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Effect of accelerated aging test on fungi formation in stored eggplant seeds

Yıl 2018, , 13 - 25, 21.06.2018


Seeds of fleshy fruits group need specific processes such as fermentation (Silva et al. 2009). Acid applications, which is one of the fermantation methods are widely used in the fleshy fruits group, are given fast and practical results. Accelerated aging test is determined seed can be stored at high humidity and temperature and If don‟t taken some measures, fungal contamination can be increase. In this study, Kemer egglant seeds, which were harvested two different seed maturity period (50 and 65 days) and were subjected three different fermentation treatments (water, 10 min. HCl, 20 min. HCl) and stored at 4 °C for 8 years, seed vigor and fungal contamination rates were decreased with accelerated aging test. Accelerated aging test (AAT) was carried out; surface sterilization (2% of NaCl 2 min.) treated (SS) and untreated (NSS) with 41 °C at 72 h period in the seed of the two groups.In the next stage, percentage of fungal contamination was calculatedat the first week of germinated seed lots. According to the results; the fastest (mean germination time, 5 days) and the highest germination rate (average germination rate, 73%) obtained from the seed lots which weren’t done AAT and harvested 50 days and were treated with HCl fermentation at 20 minutes. 65 days harvested seed lot’s mean germination time and rate were calculated as 67% and 5 days, respectively. According AAT results; 50 harvested seeds that were given high value, viability decreased by 20% and fungal contamination was 2%, in the NSS group seed viability decreased 3% and infection was found in 25%. Generally, surface sterilization treatment prevented contamination of 67% of total treatments. Pathogens which found at the surface of seed are Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp. ve Alternaria spp. eliminated.


