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Genetik Algoritma Kullanarak Görünür Işık Haberleşmesiyle İç Mekan Navigasyonu

Yıl 2021, , 185 - 190, 31.07.2021


İnsanlar günlük ihtiyaçları için günümüzde her türlü ihtiyacını karşılayabileceği büyük marketleri tercih etmektedir. Çok fazla ürün kapasitesine sahip bu marketler, tüketici için gereğinden fazla zaman kaybı anlamına gelmektedir. Bunun gibi kapalı ve büyük alanlarda zaman kaybını önlemek için bir rota planlaması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada da kapalı alanlarda görünür ışık haberleşmesi (VLC) ile konum belirleme işlemi yapılmış ve bu konumlar üzerinden genetik algoritma kullanılarak en uygun güzergah belirlenmiştir. Kablosuz haberleşme kaynaklarının yoğunluktan dolayı gelecekte yeterli olmayacağı düşünülmektedir. Buna çözüm amacıyla geliştirilen VLC sistemleri, ışık kaynağını veri iletimi için kullanan bir haberleşme sistemidir. Bu sistemin hız, güvenilirlik, enerji verimliliği gibi açılardan oldukça başarılı olduğu ilgili araştırmalarda görülmüştür. VLC sistemlerinde temel olarak verici, alıcı ve bunların kontorlü için bir mikrodenetleyici kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada LED ışık kaynağı, TEMP6000 fototransistör-ışık sensörü ve ATMEGA328P (Arduino) kullanılmıştır. Çok hızlı açılıp kapanma özelliği sayesinde LED ışık kaynağından gönderilen veri, ışık sensörü TEMP6000 ile algılanmaktadır. Ardından Aç-Kapa Anahtarlama (OOK) kullanılarak modüle edilmiştir. Veri iletiminin yanısıra özellikle kapalı alanlarda konum belirlemek amacıyla kullanılabilen VLC sistemleri iç mekan navigasyonu için de kullanılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada da, bir market uygulaması temelinde VLC ile kapalı alan konumlandırılması tasarlanmıştır. Alıcıdan alınan veriler Matlab üzerine aktarılmış sinyal gücüne göre konum verisi elde edilmiştir. Sistemin çalışması ışık kaynakları, bu kaynaklar altındaki ürünler ve kullanıcının seçeceği ürünlere giden en kısa yol temelinde denenmiştir. Bu navigasyon işlemi için seçilmiş duraklar arasındaki en kısa mesafe Floyd-Warshall algoritması ile bulunmuştur. Aralarındaki mesafe bilinen duraklar için Gezgin Satıcı Problemi’nde olduğu gibi genetik algoritma kullanılarak en kısa güzergah belirlenmiştir. Bu sayede müşteri markette geçireceği zamanı ve tüketeceği enejiyi minimuma indirebilecektir.


