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The Mediation Role of Environmental Performance in the Effects of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Business Performance

Yıl 2020, , 606 - 613, 31.08.2020


Natural environment practices attract attention in today’s increasing competitive environment, and they are widely approved in practice. These practices have gained importance in customer and consumer dimension and accordingly the competition has evolved in this direction. One of the enviromental issue that has become current with the addition of “green” practices to supply chains is green supply chain management (GSCM). GSCM has been studied and examined in various ways with various studies. In this context, the question of the present research was formed as “whether environmental performance (EP) has a mediation role in the effect of GSCM practices on business performance (BP)”. Accordingly, the purpose of the present research is defining the relationships between GSCM practices, EP and BP of business that operate in the automotive industry in Konya province. In accordance with this purpose, a questionnaire was implemented on the businesses operating in automotive industry selected through simple random sampling, and the hypotheses were tested. According to the results of the analyses, there are statistically significant and positive relationships between GSCM practices, EP and BP. Additionally, GSCM practices have a positive and significant effects on BP and EP, and EP has a positive and significant effect on BP. Finally, EP has a partial mediation role in the effects of GSCM practices on BP.


  • Abdallah, A. B. & Al-Ghwayeen, W. S. (2019). Green supply chain management and business performance. Business Process Management Journal, 26(2), 489-512.
  • Ageron, B., Gunasekaran, A. & Spalanzani, A. (2012). Sustainable supply management: An empirical study. International journal of production economics, 140(1), 168-182.
  • Alkunsol, W. H., Sharabati, A. A. A., AlSalhi, N. A. & El-Tamimi, H. S. (2019). Lean Six Sigma effect on Jordanian pharmaceutical industry’s performance. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(1), 23-43.
  • Al-Tuwaijri, S. A., Christensen, T. E. & Hughes Ii, K. E. (2004). The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance, and economic performance: a simultaneous equations approach. Accounting, organizations and society, 29(5-6), 447-471.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
  • Bowen, F.E., Cousins, P.D., Lamming, R.C. & Farukt, A.C. (2001). The role of supply management capabilities in green supply. Production and Operations Management, 10(2), 174-189.
  • Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S., Yıldırım, E. & Altunışık, R. (2015). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: SPSS Uygulamalı, Sakarya Yayıncılık.
  • Darnall, N., Jolley, G. J. & Handfield, R. (2008). Environmental management systems and green supply chain management: complements for sustainability?. Business strategy and the environment, 17(1), 30-45.
  • De Giovanni, P. & Vinzi, V. E. (2012). Covariance versus component-based estimations of performance in green supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), 907-916.
  • de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., de Oliveira Frascareli, F. C. & Jabbour, C. J. C. (2015). Green supply chain management and firms’ performance: Understanding potential relationships and the role of green sourcing and some other green practices. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 366-374.
  • Dheeraj, N. & Vishal, N. (2012). An overview of green supply chain management in India. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(6), 77-82.
  • Eltayeb, T.K., Zailani, S. & Ramayah, T. (2011). Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: investigating the outcomes. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(5), 495-506.
  • Geffen, C.A. & Rothenberg, S. (2000). Suppliers and environmental innovation: the automotive paint process, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(2), 166-86.
  • Golicic, S. L. & Smith, C. D. (2013). A meta-analysis of environmentally sustainable supply chain management practices and firm performance, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49(2), 78-95.
  • Green, K. W., Inman, R. A., Sower, V. E. & Zelbst, P. J. (2019). Impact of JIT, TQM and green supply chain practices on environmental sustainability. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 26-47.
  • Green, K. W., Zelbst, P. J., Meacham, J. & Bhadauria, V. S. (2012). Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(3), 290–305.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Gözden Geçirilmiş Güncellenmiş 5. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hervani, A. A., Helms, M. M. & Sarkis, J. (2005). Performance measurement for green supply chain management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 12(4), 330-353.
