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An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 64, 0 - 0, 15.07.2016


Problem Statement: Although it is well known that parents’ methods of raising their children significantly affect their children’s personalities and how they face life, this study has been designed because there is a lack of specific research on which ego states of adults are associated with selfcontrol. In the present study, self-control and ego states have been taken into consideration together and answers to the following questions were sought. Is there any association between the subdimensions of ego states and self-control? Do ego states predict self-control? Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between ego states of university students and their levels of self-control, and to determine whether or not ego states predict their levels of self-control. Methods: Since this study aims to investigate whether subdimensions of ego states and self-control are correlated, an associational survey model was used. The study was conducted with 290 participating university students. The data were collected using an ego states scale and a selfcontrol scale. The results suggested that the parent ego state, adult ego state, and child ego state dimensions are significantly correlated with the experiential self-control reformative self-control and redressive selfcontrol subdimensions of the self-control scale. Findings and Results: Based on the findings, it was concluded that the parent ego state is associated with reformative self-control, the adult ego state is associated with reformative and redressive self-control, and the child ego state is associated with experiential self-control. According to the results of the one way ANOVA, which tested the significance of the regression model, ego states predict the self-control levels of individuals significantly, F3-274: 6.356; p < .001. Conclusion and Recommendations: Results suggest that students with high parent ego states make decisions using reformative self-control; students with high adult ego states make decisions using reformative and redressive self-control; and students with high child ego states make decisions using experiential self-control. Keywords: Ego states, self-control, experiential self-control.


  • Akbag, M., & Deniz, L (2003). Ogretim elemani ve ogretmen adaylarinin birbirlerine
  • yonelik algilari: Transaksiyonel analiz acisindan bir degerlendirme. [ The
  • perception of student-teachers and their instructors toward each other: A
  • transactional analysis evaluation]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 3(2),
  • -292.
  • Akkoyun, F. (2001). Psikolojide islemsel cozumleme yaklasimi. Transaksiyonel analiz.
  • [Transactional analysis: Transactional analysis approach in psychology.]
  • Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Baumeister. R. F., Heatherton. T. F., & Tice. D. M. (1994). Losing control: How and why
  • people fail at self-regulation. San Diego: Academic Press. Inc.
  • Berne, E. (2001). Hayat denen oyun. [Games people play]. (S. Sargut, Cev.). Istanbul,
  • Turkey: Kariyer Press.
  • Chudek, J., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Olszanecka-Glinianowicz, M. (2014). Coping
  • with overweight strategies, self-esteem and body-esteem in the context of
  • transactional analysis. Psychiatr. Pol, 48(3), 477-487.
  • Ciucur, D. (2013). The ego states and the “big five” personality factors. Procedia-Social
  • and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 581-585.
  • DeLisi, M., Beaver, K.M., Vaughn, M.G., Trulson, C.R., Kosloski, A. E., Alan J. Drury,
  • A. J., & Wright, J. P. (2010). Personality, gender, and self-control theory
  • revisited: results from a sample of institutionalized juvenile delinquents.
  • Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 6(1), 31- 46.
  • Dokmen, U. (2013). Iletisim catismalari ve empati. [Communication conflicts and
  • empathy]. Istanbul, Turkey: Remzi Press.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ predicting
  • academic performance in adolescents. Psychological Science, 16, 939-944
  • Duyan, V., Gulden, C., & Gelbal, S. (2012). Oz-Denetim Olcegi - ODO: Guvenirlik ve
  • gecerlik calismasi. [Self-Control Scale – SCS: Reliability and validity study].
  • Society and Social Work, 23(1), 25-38.
  • Engels, R., Finkenauer, C., den Exter Blokland, E. A. W. & Baumeister. R. F. (2000).
  • Parental influences on self-control and juvenile delinquency. Manuscript in
  • preparation. Utrecht University. Netherlands.
  • Englert, C., & Bertrams, A. (2015). Integrating attentional control theory and the
  • strength model of self-control. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • Eslinger, P.J., Flaherty-Craig, C.V., & Benton, A.L. (2004) Developmental outcomes
  • after early prefrontal cortex damage. Brain and Cognition, 55, 84–103.
  • Finkel, E., & Campbell, W. K. (2000). Ego depletion and accommodation in romantic
  • relationships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
  • Psychology. Nashville. TN.
  • Fitzsimons, G. M., & Bargh, J. A (2004). Automatic self-regulation. In R. F.Baumeister
  • & K. D. Vohs (Ed.), Handbook of self-regulation: Research theory and applications
  • (pp. 151 -170). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Fujita. K. (2011). On conceptualizing selfcontrol as more than the effortful inhibition
  • of impulses. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15(4), 352–366.