  • Altıok, M. (2016). Çöp Konteynerlerinden Atık Toplama İşleminde Metasezgisel Yöntemler Kullanılarak Optimum Güzergâh Tespiti [Determination Of The Optimal Route Using Meta-Heuristic Methods Of Garbage Containers İn Garbage Collection Process], Master of Science, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selçuk University, Department of Computer Engineering, Konya
  • Doughangi, H., (2017). Kapalı Alanda Konum Belirleme [Indoor Positionig System], Master of Science, İstanbul Commerce University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences Department of Computer Engineering, İstanbul-Turkey.
  • Durgun, M. & Gökrem, L. (2020). VLC4WoT : Visible Light Communication for Web of Things, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 14(4), 1502-1519.DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2020.04.006
  • Ellili, W., Samet, M. & Kachouri, A. (2017). Traveling Salesman Problem of Optimization based on Genetic Algorithms, International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities (SM2C), 123-127.
  • Ertuna, A. D., (2016). Görünür Işık Haberleşme Sistem Tasarımı [Visible Light Communications and System Design], Master of Science, Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science, Department of Control and Automation Engineering, İstanbul-Turkey
  • Ertürk, S., (2019), Sayısal Haberleşme [Digital Communications], Birsen Publishing, Tokat-Turkey.
  • Ghassemlooy, Z., Alves, L. N., Zvanovec, S. & Khalighi, M.-A., (2017). Visible Light Communications Theory and Applications, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton.
  • Gökrem, L., Durgun, M. & Durgun, Y. (2019). Indoor Location Control with Visible Light Communication, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT), 314-316, doi: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847765.
  • Gözüaçık, E. & Gökrem, L. (2020). Görünür Işıkla Haberleşme ile Konum Belirleme [Visible Light Communication with Indoor Positioning], Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences , 11 , 23-35 .
  • Hassanat A., Alkafaween E, Alnawaiseh N., Abbadi M., Alkasassbeh M. & Alhasanat M.B. (2016). Enhancing genetic algorithms using multi mutations. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2187v1 https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2187v1
  • Hassanat, A., Almohammadi, K., Alkafaween, E., Abunawas, E., Hammouri, A. & Prasath, V. B. S. (2019). Choosing Mutation and Crossover Ratios for Genetic Algorithms—A Review with a New Dynamic Approach. Information, 10(12), 390. doi:10.3390/info10120390
  • Infsoft, (2016). Indoor Positioning and Navigation. Großmehring.
  • Jerome, K., Tony, V. & Dhanaraj, V. R., (2014). Indoor Navigation Using Visible Light Communication, Texas Instruments India Educators' Conference, 46-52.
  • Karayel, M., Çelik, E. & Yücedağ, İ. (2019), Genetik Algoritma Tabanlı İki Nokta Arasında En Kısa Yol Bulma, III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, 376-385.
  • Katoch, S., Chauhan, S.S. & Kumar (2021). A review on genetic algorithm: past, present, and future. Multimed Tools Applications, 80, 8091–8126. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10139-6
  • Kaya, İ. (2012). Genetik Algortimaların Optimal Güzergah Belirlenmesine Uygulanması [Optımal Genetıc Algorıthms Determınıng the Implementatıon of Route], Master of Science, Haliç University Institute of Science, Department of Computer Engineering, İstanbul.
  • Keskintürk, T., Uz, E. & Topal, M. (2016). Genetic Algorithm Approach for Capacitated and Distance Constrained Periodic Travelling Salesman Problem: Scheduling and Routing of Turkish Air Forces’ A400M, Journal of Academic Approaches, 7(1), 53-68. Military Transport Aircraft
  • Khan, L. U., (2017). Visible Light Communication: application, architecture, standardizationand research challenges, Digital Communications and Networks, 3, 78-88.
  • Luo, J., Fan, L. & Li, H., (2017). Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Visible Light Communications: State of Art, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 19(4), 2871- 2894.
  • Lv, H., Feng, L., Yang, A., Guo, P., Huang, H., & Chen, S., (2017). High Accuracy VLC Indoor Positioning System With Differential Detection. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(3), 1-13, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2698240.
  • Okur, E. & Atlas, M. (2020). Araç Rotalama Probleminin Genetik Algoritma ile Çözümü [Solution of Vehicle Routing Problem with Genetic Algorithm], Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (3), 227-254.
  • PHILIPS, (2016). Indoor Positioning White Paper, (2019, 4 September), https:// cdn. fs. agorize. com/ yYsIkB46SAegMUK3hnuz
  • Sharifi, H., Kumar, A., Alam, F., & Arif, K. M., (2016). Indoor Localization of Mobile Robot with Visible Light Communication, 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA) , 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MESA.2016.7587166
  • Uzun, P. (2019). Görünür Işık Haberleşmesinde Modülasyon Türlerinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of Modulation Types in Visible Light Communication], Master of Science, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Institute of Science, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Tokat.
  • Wang Z., Liu L., Long T. & Wen Y., (2018). Multi-UAV Reconnaissance Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Targets Using an Opposition-Based Genetic Algorithm with Double-Chromosome Encoding, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 31(2): 339–350. DOI: 10.1016/j.cja.2017.09.005.
  • Windlin, C., (2016). Visible Light Communication as a Material for Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Indoor Navigation with Visible Light Communication using Genetic Algorithm

Yıl 2021, , 185 - 190, 31.07.2021


Today, people prefer supermarkets where they can meet all their needs today for their daily needs. People prefer large markets where they can meet all their needs today for their daily needs. These markets, which have a lot of product capacity, mean more waste of time for the consumer. In such indoor and large areas, it is necessary to plan a route to prevent loss of time. In this study, location determination process was made with visible light communication (VLC) in closed areas and the most suitable route was determined by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) with these locations. It is thought that wireless communication resources will not be sufficient in the future due to the density. VLC systems, developed to solve this problem, are a communication system that uses the light source for data transmission. It has been seen in related studies that this system is quite successful in terms of speed, reliability and energy efficiency. VLC systems basically use a transmitter, receiver and microcontroller for their control. In this study, LED light source, TEMP6000 phototransistor-light sensor and ATMEGA328P (Arduino) are used. Due to its very fast on and off feature, the data sent from the LED light source, is detected by the light sensor TEMP6000. After that, it was modulated using On-Off Keying (OOK). In addition to data transmission, VLC systems, which can be used to determine location especially in indoor areas, can also be used for indoor navigation. Also in this study, indoor positioning is designed on the basis of a market application with VLC. The location data was obtained according to the signal strength, which was transferred from the receiver to Matlab. The operation of the system has been tested on the basis of light sources, products under these sources and the shortest path to the products selected by the user. The shortest distance between the stops selected for this navigation process was found by the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The shortest path was determined by using a GA for the stops with known distance between them, as in the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). In this way, the customer will be able to minimize the time and energy consumed in the market.


