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Seven years of arboreal pollen monitoring in the İğneada waterlogged forests (NW Turkey)

Yıl 2019, , 311 - 320, 29.10.2019


This study was carried out in the İğneada Waterlogged
Forests (Kırklareli) located downhill of Istranca mountains at 20 km distance
to Bulgaria border line and had a shore to Black Sea. These forests have
different vegetation types such as waterlogged forest, peat, bog and sand dunes
plant communities, sand zone and wetlands. The main arboreal species of these
forests are Acer campestre, Acer
trautvetteri, Alnus glutinosa, Carpinus betulus, Carpinus orientalis, Fraxinus
angustifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Juglans regia, Quercus cerris, Quercus frainetto,
Quercus petraea, Quercus robur, Ulmus leavis
and Ulmus minor. Pollen monitoring results were obtained from six
different sampling sites in the waterlogged forests around Mert and Saka Lake. The
purpose of this study is to determine the modern pollen distribution of these
forests and to create a basic calibration scheme for the fossil pollen studies.
For this purpose, seven years of modern pollen distribution was monitored
between September 2009 and 2016 using Tauber pollen traps which were placed at
6 different points in this study area. These traps were changed once a year in
the field and transferred to the Palynology Laboratory of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
The protocol of European Pollen Monitoring Programme (EPMP) was followed in the
laboratory methodology. The majority of the pollen influx obtained from the
Tauber pollen traps in the İğneada
Waterlogged forests belongs to Fraxinus and Carpinus from 2009 to 2016.  As a result of this study, the
annual arboreal pollen influxes of Fraxinus,
Quercus, Acer, Corylus, Ulmus, Hedera helix and Alnus
was higher respectively in the years of 
2009-2016.  Seven-year pollen
influx data of these pollen traps reflects the current vegetation.