  • Gencoglu, C. (2006). Universite ogrencilerinin iyimserlik duzeyleri ile kisilik
  • ozellikleri arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi [Examination of relationship
  • between university students' level of optimism and their personality traits].
  • Unpublished master thesis, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Jackson, J. J., Bog, T., Walton, K.E., Wood, D., & Harms, P.D. (2009) Not all
  • conscientiousness scales change alike: A multimethod multisample study of
  • age differences in the facets of conscientiousness. Journal of Personality and
  • Social Psychology, 96, 446–459.
  • James. M., & Jongeward, D. (1993). Kazanmak icin dogariz. [Born to win]. (T. Şenruh
  • Cev.). Istanbul, Turkey: Inkilap Press.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel arastirma yontemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Ankara,
  • Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Kochanska, G., Coy, K.C., & Murray, K. T. (2001). The development of selfregulation
  • in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72, 1091–1111.
  • Mahone, E. M., Cirino. P. T., Cutting, L. E., Cerrone, P. M., Hagelthorn, K. M.,
  • Hiemenz, J. R., Singer, H. S., & Denckla, M. B. (2002). Validity of the
  • behavior rating inventory of executive function in children with ADHD
  • and/or tourette syndrome. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (7), 643 –
  • Mehta, R. (2010). Exploring self-control: Moving beyond depletion hypothesis.
  • Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 174-178.
  • Mitchell, J.P., Macrae, C.N., Schooler, J.. Rowe. A.C., & Milne. A.B. (2002). Directed
  • remembering: Subliminal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies.
  • Memory, 10, 381-388.
  • Moffitt et al. (2011). A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and
  • public safety. PNAS, 108(7), 2693-2698.
  • Ozpolat, A., Kaygusuz, C., & Duyan, V. (2015). Ego durumlari olceginin gecerlilik ve
  • guvenirlik calismasi. [Psychometric features of ego states scale]. Turkish
  • Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 9(4), 150-157, doi:
  • 5455/tjfmpc.186239
  • Rosenbaum, M. (1993). The three functions of self-control behavior: Redressive,
  • reformative, and experiential. Work and Stress, 7, 33-46.
  • Rothbaum, F., Weisz, J. R. & Snyder, S. S. (1982). Changing the world and changing
  • the self: A two-process model of perceived control. Journal of Personality and
  • Social Psychology, 42, 5–37.
  • Sumer, N. Akturk, G.E. & Helvaci, E. (2010). Anne-baba tutum ve davranislarinin
  • psikolojik etkileri: Turkiye'de yapilan calismalara toplu bakis. [The relations
  • between perceived parental support and peer bullying/victimization in male
  • adolescents: The role of friendship quality]. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 13
  • (25), 42-61.
  • Sencer, M. (1989). Toplumbilimlerinde yontem. [Methods in sociology]. Istanbul, Turkey:
  • Beta Press.
  • Sahin, F. T., & Ozyurek, A. (2008). 5-6 yas grubu cocuga sahip ebeveynlerin
  • demografik ozelliklerinin cocuk yetistirme tutumlarina etkisinin incelenmesi.
  • [Examining of the effects to child raising attitudes of demographic
  • characteristics of parents that have 5-6 years children group]. Journal of Turkish
  • Educational Sciences, 6(3), 395-414.
  • Tangney, J.P., Baumeister, R.F., & Boone, A.L. (2004). High self-control predicts good
  • adjustment. Less pathology. Better grades and interpersonal success. Journal of
  • Personality, 72(2), 271-324.
  • Tudor, K. (2010). The state of the ego: Then and now. Transactional Analysis Journal,
  • (3-4), 261-277.
  • Tufekci, S. (2008). Romantik iliskilerde genc yetiskinlerin aska iliskin tutumlari ve kisilik
  • ozellikleri: Transaksiyonel analiz ego durumlari acisindan bir degerlendirme. [An
  • assessment of love attitudes and characteristics of young adults in romantic
  • relationships in terms of transactionaol analaysis ego states]. Unpublished master
  • thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Wolfe, R. N. & Johnson. S. D. (1995). Persotnality as a predictor of college
  • performance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55, 177–185.
