Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 190 - 194, 02.10.2020



  • Abbott, W.S., 1925. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal Economic Entomology 8, 265-267.
  • Akkuzu, E., Selmi, E., 2002. The use of microbial control agents against Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.). Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey. April 24–25, 67–74.
  • Altero, N., Moller, H., 2000. Secondary poisoning of stoats (Mustela erminea) in a South Island podocarp forest. New Zealand: implications for conservation. Wildlife Res 27, 501-508.
  • Avcı, M., Ogurlu, I., 2002. The importance, biology and natural enemies of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.)) in the lakes district. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey, April 24–25, 2002: 28–36.
  • Androic, M., 1956. Contribution à l'étude de Cnethocampa pityocampa Schiff. Revue de Pahologie Végétale et d’Entomologie Agricole de France 35, 251-262.
  • Anonymous., 1995. Harmful insects of forests. The Reports of the 5th Annual Development Plan, Turkey.
  • Anonymous., 2016. Transitional guidance on the biocidal products regulation. Transitional Guidance on PT18 + PT19. Avaible from
  • Ansari, M.A., Razdan, R.K., 2001. Concurrent control of mosquitoes and domestic pests by use of deltamethrin-treated curtains in the New Delhi municipal committee. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 17(2),13l-136,2 (in India).
  • Baronio, P., Baldassari, N., 1997. Insettidannosiaiboschi di conifere. Calderoni Edagircole, Bologna; p 204.
  • Battisti, A., 1988. Host–plant relationships and population dynamics of the pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis and Schiff ermuller). Journal of Applied Entomology 105,393–402.
  • Battisti, A., Stastny, M., Netherer, S., Robinet, C., Schopf, A., Roques, A., Larsson, S., 2005. Expansion of geographic range in the pine processionary moth caused by increased winter temperatures. Ecological Applications 15, 2084–2096.
  • Battisti, A., Avci, M., Avtzis, D., Ben Jamaa, M., Berardi, L., Berretima, W., Branco, M., Chakali, G., Alaoui, El Fels, M., Frérot, B., Hódar, J., Ionescu-Mălăncus, I., Ipekdal, K., Larsson, S., Manole, T., Mendel, Z., Meurisse, N., Mirchev, P., Nemer, N., Paiva, M., Pino, J., Protasov, A., Rahim, N., Rousselet, J., Santos, H., Sauvard, D., Schopf, A., Simonato, M., Yart, A.,
  • Zamoum, M., 2015. Processionary moths and climate change: An update Chapter 2 Natural History of the Processionary Moths (Thaumetopoea spp.): New Insights in Relation to Climate Change. Roques A. (Ed.) 2015, XVII, 427 p.
  • Barile, J., Nauen, R., Nentwig, G., Pospischil, R., Reid, B., 2008. Laboratory and field evaluation of deltamethrin and bendiocarb to control Cimex lectularius (Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Urban Pests.
  • Beck, L., Rombke, J., Ruf, A., Prınzıng, A., Woas, S., 2004. Effects of diflubenzuron and Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki toxin on soil invertebrates of a mixed deciduous for- est in the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany. Eur. J. Soil Biol 40, 55-62.
  • Bilgili, E. 2002. Pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.)): its past, present and future. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras¸ Turkey. pp: 12-18.
  • Cao, X.M., Song, F.L., Zhao, Y.T., Dong, Y.D., Sun, C.H.X., Nad, Lu B.L., 2006. Survey of deltamethrin resistance in house flies (Musca domestica) from urban garbage dumps in Northern China. Environ. Entomol 35(1), 1-9.
  • Castagneyrol, B., Jactel, H., Brockerhoff, E., Perrette, N., Larter, M., Delzon, S., Piou, D., 2016. Host range expansion is density dependent. Oecologia 182, 779–788.
  • Çetin, H., Yanıkoglu, A., 2006. A study of the larvicidal activity of Origanum (Labiatae) species from southwest Turkey. Journal of Vector Ecology 31, 118–122.
  • Demolin, G., Martın, J.C., 1986, Essais d'utilisation hivernale de la deltaméthrine (Décis et K‐Othrine EC 15) en forêt contre Thaumetopoea pityocampa. EPPO Bulletin 16(2), 417-421.
