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Tutumlu Bilgi Sistemleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2020, , 691 - 702, 31.08.2020


Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri (BİT) hayatımızın her alanında çeşitli sorunları çözmek için kullanılmaktadır. İnsanlar bir tür BİT bağımlısı haline geldikçe, tereddüt etmeden teknolojiye yatırım yapar hale de gelmiştir. Ancak, BİT herkes için göründüğü kadar kolay ulaşılabilir bir kaynak değildir. Ayrıca geçtiğimiz yüzyılın başlarından itibaren doğal kaynakların müsrifçe kullanılması nedeniyle Dünya’mız ciddi sürdürülebilirlik sorunları ile yüzleşmek durumunda kalmıştır. Günümüzde, tüketim trendlerinin sürdürülebilirlik lehine değiştirmek için ciddi bir çaba mevcuttur. BİT üretirken kullanılan kaynaklar düşünülecek olursa, bu alanda yatırım kararlarının zekice alınmasının ne kadar önemli olduğu anlaşılabilir. Bu çalışmada, tutumlu inovasyon yaklaşımının BİT projelerine nasıl uygulandığı ve tutumlu bilgi sistemlerinin (TBS) spesifik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tutumlu inovasyon, inovasyon tarihiyle karşılaştırıldığında yeni bir alan olduğundan, BİT yazınında tutumluluk kavram üzerine istatistiksel yöntemler uygulamak için yeterli sayıda çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle meta-sentez metodolojisi tercih edilmiştir. Meta-sentez metodolojisi, örnek olayları inceleyerek konu hakkında derinlemesine bilgi edinilmesini sağlamakta ve çalışmanın amacına mükemmel bir şekilde uymaktadır. BİT ve mühendislik alanlarındaki yüksek kaliteli makalelere erişim sağladığından veri kaynağı olarak Web of Science ve SCOPUS veritabanları kullanılmıştır. Veri tabanlarından elde edilen çalışmalar arasında on örnek olay çalışması kalite kriterlerini karşılamıştır. Bu örnek olay çalışmaları meta-sentez yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular, tutumlu BİT'in, BİT'den temel beklentileri karşılayabildiğini açıkça göstermektedir. Tutumlu yenilik yaklaşımını uygulayarak toplumun gelir düzeyi düşük kesimi için sosyal fayda sağlanması, kârlı iş modelleri geliştirilmesi, sürdürülebilirliğin desteklenmesi ve tasarruf edilmesi mümkündür.


  • Agarwal, N., ve Brem, A. (2017). The Frugal Innovation Case of Solar-powered Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) of Vortex Engineering in India. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 3(2), 115–126.
  • Alderete, M. V. (2017). Examining the ICT access effect on socioeconomic development: the moderating role of ICT use and skills. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), 42–58.
  • Altamirano, M. A., ve Beers, C. P. V. Van. (2017). Frugal Innovations in Technological and Institutional Infrastructure : Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Productivity , Public Service Provision and Inclusiveness. The European Journal of Development Research, 30(1), 84–107.
  • Atkins, S., Lewin, S., Smith, H., Engel, M., Fretheim, A., ve Volmink, J. (2008). Conducting a meta-ethnography of qualitative literature: Lessons learnt. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 8, 1–10.
  • Avgerou, C. (2003). The Link between ICT and Economic Growth in the Discourse of Development. Içinde Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization (ss. 373–386).
  • Avgerou, C. (2010). Discourses on ICT and Development. Discourses on ICT and Development, 6(3), 1–18.
  • Basu, R., Banerjee, P., ve Sweeny, E. (2013). Frugal Innovation: Core Competencies to Address Global Sustainability. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 1(2), 63–82.
  • Bills, T., Bryant, R., ve Bryant, A. W. (2014). Towards a frugal framework for monitoring road quality. Içinde 2014 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2014 (ss. 3022–3027). Qingdao. China: IEEE.