  • Yildiz, M. & Dilmac, B. (2012). Ogretmen adaylarinin sahip olduklari degerler ile
  • kisilik ozellikleri arasindaki iliskilerini incelenmesi [Analysis of the relation
  • between values and personality traits held by candidate teachers]. Mersin
  • University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 8(3), 122-134.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 64, 0 - 0, 15.07.2016



  • Akbag, M., & Deniz, L (2003). Ogretim elemani ve ogretmen adaylarinin birbirlerine
  • yonelik algilari: Transaksiyonel analiz acisindan bir degerlendirme. [ The
  • perception of student-teachers and their instructors toward each other: A
  • transactional analysis evaluation]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 3(2),
  • -292.
  • Akkoyun, F. (2001). Psikolojide islemsel cozumleme yaklasimi. Transaksiyonel analiz.
  • [Transactional analysis: Transactional analysis approach in psychology.]
  • Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Baumeister. R. F., Heatherton. T. F., & Tice. D. M. (1994). Losing control: How and why
  • people fail at self-regulation. San Diego: Academic Press. Inc.
  • Berne, E. (2001). Hayat denen oyun. [Games people play]. (S. Sargut, Cev.). Istanbul,
  • Turkey: Kariyer Press.
  • Chudek, J., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Olszanecka-Glinianowicz, M. (2014). Coping
  • with overweight strategies, self-esteem and body-esteem in the context of
  • transactional analysis. Psychiatr. Pol, 48(3), 477-487.
  • Ciucur, D. (2013). The ego states and the “big five” personality factors. Procedia-Social
  • and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 581-585.
  • DeLisi, M., Beaver, K.M., Vaughn, M.G., Trulson, C.R., Kosloski, A. E., Alan J. Drury,
  • A. J., & Wright, J. P. (2010). Personality, gender, and self-control theory
  • revisited: results from a sample of institutionalized juvenile delinquents.
  • Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 6(1), 31- 46.
  • Dokmen, U. (2013). Iletisim catismalari ve empati. [Communication conflicts and
  • empathy]. Istanbul, Turkey: Remzi Press.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ predicting
  • academic performance in adolescents. Psychological Science, 16, 939-944
  • Duyan, V., Gulden, C., & Gelbal, S. (2012). Oz-Denetim Olcegi - ODO: Guvenirlik ve
  • gecerlik calismasi. [Self-Control Scale – SCS: Reliability and validity study].
  • Society and Social Work, 23(1), 25-38.
  • Engels, R., Finkenauer, C., den Exter Blokland, E. A. W. & Baumeister. R. F. (2000).
  • Parental influences on self-control and juvenile delinquency. Manuscript in
  • preparation. Utrecht University. Netherlands.
  • Englert, C., & Bertrams, A. (2015). Integrating attentional control theory and the
  • strength model of self-control. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • Eslinger, P.J., Flaherty-Craig, C.V., & Benton, A.L. (2004) Developmental outcomes
  • after early prefrontal cortex damage. Brain and Cognition, 55, 84–103.
  • Finkel, E., & Campbell, W. K. (2000). Ego depletion and accommodation in romantic
  • relationships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
  • Psychology. Nashville. TN.
  • Fitzsimons, G. M., & Bargh, J. A (2004). Automatic self-regulation. In R. F.Baumeister
  • & K. D. Vohs (Ed.), Handbook of self-regulation: Research theory and applications
  • (pp. 151 -170). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Fujita. K. (2011). On conceptualizing selfcontrol as more than the effortful inhibition
  • of impulses. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15(4), 352–366.
  • Gencoglu, C. (2006). Universite ogrencilerinin iyimserlik duzeyleri ile kisilik
  • ozellikleri arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi [Examination of relationship
  • between university students' level of optimism and their personality traits].
  • Unpublished master thesis, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
  • Jackson, J. J., Bog, T., Walton, K.E., Wood, D., & Harms, P.D. (2009) Not all
  • conscientiousness scales change alike: A multimethod multisample study of
  • age differences in the facets of conscientiousness. Journal of Personality and
  • Social Psychology, 96, 446–459.
  • James. M., & Jongeward, D. (1993). Kazanmak icin dogariz. [Born to win]. (T. Şenruh
  • Cev.). Istanbul, Turkey: Inkilap Press.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel arastirma yontemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Ankara,
  • Turkey: Nobel Press.
  • Kochanska, G., Coy, K.C., & Murray, K. T. (2001). The development of selfregulation
  • in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72, 1091–1111.
  • Mahone, E. M., Cirino. P. T., Cutting, L. E., Cerrone, P. M., Hagelthorn, K. M.,
  • Hiemenz, J. R., Singer, H. S., & Denckla, M. B. (2002). Validity of the
  • behavior rating inventory of executive function in children with ADHD
  • and/or tourette syndrome. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17 (7), 643 –
  • Mehta, R. (2010). Exploring self-control: Moving beyond depletion hypothesis.
  • Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 174-178.
  • Mitchell, J.P., Macrae, C.N., Schooler, J.. Rowe. A.C., & Milne. A.B. (2002). Directed
  • remembering: Subliminal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies.
  • Memory, 10, 381-388.
  • Moffitt et al. (2011). A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and
  • public safety. PNAS, 108(7), 2693-2698.
  • Ozpolat, A., Kaygusuz, C., & Duyan, V. (2015). Ego durumlari olceginin gecerlilik ve
  • guvenirlik calismasi. [Psychometric features of ego states scale]. Turkish
  • Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 9(4), 150-157, doi:
  • 5455/tjfmpc.186239
  • Rosenbaum, M. (1993). The three functions of self-control behavior: Redressive,
  • reformative, and experiential. Work and Stress, 7, 33-46.
  • Rothbaum, F., Weisz, J. R. & Snyder, S. S. (1982). Changing the world and changing
  • the self: A two-process model of perceived control. Journal of Personality and
  • Social Psychology, 42, 5–37.
  • Sumer, N. Akturk, G.E. & Helvaci, E. (2010). Anne-baba tutum ve davranislarinin
  • psikolojik etkileri: Turkiye'de yapilan calismalara toplu bakis. [The relations
  • between perceived parental support and peer bullying/victimization in male
  • adolescents: The role of friendship quality]. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 13
  • (25), 42-61.
  • Sencer, M. (1989). Toplumbilimlerinde yontem. [Methods in sociology]. Istanbul, Turkey:
  • Beta Press.
  • Sahin, F. T., & Ozyurek, A. (2008). 5-6 yas grubu cocuga sahip ebeveynlerin
  • demografik ozelliklerinin cocuk yetistirme tutumlarina etkisinin incelenmesi.
  • [Examining of the effects to child raising attitudes of demographic
  • characteristics of parents that have 5-6 years children group]. Journal of Turkish
  • Educational Sciences, 6(3), 395-414.
  • Tangney, J.P., Baumeister, R.F., & Boone, A.L. (2004). High self-control predicts good
  • adjustment. Less pathology. Better grades and interpersonal success. Journal of
  • Personality, 72(2), 271-324.
  • Tudor, K. (2010). The state of the ego: Then and now. Transactional Analysis Journal,
  • (3-4), 261-277.
  • Tufekci, S. (2008). Romantik iliskilerde genc yetiskinlerin aska iliskin tutumlari ve kisilik
  • ozellikleri: Transaksiyonel analiz ego durumlari acisindan bir degerlendirme. [An
  • assessment of love attitudes and characteristics of young adults in romantic
  • relationships in terms of transactionaol analaysis ego states]. Unpublished master
  • thesis, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Wolfe, R. N. & Johnson. S. D. (1995). Persotnality as a predictor of college
  • performance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55, 177–185.
  • Yildiz, M. & Dilmac, B. (2012). Ogretmen adaylarinin sahip olduklari degerler ile
  • kisilik ozellikleri arasindaki iliskilerini incelenmesi [Analysis of the relation
  • between values and personality traits held by candidate teachers]. Mersin
  • University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 8(3), 122-134.
Toplam 105 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Canani Kaygusuz

Ahmet Ragip Ozpolat

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 64

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaygusuz, C., & Ozpolat, A. R. (2016). An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16(64).
AMA Kaygusuz C, Ozpolat AR. An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. Ekim 2016;16(64).
Chicago Kaygusuz, Canani, ve Ahmet Ragip Ozpolat. “An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-Control According to Their Ego States”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16, sy. 64 (Ekim 2016).
EndNote Kaygusuz C, Ozpolat AR (01 Ekim 2016) An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16 64
IEEE C. Kaygusuz ve A. R. Ozpolat, “An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States”, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, c. 16, sy. 64, 2016.
ISNAD Kaygusuz, Canani - Ozpolat, Ahmet Ragip. “An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-Control According to Their Ego States”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16/64 (Ekim 2016).
JAMA Kaygusuz C, Ozpolat AR. An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16.
MLA Kaygusuz, Canani ve Ahmet Ragip Ozpolat. “An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-Control According to Their Ego States”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, c. 16, sy. 64, 2016.
Vancouver Kaygusuz C, Ozpolat AR. An Analysis of University Students’ Levels of Self-control According to Their Ego States. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16(64).