  • Ekerbicer, H., Celik, M., Aral, M., Sasmaz, S., 2002. Harmful effects of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) on human health. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras¸, Turkey, pp: 203-205.
  • Huchon, H., Demolin, D., 1971. La bioécologie de la procesionnaire du pin. Dispersion potentielle—dispersion actuelle. Phytoma 225, 11– 20.
  • Jahan, N., Shahid, A., 2013. Evaluation of resistance against deltamethrin and cypermethrin in dengue vector from lahore, pakistan. the journal of animal & plant sciences 23(5), 1321-1326.
  • Jankov, D., Ind, D., Kljajic, P., Almas, R., Andric, G., Vukovic, S., Grahovac, M., 2013. Initial and residual efficacy of insecticides on different surfaces against rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.). Journal of Pest Science 86, 211-216.
  • Kalender, Y., Uzunhisarcikli, M., Ogutcu, A., Suludere, Z., Kalender, S., 2005. Effects of endosulfan on Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) larvae. Folia biologica 53(3-4), 229-233.
  • Kanat, M., Sivrikaya, F., Serez, M.A., 2002. Research on the effects of pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff)), Pinus brutia Ten trees and tending activities on the diameter increment of calabrian pine in Kahramanmaras, Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Kanat, M., Alma, M.H., 2004. Insecticidal effects of essential oils from various plants against larvae of pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff)) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae). Pest Management Science 60, 173–177.
  • Kanat M. (2002): The usage of Calosoma sycophanta (L.) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) against pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) in biological control, Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Kerdelhué, C., Battisti, A., Burban, C., Branco, M., Cassel-Lundhagen, A., Ipekdal, K., Larsson, S., LopezVaamonde, C., Magnoux, E., Mateus, E., Mendel, Z., Negrisolo, E., Paiva, M.R., Pivotto, I., Rocha, S., Ronnas, C., Roques, A., Rossi, J.P., Rousselet, J., Salvato, P., Santos, H., Simonato, M., Zane, L. 2014. Genetic diversity and structure at diff erent spatial , scales in the processionary moths. In A. Roques (Ed.), Processionary moths and climate change: An update. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Kesdek, M., Kordali, S., Coban, K., Usanmaz, A., Ercisli, S. 2014. Larvicidal effect of some plant extracts on the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermuller) in laboratory conditions. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus 13, 145–162.
  • Koçak, E., 2016. Resıdual effıcacy of a zw formulated ınsectıcıde on dıfferent surfaces agaınst some stored product pests. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yalvaç Akademi Dergisi 1(1), 53-57.
  • Romero, A., Potter, M.F., Haynes, K.F., 2009. Evaluation of piperonyl butoxide as a deltamethrin synergist for pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. Journal of Economic Entomology 102(6), 2310–2315.
  • Semiz, G., Cetin, H., Isik, K., Yanikoglu, A., 2006. Effectiveness of a naturally derived insecticide, spinosad, against the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) under laboratory conditions. Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 62(5), 452-455.
  • Simonato, M., Mendel, Z., Kerdelhué, C., Rousselet, J., Magnoux, E., Salvato, P., Roques, A., Battisti, A., Zane, L., 2007. Phylogeography of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni in the Near East. Molecular Ecology 16, 2273–2283.
  • Yilmaz, S., Karabőrklű, S., Azizoğlu, U., 2013. Toxicity of native Bacillus thuringiensis isolates on the larval stages of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni at different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37, 163-172.
  • Yiğit, Ş., Saruhan, İ., Akça, İ., 2019. The effect of some commercial plant oils on the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoidae). J. For. Sci. 65, 309–312.

