A Review on Encryption Methods and RSA Algorithm
Yıl 2019,
, 284 - 291, 31.10.2019
Ayşe Beşkirli
Durmuş Özdemir
Mehmet Beşkirli
Nowadays, with the development of information technologies, the importance of encryption for communication and information security is gradually increasing. Especially internet technology has been developed and many encryption algorithms have been used to provide data security. Encryption algorithms are examined under two headings as symmetric and asymmetric. In this study, the general properties of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms are given and the effect of the RSA algorithm on the encryption methods is analyzed by examining the RSA algorithm which is one of the asymmetric encryption algorithms in the literature. The structure, general properties, advantages and disadvantages of the RSA algorithm are given.
- Akben, S. B., & Subaşı, A. (2005). RSA ve eliptik eğri algoritmasının performans karşılaştırması. KSÜ Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 8(1), 35-40.
- Ayele, A. A., & Sreenivasarao, V. (2013). A modified RSA encryption technique based on multiple public keys. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 1(4), 859-864.
- Çavuşoğlu, Ü., Akgül, A., Zengin, A., & Pehlivan, I. (2017). The design and implementation of hybrid RSA algorithm using a novel chaos based RNG. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 104, 655-667.
- Diffie, W., & Hellman, M. (1976). New directions in cryptography. IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 22(6), 644-654.
- Dubey, A. K., Dubey, A. K., Namdev, M., & Shrivastava, S. S. (2012). Cloud-user security based on RSA and MD5 algorithm for resource attestation and sharing in java environment. Paper presented at the Software Engineering (CONSEG), 2012 CSI Sixth International Conference on.
- El Makkaoui, K., Beni-Hssaneb, A., Ezzatia, A., & El-Ansarib, A. (2017). Fast Cloud-RSA Scheme for Promoting Data Confidentiality in the Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer Science, 113, 33-40.
- ElGamal, T. (1985). A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms. IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 31(4), 469-472.
- Erkan, H. (2010). ASELSAN Kriptografik Algoritma Tasarım Yetenekleri. Aselsan, 23(81), 26.
- Fındık, O. (2004). Şifrelemede kaotik sistemin kullanılması. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Jaiswal, R. J., Soni, R., & Mahale, P. (2014). Reformed RSA algorithm based on Prime Number. NCETIT-2014, 0975-8887.
- Koblitz, N. (1987). Elliptic curve cryptosystems. Mathematics of computation, 48(177), 203-209.
- Kodaz, H., & Botsali, F. M. (2010). Simetrik ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Teknik Dergisi, 9(1), 10-23.
- Lee, W.-b., & Chang, C.-C. (1998). Using RSA with low exponent in a public network. Computer Communications, 21(3), 284-286.
- Liu, Y., Tang, S., Liu, R., Zhang, L., & Ma, Z. (2018). Secure and robust digital image watermarking scheme using logistic and RSA encryption. Expert Systems with Applications, 97, 95-105.
- Okumuş, İ. (2012). RSA Kriptosisteminin hızını etkileyen faktörler / The factors affecting speed of the RSA cryptosystem. (Doktora Tezi), Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Palathingal, A. G., George, A., Thomas, B. A., & Paul, A. R. (2018). Enhanced Cloud Data Security using Combined Encryption and Steganography.
- Patidar, R., & Bhartiya, R. (2013). Modified RSA cryptosystem based on offline storage and prime number. Paper presented at the Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on.
- Rivest, R. L., Shamir, A., & Adleman, L. (1978). A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, 21(2), 120-126.
- Schneier, B. (1993). Description of a new variable-length key, 64-bit block cipher (Blowfish). Paper presented at the International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption.
- Shimizu, A., & Miyaguchi, S. (1987). Fast data encipherment algorithm FEAL. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Theory and Application of of Cryptographic Techniques.
- Somani, U., Lakhani, K., & Mundra, M. (2010). Implementing digital signature with RSA encryption algorithm to enhance the Data Security of cloud in Cloud Computing. Paper presented at the Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2010 1st International Conference on.
- Stergiou, C., Psannis, K. E., Kim, B.-G., & Gupta, B. (2018). Secure integration of IoT and cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78, 964-975.
- Subhashini, M., & Srivaramangai, P. (2018). A Study on Cloud Computing Securities and Algorithms.
- Taha, A. A., Elminaam, D. S. A., & Hosny, K. M. (2018). An Improved Security Schema For Mobile Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithms.
- Thangavel, M., Varalakshmi, P., Murrali, M., & Nithya, K. (2015). An Enhanced and Secured RSA Key Generation Scheme (ESRKGS). journal of information security and applications, 20, 3-10.
- Yerlikaya, T. (2006). Yeni şifreleme algoritmalarının analizi. (Doktora Tezi), Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Yeşilbaş, E. (2016). Cebirsel Kriptoloji Yöntemleri ve Bazı Uygulamaları. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Zabotin, I., Glazkov, G., & Isaeva, V. (1989). Cryptographic protection for information processing systems. Government Standard of the USSR, GOST, 28147-28189.