  • Atanassova, J. (2007). Pollen deposition in moss polsters and pollen traps in the Central Stara Planina Mts. (2002-2005). Phytologia Balcanica. 13 (2): 223-228.
  • Aytuğ, B. (1967). Polen Morfolojisi ve Türkiye’nin Önemli Gymnospermleri Üzerinde Palinolojik Araştırmalar. Kutulmuş Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Aytuğ, B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. (1971). İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polen atlası. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları No:174, Kutulmuş Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Aytuğ, B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. (1974). Belgrad Ormanı’nın ve İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polinizasyon olayının tespiti ve değerlendirilmesi. TÜBİTAK Yayınları No:221.
  • Bıçakçı, A. (2006). Analysis of airborne pollen fall in Sakarya-Turkey. Biologia. 61(4): 531-549.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Tosunoğlu, A. (2019). Allergenic Pollens in Turkey. Asthma Allergy Immunol. 17: 7-24.
  • Erdtman, G. (1952). Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy- Angiosperms. The Chronica Botanica Company, Waltham, Mass., U.S.A.
  • Erdtman, G. (1957). Pollen and Spore Morphology / Plant Taxonomy - Gymnospermae, Pteridopyhta, Bryophyta. Stockholm.
  • Erkan, P., Bıçakcı, A., Aybeke, M., Malyer, H. (2011). Analysis of airborne pollen grains in Kırklareli. Turkish Journal of Botany. 35: 57-65.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. (1964). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. II Edition, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Filipova-Marinova, M., Bozilova, E., Hicks, S. (2007). Pollen monitoring of forest communities in the Strandzha Mts. Bulletin du Musee National de Varna. 41(56): 135-155.
  • Giesecke, T., Fontana, S.L., Van Der Knaap, W.O., Pardoe, H.S., Pidek, I.A. (2010). From early pollen trapping experiments to the Pollen Monitoring Programme. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 19 (4): 247-258.
  • Hesse, M., Zetter, R., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A., Ulrich, S. (2009). Pollen Terminology an illustrated handbook. Austria, Springer Wien New York.
  • Hicks, S. (2001). The use of annual arboreal pollen deposition values for delimiting tree-lines in the landscape and exploring models of pollen dispersal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 117: 1–29.
  • Hicks, S., Ammann, B., Latalowa, M., Pardoe, H., Tinsley, H. (1996). European Pollen Monitoring Programme: Project Description and Guidelines. University of Oulu, 28 pp.
  • Hyde, H. A., Adams, K. F. (1958). An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains. Macmillan Company, London.
  • Iwanami, Y., Sasakuma, T., Yamada, Y. (1988). Pollen: Illustrations and Scanning Electronmicrographs. Kodonsha-Tokyo.
  • İnce, A., Pehlivan, S. (1990). Serik (Antalya) havasının allerjenik polenleri ile ilgili bir araştırma. Gazi Tıp Dergisi. 1: 35-40.
  • İnceoğlu, Ö., Pınar, N.M., Şakıyan, N., Sorkun, K. (1994). Airborne pollen concentration in Ankara-Turkey 1990-1993. Grana. 33: 158-161.
  • Karlıoğlu, N. (2011). Istranca ve Belgrad Ormanlarında Güncel Polen Dağılımının İncelenmesi. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Akkemik, Ü. (2012). İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Araştırma Ormanı’nda Eylül 2007-Ağustos 2009 Dönemi Güncel Polen Dağılımı. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University. 62 (2): 145-158.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Caner, H., Akkemik, Ü. (2014). Modern pollen distribution at Iğneada waterlogged forests between the periods September 2007-August 2009. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 2 (2): 7-17.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Caner, H., Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Kındap, T. (2015). Modern Pollen Monitoring of Native Trees in Belgrad Forest, Istanbul (Northwestern Turkey). Comptes rendus de I’Académie bulgare de Sciences. 68 (1): 39-48.
  • Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Şenkul, Ç., Memiş, T., Doğan, M. (2019). Salurtepe Dağı (Elmalı-Antalya) Ardıç Ormanında Güncel Polen Dağılımının İncelenmesi. Coğrafya Dergisi. 38: 11-22.
  • Kavgacı, A. (2007). Demirköy-İğneada Longoz Ormanları ve Çevresinin Bitki Toplumları ve Kuruluş Özellikleri. Doktora Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 215 s.
  • Kaya, Z., Aras, A. (2004). Airborne pollen calendar of Bartın-Turkey. Aerobiologia. 20 (1): 63-67.
  • Moore, P., Webb, J. A., Collinson, M. E. (1991). Pollen Analysis. 2nd Edition, Blackwell, Oxford, 216 pp.
  • Öneş, Ü., Sapan, N., Malyer, H., Güler, N., Bıçakçı, A., Tamay, Z., Tatlıdil, S. (2008). İstanbul İlinin Allerjik Polen Takvimi. TÜBİTAK SBAG Proje No:102S021.
  • Özhatay, N., Byfield, A., Atay, S. (2005). Türkiye’nin 122 Önemli Bitki Alanı, Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı (WWF Türkiye) Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Pehlivan, S., Bütev, F. (1994). Aksaray ili atmosferindeki polenlerin araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology of Gazi University. 7: 143-151.
  • Pidek, I.A. (2004). Preliminary results of pollen trapping in the region of the Roztocze National Park (SE Poland). Annales Univ. M. Curie-Sklodowska sect. B. 49:143–159.
  • Stockmarr, J. (1971). Tablets with spores used in absolute pollen analysis. Pollen et Spores. 13: 615-621.
  • Schwendemann, A.B., Wang, G., Mertz, M.L., McWilliams, R.T., Thatcher, S.L., Osborn, J.M. (2007). Aerodynamics of saccate pollen and its implications for wind pollination. American Journal of Botany. 94 (8): 1371-81.
  • Szczepanek, K., Myszkowska, D., Worobiec, E., Piotrowicz, K., Ziemianin, M., Bielec-Bąkowska, Z. (2017). The long-range transport of Pinaceae pollen: an example in Kraków (southern Poland). Aerobiologia (Bologna). 33(1): 109–125.Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Kargıoğlu, M. (2018a). Teke Yarımadası Ormanlarında Güncel Polen Dağılımının ve Mikro İklim Koşullarının Belirlenmesi, TÜBİTAK Proje No: 214O249, Isparta.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Doğan, M., Eastwood, W.J. (2018b). Modern pollen distribution of the Teke Peninsula forests: The case of the Ördübek Highland. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 6(4):58-75.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Kargıoğlu, M., Kulakoğlu, F. (2018c). Kültepe (Kayseri) Çevresinin Fosil ve Güncel Polen Analizleri Işığında Holosen Ortamsal Değişimi, TÜBİTAK Proje No: 114Y578, Isparta.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N. (2019). Modern Pollen Distribution of Çığlıkara Cedrus libani Forest (Southwest of Turkey). Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences. 72 (6): 758-767.
  • Tauber, H. (1974). A static non-overload pollen collector. New Phytologist. 73: 359-369.
  • Tonkov, S., Hicks, S., Bozilova, E., Atanassova, J. (2001). Pollen monitoring in the Central Rila Mountains, Southwestern Bulgaria: case studies from pollen traps, surface samples for the period 1994–1999. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 117: 167–182.
  • Tonkov, S., Bozilova, E., Pavlova, D., Raev, I. (2016). Long-term pollen monitoring experiments for the period 1994-2008 in the Rila Mountains, Bulgaria. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 4(1): 1-16.
  • Van Der Knaap, W.O., Van Leeuwen, J.F.N., Ammann, B. (2001). Seven years of annual pollen influx at the forest limit in the Swiss Alps studied by pollen traps: relations to vegetation and climate. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology. 117: 31–52.
  • Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen Grains. Hafner Publishing Company, New York, 574 pp.
Yıl 2019, , 311 - 320, 29.10.2019