Biocidal effect of deltametrin against Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams, 1924 (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in laboratory conditions

Yıl 2020, , 190 - 194, 02.10.2020


This study was carried out to determine the effect of deltamethrin, which is used against some urban pests, on Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams, 1924 under laboratory conditions. The recommended dose of the biocidal against urban pests (60 ml / 10 liters of water), half dose (30 ml / 10 liters of water) and quarter dose (15 ml / 10 liters of water) were used in the study. At the highest dose of the biocidal, on day 1 (60 ml / 10 liters of water) 77.5% mortality was detected, three days showed 82.50% and five days showed 90% mortality. On day 5 of the study, the LD50 value for T. wilkinsoni was 34.03 and LD90 56,21. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the Exdel 5 SC (Deltamethrin) has a biocidal effect for pine processionary moth.


  • Abbott, W.S., 1925. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal Economic Entomology 8, 265-267.
  • Akkuzu, E., Selmi, E., 2002. The use of microbial control agents against Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.). Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey. April 24–25, 67–74.
  • Altero, N., Moller, H., 2000. Secondary poisoning of stoats (Mustela erminea) in a South Island podocarp forest. New Zealand: implications for conservation. Wildlife Res 27, 501-508.
  • Avcı, M., Ogurlu, I., 2002. The importance, biology and natural enemies of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.)) in the lakes district. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey, April 24–25, 2002: 28–36.
  • Androic, M., 1956. Contribution à l'étude de Cnethocampa pityocampa Schiff. Revue de Pahologie Végétale et d’Entomologie Agricole de France 35, 251-262.
  • Anonymous., 1995. Harmful insects of forests. The Reports of the 5th Annual Development Plan, Turkey.
  • Anonymous., 2016. Transitional guidance on the biocidal products regulation. Transitional Guidance on PT18 + PT19. Avaible from
  • Ansari, M.A., Razdan, R.K., 2001. Concurrent control of mosquitoes and domestic pests by use of deltamethrin-treated curtains in the New Delhi municipal committee. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 17(2),13l-136,2 (in India).
  • Baronio, P., Baldassari, N., 1997. Insettidannosiaiboschi di conifere. Calderoni Edagircole, Bologna; p 204.
  • Battisti, A., 1988. Host–plant relationships and population dynamics of the pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis and Schiff ermuller). Journal of Applied Entomology 105,393–402.
  • Battisti, A., Stastny, M., Netherer, S., Robinet, C., Schopf, A., Roques, A., Larsson, S., 2005. Expansion of geographic range in the pine processionary moth caused by increased winter temperatures. Ecological Applications 15, 2084–2096.
  • Battisti, A., Avci, M., Avtzis, D., Ben Jamaa, M., Berardi, L., Berretima, W., Branco, M., Chakali, G., Alaoui, El Fels, M., Frérot, B., Hódar, J., Ionescu-Mălăncus, I., Ipekdal, K., Larsson, S., Manole, T., Mendel, Z., Meurisse, N., Mirchev, P., Nemer, N., Paiva, M., Pino, J., Protasov, A., Rahim, N., Rousselet, J., Santos, H., Sauvard, D., Schopf, A., Simonato, M., Yart, A.,
  • Zamoum, M., 2015. Processionary moths and climate change: An update Chapter 2 Natural History of the Processionary Moths (Thaumetopoea spp.): New Insights in Relation to Climate Change. Roques A. (Ed.) 2015, XVII, 427 p.
  • Barile, J., Nauen, R., Nentwig, G., Pospischil, R., Reid, B., 2008. Laboratory and field evaluation of deltamethrin and bendiocarb to control Cimex lectularius (Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Urban Pests.
  • Beck, L., Rombke, J., Ruf, A., Prınzıng, A., Woas, S., 2004. Effects of diflubenzuron and Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki toxin on soil invertebrates of a mixed deciduous for- est in the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany. Eur. J. Soil Biol 40, 55-62.
  • Bilgili, E. 2002. Pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.)): its past, present and future. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras¸ Turkey. pp: 12-18.
  • Cao, X.M., Song, F.L., Zhao, Y.T., Dong, Y.D., Sun, C.H.X., Nad, Lu B.L., 2006. Survey of deltamethrin resistance in house flies (Musca domestica) from urban garbage dumps in Northern China. Environ. Entomol 35(1), 1-9.
  • Castagneyrol, B., Jactel, H., Brockerhoff, E., Perrette, N., Larter, M., Delzon, S., Piou, D., 2016. Host range expansion is density dependent. Oecologia 182, 779–788.
  • Çetin, H., Yanıkoglu, A., 2006. A study of the larvicidal activity of Origanum (Labiatae) species from southwest Turkey. Journal of Vector Ecology 31, 118–122.
