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Manyetik Alana Duyarlı poli(AAm-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 Nanokürelerin Sentezlenmesi ve AMF Altında İlaç Salım Davranışlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 93 - 97, 15.04.2021


Polimer ile kaplanmış manyetik nano partiküllerin, başta biyomedikal bilimlerin uygulamaları olmak üzere birçok alanda büyük kullanım potansiyeline sahip malzemeler haline geldiği görülmektedir. Bu çaşılmada, kabuk-çekirdek yapısında Poli(AAm-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 nanoküreler sentezlenmiş, sentezlenen bu sistemlere ilaç yüklemesi yapılarak çeşitli büyüklüklerdeki alternatif manyetik alan (AMF) altında ilaç salım kinetikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk kısmında, birlikte çöktürme yöntemi ile nano boyutta Fe3O4 manyetik nano partikülleri sentezlenmiştir. Sentezlenen bu Fe3O4 nano partiküllerini polimer ile kaplamak için, Akrilamid (AAm) ve Vinilsülfonik asitin (VSA) Polivinilalkol (PVA) ortamında emülsiyon polimerizasyonu yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntem ile kabuk çekirdek yapısında nano küreler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sistemlerin yapısal karakterizasyonları için FT-IR, TGA ve TEM analizleri yapılmıştır. İkinci aşamada ise bu nano kürelere ilaç yüklemesi yapılarak çeşitli şiddetlerdeki AMF altında ilaç salım kinetikleri incelenmiştir. Sentezlenen poli(AAm-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 nanopartikülleri AMF büyüklüğünün armasıyla altında daha hızlı ısınma ve ilaç salım davranışı sergilemiştir.


  • Altıntaş, A., Yıldız, M.N. & Kızılkaya, İ. (2012). İndüksiyon isitma prensibi ile çalişan mikrokontrol denetimli bir sivi isiticisi tasarimi, DPÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 45-52.
  • Can, M.M., Coşkun, M. & Firat, T.A. (2012) comparative study of nanosized iron oxide particles: Magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (α-Fe2O3) and hematite (γ -Fe2O3), using ferromagnetic resonance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 542, 241-247.
  • Cano, M.E., Barrera, A., Estrada, J.C., Hernandez, A. & Cordova, T. (2011). An induction heater device for studies of magnetic hyperthermia and specific absorption ratio measurements, Review of Scientific Instruments. 82, 114904-115003.
  • Dzhardimalieva, G.I., Pomogailo, A.D., Rozenberg, A.S. & Leonowicz, M. (2009). Magnetic Metallopolymer Nanocomposites: Preparation and Properties,. Magnetic Nanoparticles. 59–85.
  • Epherre, R. (2011). Manganite perovskite nanoparticles for self-controlled magnetic fluid hyperthermia: about the suitability of an aqueous combustion synthesis route, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21(12),4393-4401.
  • Horak, D., Babic, M., Mackova, H. & Banes, M. J. (2007). Preparation and properties of magnetic nano- and microsized particles for biological and environmental separations, Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1751-1772.
  • Hussain, T., Ansari, M., Ranjha, N.M., Khan I.U. & Shahzad Y. (2013). Chemically cross-linked poly(acrylicco-vinylsulfonic) acid hydrogel for the delivery of isosorbide mononitrate, The ScientificWorld Journal, 340737-340746.
  • Jaiswal M.K., Pradhan, A., Banerjee. R. & Bahadur D. (2014). Dual pH and Temperature stimuli responsive magnetic nanohydrogels for thermo-chemotherapy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 14, 4082-4089.
  • Kim, H.I., Park, S.J., Kim, S.I., Kim, N.G. & Kim, S.J. (2005). Electroactive polymer hydrogels composed of polyacrylic acid and poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) copolymer for application of biomaterial, Synthetic Metals. 155, 674-676.
  • Liu, X., Zhang, L., Zeng, J., Gao, Y. & Tang, Z. (2013). Superparamagnetic nano-immunobeads toward food safety insurance. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2013, 15, 1796-1806. Long, N.V., Yang, Y., Teranishi, T., Thi, C.M., Cao, Y. & Nogami, M. (2015) Biomedical applications of advanced multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 15, 10091–10107.
  • Magro, M., Venerando, A., Macone, A., Canettieri, G., Agostinelli, E. & Vianello, F. (2020). Nanotechnology-based strategies to develop new anticancer therapies, Biomolecules. 10, 735-760.
  • Meenach, S. A., Anderson, A. A., Suthar, M., Anderson, K.W. & Hilt J. Z. (2010). Biocompatibility analysis of magnetic hydrogelnanocomposites based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and iron oxide, Acta Biomaterialia, 6, 1039-1046.
  • Mylkie, K., Nowak, P., Rybczynski, P. & Ziegler-Borowska, M. (2021) Polymer-coated magnetite nanoparticles for protein immobilization, materials. 14, 48-68.
  • Sennakesavan, G., Mostakhdemin, M., Dkhar, L., Seyfoddin, A. & Fatihhi S.J. (2020). Acrylic acid/acrylamide based hydrogels and its properties-A review. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 180, 109308-109321.
  • Ünlü, C.G. (2018). La0,7Nd0,1K0,2MnO3 Perovskit Manganit Bileşiğinin Yapısal ve Manyetik Akışkan Hipertermi Özelliğinin Araştırılması”, Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6, 1335-1343.
  • Wu, W., He, Q. & Jiang, C. (2008). Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis and surface functionalization strategies, Nanoscale Research Letters. 3, 397-415.
  • Zhang, Z. & Kong, J. (2011). Novel magnetic Fe3O4@C nanoparticles as adsorbents for removal of organic dyes from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 193, 325–329.