  • Atanassova, J. (2007). Pollen deposition in moss polsters and pollen traps in the Central Stara Planina Mts. (2002-2005). Phytologia Balcanica. 13 (2): 223-228.
  • Aytuğ, B. (1967). Polen Morfolojisi ve Türkiye’nin Önemli Gymnospermleri Üzerinde Palinolojik Araştırmalar. Kutulmuş Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Aytuğ, B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. (1971). İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polen atlası. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları No:174, Kutulmuş Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Aytuğ, B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. (1974). Belgrad Ormanı’nın ve İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polinizasyon olayının tespiti ve değerlendirilmesi. TÜBİTAK Yayınları No:221.
  • Bıçakçı, A. (2006). Analysis of airborne pollen fall in Sakarya-Turkey. Biologia. 61(4): 531-549.
  • Bıçakçı, A., Tosunoğlu, A. (2019). Allergenic Pollens in Turkey. Asthma Allergy Immunol. 17: 7-24.
  • Erdtman, G. (1952). Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy- Angiosperms. The Chronica Botanica Company, Waltham, Mass., U.S.A.
  • Erdtman, G. (1957). Pollen and Spore Morphology / Plant Taxonomy - Gymnospermae, Pteridopyhta, Bryophyta. Stockholm.
  • Erkan, P., Bıçakcı, A., Aybeke, M., Malyer, H. (2011). Analysis of airborne pollen grains in Kırklareli. Turkish Journal of Botany. 35: 57-65.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. (1964). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. II Edition, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Filipova-Marinova, M., Bozilova, E., Hicks, S. (2007). Pollen monitoring of forest communities in the Strandzha Mts. Bulletin du Musee National de Varna. 41(56): 135-155.
  • Giesecke, T., Fontana, S.L., Van Der Knaap, W.O., Pardoe, H.S., Pidek, I.A. (2010). From early pollen trapping experiments to the Pollen Monitoring Programme. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 19 (4): 247-258.
  • Hesse, M., Zetter, R., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A., Ulrich, S. (2009). Pollen Terminology an illustrated handbook. Austria, Springer Wien New York.
  • Hicks, S. (2001). The use of annual arboreal pollen deposition values for delimiting tree-lines in the landscape and exploring models of pollen dispersal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 117: 1–29.
  • Hicks, S., Ammann, B., Latalowa, M., Pardoe, H., Tinsley, H. (1996). European Pollen Monitoring Programme: Project Description and Guidelines. University of Oulu, 28 pp.
  • Hyde, H. A., Adams, K. F. (1958). An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains. Macmillan Company, London.
  • Iwanami, Y., Sasakuma, T., Yamada, Y. (1988). Pollen: Illustrations and Scanning Electronmicrographs. Kodonsha-Tokyo.
  • İnce, A., Pehlivan, S. (1990). Serik (Antalya) havasının allerjenik polenleri ile ilgili bir araştırma. Gazi Tıp Dergisi. 1: 35-40.
  • İnceoğlu, Ö., Pınar, N.M., Şakıyan, N., Sorkun, K. (1994). Airborne pollen concentration in Ankara-Turkey 1990-1993. Grana. 33: 158-161.
  • Karlıoğlu, N. (2011). Istranca ve Belgrad Ormanlarında Güncel Polen Dağılımının İncelenmesi. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Akkemik, Ü. (2012). İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Araştırma Ormanı’nda Eylül 2007-Ağustos 2009 Dönemi Güncel Polen Dağılımı. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University. 62 (2): 145-158.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Caner, H., Akkemik, Ü. (2014). Modern pollen distribution at Iğneada waterlogged forests between the periods September 2007-August 2009. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 2 (2): 7-17.
  • Karlıoğlu, N., Caner, H., Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Kındap, T. (2015). Modern Pollen Monitoring of Native Trees in Belgrad Forest, Istanbul (Northwestern Turkey). Comptes rendus de I’Académie bulgare de Sciences. 68 (1): 39-48.
  • Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Şenkul, Ç., Memiş, T., Doğan, M. (2019). Salurtepe Dağı (Elmalı-Antalya) Ardıç Ormanında Güncel Polen Dağılımının İncelenmesi. Coğrafya Dergisi. 38: 11-22.
  • Kavgacı, A. (2007). Demirköy-İğneada Longoz Ormanları ve Çevresinin Bitki Toplumları ve Kuruluş Özellikleri. Doktora Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 215 s.
  • Kaya, Z., Aras, A. (2004). Airborne pollen calendar of Bartın-Turkey. Aerobiologia. 20 (1): 63-67.
  • Moore, P., Webb, J. A., Collinson, M. E. (1991). Pollen Analysis. 2nd Edition, Blackwell, Oxford, 216 pp.
  • Öneş, Ü., Sapan, N., Malyer, H., Güler, N., Bıçakçı, A., Tamay, Z., Tatlıdil, S. (2008). İstanbul İlinin Allerjik Polen Takvimi. TÜBİTAK SBAG Proje No:102S021.
  • Özhatay, N., Byfield, A., Atay, S. (2005). Türkiye’nin 122 Önemli Bitki Alanı, Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı (WWF Türkiye) Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Pehlivan, S., Bütev, F. (1994). Aksaray ili atmosferindeki polenlerin araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology of Gazi University. 7: 143-151.
  • Pidek, I.A. (2004). Preliminary results of pollen trapping in the region of the Roztocze National Park (SE Poland). Annales Univ. M. Curie-Sklodowska sect. B. 49:143–159.
  • Stockmarr, J. (1971). Tablets with spores used in absolute pollen analysis. Pollen et Spores. 13: 615-621.
  • Schwendemann, A.B., Wang, G., Mertz, M.L., McWilliams, R.T., Thatcher, S.L., Osborn, J.M. (2007). Aerodynamics of saccate pollen and its implications for wind pollination. American Journal of Botany. 94 (8): 1371-81.
  • Szczepanek, K., Myszkowska, D., Worobiec, E., Piotrowicz, K., Ziemianin, M., Bielec-Bąkowska, Z. (2017). The long-range transport of Pinaceae pollen: an example in Kraków (southern Poland). Aerobiologia (Bologna). 33(1): 109–125.Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Kargıoğlu, M. (2018a). Teke Yarımadası Ormanlarında Güncel Polen Dağılımının ve Mikro İklim Koşullarının Belirlenmesi, TÜBİTAK Proje No: 214O249, Isparta.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Doğan, M., Eastwood, W.J. (2018b). Modern pollen distribution of the Teke Peninsula forests: The case of the Ördübek Highland. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 6(4):58-75.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Kargıoğlu, M., Kulakoğlu, F. (2018c). Kültepe (Kayseri) Çevresinin Fosil ve Güncel Polen Analizleri Işığında Holosen Ortamsal Değişimi, TÜBİTAK Proje No: 114Y578, Isparta.
  • Şenkul, Ç., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N. (2019). Modern Pollen Distribution of Çığlıkara Cedrus libani Forest (Southwest of Turkey). Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences. 72 (6): 758-767.
  • Tauber, H. (1974). A static non-overload pollen collector. New Phytologist. 73: 359-369.
  • Tonkov, S., Hicks, S., Bozilova, E., Atanassova, J. (2001). Pollen monitoring in the Central Rila Mountains, Southwestern Bulgaria: case studies from pollen traps, surface samples for the period 1994–1999. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 117: 167–182.
  • Tonkov, S., Bozilova, E., Pavlova, D., Raev, I. (2016). Long-term pollen monitoring experiments for the period 1994-2008 in the Rila Mountains, Bulgaria. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 4(1): 1-16.
  • Van Der Knaap, W.O., Van Leeuwen, J.F.N., Ammann, B. (2001). Seven years of annual pollen influx at the forest limit in the Swiss Alps studied by pollen traps: relations to vegetation and climate. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology. 117: 31–52.
  • Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen Grains. Hafner Publishing Company, New York, 574 pp.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Articles

Nurgül Karlıoğlu Kılıç 0000-0002-6255-6819

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N. (2019). Seven years of arboreal pollen monitoring in the İğneada waterlogged forests (NW Turkey). Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 7(3), 311-320.




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