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Evsel Çamaşır Yıkamadan Oluşan Mikroplastik Salınımı

Yıl 2021, , 790 - 795, 31.08.2021


Mikroplastik, insanlar tarafından çok çeşitli materyallerde kullanılır. Son zamanlarda global ölçekte, birincil ve ikincil mikroplastiklere çeşitli çevre bileşenlerinde rastlanmaktadır. Mikro fiber, yaygın mikroplastik tiplerinden birisidir. Mikrofiberlerin tekstil materyallerinin yıkanmasından salındığı bilinmektedir. Salınan microfiber miktarı, yıkama koşulları ve fiber karakteristiğine göre değişir. Mikroplastikler sucul organizmalar için zararlı olabilmektedir. Bunun yanında, mikroplastiklerin uzun dönem etkileri bilinmediğinden, gelecekte mikroplastikten kaynaklanabilecek durum tahmin edilemez durumdadır. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada evsel çamaşır yıkama işleminden salınan mikroplastiğin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Evsel tip çamaşır makinesi ile 5 yıkama döngüsü çalışılmıştır. Gravimetrik analiz sonuçlarına göre, yıkama başına ve yıkanan kilogram tekstil başına fiber salınımı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, koton tekstil materyali, sentetik polystere göre daha fazla dökme eğilimi göstermekedir. Fiber salınımı yıkanan tekstil materyalinin % karışımına bağlı olarak 13,1 mg/kg ile 15,6 mg/kg arasında değişmektedir. Tutulan fiberlerin büyük bir kısmının 100 µm filtre ile tutulması, fiberlerin çoğunun 100-200 µm aralığında olduğunu göstermektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Plastics, The Facts (2020). An analysis of European plastics production, demand and waste data, Plastics Europe, Asociation of Plastics Manufacturers.
  • Akçay, S., Törnük, F. & Yetim, H. (2020). Mikroplastikler: Gıdalarda bulunuşu ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (20), 530-538.
  • Browne, M., Galloway, T. & Thompson, R. (2007). Microplastic-an emerging contaminant of potential concern? Integrated Environmental Management and Assesment, 3, (4), 569-561.
  • Boucher, J. & Friot, D. (2017). Primary microplastics in the oceans: A Global evaluation of sources. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 43 pp.
  • Jemee, A., Horvat, P., Kunej, U., Bele, M. & Krzan, A. (2016). Uptake and effects of microplastics textile fibers on freshwater crustocceon Daphnia Magna. Environmental Pollution, 219, 201-209.
  • Davvergne, P. (2018). The power of environmental norms: marine plastic pollution and the polities of microbeads. Environmental Politics, 27 (4), 579-597.
  • Cai, Y., Yang, T., Mitrano, D.M., Heuberger, M., Hufenus, R. & Nowack, B. (2020). Systematic study of microplastic release from 12 different polyester textiles during washing, Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (8), 4847–4855.
  • Zambrano, M.C., Pawlak, J.J., Daystar, J., Ankeny, M. & Venditti, R.A. (2021). Impact of dyes and finishes on the aquatic biodegradability of cotton textile fibers and microfibers released on laundering clothes: Correlations between enzyme adsorption and activity and biodegradation rates, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112030.
  • Sait, S.T.L., Sorenson, L., Kubowciz, S., Vike-Jonas, K., Gonzalez, S.V., Asimakopoulos, A.G. & Booth, A.M. (2021). Microplastic fibres from synthetic textiles: Environmental degradation and additive chemical content, Environmental Pollution, 268 (B), 115745.
  • Fontana,G.D., Mossoti, R. & Montarsolo, A. (2020). Assessment of microplastics release from polyester fabrics: The impact of different washing conditions, Enviromental Pollution, 264, 113960.
  • Almroth B.M.C., Åström, L., Roslund, S., Petersson, H, Johansson, M. & Persson, N.K. (2018), Quantifying shedding of synthetic fibers from textiles; a source of microplastics released into the environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 1191–1199.
  • Galvao, A., Alexio, M., Pablo, H.D., Lopes, C. & Raimundo, J. (2020). Microplastics in wastewater: microfiber emissions from common household laundry, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 26643-2649.
  • Karkkaien, N. & Sillanpaa, M. (2021). Quantification of different microplastic fibres discharged from texiles in maschine wash and tumble drying, Environmental Sicence and Pollution Research, 2, 16253-16263.
  • Sillanpaa, M.K. & Sainio, P. (2017). Release of polyester and cotton fibers from textiles in machine washing, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 19313-19321.
  • Napper, I.E. & Thompson, R.C. (2016). Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: Effects of fabric type and washing conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 112(1-2), 39–45. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.025.
  • De Falco, F., Gullo, M.P., Gentile, G., Di Pace, E., Cocca, M., Gelabert, L., Brouta-Agnesa, M., Rovira, A., Escudero, R., Villalba, R., Mossotti, R., Montarsolo, A., Gavignano, S., Tonin, C. & Avella, M. (2018). Evaluation of microplastic release caused by textile washing processes of synthetic fabrics, Environmental Pollution, 236, 916-925.
  • Kelly MR, Lant NJ, Kurr M & Burgess JG (2019) Importance of water-volume on the release of microplastic fibers from laundry. Environ Sci Technol 53(20):11735–11744.
  • Cesa FS, Turra A, Checon HH, Leonardi B & Baruque-Ramos J (2020) Laundering and textile parameters influence fibers release in household washings. Environ Pollut 257:113553.
  • Belzagui F, Crespi M, Álvarez A, Gutiérrez-Bouzán C. & Vilaseca M (2019) Microplastics’ emissions: microfibers’ detachment from textile garments. Environ Pollut 248:1028–1035.
  • Baykal, P. D., Babaarslan, O. & Erol, R. 2006. Prediction of strength and elongation properties of cotton/polyester-blended OE rotor yarns, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 14, 1 (55).