  • Demolin, G., Martın, J.C., 1986, Essais d'utilisation hivernale de la deltaméthrine (Décis et K‐Othrine EC 15) en forêt contre Thaumetopoea pityocampa. EPPO Bulletin 16(2), 417-421.
  • Ekerbicer, H., Celik, M., Aral, M., Sasmaz, S., 2002. Harmful effects of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) on human health. Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras¸, Turkey, pp: 203-205.
  • Huchon, H., Demolin, D., 1971. La bioécologie de la procesionnaire du pin. Dispersion potentielle—dispersion actuelle. Phytoma 225, 11– 20.
  • Jahan, N., Shahid, A., 2013. Evaluation of resistance against deltamethrin and cypermethrin in dengue vector from lahore, pakistan. the journal of animal & plant sciences 23(5), 1321-1326.
  • Jankov, D., Ind, D., Kljajic, P., Almas, R., Andric, G., Vukovic, S., Grahovac, M., 2013. Initial and residual efficacy of insecticides on different surfaces against rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.). Journal of Pest Science 86, 211-216.
  • Kalender, Y., Uzunhisarcikli, M., Ogutcu, A., Suludere, Z., Kalender, S., 2005. Effects of endosulfan on Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) larvae. Folia biologica 53(3-4), 229-233.
  • Kanat, M., Sivrikaya, F., Serez, M.A., 2002. Research on the effects of pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff)), Pinus brutia Ten trees and tending activities on the diameter increment of calabrian pine in Kahramanmaras, Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Kanat, M., Alma, M.H., 2004. Insecticidal effects of essential oils from various plants against larvae of pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff)) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae). Pest Management Science 60, 173–177.
  • Kanat M. (2002): The usage of Calosoma sycophanta (L.) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) against pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) in biological control, Pine Processionary Moth Symposium, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Kerdelhué, C., Battisti, A., Burban, C., Branco, M., Cassel-Lundhagen, A., Ipekdal, K., Larsson, S., LopezVaamonde, C., Magnoux, E., Mateus, E., Mendel, Z., Negrisolo, E., Paiva, M.R., Pivotto, I., Rocha, S., Ronnas, C., Roques, A., Rossi, J.P., Rousselet, J., Salvato, P., Santos, H., Simonato, M., Zane, L. 2014. Genetic diversity and structure at diff erent spatial , scales in the processionary moths. In A. Roques (Ed.), Processionary moths and climate change: An update. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Kesdek, M., Kordali, S., Coban, K., Usanmaz, A., Ercisli, S. 2014. Larvicidal effect of some plant extracts on the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermuller) in laboratory conditions. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus 13, 145–162.
  • Koçak, E., 2016. Resıdual effıcacy of a zw formulated ınsectıcıde on dıfferent surfaces agaınst some stored product pests. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yalvaç Akademi Dergisi 1(1), 53-57.
  • Romero, A., Potter, M.F., Haynes, K.F., 2009. Evaluation of piperonyl butoxide as a deltamethrin synergist for pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. Journal of Economic Entomology 102(6), 2310–2315.
  • Semiz, G., Cetin, H., Isik, K., Yanikoglu, A., 2006. Effectiveness of a naturally derived insecticide, spinosad, against the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) under laboratory conditions. Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 62(5), 452-455.
  • Simonato, M., Mendel, Z., Kerdelhué, C., Rousselet, J., Magnoux, E., Salvato, P., Roques, A., Battisti, A., Zane, L., 2007. Phylogeography of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni in the Near East. Molecular Ecology 16, 2273–2283.
  • Yilmaz, S., Karabőrklű, S., Azizoğlu, U., 2013. Toxicity of native Bacillus thuringiensis isolates on the larval stages of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni at different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37, 163-172.
  • Yiğit, Ş., Saruhan, İ., Akça, İ., 2019. The effect of some commercial plant oils on the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoidae). J. For. Sci. 65, 309–312.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Articles

Şeyma Yiğit 0000-0003-2268-5103

Ali Kaan Aşkın 0000-0002-8296-166X

İzzet Akça 0000-0001-9617-8820

İslam Saruhan 0000-0003-0229-9627

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Yiğit, Ş., Aşkın, A. K., Akça, İ., Saruhan, İ. (2020). Biocidal effect of deltametrin against Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams, 1924 (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in laboratory conditions. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 8(3), 190-194.




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