronze Period”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 253, s. 61-73. Goren vd. 2002 Yuval Goren, Israel Finkelstein ve Nadav Na’aman, “Petrographic Investigation of the Amarna Tablets”, Near Eastern Archaeology 65 (3), s. 196-205. Goren vd. 2003 Yuval Goren, Israel Finkelstein ve Nadav Na’aman, “The Expansion of the Kingdom of Amurru According to the Petrographic Investigation of the Amarna Tablets”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 329, s. 1-11. Greenberg 1955 Moshe Greenberg, The Ḫab/piru. American Oriental Society 39, New Haven. Greenstein ve Marcus 1976 Edward L. Greenstein ve David Marcus, “The Akkaddian Inscription of Idrimi”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society 8, s. 59-96. Heltzer 1976 Michael Heltzer, The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden. Heltzer 1977 Michael Heltzer, “Metal Trade of Ugarit and the Problem of Transportation of Commercial Goods”, Iraq 39 (2), s. 203-211. Heltzer 1981 Michael Heltzer, The Suteans. Istituto Universitario Orientale Seminario Di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor XIII, Naples. Heltzer 1999 Michael Heltzer, “The Economy of Ugarit”, W. G. E. Watson ve N. Wyatt (eds.) Handbook of Ugaritic Studies. Brill, Leiden, Boston, Köln, s. 423-454. Izre’el 1995 Shlomo Izre’el, “The Amarna Letters from Canaan”, J. M. Sasson, J. Baines, G. Beckman ve K. S. Rubinson (eds.) Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 4, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, s. 2411-2419. Kınal 1943 Firuzan Kınal, “Amarna Çağı’nda Mısır’ın Önasya Münasebetleri”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (1), s. 99-106. Kınal 1967 Firuzan Kınal, “Yamhad Krallığı”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi V (8-9), s. 193-212. Kitchen 1962 Kenneth Anderson Kitchen, Suppiluliuma and the Amarna Pharaohs: A Study in Relative Chronology. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Klengel 1969 Horst Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend v.u.Z Teil 2 – Mittel- und Südsyrien. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin Knapp 1986 Arthur Bernard Knapp, Copper Production and Divine Protection: Archaeology, Ideology and Social Complexity on Bronze Age Cyprus. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Pocket-book 42, Paul Åströms Förlag, Göteborg. Liverani 2001 Mario Liverani, International Relations in the Ancient Near East, 1600-1100 BC. Palgrave, New York. Liverani 2014 Mario Liverani, The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Trans. S. Tabatabai, Routledge, New York. Malamat 1983 Abraham Malamat, “Silver, Gold, and Precious Stones from Hazor’ in a New Mari Document”, The Biblical Archaeologist 46 (3), s. 169-174. Matthäus 2006 Hartmut Matthäus, “Geç Tunç Çağı’nda Akdeniz’de Kültürler Arası İlişkiler, Ticaret ve Deniz Seferleri”, Ü. Yalçın, C. Pulak ve R. Slotta (eds.) Uluburun Gemisi: 3000 Yıl Önce Dünya Ticareti. Bochum, s. 335-368. Moran 1992 William L. Moran, The Amarna Letters. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London. Moran 2003 William L. Moran, Amarna Studies: Collected Writings. J. Huehnergard ve Shlomo Izre’el (eds.) Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake. Morris 2010 Ellen F. Morris, “Opportunism in Contested Lands, B.C. and A.D. Or How Abdi-Ashirta, Aziru, and Padsha Khan Zadran Got Away with Murder”, Z. Hawass ve J Houser Wegner (eds.) Studies in Honor of David Silverman. Vol. 1, Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, Cairo, s. 413-438. Mynářová 2005 Jana Mynářová, “A Comment on the Opening Passages of the Amarna Letters – Its Structure and Its Adress”, Archiv Orientální 73, s. 397-406. Mynářová 2012a Jana Mynářová, “From the mountain or from the kiln? Lapis Lazuli in the Amarna Letters”, G. del Olmo Lete, J. Vidal ve N. Wyatt (eds.) The Perfumes of Seven Tamarisks, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster. Mynářová 2012b Jana Mynářová, “The Representatives of Power in the Amarna Letters”, G. Wilhelm (ed.) Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 54th Recontre Assyriologique Internationale, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, s. 551-558. Mynářová 2014 Jana Mynářová, “Egyptian State Correspondence of the New Kingdom: The Letters of the Levantine Client Kings in the Amarna Correspondence and Contemporary Evidence”, K. Radner (ed.) State Correspondence in the Ancient World: From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, s. 10-31. Na’aman 1981 Nadav Na’aman, “Economic Aspects of the Egyptian Occupation of Canaan”, Israel Exploration Journal 31 (3/4), s. 172-185. Na’aman 2005 Nadav Na’aman, Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E. Collected Essays. Vol. 2, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake. Pfoh 2016 Emanuel Pfoh, Syria – Palestine in the Late Bronze Age: An anthropology of politics and power. Routledge, London and New York. Podany 2010 Amanda H. Podany, Brotherhood of Kings: How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. Postgate 1981 J. Nicholas Postgate, “Nomads and Sedentaries in the Middle Assyrian Sources”, J. S. Castillo (ed.), Nomads and Sedentary Peoples. XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Colegio de Mexico, s. 47-56. Pryke 2011 Louise M. Pryke, “The Many Complaints to Pharaoh of Rib-Addi of Byblos”, Journal of American Oriental Society 131 (3), s. 411-422. Pryke 2015 Louise M. Pryke, “Trade Routes and Fierced Disputes the Disruption of Trade Routes in the Amarna Letters”, ARAM 27 (1-2), s. 39-53. Rainey 2003 Anson F. Rainey, “Some Amarna Collations”, Eretz-Israel 27, s. 192-202. Rainey 2008 Anson F. Rainey, “Shasu or Habiru: Who Were the Early Israelites?”, Biblical Archaeological Rewiev 34 (6), s. 51-55. Rainey 2015 Anson F. Rainey, The El-Amarna Correspondence: A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of All Extant Tablets. W. M. Schniedewind (ed.). Brill, Leiden – Boston. Ringheim 2018 Hannah L. 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Birincil Dil Türkçe

Sevgi Dönmez 0000-0002-0597-6585

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Dönmez, S. (2019). “Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 34(2), 537-566.
AMA Dönmez S. “Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları. TID. Aralık 2019;34(2):537-566. doi:10.18513/egetid.661593
Chicago Dönmez, Sevgi. “‘Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi’: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler Ve Vekâlet Savaşları”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 34, sy. 2 (Aralık 2019): 537-66.
EndNote Dönmez S (01 Aralık 2019) “Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 34 2 537–566.
IEEE S. Dönmez, “‘Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi’: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları”, TID, c. 34, sy. 2, ss. 537–566, 2019, doi: 10.18513/egetid.661593.
ISNAD Dönmez, Sevgi. “‘Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi’: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler Ve Vekâlet Savaşları”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 34/2 (Aralık 2019), 537-566.
JAMA Dönmez S. “Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları. TID. 2019;34:537–566.
MLA Dönmez, Sevgi. “‘Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi’: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler Ve Vekâlet Savaşları”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 34, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 537-66, doi:10.18513/egetid.661593.
Vancouver Dönmez S. “Tuzağa Düşmüş Bir Kuş Gibi”: Amarna Çağı’nda Bölgesel Çatışmalar, Paralı Askerler ve Vekâlet Savaşları. TID. 2019;34(2):537-66.