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COVID-19 Takip Uygulamaları: İnsan Odaklı Bir Analiz

Yıl 2021, , 861 - 867, 30.04.2021


2020 yılı, COVID-19'un hayatımızda bıraktığı izlerle her zaman hatırlanacaktır. Pandeminin tüm dünyada istenmeyen birçok etkisi olurken, en büyük yan etkilerinden biri Endüstri 4.0 çağıyla birlikte halihazırda devam eden dijital dönüşümün hızlanması olmuştur. Kullanıma hazır teknoloji ve kablosuz iletişim altyapıları, birçok ülkede sağlık otoritesi kuruluşları tarafından geliştirilen mobil temaslı takip uygulamalarını kullanarak hastalığın kontrol altına alınması için sayısız dijital teknolojinin önünü açmıştır. Özellikle Bluetooth tabanlı yakınlık takibi ve temaslı takip uygulamaları tarafından kullanılan merkezi izleme teknolojileri nedeniyle artan mahremiyet endişeleri, gizliliği koruyan yeni temaslı takip protokollerinin geliştirilmesine yol açmıştır. Bu yeni protokoller, vatandaşların mahremiyet kaygılarını bir dereceye kadar hafifletmiş olsa da, yaygın olarak benimsenmeleri hala gerçeklik olmaktan uzaktır. Bu çalışma, mevcut temaslı takip teknolojilerini, gizlilik etkilerine odaklanarak insan merkezli bir bakış açısından analiz etmektedir. Makalede 94 ülkenin temaslı takibi uygulama kullanım bilgilerinden oluşan kapsamlı veri setimizin detayları sunulmuş ve temaslı takip uygulamaları ile ilgili insanların duyguları üzerine yaptığımız çok uluslu anketin sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Anket sonuçları, gizlilik endişelerinin, bu uygulamaları kullanıp kullanmamaya karar verirken insanlar için hala önde gelen caydırıcı unsur olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla beraber, temaslı takibi için en etkin ve hızlı yöntemin yine insan hatalarından ve manuel prosedürlerden uzak dijital teknolojiler olacağı dünya genelinde kabul gören bir argümandır. Bu bağlamda tüm dünyada pandemiyle etkin mücadele için mutlaka gerekliyse bağımsız güvenilir üçüncü tarafların sistem mimarisinde yetkili rolünü üstlendiği, tamamen kullanıcı gizliliği üzerine dayalı, merkezi olmayan takip çözümlerinin geliştirilmesi politikası izlenmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Yaygın kullanımın önünü açmak için geliştirilecek sistemlerin sahip olması gereken önemli bir özellik de, kullanıcılara sistem tarafından unutulma hakkını sağlaması olacaktır.


