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Exploring the Concept of Leisure in Participatory Internet Dictionaries: The Case of Ekşi Sözlük

Yıl 2024, , 84 - 95, 29.12.2024


The concept of leisure is a multidimensional phenomenon influenced by various social, economic, and technological factors. This study aims to conduct an in-depth examination of how individuals conceptualize leisure on digital participatory platforms, using the case of Ekşi Sözlük, which has been used as a Turkish participatory online dictionary since its establishment in 1999. In the study, which utilized qualitative content analysis, the textual content created by Ekşi Sözlük authors under the title "leisure" was systematically and inductively analyzed using the MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2024 software. Definitions, explanations, or discussions related to leisure found in the authors' entries were included in the study, and thematic coding was used to identify patterns and recurring themes in the textual content. The themes of "freedom," "critique of capitalism," "existential dimension," and "productivity paradox," which emerged as a result of data analysis, reflect disparate perspectives on the significance of personal autonomy, criticism of the capitalist order, existential self-reflexivity, and the tension between the need for rest and social expectations for productivity within the framework of conceptualizing leisure. The findings of the study contribute to a deep understanding of leisure as a multidimensional concept shaped by contemporary social dynamics, and by revealing the effects of these dynamics on the perception of leisure, it offers a multifaceted conceptual framework for future research in this field