  • Brody, C., de Hoop, T., Vojtkova, M., Warnock, R., Dunbar, M., Murthy, P., ve Dworkin, S. L. (2017). Can self-help group programs improve women’s empowerment? A systematic review. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(1), 15–40.
  • Christensen, C. M., Raynor, M. E., Rory, M., ve McDonald, R. (2015). What is disruptive innovation. Harvard Business Review, 93(12), 44–53. Cortés, E. A., ve Navarro, J. L. A. (2011). Do ICT Influence Economic Growth and Human Development in European Union Countries? International Advances in Economic Research, 17(1), 28–44.
  • Donate - Ushahidi. (y.y.). 27 Ocak 2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Eraslan, H., Bulu, M., ve Bakan, İ. (2008). Kümelenmeler ve novasyona Etkisi : Türk Turizm Sektöründe Uygulamalar. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 5(3), 15–29.
  • Gaur, L., ve Sahdev, S. L. (2015). Frugal innovation in India: The case of Tata Nano. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(7), 17411–17420.
  • Günay, D., ve Çalık, A. (2019). İnovasyon , İcat , Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları Üzerine. Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 1–11.
  • Huang, M. H., ve Rust, R. T. (2011). Sustainability and consumption. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 40–54.
  • Irawan, T. (2014). ICT and economic development: Comparing ASEAN member states. International Economics and Economic Policy, 11(1–2), 97–114.
  • Islam, M. S., ve Grönlund, Å. (2010). An agricultural market information service (AMIS) in Bangladesh: Evaluating a mobile phone based e-service in a rural context. Information Development, 26(4), 289–302.
  • Junglas, I., ve Watson, R. T. (2006). The U-Constructs: Four Information Drives. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17, 569–592.
  • Khubisa, F. M. (2017). Developing A Frugal Information System to Support Very Small Enterprise Business Transaction.
  • KilimoSalama. (2015). Fact sheet: Kilimo Salama. 30.01.2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Kiraz, A., Canpolat, O., Erkan, E. F., ve Albayrak, F. (2018). İki Aşamalı Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Ar-Ge Projelerinin Değerlendirilmesi. European Journal of Science and Technology, (14), 49–53.
  • Klarin, A. (2019). Mapping product and service innovation: A bibliometric analysis and a typology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 149 (Mayıs).
  • Kleczka, B., Musiega, A., Rabut, G., Wekesa, P., Mwaniki, P., Marx, M., ve Kumar, P. (2018). Rubber stamp templates for improving clinical documentation: A paper-based, m-Health approach for quality improvement in low-resource settings. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 121–129.
  • Kohler, T., ve Chesbrough, H. (2019). From collaborative community to competitive market: the quest to build a crowdsourcing platform for social innovation. RveD Management, 49(3), 356–368.
  • Lazazzara, A., Tims, M., ve de Gennaro, D. (2019). The process of reinventing a job: A meta–synthesis of qualitative job crafting research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, (January), 103267.
  • Link, G. J. P., Kowal, J., ve Qureshi, S. (2020). Open Source in Development: Enabling Business and Services. Information Systems Management, 37(1), 52–74.
  • Malodia, S., Gupta, S., ve Jaiswal, A. K. (2019). Reverse innovation: a conceptual framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1–21.
  • Martínez León, H. C., ve Calvo-Amodio, J. (2017). Towards lean for sustainability: Understanding the interrelationships between lean and sustainability from a systems thinking perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 4384–4402.
  • Munir, H., Linåker, J., Wnuk, K., Runeson, P., ve Regnell, B. (2018). Open innovation using open source tools: a case study at Sony Mobile. Empirical Software Engineering, 23(1), 186–223.
  • Nari Kahle, H., Dubiel, A., Ernst, H., ve Prabhu, J. (2013). The democratizing effects of frugal innovation: Implications for inclusive growth and state-building. Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(4), 220–234.
  • Neinstein, A., Wong, J., Look, H., Arbiter, B., Quirk, K., McCanne, S., … Adi, S. (2016). A case study in open source innovation: Developing the Tidepool Platform for interoperability in type 1 diabetes management. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(2), 324–332.
