Cu2O ve Al2O3 Nanopartiküllerin Motor Performans ve Emisyonlara Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2022,
, 53 - 61, 31.03.2022
Gürsel Çınar
Oğuzhan Akyüz
Bu çalışmada, günümüz içten yanmalı dizel motorları için yakıt şartları göz önüne alınarak çevre kirliliğini ve yakıt ekonomisini gelecek zamanlarda rahatlatmak amaçlı yakıt teknolojisinde mevcut kullanılan yakıtların iyileştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Cu2O ve Al2O3 nano partiküllerin 50 ve 100 ppm olarak dizel yakıtına katılması durumunda motor performans ve egzoz emisyonlarının etkisi incelenmiştir. Ultrasonik bir karıştırıcı kullanılarak yakıt karışımı hazırlanmıştır. Nano partiküller doğada bulunması ve ulaşılırlığı kolay olan iki malzemeden seçilmiştir. Normal şartlarda dizel yakıtla çalışan ve yüksek güç gerektiren yerlerde kullanılan, büyük hacimli bir motor seçilmiştir. Bu motor toplu taşıma araçlarında kullanılmakta olup, tarım ve yük taşımacılığı yapılan araçlarda kullanılan motorlara benzerlik göstermektedir. Hazırlanan yakıtlar, 6 silindirli 11670 cc lik dizel motorda 600 dev/dk da, 50, 100, 150 ve 200 Nm tork değerleri için deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneyde farklı yük şartları altında nano partiküllerin farklı özellikler sergilediği ve yük arttıkça sağlanan faydanın da arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Nano partiküllerin verimi artırdığı tespit edilmiş, bu değerler arasında 100 ppm yakıt karışımlarında maksimum verim değerleri elde edilmiştir. 100 ppm Al2O3 karışımının CO değerleri saf dizel yakıta göre yüksek olduğu, 50 ve 100 ppm Cu2O ile 50 ppm Al2O3 karışım yakıtlarının CO değerlerinin saf dizele göre daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür.
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Proje Numarası
Bu çalışma Erciyes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi FYL-2021-11124 kodlu proje ile desteklenmiştir.
- [1]
- [2] Rastogi P.M., Sharma A.,Kumar N., Effect of CuO nanoparticles concentration on the performance and emission characteristics of the diesel engine running on jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis) biodiesel, Fuel, Volume 286, Part 1, 119358, 2021.
- [3] Venu H., Madhavan V., Effect of Al2O3nanoparticles in biodiesel-diesel-ethanol blends atvarious injection strategies: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics, Fuel, Volume 186, (2016), 176-189.
- [4] Dhahad H. A:, Ali S.A., Chaichan M. T., Combustion analysis and performance characteristics of compression ignition engines with diesel fuel supplemented with nano-TiO2 and nano-Al2O3, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 20 (2020), 100651.
- [5] Jian wei G., Qiong W, Zhao M., “Exhaust emissions of diesel engines with nano copper additives”, Applied Nanoscience (2020) 10:1045–1052.
- [6] Yogaraj D., Mohamed Iqbal S., Gokulakrishna R., and Meikandan M., “Performance test and emission characteristics of diesel engine with alternate fuel blends and nano additives, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021, VOL. 42, NO. 7, 725-729
- [7] Chen A. F., Adzmia M. A., Adam A.,, Othman M. F., Kamaruzzaman M. K., Mrwana A. G., Combustion characteristics, engine performances and emissions of a diesel engine using nanoparticle-diesel fuel blends with aluminium oxide, carbon nanotubes and silicon oxide, Energy Conversion and Management 171 (2018) 461–477
- [8] Channappagoudra M., Influence of the aluminium oxide (Al2O3) nanoparticle additive with biodiesel on the modified diesel engine performance, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021, VOL. 42, NO. 15, 1776–1784
- [9] Aalam C.S., Saravanan C.G., Anand B.P. Impact of high fuel injection pressure on the characteristics of CRDIdiesel engine powered by mahua methyl ester blend, Applied Thermal Engineering 106 (2016) 702–711.
- [10] Rathinam S., Sajin J B, Subbiah G., Rajeev A., Prakash S., Christopherselvam D., Assessment of the emission characteristics of the diesel engine with nano-particle in neem biodiesel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utılızatıon, And Envıronmental Effects, 2020, VOL. 42, NO. 21, 2623-2631
- [11] Devarajan, Y., B. Nagappan, and G. Subbiah. 2019. A comprehensive study on emission and performance characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with nanoparticle-blended biodiesel. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26:10662–72.
- [12] Manigandan S., Sarweswaran R., Devi P. B., Sohret Y., Kondratiev A., Venkatesh S., Vimal R. M., Joshua J.J., Comparative study of nanoadditives TiO2, CNT, Al2O3, CuO and CeO2 on reduction of diesel engine emission operating on hydrogen fuel blends, Fuel 262 (2020) 116336
- [13] Yuvarajan D., Babu M.D., Kumar N.B., Kishore P. A., Experimental investigation on the influence of titanium dioxide nanofluid on emission pattern of biodiesel in a diesel engine, Atmospheric Pollution Research 9 (2018) 47-52.
- [14] Sadhik Basha J., and AnandR. B., The influence of nano additive blended biodiesel fuels on the working characteristics of a diesel engine, J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:257–264.