  • Alanazi, H. M. N., 2024. The role of leisure activities in enhancing well-being in Saudi’s retired community: A mixed methods study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1): 1-17.
  • Ariss, J.J., Gerlach, A., Baker, J., Barry, K., Cooper, L., de Vries, T.L., Halligan, K., Lacroix, M., 2019. Community-based recreation therapy and mental health recovery: A mixed-media participatory action research study. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 13(2): 161-170.
  • Barnett, L. A., 2005. Measuring the ABCs of leisure experience: Awareness, boredom, challenge, distress. Leisure Sciences, 27(2): 131-155.
  • Barrett, C., 1989. The concept of leisure: Idea and ideal. Pages: 9-19, In: Editors; Winnifrith, T., Barrett, C., The Philosophy of Leisure. Macmillan, London.
  • Bosacki, S., Sitnik, V., Pissoto Moreira, F., Talwar, V., 2022. Emotion recognition, self-knowledge, and perceptions of leisure time activities in emerging adolescents: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19(5): 654-678.
  • Bozkurt, A., Biroğul, S., 2012. Bilgiyi kümülatif bir biçimde oluşturup paylaşan siteler: Etkileşimli sözlükler. Bilişim Dergisi, 6(140): 16-69.
  • Braun, V., Clarke, V., 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2): 77–101.
  • Coalter, F., 2000. Public and commercial leisure provision: active citizens and passive consumers? Leisure Studies, 19(3): 163-181.
  • Cohen, S. A., 2014. Leisure, identities and personal growth. Pages: 197-206, In: Editors; Elkington, S., Gammon, S., Contemporary Perspectives in Leisure. Routledge, Abingdon.
  • Cohn, J. A. 2013. Postfeminist Technologies: Digital Media and the Cultural Industries of Choice. University of California, Doctoral Dissertation, 95 pages, Los Angeles.
  • Crawford, G., 2012. Video Gamers. Routledge, London.
  • Csíkszentmihályi, M., 1990. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row, New York.
  • Currid-Halkett, E., 2017. The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.
  • Downe-Wamboldt, B., 1992. Content analysis: Method, applications, and issues. Health Care for Women International, 13(3): 313-321.
  • Georgoulas, S., 2009. Critical Criminology of Leisure. Lit Verlag, Berlin.
  • Gierc, M. S., 2017. Just Sitting? Social Cognition and the New Sedentary Psychology. University, of Saskatchewan, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Doctoral Dissertation, 284 pages.
  • Goldstraw, S., 2024. Marx on Leisure: An Aristotelian Interpretation. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 57: 325-343.
  • Gürel, E., Yakın, M., 2013. Ekşi sözlük: Postmodern elektronik kültür. Selçuk İletişim, 4(4): 203-219.
  • Hsieh, H. F., Shannon, S. E., 2005. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9): 1277–1288.
  • Kelly, J. R., 1989. Leisure behaviors and styles: Social, economic, and cultural factors. Pages: 89-112, In: Editors; Jackson, E. L., Burton, T. L., Understanding Leisure and Recreation: Mapping the Past. Venture Publishing, Inc., State College.
  • Kim, J., Heo, J., Dvorak, R., Ryu, J., Han, A., 2018. Benefits of leisure activities for health and life satisfaction among Western migrants. Annals of Leisure Research, 21(1): 47-57.
  • Koo, H. J., 2023. American Idle: An Examination of Leisure Guilt, Time Use, and Well-being. University of California, Irvine, Department of Psychological Science. Doctoral Dissertation, 95 pages, California.
  • Martineau, J., 2017. Culture in the age of acceleration, hypermodernity, and globalized temporalities. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 47(4): 218-229.
  • McCabe, S., 2002. The tourist experience and everyday life. Pages: 61-75, In: Editor; Dann, G. M. S., The Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
  • Melendez, N., 1987. Leisure and consumption: The influence of television commercials. World Leisure and Recreation, 29(3): 7-11.
  • Newman, D. B., Tay, L., Diener, E., 2014. Leisure and subjective well-being: A model of psychological mechanisms as mediating factors. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15(3): 555–578.
  • Parker, S., 1976. The Sociology of Leisure. Allen and Unwin, London.
  • Patton, M. Q., 2015. Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
  • Pfeil, U., Zaphiris, P. 2010. Applying qualitative content analysis to study online support communities. Universal Access in the Information Society, 9: 1-16.
  • Pizzo, A. D., 2023. Hypercasual and hybrid-casual video gaming: A digital leisure perspective. Leisure Sciences, 1-20.
  • Rojek, C., 2006. Leisure and consumption. Leisure/Loisir, 30(2): 475-486.
  • Sağır, A., 2012. Küresel dünyanın yeni sosyal paylaşım mekânları: İnternet sözlüklerinin sosyolojik çözümlemesi. Sosyoloji Dergisi, (26): 1-31.
  • Schreier, M., 2014. Qualitative content analysis. Pages: 170-183, In: Editor; Flick, U., The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage, London.
  • Schulz, J., Watkins, M., 2007. The development of the leisure meanings inventory. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(3): 477-497.
  • Selvi, A. F., 2019. Qualitative content analysis. Pages: 440-452, In: Editors; McKinley, J., Rose, H., The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Routledge, London.
  • Silk, M., Millington, B., Rich, E., Bush, A. 2016. (Re-)thinking digital leisure. Leisure Studies, 35(6): 712-723.
  • Sivan, A., Tam, V. C. W., Siu, G. P. K., Stebbins, R. A., 2020. Adolescents’ self-exploration in leisure experience. Leisure/Loisir, 44(4): 441-468.
  • Stebbins, R. A., 1992. Amateurs, Professionals, and Serious Leisure. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
  • Stebbins, R. A., 2007. Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.
  • Tutar, Ö. F., Turhan, F. H. 2023. Digital leisure: Transformation of leisure activities. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11: 16-28.
  • Trenberth, L., Dewe, P., 2002. The importance of leisure as a means of coping with work related stress: An exploratory study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(1): 59-72.
  • Üngüren, E., 2019. Yeni medya iletişim kanalı olarak katılımcı sözlük sitelerine yönelik bir değerlendirme. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(18): 2878-2907.
  • Varol, S. F. ve Tayanç, N. K., 2016. Yeni medya - eski dil: Katılımcı internet sözlüklerinde cinsiyetçi söylem. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 46(4): 221-232.
  • Veblen, T., 1899. The Theory of the Leisure Class. Allen and Unwin, London.
  • Walker, G. J., Yan, N., Kono, S., 2020. Basic psychological need satisfaction and intrinsic motivation during leisure: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Leisure Research, 51(4): 489-510.
  • Wang, S., 2024. Research on the influence of busy and productivity orientation on consumers' anti-hedonic consumption preferences. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, 14(3): 36-39.
  • Wang, Z., 2024. Leisure sports involvement and personal development engagement. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(3): 283-291.
  • Wearing, S. L., McDonald, M., Wearing, M., 2013. Consumer culture, the mobilisation of the narcissistic self and adolescent deviant leisure. Leisure Studies, 32(4): 367-381.
  • Weybright, E. H., Caldwell, L. L., Xie, H., Wegner, L., and Smith, E. A., 2017. Predicting secondary school dropout among South African adolescents: A survival analysis approach. South African Journal of Education, 37(2): 1-11.
  • Zhang, Y., 2009. Qualitative analysis of content. Pages: 308-319, In: Editor; Wildemuth, B., Applications of Social Research Methods to Questions in Information and Library Science. Libraries Unlimited, Westport.