  • Nielsen, P. (2017). Digital Innovation: A Research Agenda for Information Systems Research in Developing Countries. Içinde IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (ss. 269–279).
  • Noblit, G. W., ve Hare, R. D. (2008). Meta-ethnography: Synthesizing qualitative studies. SAGE Publications. Ojha, A. K. (2014). MNCs in India: Focus on frugal innovation. Journal of Indian Business Research, 6(1), 4–28.
  • Oralhan, B., ve Büyüktürk, M. A. (2019). Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri Ve Türkiye’nin İnovasyon Performansının Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleriyle Kıyaslanması. European Journal of Science and Technology, Ağustos(16), 471–484.
  • Oya, C., Schaefer, F., ve Skalidou, D. (2018). The effectiveness of agricultural certification in developing countries: A systematic review. World Development, 112, 282–312.
  • Özdemir Güngör, D., ve Gözlü, S. (2012). Influencing factors of innovation for Turkish companies. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 4(4), 374–386.
  • Özgören-Kınlı, İ. (2018). Elitlerin Gösterişçi Tüketimi ve ELias ’ ın Saray Toplumu, 1023–1038.
  • Rahimi, B., Vimarlund, V., ve Timpka, T. (2009). Health information system implementation: A qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Systems, 33(5), 359–368.
  • Rao, B. C. (2013). How disruptive is frugal? Technology in Society, 35(1), 65–73.
  • Ryder, B. (2010). First break all the rules. The Economist, 395(8678), 1–11.
  • Sahay, S., Faujdar, D., Nielsen, P., Kumar, R., ve Mukherjee, A. (2018). Frugal digital innovation and living labs: A case study of innovation in public health in India. International Conference on Information Systems 2018, ICIS 2018, (Eylül).
  • Sakurai, M., Watson, R. T., Abraham, C., ve Kokuryo, J. (2014). Sustaining life during the early stages of disaster relief with a frugal information system: Learning from the great east Japan earthquake. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(1), 176–185.
  • Satish Nambisan, Kalle Lyytinen, Ann Majchrzak, M. S. (2017). Digital Innovation Management : Reinventing Innovation Management Research MIS Quarterly, 41(1), 223–238.
  • Shao, W., Grace, D., ve Ross, M. (2019). Investigating brand visibility in luxury consumption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49(April), 357–370.
  • Smith, R. (1987). The roots of innovation. Research Policy, 295, 1335–1338.
  • Soni, P., ve Krishnan, R. T. (2014). Frugal innovation: Aligning theory, practice, and public policy. Journal of Indian Business Research, 6(1), 29–47.
  • Sun, Y., Cao, H., Tan, B., ve Shang, R. (2016). Developing Frugal IS Innovations : Applied insights from Weqia . com. International Journal of Information Management, 36(6), 1260–1264.
  • Suthar, A. B., Khalifa, A., Yin, S., Wenz, K., Fat, D. M., Mills, S. L., … Mrkic, S. (2019). Evaluation of approaches to strengthen civil registration and vital statistics systems: A systematic review and synthesis of policies in 25 countries. PLoS Medicine, 16(9), 1–21.
  • Volpi, M. (2019). How open-source software took. 20 Şubat 2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Walsham, G. (2017). ICT4D research: reflections on history and future agenda. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), 18–41. Watson, R. T., Kunene, K. N., ve Islam, M. S. (2013). Frugal information systems (IS). Information Technology for Development, 19(2), 176–187.
  • (2009). Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn : ‘ Now Is the Time for the Electric Car ’. 27 Aralık 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • White, K., Habib, R., ve Hardisty, D. J. (2019). How to SHIFT consumer behaviors to be more sustainable: A literature review and guiding framework. Journal of Marketing, 83(3), 22–49.
  • Winter, A., ve Govindarajan, V. (2015). Engineering reverse innovations. Harvard Business Review, (July-August).