Şifreleme Yöntemleri ve RSA Algoritması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Yıl 2019,
, 284 - 291, 31.10.2019
Ayşe Beşkirli
Durmuş Özdemir
Mehmet Beşkirli
Günümüzde, bilişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesiyle birlikte haberleşme ve
bilgi güvenliğinin sağlanması için şifrelemenin önemi giderek artmaktadır.
Özellikle internet teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte veri güvenliğinin
sağlanması için birçok şifreleme algoritmaları kullanılmaktadır. Şifreleme
algoritmaları simetrik ve asimetrik olmak üzere iki başlık altında
incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise simetrik ve asimetrik şifreleme
algoritmalarının genel özelliklerine yer vermekle birlikte literatürde önemli
bir yere sahip asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarından biri olan RSA algoritması
incelenerek RSA algoritmasının şifreleme yöntemleri üzerindeki etkisi analiz
edilmiştir. RSA algoritmasının yapısı, genel özellikleri, avantajı ve
dezavantajı hakkında bilgilere yer verilmiştir.
- Akben, S. B., & Subaşı, A. (2005). RSA ve eliptik eğri algoritmasının performans karşılaştırması. KSÜ Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 8(1), 35-40.
- Ayele, A. A., & Sreenivasarao, V. (2013). A modified RSA encryption technique based on multiple public keys. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 1(4), 859-864.
- Çavuşoğlu, Ü., Akgül, A., Zengin, A., & Pehlivan, I. (2017). The design and implementation of hybrid RSA algorithm using a novel chaos based RNG. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 104, 655-667.
- Diffie, W., & Hellman, M. (1976). New directions in cryptography. IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 22(6), 644-654.
- Dubey, A. K., Dubey, A. K., Namdev, M., & Shrivastava, S. S. (2012). Cloud-user security based on RSA and MD5 algorithm for resource attestation and sharing in java environment. Paper presented at the Software Engineering (CONSEG), 2012 CSI Sixth International Conference on.
- El Makkaoui, K., Beni-Hssaneb, A., Ezzatia, A., & El-Ansarib, A. (2017). Fast Cloud-RSA Scheme for Promoting Data Confidentiality in the Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer Science, 113, 33-40.
- ElGamal, T. (1985). A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms. IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 31(4), 469-472.
- Erkan, H. (2010). ASELSAN Kriptografik Algoritma Tasarım Yetenekleri. Aselsan, 23(81), 26.
- Fındık, O. (2004). Şifrelemede kaotik sistemin kullanılması. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Jaiswal, R. J., Soni, R., & Mahale, P. (2014). Reformed RSA algorithm based on Prime Number. NCETIT-2014, 0975-8887.
- Koblitz, N. (1987). Elliptic curve cryptosystems. Mathematics of computation, 48(177), 203-209.
- Kodaz, H., & Botsali, F. M. (2010). Simetrik ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Teknik Dergisi, 9(1), 10-23.
- Lee, W.-b., & Chang, C.-C. (1998). Using RSA with low exponent in a public network. Computer Communications, 21(3), 284-286.
- Liu, Y., Tang, S., Liu, R., Zhang, L., & Ma, Z. (2018). Secure and robust digital image watermarking scheme using logistic and RSA encryption. Expert Systems with Applications, 97, 95-105.
- Okumuş, İ. (2012). RSA Kriptosisteminin hızını etkileyen faktörler / The factors affecting speed of the RSA cryptosystem. (Doktora Tezi), Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Palathingal, A. G., George, A., Thomas, B. A., & Paul, A. R. (2018). Enhanced Cloud Data Security using Combined Encryption and Steganography.
- Patidar, R., & Bhartiya, R. (2013). Modified RSA cryptosystem based on offline storage and prime number. Paper presented at the Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on.
- Rivest, R. L., Shamir, A., & Adleman, L. (1978). A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, 21(2), 120-126.
- Schneier, B. (1993). Description of a new variable-length key, 64-bit block cipher (Blowfish). Paper presented at the International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption.
- Shimizu, A., & Miyaguchi, S. (1987). Fast data encipherment algorithm FEAL. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Theory and Application of of Cryptographic Techniques.
- Somani, U., Lakhani, K., & Mundra, M. (2010). Implementing digital signature with RSA encryption algorithm to enhance the Data Security of cloud in Cloud Computing. Paper presented at the Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2010 1st International Conference on.
- Stergiou, C., Psannis, K. E., Kim, B.-G., & Gupta, B. (2018). Secure integration of IoT and cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78, 964-975.
- Subhashini, M., & Srivaramangai, P. (2018). A Study on Cloud Computing Securities and Algorithms.
- Taha, A. A., Elminaam, D. S. A., & Hosny, K. M. (2018). An Improved Security Schema For Mobile Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithms.
- Thangavel, M., Varalakshmi, P., Murrali, M., & Nithya, K. (2015). An Enhanced and Secured RSA Key Generation Scheme (ESRKGS). journal of information security and applications, 20, 3-10.
- Yerlikaya, T. (2006). Yeni şifreleme algoritmalarının analizi. (Doktora Tezi), Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Yeşilbaş, E. (2016). Cebirsel Kriptoloji Yöntemleri ve Bazı Uygulamaları. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Zabotin, I., Glazkov, G., & Isaeva, V. (1989). Cryptographic protection for information processing systems. Government Standard of the USSR, GOST, 28147-28189.