- [15] Gumus S., Ozcan H., Ozbey M., Topaloglu B., Aluminum oxide and copper oxide nanodiesel fuel properties and usage in a compression ignition engine”, Fuel, (163), 2016, 80-87
- [16] Gupta, H. N., Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1992.
Investigation of the Effects of Cu2O and Al2O3 Nanoparticles on Engine Performance and Emissions
Yıl 2022,
, 53 - 61, 31.03.2022
Gürsel Çınar
Oğuzhan Akyüz
In this study, considering the fuel conditions for today's internal combustion diesel engines it is aimed to improve the fuels used in fuel technology in order to relieve environmental pollution and fuel economy in the future. During the study, the effect of engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated by adding Cu2O and Al2O3 nanoparticles to diesel fuel as 50 and 100 ppm. The fuel mixture was prepared by using an ultrasonic mixer. Nanoparticles were chosen from two materials that are common and accessible in the nature. A large-volume engine was chosen, which normally works with diesel fuel and is used under conditions that require high power. The engine is a type used in public transportation vehicles and is similar to the engines used in agricultural and transportation vehicles. The prepared fuels were tested under torque values of 50, 100, 150 and 200 Nm at 600 rpm in a 6-cylinder 11670 cc diesel engine. In the experiment, it was observed that the nanoparticles illustrated different properties under different load conditions and the utility increased as the load increased. It has been determined that nanoparticles increase efficiency, and maximum efficiency values were obtained by 100 ppm fuel mixtures among these values. It has been observed that the CO values of 100 ppm Al2O3 mixture are higher than pure diesel fuel, and the CO values of 50 and 100 ppm Cu2O and 50 ppm Al2O3 mixed fuels are lower than that of pure diesel.
Proje Numarası
- [1]
- [2] Rastogi P.M., Sharma A.,Kumar N., Effect of CuO nanoparticles concentration on the performance and emission characteristics of the diesel engine running on jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis) biodiesel, Fuel, Volume 286, Part 1, 119358, 2021.
- [3] Venu H., Madhavan V., Effect of Al2O3nanoparticles in biodiesel-diesel-ethanol blends atvarious injection strategies: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics, Fuel, Volume 186, (2016), 176-189.
- [4] Dhahad H. A:, Ali S.A., Chaichan M. T., Combustion analysis and performance characteristics of compression ignition engines with diesel fuel supplemented with nano-TiO2 and nano-Al2O3, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 20 (2020), 100651.
- [5] Jian wei G., Qiong W, Zhao M., “Exhaust emissions of diesel engines with nano copper additives”, Applied Nanoscience (2020) 10:1045–1052.
- [6] Yogaraj D., Mohamed Iqbal S., Gokulakrishna R., and Meikandan M., “Performance test and emission characteristics of diesel engine with alternate fuel blends and nano additives, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021, VOL. 42, NO. 7, 725-729
- [7] Chen A. F., Adzmia M. A., Adam A.,, Othman M. F., Kamaruzzaman M. K., Mrwana A. G., Combustion characteristics, engine performances and emissions of a diesel engine using nanoparticle-diesel fuel blends with aluminium oxide, carbon nanotubes and silicon oxide, Energy Conversion and Management 171 (2018) 461–477
- [8] Channappagoudra M., Influence of the aluminium oxide (Al2O3) nanoparticle additive with biodiesel on the modified diesel engine performance, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021, VOL. 42, NO. 15, 1776–1784
- [9] Aalam C.S., Saravanan C.G., Anand B.P. Impact of high fuel injection pressure on the characteristics of CRDIdiesel engine powered by mahua methyl ester blend, Applied Thermal Engineering 106 (2016) 702–711.
- [10] Rathinam S., Sajin J B, Subbiah G., Rajeev A., Prakash S., Christopherselvam D., Assessment of the emission characteristics of the diesel engine with nano-particle in neem biodiesel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utılızatıon, And Envıronmental Effects, 2020, VOL. 42, NO. 21, 2623-2631
- [11] Devarajan, Y., B. Nagappan, and G. Subbiah. 2019. A comprehensive study on emission and performance characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with nanoparticle-blended biodiesel. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26:10662–72.
- [12] Manigandan S., Sarweswaran R., Devi P. B., Sohret Y., Kondratiev A., Venkatesh S., Vimal R. M., Joshua J.J., Comparative study of nanoadditives TiO2, CNT, Al2O3, CuO and CeO2 on reduction of diesel engine emission operating on hydrogen fuel blends, Fuel 262 (2020) 116336
- [13] Yuvarajan D., Babu M.D., Kumar N.B., Kishore P. A., Experimental investigation on the influence of titanium dioxide nanofluid on emission pattern of biodiesel in a diesel engine, Atmospheric Pollution Research 9 (2018) 47-52.
- [14] Sadhik Basha J., and AnandR. B., The influence of nano additive blended biodiesel fuels on the working characteristics of a diesel engine, J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:257–264.
- [15] Gumus S., Ozcan H., Ozbey M., Topaloglu B., Aluminum oxide and copper oxide nanodiesel fuel properties and usage in a compression ignition engine”, Fuel, (163), 2016, 80-87
- [16] Gupta, H. N., Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1992.