  • Abbas, R. & Michael, K. (2020). COVID-19 contact trace app deployments: learnings from Australia and Singapore. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9(5). 65-70.
  • Ahmed, N., Michelin, R. A., Xue, W., Ruj, S., Malaney, R., Kanhere, S. S., … Jha, S. K. (2020). A survey of Covid-19 contact tracking apps. IEEE Access, 8, 134577-134601.
  • Aydar, M. & Çetin, S. C. (2020). Blokzincir Teknolojisinin Sağlık Bilgi Sistemlerinde Kullanımı. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (19), 533-538.
  • Blasimme, A. & Vayena, E. (2020). What’s next for COVID-19 apps? Governance and oversight. Science, 370(6518), 760-762.
  • Cho, H., Ippolito, D. & Yu, Y. W. (2020). Contact tracing mobile apps for Covid-19: Privacy considerations and related trade-offs. arXiv:2003.11511v2 [cs.CR]
  • Fahey,R.A. & Hino, Airo. (2020). Covid-19, digital privacy, and the social limits on data-focused public health responses. International Journal of Information Management, 55,
  • Garg, S., Bhatnagar, N. & Gangadharan, N. (2020). A case for participatory disease surveillance of the Covid-19 pandemic in India. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), doi:10.2196/18795
  • Gasser, U., Ienca, M., Scheibner, J., Sleigh, J. & Vayena, E. (2020). Digital tools against COVID-19: Framing the ethical challenges and how to address them. Health Policy, 2(8), e425-e434.
  • Georgieva, I., Beaunoyer, E. & Guitton, M. J. (2020). Ensuring social acceptability of technological tracking in the Covid-19 context. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 1-8.
  • Goggin, G. (2020). COVID-19 apps in Singapore and Australia: reimagining healthy nations with digital technology. Media International Australia, 177(1), 61-75.
  • Hargittai, E., Redmiles, E. M., Vitak, J. & Zimmer, M. (2020). Americans’ willingness to adopt a COVID-19 tracking app: The role of app distributor. First Monday, 24(11),
  • Klar, R. & Lanzerath, D. (2020). The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps- challenges and voluntariness. Research Ethics, 16(3-4), 1-9.
  • Liu, S., Jiang, Y. & Striegel, A. (2014). Face-to-face proximity estimation using Bluetooth on smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 13(4), 811-823.
  • Martin, T., Karopoulos, G., Hernández-Ramos, J. L., Kambourakis, G. & Fovino, I, N. (2020). Demystifying COVID-19 digital contact tracing: A survey on frameworks and mobile apps. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020, 1-29.
  • Michael, K. & Abbas, R. (2020). Behind COVID-19 contact trace apps: the Google-Apple partnership. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9(5). 71-76.
  • O’Callaghan, M.E., Buckley, J., Fitzgerald, B., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., McNicholas, B., … Glynn, L. (2020). A national survey of attitudes to COVID-19 digital contact tracing in the Republic of Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science,
  • Osman, M., Fenton, N. E., McLachlan, S., Lucas, P., Dube, K., Hitman, G. A., … Neil, M. The thorny problems of Covid-19 contact tracing apps: The need for a holistic approach. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 4, 43-59.
  • Sabat, I., Neuman-Böhme, S., Varghese, N. E., Barros, P. P., Brouwer, W., Van Exel, J., … Stargardt, T. United but divided: Policy responses and people’s perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak. Health Policy, 124(9), 909-918.
  • Sevli, O. & Başer, V. G. (2020). Covid-19 Salgınına Yönelik Zaman Serisi Verileri ile Prophet Model Kullanarak Makine Öğrenmesi Temelli Vaka Tahminlemesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (19), 827-835.
  • Sweeney, Y. (2020). Tracking the debate on COVID-19 surveillance tools. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, 301-304.
  • Taddeo, M. (2020). The ethical governance of the digital during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Minds and Machines, 30, 171-176.
  • Troncoso, C., Payer, M., Hubaux, J.-P., Salathe, M., Larus, J., Bugnion, E., … Pereira, J. (2020). Decentralized privacy-preserving proximity tracing. arXiv:2005.12273 (cs.CR).
  • Urbaczewski, A. & Lee, Y. J. (2020). Information technology and the pandemic: a preliminary multinational analysis of the impact of mobile tracking technology on the COVID-19 contagion control. European Journal of Information Systems, 29(4), 405-414.
  • Walrave, M., Waeterloos, C. & Ponnet, K. (2020). Adoption of a contact tracing app for containing COVID-19: A health belief model approach. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(3), 1-10.
  • Whitelaw, S., Mamas, M. A., Topol, E. & Van Spall, H. G. C. (2020). Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digital Health, 2, e435-e440.
  • Wnuk, A., Olesky, T., Maison, D. (2020). The acceptance of Covid-19 tracking technologies: The role of perceived threat, lack of control, and ideological beliefs. PLoS ONE, 15(9), 1-16.

COVID-19 Tracking Applications: A Human-Centric Analysis

Yıl 2021, , 861 - 867, 30.04.2021


The year 2020 will always be remembered with the imprints left by COVID-19 on our lives. While the pandemic has had many undesirable effects for the whole world, one of its biggest side effects has been the fast digital transformation that has taken place, which was already in progress with the Industry 4.0 era. The readily available technology and wireless communications infrastructures paved the way for a myriad of digital technologies for the containment of the disease using mobile contact tracing applications developed by health authority organizations in many countries. The mounting privacy concerns especially with Bluetooth-enabled proximity tracing and centralized tracking technologies used by these applications have given rise to the development of new privacy-preserving contact tracing protocols. Although these new protocols have alleviated the privacy concerns of citizens to a certain extent, widespread adoption is still far from being the reality. In this paper, we analyze existing contact tracing technologies from a human-centric standpoint by focusing on their privacy implications. We present our comprehensive dataset consisting of the contact tracing application usage information in 94 countries and provide results of a multinational survey we have conducted on the sentiments of people regarding contact tracing applications. The survey results demonstrate that privacy concerns are still the leading deterrent for people when deciding whether to use these applications. Nevertheless, it is a globally accepted argument that the most effective and fastest method for contact tracking will be digital technologies free from human errors and manual procedures. Accordingly, it is concluded that a policy of developing decentralized tracking solutions based entirely on user privacy should be followed, in which independent trusted third parties assume the role of authority in the system architecture, if absolutely necessary, in order to effectively combat the pandemic worldwide. An important feature of the systems to be developed to pave the way for widespread use is to provide the users the right to be forgotten.