  • Zeschky, M. B., Winterhalter, S., ve Gassmann, O. (2014). From cost to frugal and reverse innovation: Mapping the field and implications for global competitiveness. Research Technology Management, 57(4), 20–27.
  • Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., ve Gassmann, O. (2011). Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets. Research-Technology Management, 54(4), 38–45.
  • Zhang, X. (2018). Frugal innovation and the digital divide: Developing an extended model of the diffusion of innovations. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2(2), 53–64.

A Study on Frugal Information Systems

Yıl 2020, , 691 - 702, 31.08.2020


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are used in every aspect of our lives in order to solve various problems. As people have become a kind of addicted to ICT, they invest in technology without hesitation. Yet, ICT is not a resource that is as easily available as it seems for everyone. Moreover, since the beginning of the last century, natural resources have been consumed so extravagantly that our world faces serious sustainability issues. Currently, there is a serious effort to shift consumption trends in favor of sustainability. Considering the resources used during ICT production, it can be understood how important it is to make investment decisions wisely. In this paper, it is aimed to understand how the frugal innovation approach is applied to ICT projects, and what specific characteristics frugal information systems have. As frugal innovation itself is a new area when compared to the history of innovation, there are not enough studies on the frugality concept in ICT literature to apply statistical methods. Therefore, meta-synthesis methodology is preferred. Meta-synthesis methodology helps to get in-depth insights into the subject by studying cases, and it perfectly fits the aim of the study. Web of Science and SCOPUS databases are used as these databases provide access to high-quality papers in the ICT and engineering areas. Among the papers from the databases, and ten case studies meet the quality criteria. The cases studies are investigated by applying meta-analysis methodology. Findings clearly show that frugal ICT can satisfy basic expectations from ICT. By applying the frugal innovation approach, it is possible to provide social benefit for economically disadvantageous groups in society, develop profitable business models, support sustainability and save money.


  • Agarwal, N., ve Brem, A. (2017). The Frugal Innovation Case of Solar-powered Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) of Vortex Engineering in India. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 3(2), 115–126.
  • Alderete, M. V. (2017). Examining the ICT access effect on socioeconomic development: the moderating role of ICT use and skills. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), 42–58.
  • Altamirano, M. A., ve Beers, C. P. V. Van. (2017). Frugal Innovations in Technological and Institutional Infrastructure : Impact of Mobile Phone Technology on Productivity , Public Service Provision and Inclusiveness. The European Journal of Development Research, 30(1), 84–107.
  • Atkins, S., Lewin, S., Smith, H., Engel, M., Fretheim, A., ve Volmink, J. (2008). Conducting a meta-ethnography of qualitative literature: Lessons learnt. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 8, 1–10.
  • Avgerou, C. (2003). The Link between ICT and Economic Growth in the Discourse of Development. Içinde Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization (ss. 373–386).
  • Avgerou, C. (2010). Discourses on ICT and Development. Discourses on ICT and Development, 6(3), 1–18.
  • Basu, R., Banerjee, P., ve Sweeny, E. (2013). Frugal Innovation: Core Competencies to Address Global Sustainability. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 1(2), 63–82.
  • Bills, T., Bryant, R., ve Bryant, A. W. (2014). Towards a frugal framework for monitoring road quality. Içinde 2014 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2014 (ss. 3022–3027). Qingdao. China: IEEE.
  • Brody, C., de Hoop, T., Vojtkova, M., Warnock, R., Dunbar, M., Murthy, P., ve Dworkin, S. L. (2017). Can self-help group programs improve women’s empowerment? A systematic review. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(1), 15–40.
  • Christensen, C. M., Raynor, M. E., Rory, M., ve McDonald, R. (2015). What is disruptive innovation. Harvard Business Review, 93(12), 44–53. Cortés, E. A., ve Navarro, J. L. A. (2011). Do ICT Influence Economic Growth and Human Development in European Union Countries? International Advances in Economic Research, 17(1), 28–44.