Boş Zaman Kavramının Katılımcı İnternet Sözlüklerinde Tanımlanma Biçimlerinin İncelenmesi: Ekşi Sözlük Örneği

Yıl 2024, , 84 - 95, 29.12.2024


Boş zaman; sosyal, ekonomik ve teknolojik faktörler tarafından şekillendirilen çok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Bu çalışma, 1999 yılındaki kuruluşundan beri Türkçe katılımcı çevrimiçi sözlük olarak kullanılan Ekşi Sözlük örneği üzerinden, bireylerin dijital katılımcı platformlarda boş zamanı kavramsallaştırma biçimlerinin derinlemesine incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Niteliksel içerik çözümlemesinden yararlanılan çalışmada, Ekşi Sözlük yazarları tarafından "boş zaman" başlığı altında oluşturulmuş metinsel içerikler, MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2024 programı ile sistematik ve tümevarımsal bir şekilde analiz edilmiştir. Boş zamanla ilgili tanımlar, açıklamalar ya da tartışmaların yer aldığı yazar girişleri çalışmaya dahil edilmiş ve metinlerdeki örüntüler ile yinelenen temaların belirlenmesi için tematik kodlama kullanılmıştır. Veri analizi sonucunda ortaya çıkan; "özgürlük", "kapitalizm eleştirisi", "varoluşsal boyut" ve "üretkenlik paradoksu" temaları, boş zamanın kavramsallaştırılması çerçevesinde; kişisel özerkliğin önemi, kapitalist düzen eleştirisi, varoluşsal özdüşünümsellik ve dinlenme ihtiyacı ile üretkenlik konusundaki toplumsal beklentiler arasındaki gerilimin ele alındığı farklı bakış açılarını yansıtmaktadır. Çalışmanın bulguları, boş zamanın günümüz toplumsal dinamikleri tarafından şekillendirilen çok boyutlu bir kavram olarak derinlemesine anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmakta ve söz konusu dinamiklerin boş zaman algısı üzerindeki etkilerini gözler önüne sererek bu alanda yapılacak araştırmalar için çok boyutlu bir kavramsal çerçeve sunmaktadır