  • Abbas, R. & Michael, K. (2020). COVID-19 contact trace app deployments: learnings from Australia and Singapore. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9(5). 65-70.
  • Ahmed, N., Michelin, R. A., Xue, W., Ruj, S., Malaney, R., Kanhere, S. S., … Jha, S. K. (2020). A survey of Covid-19 contact tracking apps. IEEE Access, 8, 134577-134601.
  • Aydar, M. & Çetin, S. C. (2020). Blokzincir Teknolojisinin Sağlık Bilgi Sistemlerinde Kullanımı. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (19), 533-538.
  • Blasimme, A. & Vayena, E. (2020). What’s next for COVID-19 apps? Governance and oversight. Science, 370(6518), 760-762.
  • Cho, H., Ippolito, D. & Yu, Y. W. (2020). Contact tracing mobile apps for Covid-19: Privacy considerations and related trade-offs. arXiv:2003.11511v2 [cs.CR]
  • Fahey,R.A. & Hino, Airo. (2020). Covid-19, digital privacy, and the social limits on data-focused public health responses. International Journal of Information Management, 55,
  • Garg, S., Bhatnagar, N. & Gangadharan, N. (2020). A case for participatory disease surveillance of the Covid-19 pandemic in India. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), doi:10.2196/18795
  • Gasser, U., Ienca, M., Scheibner, J., Sleigh, J. & Vayena, E. (2020). Digital tools against COVID-19: Framing the ethical challenges and how to address them. Health Policy, 2(8), e425-e434.
  • Georgieva, I., Beaunoyer, E. & Guitton, M. J. (2020). Ensuring social acceptability of technological tracking in the Covid-19 context. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 1-8.
  • Goggin, G. (2020). COVID-19 apps in Singapore and Australia: reimagining healthy nations with digital technology. Media International Australia, 177(1), 61-75.
  • Hargittai, E., Redmiles, E. M., Vitak, J. & Zimmer, M. (2020). Americans’ willingness to adopt a COVID-19 tracking app: The role of app distributor. First Monday, 24(11),
  • Klar, R. & Lanzerath, D. (2020). The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps- challenges and voluntariness. Research Ethics, 16(3-4), 1-9.
  • Liu, S., Jiang, Y. & Striegel, A. (2014). Face-to-face proximity estimation using Bluetooth on smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 13(4), 811-823.
  • Martin, T., Karopoulos, G., Hernández-Ramos, J. L., Kambourakis, G. & Fovino, I, N. (2020). Demystifying COVID-19 digital contact tracing: A survey on frameworks and mobile apps. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020, 1-29.
  • Michael, K. & Abbas, R. (2020). Behind COVID-19 contact trace apps: the Google-Apple partnership. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9(5). 71-76.
  • O’Callaghan, M.E., Buckley, J., Fitzgerald, B., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., McNicholas, B., … Glynn, L. (2020). A national survey of attitudes to COVID-19 digital contact tracing in the Republic of Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science,
  • Osman, M., Fenton, N. E., McLachlan, S., Lucas, P., Dube, K., Hitman, G. A., … Neil, M. The thorny problems of Covid-19 contact tracing apps: The need for a holistic approach. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 4, 43-59.
  • Sabat, I., Neuman-Böhme, S., Varghese, N. E., Barros, P. P., Brouwer, W., Van Exel, J., … Stargardt, T. United but divided: Policy responses and people’s perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak. Health Policy, 124(9), 909-918.
  • Sevli, O. & Başer, V. G. (2020). Covid-19 Salgınına Yönelik Zaman Serisi Verileri ile Prophet Model Kullanarak Makine Öğrenmesi Temelli Vaka Tahminlemesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (19), 827-835.
  • Sweeney, Y. (2020). Tracking the debate on COVID-19 surveillance tools. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, 301-304.
  • Taddeo, M. (2020). The ethical governance of the digital during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Minds and Machines, 30, 171-176.
  • Troncoso, C., Payer, M., Hubaux, J.-P., Salathe, M., Larus, J., Bugnion, E., … Pereira, J. (2020). Decentralized privacy-preserving proximity tracing. arXiv:2005.12273 (cs.CR).
  • Urbaczewski, A. & Lee, Y. J. (2020). Information technology and the pandemic: a preliminary multinational analysis of the impact of mobile tracking technology on the COVID-19 contagion control. European Journal of Information Systems, 29(4), 405-414.
  • Walrave, M., Waeterloos, C. & Ponnet, K. (2020). Adoption of a contact tracing app for containing COVID-19: A health belief model approach. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(3), 1-10.
  • Whitelaw, S., Mamas, M. A., Topol, E. & Van Spall, H. G. C. (2020). Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digital Health, 2, e435-e440.
  • Wnuk, A., Olesky, T., Maison, D. (2020). The acceptance of Covid-19 tracking technologies: The role of perceived threat, lack of control, and ideological beliefs. PLoS ONE, 15(9), 1-16.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Merih Angın 0000-0003-0739-798X

Pelin Angın 0000-0002-6419-2043

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Angın, M., & Angın, P. (2021). COVID-19 Tracking Applications: A Human-Centric Analysis. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(23), 861-867.