  • KaynaklarAbdalla, F.H., Roberts, E.H. (1969). The Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Induction of Genetic Changes in Seeds of Barley, Broad Beans, and Peas during Storage. Annals of Botany 33(1):153-167Amer Habıb, S.T. Sahı, M.U.GhazanfarAnd S. Alı.2007.Location of Seed-borneMycoflora of Eggplant (Solanummelongena L.) in different seed components and impact on Seed Germinability. Int. J. Agri. Biol.,Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007.AOCS (1989). Official Methods and Recommended Protection of The American Oil Chemist Society, Fourth Ed. Method Cd 8-53, Ce 2-66Association of Offıcial Seed Analysts - AOSA (1983). Seed vigor testing handbook. East Leasing: 93p. (Contribution, 32)Ashton, D., Atkins, B., Chirco, E., Everson, L., Guerke, W., Jackson, B., Karrfalt, B., Maxon, S., Peterson, P., Ruprecht, J., Scott, J., Turner, T., Wilson, C, Ednie, A.B., Hall, O., Smith, H. eds. (2007). Seedling Evaluation Handbook: Contribution No. 35 to the Handbook on Seed Testing. Association of Official Seed Analysts. Ithica, NY.Amaral, A.S. Santos, A.M. (1979).Comparação de métodos de extração de sementes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Tecnologia de Sementes, v.2, n.l, p.7-11. A moa ko J., Yeboah- Gyan K. (1991). Insect pollination of three Solanaceous vegetable crops in Ghana with special reference to the role of African honey bee (Apis mellifera Adansonii) for fruit set. Acta Hort. 288: 255-259Balkaya, A. (2012). Türkiye Sebze Tohumculuk Sektörünün Güçlü ve Zayıf Yönleri ile Gelecekte Yapılması Gerekenler. TÜRKTOB Türkiye Tohumcular Birliği Dergisi, 6-9.Braccini, A.L., Albrecht, L. P., Avila, M.R., Scapim, C.A., and Schuab, F.E. (2003). Physiological and sanitary quality of seeds fifteen soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivars harvested at the normal time and after delaying the harvest. Acta Scientiarum. Agron. 25:449-457.Brasil. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (2009). Regras para análise de sementes. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária. Brasília, DF: MAPA/ACS, 395p. Carvalho, N.M., Nakagawa, J. (2000). Sementes:ciência,tecnologia e produção. Jaboticabal. FUNEP.
  • Couto, F.A.A., Silva, R.F., Silva, J.F. (1969). Ensaio sobre métodos de extração de sementes de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.). Revista Ceres, v.16, n.87, p.57-62.Demir, I., Ellis, R. H. (1992b). Development of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seed quality. Annals of Applied Biology 12, 358–399.Demir, I., Samit, Y. (2001). Seed quality in relation to fruit maturation and seed dry weight during development in tomato. Seed Science and Technology 29, 453–462.Demir, I., Mavi, K., Sermenli,, T., Ozcoban, M. (2002). Seed Development and Maturation in Aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) Gartenbauwissenschaft, 67 (4). S. 148–154. Demir, I. & Mavi, K. (2008). Controlled deterioration and accelerated aging tests to estimate the relative storage potential of cucurbit seed lots. HortScience 43, 1544-1548.Ellis, R. H., Hong, T. D., Jackson, M. T. (1993). Seed production environment, time of harvest and potential longevity of seeds of three cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Botany 72, 583–590.Hampton, J.G., Tekrony, D.M. (1995). Handbook of vigour test methods. Zurich: ISTA, 117p.Galli, J.A., Fessel, S.A., Panizzi, R.C. (2005).Effect of Fusarium graminearum and infection index on germination and vigor of maize seeds. Fitopatologia Brasileira 30:470-474.
  • Galli, J.A., Panizzi, R.C., Vieira, R.D. (2007). Effect of Colletotrichum dermatium var. truncate and Phomopsis sojae in sanitary and physiological quality of soybean seeds. Summa Phytopathologica 33: 40–46 (in Portuguese, with abstract in English).George, R.A.T. (2000). Vegetable seed production. London: Longman Inc., 2.ed. 328p.Gurusamy, C., Thiagarojan, C. P. (1998). The pattern of seed development and maturation in cauliflower (Brassica oleracae L. var. botrytis). Phyton (Austria) 38, 259–268.International Seed Testing Association (1996). International rules for seed testing. Seed Science and Technology, v.24, p.1-335, SupplementJalınk, H., Frandas, A., Van Der Schoor, J R. Q., Bıno, B. (1998). Chlorophyll fluorescence of the testa of Brassica oleracae seeds as an indicator of seed maturity and seed quality. Scientia Agricola 55, 88–93.Jett, L. W., Welbaum, G. W. (1996). Changes in broccoli (Brassica oleraceae L.) seed weight, viability and vigour during development and following drying and priming. Seed Science and Technology 24, 127–137.Kaewkham, T., Siri, B. &Hynes, R. K. (2014). Effect of polymer seed coating and seed dressing with pesticides on seed quality and storability of hybrid cucumber. AustralianJournal of CropScience 8, 1415-1420.Kameswara Rao, N. S., S. Appa Rao, M. H. Mangesha and R. H. Ellis (1991) Longevity of perl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) seeds harvested at different stages of maturity. Annals of Applied Biology 119, 97–103.Meıreles, R.C., Araujo, E.F., Reis, M.S., Sediyama, C.S., Sakiyama, N.S., Reis, L.S. (2007). Secafé: metodologia para acelerar a germinação das sementes de café. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, v.29, n.3, p.90-96Musgrave M.E., Priestley D.A., Leopold A.C.1980. Methanol stress as a test of seed vigor [Peas, soybeans, cultivars, germination]. Vol. 20 No. 5, p. 626-630.Panobianco, M. Vieira, R.D., Perecin, D. (2007). Electrical conductivity as an indicator of pea seed aging of stored at different temperatures. Scientia Agricola 64: 119–124.Passam, H. C., Khah, E. M. (1992). Flowering fruit set and fruit and seed development in two cultivars of aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) grown under plastic cover. Scientia Horticulturae 51, 179–185.Passam H. C., Bolamtis, A. (1997). The infl uence of style length on the fruit set, fruit size and seed content of aubergines cultivated under high ambient temperature. Trop. Sci. 37: 221-227.Passam et. al. (2010). Influence of harvest time and after-ripening on the seed quality of eggplant. Scientia Horticulturae 125(3):518-520Perry, D. A. (1982). The influence of seed vigour on vegetable seedling establishment. Scientific Horticulture 33, 67–75.Pieta Filho, C. P., Ellis, R. H. (1991). The development of seed quality in spring barley in four environments. I. Germination and Longevity. Seed Science Research 1, 163–177.Richardson, M.J., 1990. An AnnotatedList of SeedBorneDiseases, 4thedition. ISTA Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Rodo, A. B., Marcos-Filho, J. (2003). Onion seed vigor in relation to plant growth and yield. Hortic. Bras. 21: 220 – 226.Sauer, D.B., Burroughs, R. (1986). Desinfection of seed surfaces with sodium hypochlorite. Phytopathology 76:745-749.
  • Steiner, J. J., Akintobi, D. C. (1986). Effects of harvest maturity on viability of onion seed. Hort-Science 22, 1220–1221.Stıll, D. W., Bradford, K. J. (1998). Using hydrotime and ABA-time models to quantify seed quality of Brassicas during development. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science 123, 692–699.Still, D. W. (1999). The development of seed quality in Brassicas. HortTechnology 9, 335–340.Tagem, “tohumculuk çalıştayı 2016”2015). Tekrony, D. M., Hunter, J. L. (1995). Effect of seed maturation and genotype on seed vigour in maize. Crop Science 35, 857–862. Tekrony, D. M., Egli, D. B. (1997). Accumulation of seed vigor during development and maturation. In: ELLIS, R. H., M. Black, A. J. Murdock, T. D. Hong (Eds.): Basic and applied aspects of seed biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 369–384.Torres, R. M.,Vieira, R. D., &Panobianco, M. (2004). Accelerated aging and seedling field emergence in soybean. ScientiaAgricola 61, 476-480.Torres, R.M., Vieira, R.D., Panobianco, M. (2004). Accelerated aging and seedling field emergence in soybean. Sci. Agric. 61:476-480.Tüik, 2016. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu raporu.Vidigal, D.S., Dias, D.C.F.S., Naveira, D.S.P.C., Rocha, F.B., Bhering, M.C. (2006). Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de tomate em função da idadee do armazenamento pós-colheita dos frutos. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, v.28, n.3, p.87-93.Wain-Tassi, A.L., Faria dos Santos, J., Panizzi, R.C., Vieira, R.D. (2011). Seed-borne pathogens and electrical conductivity of soybean seeds. Sci. Agric. v.69, n.1, p.19-25.Warham, E. J. (1990). Effect of Tilletiaindica infection on viability, germination and vigor of wheatseed. Plant Disease, Vol.74 No.2 pp.130-132 ref.21.
  • Welbaum, G. E., Bradford, K. J. (1988). Water relations of seed development and germination in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). I. Water relations of seed and fruit development. Plant Physiology 86, 406–411.Welbaum, G. E. (1999). Cucurbit seed development and production. HortTechnology 9, 341–348.Wilson, D. Q., Trawatha, S. E. (1991). Physiological maturity and vigor in production of ‘Florida Staysweet’ shrunken-2 sweet corn. Crop Science 31, 1640–1647Yogeesha, H.S., Upreti, K.K., Padmini, K., Bhanuprakash, K., Murti, G.S.R. (2006). Mechanism of seed dormancy in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Seed Science and Technology 34(2):319-325Zanakis, G., Ellis, R. H., Summerfıeld, R. J. (1994). Seed quality in relation to seed development and maturation in three genotypes of soybean (Glycine max). Experimental Agriculture 30, 139–156