  • Donate - Ushahidi. (y.y.). 27 Ocak 2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Eraslan, H., Bulu, M., ve Bakan, İ. (2008). Kümelenmeler ve novasyona Etkisi : Türk Turizm Sektöründe Uygulamalar. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 5(3), 15–29.
  • Gaur, L., ve Sahdev, S. L. (2015). Frugal innovation in India: The case of Tata Nano. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(7), 17411–17420.
  • Günay, D., ve Çalık, A. (2019). İnovasyon , İcat , Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları Üzerine. Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 1–11.
  • Huang, M. H., ve Rust, R. T. (2011). Sustainability and consumption. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 40–54.
  • Irawan, T. (2014). ICT and economic development: Comparing ASEAN member states. International Economics and Economic Policy, 11(1–2), 97–114.
  • Islam, M. S., ve Grönlund, Å. (2010). An agricultural market information service (AMIS) in Bangladesh: Evaluating a mobile phone based e-service in a rural context. Information Development, 26(4), 289–302.
  • Junglas, I., ve Watson, R. T. (2006). The U-Constructs: Four Information Drives. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17, 569–592.
  • Khubisa, F. M. (2017). Developing A Frugal Information System to Support Very Small Enterprise Business Transaction.
  • KilimoSalama. (2015). Fact sheet: Kilimo Salama. 30.01.2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Kiraz, A., Canpolat, O., Erkan, E. F., ve Albayrak, F. (2018). İki Aşamalı Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Ar-Ge Projelerinin Değerlendirilmesi. European Journal of Science and Technology, (14), 49–53.
  • Klarin, A. (2019). Mapping product and service innovation: A bibliometric analysis and a typology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 149 (Mayıs).
  • Kleczka, B., Musiega, A., Rabut, G., Wekesa, P., Mwaniki, P., Marx, M., ve Kumar, P. (2018). Rubber stamp templates for improving clinical documentation: A paper-based, m-Health approach for quality improvement in low-resource settings. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 121–129.
  • Kohler, T., ve Chesbrough, H. (2019). From collaborative community to competitive market: the quest to build a crowdsourcing platform for social innovation. RveD Management, 49(3), 356–368.
  • Lazazzara, A., Tims, M., ve de Gennaro, D. (2019). The process of reinventing a job: A meta–synthesis of qualitative job crafting research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, (January), 103267.
  • Link, G. J. P., Kowal, J., ve Qureshi, S. (2020). Open Source in Development: Enabling Business and Services. Information Systems Management, 37(1), 52–74.
  • Malodia, S., Gupta, S., ve Jaiswal, A. K. (2019). Reverse innovation: a conceptual framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1–21.
  • Martínez León, H. C., ve Calvo-Amodio, J. (2017). Towards lean for sustainability: Understanding the interrelationships between lean and sustainability from a systems thinking perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 4384–4402.
  • Munir, H., Linåker, J., Wnuk, K., Runeson, P., ve Regnell, B. (2018). Open innovation using open source tools: a case study at Sony Mobile. Empirical Software Engineering, 23(1), 186–223.
  • Nari Kahle, H., Dubiel, A., Ernst, H., ve Prabhu, J. (2013). The democratizing effects of frugal innovation: Implications for inclusive growth and state-building. Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(4), 220–234.
  • Neinstein, A., Wong, J., Look, H., Arbiter, B., Quirk, K., McCanne, S., … Adi, S. (2016). A case study in open source innovation: Developing the Tidepool Platform for interoperability in type 1 diabetes management. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(2), 324–332.
  • Nielsen, P. (2017). Digital Innovation: A Research Agenda for Information Systems Research in Developing Countries. Içinde IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (ss. 269–279).
  • Noblit, G. W., ve Hare, R. D. (2008). Meta-ethnography: Synthesizing qualitative studies. SAGE Publications. Ojha, A. K. (2014). MNCs in India: Focus on frugal innovation. Journal of Indian Business Research, 6(1), 4–28.