Microplastic Release from Domestic Washing

Yıl 2021, , 790 - 795, 31.08.2021


Plastics have been used by human beings in a wide variety of materials. Recently, microplastics, either primary or secondary, are encountered in different part of the environment on a global scale. One of the common type of microplastic is micro fiber. Microfibers are known to be released from washing of textile materials. The amount of released fiber varies depending on the washing conditions and fiber characterization. Microplastics can be harmfull for aquatic organisms. Moreover, because long term effect of microplastic is unclear, the situation about microplastic is unpredictable at the future. Therefore, it is aimed in this study to evaluate the release of microfiber from domestic laundry washing operations. 5 washing cycles were studied with domestic type washing machine. Fiber release per washing and kg washed textile material were determined according to the results of the gravimetric analysis. According to the results, cotton textile materials have a higher shedding tendency than synthetic polyester materials. Fiber release varied from 13,1 mg/kg to 15,66 mg/kg depending on % blend of washed textile materials. Most of the fibers were trapped with 100 µm filter, suggesting most of the fibers released from washing in the range of 100-200 µm.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Plastics, The Facts (2020). An analysis of European plastics production, demand and waste data, Plastics Europe, Asociation of Plastics Manufacturers.
  • Akçay, S., Törnük, F. & Yetim, H. (2020). Mikroplastikler: Gıdalarda bulunuşu ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (20), 530-538.
  • Browne, M., Galloway, T. & Thompson, R. (2007). Microplastic-an emerging contaminant of potential concern? Integrated Environmental Management and Assesment, 3, (4), 569-561.
  • Boucher, J. & Friot, D. (2017). Primary microplastics in the oceans: A Global evaluation of sources. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 43 pp.
  • Jemee, A., Horvat, P., Kunej, U., Bele, M. & Krzan, A. (2016). Uptake and effects of microplastics textile fibers on freshwater crustocceon Daphnia Magna. Environmental Pollution, 219, 201-209.
  • Davvergne, P. (2018). The power of environmental norms: marine plastic pollution and the polities of microbeads. Environmental Politics, 27 (4), 579-597.
  • Cai, Y., Yang, T., Mitrano, D.M., Heuberger, M., Hufenus, R. & Nowack, B. (2020). Systematic study of microplastic release from 12 different polyester textiles during washing, Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (8), 4847–4855.
  • Zambrano, M.C., Pawlak, J.J., Daystar, J., Ankeny, M. & Venditti, R.A. (2021). Impact of dyes and finishes on the aquatic biodegradability of cotton textile fibers and microfibers released on laundering clothes: Correlations between enzyme adsorption and activity and biodegradation rates, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112030.
  • Sait, S.T.L., Sorenson, L., Kubowciz, S., Vike-Jonas, K., Gonzalez, S.V., Asimakopoulos, A.G. & Booth, A.M. (2021). Microplastic fibres from synthetic textiles: Environmental degradation and additive chemical content, Environmental Pollution, 268 (B), 115745.
  • Fontana,G.D., Mossoti, R. & Montarsolo, A. (2020). Assessment of microplastics release from polyester fabrics: The impact of different washing conditions, Enviromental Pollution, 264, 113960.
  • Almroth B.M.C., Åström, L., Roslund, S., Petersson, H, Johansson, M. & Persson, N.K. (2018), Quantifying shedding of synthetic fibers from textiles; a source of microplastics released into the environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 1191–1199.
  • Galvao, A., Alexio, M., Pablo, H.D., Lopes, C. & Raimundo, J. (2020). Microplastics in wastewater: microfiber emissions from common household laundry, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 26643-2649.
  • Karkkaien, N. & Sillanpaa, M. (2021). Quantification of different microplastic fibres discharged from texiles in maschine wash and tumble drying, Environmental Sicence and Pollution Research, 2, 16253-16263.
  • Sillanpaa, M.K. & Sainio, P. (2017). Release of polyester and cotton fibers from textiles in machine washing, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 19313-19321.
  • Napper, I.E. & Thompson, R.C. (2016). Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: Effects of fabric type and washing conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 112(1-2), 39–45. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.025.
  • De Falco, F., Gullo, M.P., Gentile, G., Di Pace, E., Cocca, M., Gelabert, L., Brouta-Agnesa, M., Rovira, A., Escudero, R., Villalba, R., Mossotti, R., Montarsolo, A., Gavignano, S., Tonin, C. & Avella, M. (2018). Evaluation of microplastic release caused by textile washing processes of synthetic fabrics, Environmental Pollution, 236, 916-925.
  • Kelly MR, Lant NJ, Kurr M & Burgess JG (2019) Importance of water-volume on the release of microplastic fibers from laundry. Environ Sci Technol 53(20):11735–11744.
  • Cesa FS, Turra A, Checon HH, Leonardi B & Baruque-Ramos J (2020) Laundering and textile parameters influence fibers release in household washings. Environ Pollut 257:113553.
  • Belzagui F, Crespi M, Álvarez A, Gutiérrez-Bouzán C. & Vilaseca M (2019) Microplastics’ emissions: microfibers’ detachment from textile garments. Environ Pollut 248:1028–1035.
  • Baykal, P. D., Babaarslan, O. & Erol, R. 2006. Prediction of strength and elongation properties of cotton/polyester-blended OE rotor yarns, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 14, 1 (55).
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Suna Celik 0000-0001-9783-9512

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Celik, S. (2021). Microplastic Release from Domestic Washing. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(25), 790-795.