Effect of accelerated aging test on fungi formation in stored eggplant seeds

Yıl 2018, , 13 - 25, 21.06.2018


familyasına ait etli meyveliler grubunda tohumlar fermantasyon gibi özel
işlemlere gerek duymaktadır. Fermantasyon yöntemlerinden biri olan asit
uygulamaları etli meyveliler grubunda yaygın olarak kullanılmakta, hızlı ve
pratik sonuç vermektedir. Hızlı yaşlandırma testi tohumların yüksek nem ve
sıcaklıkta depolanabilme özelliklerini belirlemenin yanında çeşitli önlemler
alınmadığı takdirde fungal kontaminasyonu artmaktadır. Yürütülen çalışmada, iki
farklı tohum olgunluk döneminde (50 ve 65 günlük) hasat edilmiş ve üç farklı
fermantasyon uygulamasına (su, 10 dak. HCl, 20 dak. HCl) tabi tutulan 4 ºC
sıcaklıkta depolanmış 8 yıllık Kemer patlıcan çeşidi tohumlarının hızlı
yaşlandırma testi ile tohum gücündeki azalış ve fungal kontaminasyon oranları bulunmuştur.
Hızlı Yaşlandırma testi (HYT); yüzey sterilizasyon (%2 lik NaOCl ile 2 dak.)
yapılan (SS) ve yapılmayan (NSS) iki gruba ait tohumlarda 41 ºC de 72sa süre
ile yapılmıştır. Bunu takiben çimlenmeye alınan tohum partilerinde ilk hafta %
fungal kontaminasyon hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre; HYT yapılmayan tohum
partilerinde en hızlı (ortalama çimlenme zamanı; 5 gün) ve en yüksek çimlenme
oranı (ortalama çimlenme oranı; %73) ile 50 günde hasat edilen ve 20 dakika HCl
fermantasyonu uygulanmış tohum partisinden elde edilmiştir. 65 günlük tohum
olgunluğunda hasat edilmiş partilerde ortalama çimlenme zamanı ve oranı
sırasıyla %67 ve 5 gün olarak hesaplanmıştır. HYT sonuçlarına göre ise; yüksek
değerleri veren 50 günlük tohumlarda SS partilerde canlılık %20 azalmış, fungal
kontaminasyon %2 oranında iken ve NSS partilerinde canlılık %3 azalmış, bulaşma
oranı ise %25 olarak bulunmuştur. Genel olarak yüzey sterilizasyon uygulaması
toplam uygulama gruplarının %67’sinde kontaminasyonu engellemiştir. Tohum
yüzeyinde görülen patojenlerden; Penicillium
spp., Aspergillus spp. ve Alternaria spp. etmenleri elimine