  • Altıok, M. (2016). Çöp Konteynerlerinden Atık Toplama İşleminde Metasezgisel Yöntemler Kullanılarak Optimum Güzergâh Tespiti [Determination Of The Optimal Route Using Meta-Heuristic Methods Of Garbage Containers İn Garbage Collection Process], Master of Science, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selçuk University, Department of Computer Engineering, Konya
  • Doughangi, H., (2017). Kapalı Alanda Konum Belirleme [Indoor Positionig System], Master of Science, İstanbul Commerce University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences Department of Computer Engineering, İstanbul-Turkey.
  • Durgun, M. & Gökrem, L. (2020). VLC4WoT : Visible Light Communication for Web of Things, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 14(4), 1502-1519.DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2020.04.006
  • Ellili, W., Samet, M. & Kachouri, A. (2017). Traveling Salesman Problem of Optimization based on Genetic Algorithms, International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities (SM2C), 123-127.
  • Ertuna, A. D., (2016). Görünür Işık Haberleşme Sistem Tasarımı [Visible Light Communications and System Design], Master of Science, Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science, Department of Control and Automation Engineering, İstanbul-Turkey
  • Ertürk, S., (2019), Sayısal Haberleşme [Digital Communications], Birsen Publishing, Tokat-Turkey.
  • Ghassemlooy, Z., Alves, L. N., Zvanovec, S. & Khalighi, M.-A., (2017). Visible Light Communications Theory and Applications, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton.
  • Gökrem, L., Durgun, M. & Durgun, Y. (2019). Indoor Location Control with Visible Light Communication, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT), 314-316, doi: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847765.
  • Gözüaçık, E. & Gökrem, L. (2020). Görünür Işıkla Haberleşme ile Konum Belirleme [Visible Light Communication with Indoor Positioning], Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences , 11 , 23-35 .
  • Hassanat A., Alkafaween E, Alnawaiseh N., Abbadi M., Alkasassbeh M. & Alhasanat M.B. (2016). Enhancing genetic algorithms using multi mutations. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2187v1 https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2187v1
  • Hassanat, A., Almohammadi, K., Alkafaween, E., Abunawas, E., Hammouri, A. & Prasath, V. B. S. (2019). Choosing Mutation and Crossover Ratios for Genetic Algorithms—A Review with a New Dynamic Approach. Information, 10(12), 390. doi:10.3390/info10120390
  • Infsoft, (2016). Indoor Positioning and Navigation. Großmehring.
  • Jerome, K., Tony, V. & Dhanaraj, V. R., (2014). Indoor Navigation Using Visible Light Communication, Texas Instruments India Educators' Conference, 46-52.
  • Karayel, M., Çelik, E. & Yücedağ, İ. (2019), Genetik Algoritma Tabanlı İki Nokta Arasında En Kısa Yol Bulma, III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, 376-385.
  • Katoch, S., Chauhan, S.S. & Kumar (2021). A review on genetic algorithm: past, present, and future. Multimed Tools Applications, 80, 8091–8126. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10139-6
  • Kaya, İ. (2012). Genetik Algortimaların Optimal Güzergah Belirlenmesine Uygulanması [Optımal Genetıc Algorıthms Determınıng the Implementatıon of Route], Master of Science, Haliç University Institute of Science, Department of Computer Engineering, İstanbul.
  • Keskintürk, T., Uz, E. & Topal, M. (2016). Genetic Algorithm Approach for Capacitated and Distance Constrained Periodic Travelling Salesman Problem: Scheduling and Routing of Turkish Air Forces’ A400M, Journal of Academic Approaches, 7(1), 53-68. Military Transport Aircraft
  • Khan, L. U., (2017). Visible Light Communication: application, architecture, standardizationand research challenges, Digital Communications and Networks, 3, 78-88.
  • Luo, J., Fan, L. & Li, H., (2017). Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Visible Light Communications: State of Art, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 19(4), 2871- 2894.
  • Lv, H., Feng, L., Yang, A., Guo, P., Huang, H., & Chen, S., (2017). High Accuracy VLC Indoor Positioning System With Differential Detection. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(3), 1-13, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2698240.
  • Okur, E. & Atlas, M. (2020). Araç Rotalama Probleminin Genetik Algoritma ile Çözümü [Solution of Vehicle Routing Problem with Genetic Algorithm], Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (3), 227-254.
  • PHILIPS, (2016). Indoor Positioning White Paper, (2019, 4 September), https:// cdn. fs. agorize. com/ yYsIkB46SAegMUK3hnuz
  • Sharifi, H., Kumar, A., Alam, F., & Arif, K. M., (2016). Indoor Localization of Mobile Robot with Visible Light Communication, 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA) , 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MESA.2016.7587166
  • Uzun, P. (2019). Görünür Işık Haberleşmesinde Modülasyon Türlerinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of Modulation Types in Visible Light Communication], Master of Science, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Institute of Science, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Tokat.
  • Wang Z., Liu L., Long T. & Wen Y., (2018). Multi-UAV Reconnaissance Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Targets Using an Opposition-Based Genetic Algorithm with Double-Chromosome Encoding, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 31(2): 339–350. DOI: 10.1016/j.cja.2017.09.005.
  • Windlin, C., (2016). Visible Light Communication as a Material for Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Emre Gözüaçık 0000-0003-2807-8187

Mustafa Altıok Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4753-2867

Levent Gökrem 0000-0003-2101-5378

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gözüaçık, E., Altıok, M., & Gökrem, L. (2021). Indoor Navigation with Visible Light Communication using Genetic Algorithm. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(26), 185-190. https://doi.org/10.31590/ejosat.952155