  • Oralhan, B., ve Büyüktürk, M. A. (2019). Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri Ve Türkiye’nin İnovasyon Performansının Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleriyle Kıyaslanması. European Journal of Science and Technology, Ağustos(16), 471–484.
  • Oya, C., Schaefer, F., ve Skalidou, D. (2018). The effectiveness of agricultural certification in developing countries: A systematic review. World Development, 112, 282–312.
  • Özdemir Güngör, D., ve Gözlü, S. (2012). Influencing factors of innovation for Turkish companies. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 4(4), 374–386.
  • Özgören-Kınlı, İ. (2018). Elitlerin Gösterişçi Tüketimi ve ELias ’ ın Saray Toplumu, 1023–1038.
  • Rahimi, B., Vimarlund, V., ve Timpka, T. (2009). Health information system implementation: A qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Systems, 33(5), 359–368.
  • Rao, B. C. (2013). How disruptive is frugal? Technology in Society, 35(1), 65–73.
  • Ryder, B. (2010). First break all the rules. The Economist, 395(8678), 1–11.
  • Sahay, S., Faujdar, D., Nielsen, P., Kumar, R., ve Mukherjee, A. (2018). Frugal digital innovation and living labs: A case study of innovation in public health in India. International Conference on Information Systems 2018, ICIS 2018, (Eylül).
  • Sakurai, M., Watson, R. T., Abraham, C., ve Kokuryo, J. (2014). Sustaining life during the early stages of disaster relief with a frugal information system: Learning from the great east Japan earthquake. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(1), 176–185.
  • Satish Nambisan, Kalle Lyytinen, Ann Majchrzak, M. S. (2017). Digital Innovation Management : Reinventing Innovation Management Research MIS Quarterly, 41(1), 223–238.
  • Shao, W., Grace, D., ve Ross, M. (2019). Investigating brand visibility in luxury consumption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49(April), 357–370.
  • Smith, R. (1987). The roots of innovation. Research Policy, 295, 1335–1338.
  • Soni, P., ve Krishnan, R. T. (2014). Frugal innovation: Aligning theory, practice, and public policy. Journal of Indian Business Research, 6(1), 29–47.
  • Sun, Y., Cao, H., Tan, B., ve Shang, R. (2016). Developing Frugal IS Innovations : Applied insights from Weqia . com. International Journal of Information Management, 36(6), 1260–1264.
  • Suthar, A. B., Khalifa, A., Yin, S., Wenz, K., Fat, D. M., Mills, S. L., … Mrkic, S. (2019). Evaluation of approaches to strengthen civil registration and vital statistics systems: A systematic review and synthesis of policies in 25 countries. PLoS Medicine, 16(9), 1–21.
  • Volpi, M. (2019). How open-source software took. 20 Şubat 2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Walsham, G. (2017). ICT4D research: reflections on history and future agenda. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), 18–41. Watson, R. T., Kunene, K. N., ve Islam, M. S. (2013). Frugal information systems (IS). Information Technology for Development, 19(2), 176–187.
  • (2009). Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn : ‘ Now Is the Time for the Electric Car ’. 27 Aralık 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • White, K., Habib, R., ve Hardisty, D. J. (2019). How to SHIFT consumer behaviors to be more sustainable: A literature review and guiding framework. Journal of Marketing, 83(3), 22–49.
  • Winter, A., ve Govindarajan, V. (2015). Engineering reverse innovations. Harvard Business Review, (July-August).
  • Zeschky, M. B., Winterhalter, S., ve Gassmann, O. (2014). From cost to frugal and reverse innovation: Mapping the field and implications for global competitiveness. Research Technology Management, 57(4), 20–27.
  • Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., ve Gassmann, O. (2011). Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets. Research-Technology Management, 54(4), 38–45.
  • Zhang, X. (2018). Frugal innovation and the digital divide: Developing an extended model of the diffusion of innovations. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2(2), 53–64.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Özdemir Güngör 0000-0003-1661-3226

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir Güngör, D. (2020). Tutumlu Bilgi Sistemleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(19), 691-702.