  • KaynaklarAbdalla, F.H., Roberts, E.H. (1969). The Effects of Temperature and Moisture on the Induction of Genetic Changes in Seeds of Barley, Broad Beans, and Peas during Storage. Annals of Botany 33(1):153-167Amer Habıb, S.T. Sahı, M.U.GhazanfarAnd S. Alı.2007.Location of Seed-borneMycoflora of Eggplant (Solanummelongena L.) in different seed components and impact on Seed Germinability. Int. J. Agri. Biol.,Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007.AOCS (1989). Official Methods and Recommended Protection of The American Oil Chemist Society, Fourth Ed. Method Cd 8-53, Ce 2-66Association of Offıcial Seed Analysts - AOSA (1983). Seed vigor testing handbook. East Leasing: 93p. (Contribution, 32)Ashton, D., Atkins, B., Chirco, E., Everson, L., Guerke, W., Jackson, B., Karrfalt, B., Maxon, S., Peterson, P., Ruprecht, J., Scott, J., Turner, T., Wilson, C, Ednie, A.B., Hall, O., Smith, H. eds. (2007). Seedling Evaluation Handbook: Contribution No. 35 to the Handbook on Seed Testing. Association of Official Seed Analysts. Ithica, NY.Amaral, A.S. Santos, A.M. (1979).Comparação de métodos de extração de sementes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Tecnologia de Sementes, v.2, n.l, p.7-11. A moa ko J., Yeboah- Gyan K. (1991). Insect pollination of three Solanaceous vegetable crops in Ghana with special reference to the role of African honey bee (Apis mellifera Adansonii) for fruit set. Acta Hort. 288: 255-259Balkaya, A. (2012). Türkiye Sebze Tohumculuk Sektörünün Güçlü ve Zayıf Yönleri ile Gelecekte Yapılması Gerekenler. TÜRKTOB Türkiye Tohumcular Birliği Dergisi, 6-9.Braccini, A.L., Albrecht, L. P., Avila, M.R., Scapim, C.A., and Schuab, F.E. (2003). Physiological and sanitary quality of seeds fifteen soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivars harvested at the normal time and after delaying the harvest. Acta Scientiarum. Agron. 25:449-457.Brasil. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (2009). Regras para análise de sementes. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária. Brasília, DF: MAPA/ACS, 395p. Carvalho, N.M., Nakagawa, J. (2000). Sementes:ciência,tecnologia e produção. Jaboticabal. FUNEP.
  • Couto, F.A.A., Silva, R.F., Silva, J.F. (1969). Ensaio sobre métodos de extração de sementes de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.). Revista Ceres, v.16, n.87, p.57-62.Demir, I., Ellis, R. H. (1992b). Development of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seed quality. Annals of Applied Biology 12, 358–399.Demir, I., Samit, Y. (2001). Seed quality in relation to fruit maturation and seed dry weight during development in tomato. Seed Science and Technology 29, 453–462.Demir, I., Mavi, K., Sermenli,, T., Ozcoban, M. (2002). Seed Development and Maturation in Aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) Gartenbauwissenschaft, 67 (4). S. 148–154. Demir, I. & Mavi, K. (2008). Controlled deterioration and accelerated aging tests to estimate the relative storage potential of cucurbit seed lots. HortScience 43, 1544-1548.Ellis, R. H., Hong, T. D., Jackson, M. T. (1993). Seed production environment, time of harvest and potential longevity of seeds of three cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Botany 72, 583–590.Hampton, J.G., Tekrony, D.M. (1995). Handbook of vigour test methods. Zurich: ISTA, 117p.Galli, J.A., Fessel, S.A., Panizzi, R.C. (2005).Effect of Fusarium graminearum and infection index on germination and vigor of maize seeds. Fitopatologia Brasileira 30:470-474.
  • Galli, J.A., Panizzi, R.C., Vieira, R.D. (2007). Effect of Colletotrichum dermatium var. truncate and Phomopsis sojae in sanitary and physiological quality of soybean seeds. Summa Phytopathologica 33: 40–46 (in Portuguese, with abstract in English).George, R.A.T. (2000). Vegetable seed production. London: Longman Inc., 2.ed. 328p.Gurusamy, C., Thiagarojan, C. P. (1998). The pattern of seed development and maturation in cauliflower (Brassica oleracae L. var. botrytis). Phyton (Austria) 38, 259–268.International Seed Testing Association (1996). International rules for seed testing. Seed Science and Technology, v.24, p.1-335, SupplementJalınk, H., Frandas, A., Van Der Schoor, J R. Q., Bıno, B. (1998). Chlorophyll fluorescence of the testa of Brassica oleracae seeds as an indicator of seed maturity and seed quality. Scientia Agricola 55, 88–93.Jett, L. W., Welbaum, G. W. (1996). Changes in broccoli (Brassica oleraceae L.) seed weight, viability and vigour during development and following drying and priming. Seed Science and Technology 24, 127–137.Kaewkham, T., Siri, B. &Hynes, R. K. (2014). Effect of polymer seed coating and seed dressing with pesticides on seed quality and storability of hybrid cucumber. AustralianJournal of CropScience 8, 1415-1420.Kameswara Rao, N. S., S. Appa Rao, M. H. Mangesha and R. H. Ellis (1991) Longevity of perl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) seeds harvested at different stages of maturity. Annals of Applied Biology 119, 97–103.Meıreles, R.C., Araujo, E.F., Reis, M.S., Sediyama, C.S., Sakiyama, N.S., Reis, L.S. (2007). Secafé: metodologia para acelerar a germinação das sementes de café. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, v.29, n.3, p.90-96Musgrave M.E., Priestley D.A., Leopold A.C.1980. Methanol stress as a test of seed vigor [Peas, soybeans, cultivars, germination]. Vol. 20 No. 5, p. 626-630.Panobianco, M. Vieira, R.D., Perecin, D. (2007). Electrical conductivity as an indicator of pea seed aging of stored at different temperatures. Scientia Agricola 64: 119–124.Passam, H. C., Khah, E. M. (1992). Flowering fruit set and fruit and seed development in two cultivars of aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) grown under plastic cover. Scientia Horticulturae 51, 179–185.Passam H. C., Bolamtis, A. (1997). The infl uence of style length on the fruit set, fruit size and seed content of aubergines cultivated under high ambient temperature. Trop. Sci. 37: 221-227.Passam et. al. (2010). Influence of harvest time and after-ripening on the seed quality of eggplant. Scientia Horticulturae 125(3):518-520Perry, D. A. (1982). The influence of seed vigour on vegetable seedling establishment. Scientific Horticulture 33, 67–75.Pieta Filho, C. P., Ellis, R. H. (1991). The development of seed quality in spring barley in four environments. I. Germination and Longevity. Seed Science Research 1, 163–177.Richardson, M.J., 1990. An AnnotatedList of SeedBorneDiseases, 4thedition. ISTA Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Rodo, A. B., Marcos-Filho, J. (2003). Onion seed vigor in relation to plant growth and yield. Hortic. Bras. 21: 220 – 226.Sauer, D.B., Burroughs, R. (1986). Desinfection of seed surfaces with sodium hypochlorite. Phytopathology 76:745-749.
  • Steiner, J. J., Akintobi, D. C. (1986). Effects of harvest maturity on viability of onion seed. Hort-Science 22, 1220–1221.Stıll, D. W., Bradford, K. J. (1998). Using hydrotime and ABA-time models to quantify seed quality of Brassicas during development. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science 123, 692–699.Still, D. W. (1999). The development of seed quality in Brassicas. HortTechnology 9, 335–340.Tagem, “tohumculuk çalıştayı 2016”2015). Tekrony, D. M., Hunter, J. L. (1995). Effect of seed maturation and genotype on seed vigour in maize. Crop Science 35, 857–862. Tekrony, D. M., Egli, D. B. (1997). Accumulation of seed vigor during development and maturation. In: ELLIS, R. H., M. Black, A. J. Murdock, T. D. Hong (Eds.): Basic and applied aspects of seed biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 369–384.Torres, R. M.,Vieira, R. D., &Panobianco, M. (2004). Accelerated aging and seedling field emergence in soybean. ScientiaAgricola 61, 476-480.Torres, R.M., Vieira, R.D., Panobianco, M. (2004). Accelerated aging and seedling field emergence in soybean. Sci. Agric. 61:476-480.Tüik, 2016. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu raporu.Vidigal, D.S., Dias, D.C.F.S., Naveira, D.S.P.C., Rocha, F.B., Bhering, M.C. (2006). Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de tomate em função da idadee do armazenamento pós-colheita dos frutos. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, v.28, n.3, p.87-93.Wain-Tassi, A.L., Faria dos Santos, J., Panizzi, R.C., Vieira, R.D. (2011). Seed-borne pathogens and electrical conductivity of soybean seeds. Sci. Agric. v.69, n.1, p.19-25.Warham, E. J. (1990). Effect of Tilletiaindica infection on viability, germination and vigor of wheatseed. Plant Disease, Vol.74 No.2 pp.130-132 ref.21.
  • Welbaum, G. E., Bradford, K. J. (1988). Water relations of seed development and germination in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). I. Water relations of seed and fruit development. Plant Physiology 86, 406–411.Welbaum, G. E. (1999). Cucurbit seed development and production. HortTechnology 9, 341–348.Wilson, D. Q., Trawatha, S. E. (1991). Physiological maturity and vigor in production of ‘Florida Staysweet’ shrunken-2 sweet corn. Crop Science 31, 1640–1647Yogeesha, H.S., Upreti, K.K., Padmini, K., Bhanuprakash, K., Murti, G.S.R. (2006). Mechanism of seed dormancy in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Seed Science and Technology 34(2):319-325Zanakis, G., Ellis, R. H., Summerfıeld, R. J. (1994). Seed quality in relation to seed development and maturation in three genotypes of soybean (Glycine max). Experimental Agriculture 30, 139–156
Toplam 6 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Articles

Burcu Begüm Kenanoğlu

Havva Dinler

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Kenanoğlu, B. B., & Dinler, H. (2018). Effect of accelerated aging test on fungi formation in stored eggplant seeds. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 6(2), 13-25.




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