  • Hsu, C. C., Tan, K. C., Zailani, S. H. M. & Jayaraman, V. (2013). Supply chain drivers that foster the development of green initiatives in an emerging economy. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(6), 656-688.
  • Hsu, C. W. & Hu, A. H. (2008). Green supply chain management in the electronic industry. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 5(2), 205-216.
  • Kim, J. H., Youn, S. & Roh, J. J. (2011). Green supply chain management orientation and firm performance: evidence from South Korea. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 8(3), 283-304.
  • Klassen, R. D. & McLaughlin, C. P. (1996). The impact of environmental management on firm performance. Management Science, 42(8), 1199-1214.
  • Laosirihongthong, T., Adebanjo, D. & Keah, C.T. (2013). Green supply chain management practices and performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113(8), 1088-1109. Lin, R. J. (2013). Using fuzzy DEMATEL to evaluate the green supply chain management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40, 32-39.
  • Liu, Y., Zhu, Q., & Seuring, S. (2017). Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: The moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity. International Journal of Production Economics, 187, 182-195.
  • Luthra, S., Garg, D. & Haleem, A. (2014). Green supply chain management. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 11(1), 20-46.
  • Meng, X. (2013). Scalable simple random sampling and stratified sampling. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 531-539.
  • Mollenkopf, D., Stolze, H., Tate, W. L. & Ueltschy, M. (2010). Green, lean, and global supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(1-2), 14-41.
  • Perotti, S., Zorzini, M., Cagno, E. & Micheli, G.J. (2012). Green supply chain practices and company performance: the case of 3PLs in Italy. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(7), 640-672.
  • Sekaran, U. (2003). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach. (J. Marshall, & P. M. Fadden, Dü) New York: Fourth Edition.
  • Sharma, S. & Gandhi, M. A. (2016). Exploring correlations in components of green supply chain practices and green supply chain performance. Competitiveness Review, 26(3), 332-368.
  • Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Green supply-chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(1), 53-80.
  • Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F. & Cagnazzo, L. (2010). Performance measurement and management: a literature review and a research agenda. Measuring Business Excellence, 14(1), 4-18.
  • Testa, F. & Iraldo, F. (2010). Shadows and lights of GSCM (Green Supply Chain Management): Determinants and effects of these practices based on a multinational study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(10-11), 953-962.
  • Vickery, S.K., Jayaram, J., Droge, C. & Calantone, R. (2003). The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships. Journal of Operations Management, 21(5), 523-539.
  • Walls, J. L., Phan, P. H. & Berrone, P. (2011). Measuring environmental strategy: Construct development, reliability, and validity. Business & Society, 50(1), 71-115.
  • Zhu, Q. & Sarkis, J. (2004). Relationships Between Operational Practices and Performance among Early Adopters of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises. Journal of Operations Management, 22(3), 265-289.
  • Zhu, Q. & Sarkis, J. (2007). The moderating effects of institutional pressures on emergent green supply chain practices and performance. International Journal of Production Research, 45(18-19), 4333-4355.
  • Zhu, Q., Geng, Y., Fujita, T. & Hashimoto, S. (2010). Green supply chain management in leading manufacturers Case studies in Japanese large companies, Management Research Review, 33(4), 380-392.
  • Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. & Geng, Y. (2005). Green supply chain management in China: pressures, practices and performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(5), 449-468.
  • Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. & Lai, K. H. (2008). Confirmation of a measurement model for green supply chain management practices implementation. International Journal of Production Economics, 111(2), 261-273.
  • Zsidisin, G. A. & Siferd, S. P. (2001). Environmental purchasing: a framework for theory development. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 7(1), 61-73.