Synthesis of Magnetic Field Sensitive poly(AAm-co-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 Nanospheres and Investigation of Their Drug Release Behaviors Under AMF

Yıl 2021, , 93 - 97, 15.04.2021


It is seen that magnetic nanoparticles coated with polymer have become materials with great potential of use in many fields, especially in the applications of biomedical sciences. In this study, poly(AAm-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 nanospheres in shell-core structure were synthesized, drug loading was made to these synthesized systems and the release kinetics of the loaded drug under alternative magnetic field (AMF) of various sizes were investigated. In the first part of the study, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles of nano size were synthesized by co-precipitation method. Emulsion polymerization method of Acrylamide (AAm) and Vinylsulfonic acid (VSA) in Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) medium was used to coat these synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles with polymer. With this method, nanospheres in shell core structure were obtained. FT-IR, TGA and TEM analyzes were performed for the structural characterization of the systems obtained. In the second stage, drug release kinetics were investigated under AMF of various intensities by loading drugs into these nanospheres. Synthesized poly(AAm-co-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 nanoparticles exhibited faster warming and drug release behavior with increasing AMF intensity.


  • Altıntaş, A., Yıldız, M.N. & Kızılkaya, İ. (2012). İndüksiyon isitma prensibi ile çalişan mikrokontrol denetimli bir sivi isiticisi tasarimi, DPÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 45-52.
  • Can, M.M., Coşkun, M. & Firat, T.A. (2012) comparative study of nanosized iron oxide particles: Magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (α-Fe2O3) and hematite (γ -Fe2O3), using ferromagnetic resonance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 542, 241-247.
  • Cano, M.E., Barrera, A., Estrada, J.C., Hernandez, A. & Cordova, T. (2011). An induction heater device for studies of magnetic hyperthermia and specific absorption ratio measurements, Review of Scientific Instruments. 82, 114904-115003.
  • Dzhardimalieva, G.I., Pomogailo, A.D., Rozenberg, A.S. & Leonowicz, M. (2009). Magnetic Metallopolymer Nanocomposites: Preparation and Properties,. Magnetic Nanoparticles. 59–85.
  • Epherre, R. (2011). Manganite perovskite nanoparticles for self-controlled magnetic fluid hyperthermia: about the suitability of an aqueous combustion synthesis route, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21(12),4393-4401.
  • Horak, D., Babic, M., Mackova, H. & Banes, M. J. (2007). Preparation and properties of magnetic nano- and microsized particles for biological and environmental separations, Journal of Separation Science, 30, 1751-1772.
  • Hussain, T., Ansari, M., Ranjha, N.M., Khan I.U. & Shahzad Y. (2013). Chemically cross-linked poly(acrylicco-vinylsulfonic) acid hydrogel for the delivery of isosorbide mononitrate, The ScientificWorld Journal, 340737-340746.
  • Jaiswal M.K., Pradhan, A., Banerjee. R. & Bahadur D. (2014). Dual pH and Temperature stimuli responsive magnetic nanohydrogels for thermo-chemotherapy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 14, 4082-4089.
  • Kim, H.I., Park, S.J., Kim, S.I., Kim, N.G. & Kim, S.J. (2005). Electroactive polymer hydrogels composed of polyacrylic acid and poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) copolymer for application of biomaterial, Synthetic Metals. 155, 674-676.
  • Liu, X., Zhang, L., Zeng, J., Gao, Y. & Tang, Z. (2013). Superparamagnetic nano-immunobeads toward food safety insurance. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2013, 15, 1796-1806. Long, N.V., Yang, Y., Teranishi, T., Thi, C.M., Cao, Y. & Nogami, M. (2015) Biomedical applications of advanced multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 15, 10091–10107.
  • Magro, M., Venerando, A., Macone, A., Canettieri, G., Agostinelli, E. & Vianello, F. (2020). Nanotechnology-based strategies to develop new anticancer therapies, Biomolecules. 10, 735-760.
  • Meenach, S. A., Anderson, A. A., Suthar, M., Anderson, K.W. & Hilt J. Z. (2010). Biocompatibility analysis of magnetic hydrogelnanocomposites based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and iron oxide, Acta Biomaterialia, 6, 1039-1046.
  • Mylkie, K., Nowak, P., Rybczynski, P. & Ziegler-Borowska, M. (2021) Polymer-coated magnetite nanoparticles for protein immobilization, materials. 14, 48-68.
  • Sennakesavan, G., Mostakhdemin, M., Dkhar, L., Seyfoddin, A. & Fatihhi S.J. (2020). Acrylic acid/acrylamide based hydrogels and its properties-A review. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 180, 109308-109321.
  • Ünlü, C.G. (2018). La0,7Nd0,1K0,2MnO3 Perovskit Manganit Bileşiğinin Yapısal ve Manyetik Akışkan Hipertermi Özelliğinin Araştırılması”, Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6, 1335-1343.
  • Wu, W., He, Q. & Jiang, C. (2008). Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis and surface functionalization strategies, Nanoscale Research Letters. 3, 397-415.
  • Zhang, Z. & Kong, J. (2011). Novel magnetic Fe3O4@C nanoparticles as adsorbents for removal of organic dyes from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 193, 325–329.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Cihangir Boztepe 0000-0001-5019-2010

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Boztepe, C. (2021). Manyetik Alana Duyarlı poli(AAm-VSA)-PVA/Fe3O4 Nanokürelerin Sentezlenmesi ve AMF Altında İlaç Salım Davranışlarının İncelenmesi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(24), 93-97.