  • Alanazi, H. M. N., 2024. The role of leisure activities in enhancing well-being in Saudi’s retired community: A mixed methods study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1): 1-17.
  • Ariss, J.J., Gerlach, A., Baker, J., Barry, K., Cooper, L., de Vries, T.L., Halligan, K., Lacroix, M., 2019. Community-based recreation therapy and mental health recovery: A mixed-media participatory action research study. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 13(2): 161-170.
  • Barnett, L. A., 2005. Measuring the ABCs of leisure experience: Awareness, boredom, challenge, distress. Leisure Sciences, 27(2): 131-155.
  • Barrett, C., 1989. The concept of leisure: Idea and ideal. Pages: 9-19, In: Editors; Winnifrith, T., Barrett, C., The Philosophy of Leisure. Macmillan, London.
  • Bosacki, S., Sitnik, V., Pissoto Moreira, F., Talwar, V., 2022. Emotion recognition, self-knowledge, and perceptions of leisure time activities in emerging adolescents: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19(5): 654-678.
  • Bozkurt, A., Biroğul, S., 2012. Bilgiyi kümülatif bir biçimde oluşturup paylaşan siteler: Etkileşimli sözlükler. Bilişim Dergisi, 6(140): 16-69.
  • Braun, V., Clarke, V., 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2): 77–101.
  • Coalter, F., 2000. Public and commercial leisure provision: active citizens and passive consumers? Leisure Studies, 19(3): 163-181.
  • Cohen, S. A., 2014. Leisure, identities and personal growth. Pages: 197-206, In: Editors; Elkington, S., Gammon, S., Contemporary Perspectives in Leisure. Routledge, Abingdon.
  • Cohn, J. A. 2013. Postfeminist Technologies: Digital Media and the Cultural Industries of Choice. University of California, Doctoral Dissertation, 95 pages, Los Angeles.
  • Crawford, G., 2012. Video Gamers. Routledge, London.
  • Csíkszentmihályi, M., 1990. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row, New York.
  • Currid-Halkett, E., 2017. The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.
  • Downe-Wamboldt, B., 1992. Content analysis: Method, applications, and issues. Health Care for Women International, 13(3): 313-321.
  • Georgoulas, S., 2009. Critical Criminology of Leisure. Lit Verlag, Berlin.
  • Gierc, M. S., 2017. Just Sitting? Social Cognition and the New Sedentary Psychology. University, of Saskatchewan, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Doctoral Dissertation, 284 pages.
  • Goldstraw, S., 2024. Marx on Leisure: An Aristotelian Interpretation. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 57: 325-343.
  • Gürel, E., Yakın, M., 2013. Ekşi sözlük: Postmodern elektronik kültür. Selçuk İletişim, 4(4): 203-219.
  • Hsieh, H. F., Shannon, S. E., 2005. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9): 1277–1288.
  • Kelly, J. R., 1989. Leisure behaviors and styles: Social, economic, and cultural factors. Pages: 89-112, In: Editors; Jackson, E. L., Burton, T. L., Understanding Leisure and Recreation: Mapping the Past. Venture Publishing, Inc., State College.
  • Kim, J., Heo, J., Dvorak, R., Ryu, J., Han, A., 2018. Benefits of leisure activities for health and life satisfaction among Western migrants. Annals of Leisure Research, 21(1): 47-57.
  • Koo, H. J., 2023. American Idle: An Examination of Leisure Guilt, Time Use, and Well-being. University of California, Irvine, Department of Psychological Science. Doctoral Dissertation, 95 pages, California.
  • Martineau, J., 2017. Culture in the age of acceleration, hypermodernity, and globalized temporalities. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 47(4): 218-229.
  • McCabe, S., 2002. The tourist experience and everyday life. Pages: 61-75, In: Editor; Dann, G. M. S., The Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
  • Melendez, N., 1987. Leisure and consumption: The influence of television commercials. World Leisure and Recreation, 29(3): 7-11.
  • Newman, D. B., Tay, L., Diener, E., 2014. Leisure and subjective well-being: A model of psychological mechanisms as mediating factors. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15(3): 555–578.
  • Parker, S., 1976. The Sociology of Leisure. Allen and Unwin, London.
  • Patton, M. Q., 2015. Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
  • Pfeil, U., Zaphiris, P. 2010. Applying qualitative content analysis to study online support communities. Universal Access in the Information Society, 9: 1-16.
  • Pizzo, A. D., 2023. Hypercasual and hybrid-casual video gaming: A digital leisure perspective. Leisure Sciences, 1-20.
  • Rojek, C., 2006. Leisure and consumption. Leisure/Loisir, 30(2): 475-486.
  • Sağır, A., 2012. Küresel dünyanın yeni sosyal paylaşım mekânları: İnternet sözlüklerinin sosyolojik çözümlemesi. Sosyoloji Dergisi, (26): 1-31.
  • Schreier, M., 2014. Qualitative content analysis. Pages: 170-183, In: Editor; Flick, U., The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage, London.
  • Schulz, J., Watkins, M., 2007. The development of the leisure meanings inventory. Journal of Leisure Research, 39(3): 477-497.
  • Selvi, A. F., 2019. Qualitative content analysis. Pages: 440-452, In: Editors; McKinley, J., Rose, H., The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Routledge, London.
  • Silk, M., Millington, B., Rich, E., Bush, A. 2016. (Re-)thinking digital leisure. Leisure Studies, 35(6): 712-723.
  • Sivan, A., Tam, V. C. W., Siu, G. P. K., Stebbins, R. A., 2020. Adolescents’ self-exploration in leisure experience. Leisure/Loisir, 44(4): 441-468.
  • Stebbins, R. A., 1992. Amateurs, Professionals, and Serious Leisure. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
  • Stebbins, R. A., 2007. Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.
  • Tutar, Ö. F., Turhan, F. H. 2023. Digital leisure: Transformation of leisure activities. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11: 16-28.
  • Trenberth, L., Dewe, P., 2002. The importance of leisure as a means of coping with work related stress: An exploratory study. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(1): 59-72.
  • Üngüren, E., 2019. Yeni medya iletişim kanalı olarak katılımcı sözlük sitelerine yönelik bir değerlendirme. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(18): 2878-2907.
  • Varol, S. F. ve Tayanç, N. K., 2016. Yeni medya - eski dil: Katılımcı internet sözlüklerinde cinsiyetçi söylem. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 46(4): 221-232.
  • Veblen, T., 1899. The Theory of the Leisure Class. Allen and Unwin, London.
  • Walker, G. J., Yan, N., Kono, S., 2020. Basic psychological need satisfaction and intrinsic motivation during leisure: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Leisure Research, 51(4): 489-510.
  • Wang, S., 2024. Research on the influence of busy and productivity orientation on consumers' anti-hedonic consumption preferences. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, 14(3): 36-39.
  • Wang, Z., 2024. Leisure sports involvement and personal development engagement. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(3): 283-291.
  • Wearing, S. L., McDonald, M., Wearing, M., 2013. Consumer culture, the mobilisation of the narcissistic self and adolescent deviant leisure. Leisure Studies, 32(4): 367-381.
  • Weybright, E. H., Caldwell, L. L., Xie, H., Wegner, L., and Smith, E. A., 2017. Predicting secondary school dropout among South African adolescents: A survival analysis approach. South African Journal of Education, 37(2): 1-11.
  • Zhang, Y., 2009. Qualitative analysis of content. Pages: 308-319, In: Editor; Wildemuth, B., Applications of Social Research Methods to Questions in Information and Library Science. Libraries Unlimited, Westport.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Elnur 0000-0002-3287-535X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Elnur, A. (2024). Boş Zaman Kavramının Katılımcı İnternet Sözlüklerinde Tanımlanma Biçimlerinin İncelenmesi: Ekşi Sözlük Örneği. Avrasya Terim Dergisi, 12(3), 84-95.


ISSN: 2147-7507

Avrasya Terim Dergisi