Yeşil Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Uygulamalarının İşletme Performansı Üzerine Etkisinde Çevresel Performansın Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2020, , 606 - 613, 31.08.2020


Günümüz artan rekabet ortamında doğal çevre faaliyetleri dikkat çekmekte ve uygulamada geniş ölçekte kabul görmektedir. Müşteri ve tüketici boyutunda bu faaliyetlerin önem kazanması ile birlikte rekabet bu yönde evrilmiştir. Çevre ile ilişkili konulardan biri ise tedarik zincirlerine “yeşil” uygulamaların eklenmesi ile birlikte gündeme gelen yeşil tedarik zinciri yönetimidir. Yeşil tedarik zinciri yönetimi, çeşitli çalışmalara konu olmuş ve çeşitli şekillerde irdelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda bu araştırmanın sorunsalı “yeşil tedarik zinciri uygulamalarının işletme performansı üzerindeki etkisinde çevresel performansın aracılık rolü olup olmadığı” şeklinde tasarlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda araştırmanın amacı, Konya ili otomotiv sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin yeşil tedarik zinciri uygulamaları, çevresel performans ve işletme performansı arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, otomotiv sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelere basit tesadüfi örnekleme yolu ile anket uygulaması yürütülmüş olup kurulan hipotezlerin doğruluğu test edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuçlarına göre; yeşil tedarik zinciri uygulamaları, çevresel performans ve işletme performansı arasında pozitif yönlü ve istatistiksel bakımdan anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yeşil tedarik zinciri uygulamalarının işletme performansı ve çevresel performans üzerinde; çevresel performansın ise işletme performansı üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca çalışma kapsamında, tedarik zinciri yönetimi uygulamalarının işletme performansı üzerindeki etkisinde çevresel performansın kısmi aracılık rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Abdallah, A. B. & Al-Ghwayeen, W. S. (2019). Green supply chain management and business performance. Business Process Management Journal, 26(2), 489-512.
  • Ageron, B., Gunasekaran, A. & Spalanzani, A. (2012). Sustainable supply management: An empirical study. International journal of production economics, 140(1), 168-182.
  • Alkunsol, W. H., Sharabati, A. A. A., AlSalhi, N. A. & El-Tamimi, H. S. (2019). Lean Six Sigma effect on Jordanian pharmaceutical industry’s performance. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(1), 23-43.
  • Al-Tuwaijri, S. A., Christensen, T. E. & Hughes Ii, K. E. (2004). The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance, and economic performance: a simultaneous equations approach. Accounting, organizations and society, 29(5-6), 447-471.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
  • Bowen, F.E., Cousins, P.D., Lamming, R.C. & Farukt, A.C. (2001). The role of supply management capabilities in green supply. Production and Operations Management, 10(2), 174-189.
  • Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S., Yıldırım, E. & Altunışık, R. (2015). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: SPSS Uygulamalı, Sakarya Yayıncılık.
  • Darnall, N., Jolley, G. J. & Handfield, R. (2008). Environmental management systems and green supply chain management: complements for sustainability?. Business strategy and the environment, 17(1), 30-45.
  • De Giovanni, P. & Vinzi, V. E. (2012). Covariance versus component-based estimations of performance in green supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), 907-916.
  • de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., de Oliveira Frascareli, F. C. & Jabbour, C. J. C. (2015). Green supply chain management and firms’ performance: Understanding potential relationships and the role of green sourcing and some other green practices. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 366-374.
  • Dheeraj, N. & Vishal, N. (2012). An overview of green supply chain management in India. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(6), 77-82.
  • Eltayeb, T.K., Zailani, S. & Ramayah, T. (2011). Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: investigating the outcomes. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(5), 495-506.
  • Geffen, C.A. & Rothenberg, S. (2000). Suppliers and environmental innovation: the automotive paint process, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(2), 166-86.
  • Golicic, S. L. & Smith, C. D. (2013). A meta-analysis of environmentally sustainable supply chain management practices and firm performance, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49(2), 78-95.
  • Green, K. W., Inman, R. A., Sower, V. E. & Zelbst, P. J. (2019). Impact of JIT, TQM and green supply chain practices on environmental sustainability. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 26-47.
  • Green, K. W., Zelbst, P. J., Meacham, J. & Bhadauria, V. S. (2012). Green supply chain management practices: impact on performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(3), 290–305.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Gözden Geçirilmiş Güncellenmiş 5. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hervani, A. A., Helms, M. M. & Sarkis, J. (2005). Performance measurement for green supply chain management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 12(4), 330-353.
  • Hsu, C. C., Tan, K. C., Zailani, S. H. M. & Jayaraman, V. (2013). Supply chain drivers that foster the development of green initiatives in an emerging economy. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(6), 656-688.
  • Hsu, C. W. & Hu, A. H. (2008). Green supply chain management in the electronic industry. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 5(2), 205-216.
  • Kim, J. H., Youn, S. & Roh, J. J. (2011). Green supply chain management orientation and firm performance: evidence from South Korea. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 8(3), 283-304.
  • Klassen, R. D. & McLaughlin, C. P. (1996). The impact of environmental management on firm performance. Management Science, 42(8), 1199-1214.
  • Laosirihongthong, T., Adebanjo, D. & Keah, C.T. (2013). Green supply chain management practices and performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113(8), 1088-1109. Lin, R. J. (2013). Using fuzzy DEMATEL to evaluate the green supply chain management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 40, 32-39.
  • Liu, Y., Zhu, Q., & Seuring, S. (2017). Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: The moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity. International Journal of Production Economics, 187, 182-195.
  • Luthra, S., Garg, D. & Haleem, A. (2014). Green supply chain management. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 11(1), 20-46.
  • Meng, X. (2013). Scalable simple random sampling and stratified sampling. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 531-539.
  • Mollenkopf, D., Stolze, H., Tate, W. L. & Ueltschy, M. (2010). Green, lean, and global supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(1-2), 14-41.
  • Perotti, S., Zorzini, M., Cagno, E. & Micheli, G.J. (2012). Green supply chain practices and company performance: the case of 3PLs in Italy. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(7), 640-672.
  • Sekaran, U. (2003). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach. (J. Marshall, & P. M. Fadden, Dü) New York: Fourth Edition.
  • Sharma, S. & Gandhi, M. A. (2016). Exploring correlations in components of green supply chain practices and green supply chain performance. Competitiveness Review, 26(3), 332-368.
  • Srivastava, S. K. (2007). Green supply-chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(1), 53-80.
  • Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F. & Cagnazzo, L. (2010). Performance measurement and management: a literature review and a research agenda. Measuring Business Excellence, 14(1), 4-18.
  • Testa, F. & Iraldo, F. (2010). Shadows and lights of GSCM (Green Supply Chain Management): Determinants and effects of these practices based on a multinational study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(10-11), 953-962.
  • Vickery, S.K., Jayaram, J., Droge, C. & Calantone, R. (2003). The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships. Journal of Operations Management, 21(5), 523-539.
  • Walls, J. L., Phan, P. H. & Berrone, P. (2011). Measuring environmental strategy: Construct development, reliability, and validity. Business & Society, 50(1), 71-115.
  • Zhu, Q. & Sarkis, J. (2004). Relationships Between Operational Practices and Performance among Early Adopters of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises. Journal of Operations Management, 22(3), 265-289.
  • Zhu, Q. & Sarkis, J. (2007). The moderating effects of institutional pressures on emergent green supply chain practices and performance. International Journal of Production Research, 45(18-19), 4333-4355.
  • Zhu, Q., Geng, Y., Fujita, T. & Hashimoto, S. (2010). Green supply chain management in leading manufacturers Case studies in Japanese large companies, Management Research Review, 33(4), 380-392.
  • Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. & Geng, Y. (2005). Green supply chain management in China: pressures, practices and performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(5), 449-468.
  • Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. & Lai, K. H. (2008). Confirmation of a measurement model for green supply chain management practices implementation. International Journal of Production Economics, 111(2), 261-273.
  • Zsidisin, G. A. & Siferd, S. P. (2001). Environmental purchasing: a framework for theory development. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 7(1), 61-73.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Emel Gelmez 0000-0002-8774-607X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Gelmez, E. (2020). The Mediation Role of Environmental Performance in the Effects of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Business Performance. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(19), 606-613.