Elastomer Karakterizasyon Test Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi ve Parametrik Analizleri
Yıl 2020,
Sayı: 20, 881 - 889, 31.12.2020
Göktürk Taşağıl
Berk Başgöl
Muzaffer Metin
Timuçin Bayram
Bu çalışmada, üzerinde elastomer malzeme barındıran burç gibi makine parçalarının statik ya da dinamik karakterizasyon testlerinde kullanılan hidrolik eyleyicili test sistemi modellenmiştir. Burada, literatürde yer alan viskoelastik malzemeler için geliştirilmiş matematiksel modellere sistemin kütle değişkeni de ilave edilerek daha gerçekçi modeller oluşturulmuştur. Daha sonra, viskoelastik malzeme modellerinin hidrolik test sistemi ile birleştirilmesiyle birlikte test sisteminin genel modeli elde edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, katı ve sıvı viskoelastik modeller ayrı ayrı ele alınmış ve analiz edilmiştir. Parametrik simülasyonlarla yapılan dinamik analizlerde, viskoelastik model parametrelerinin malzeme üzerinde oluşan kuvvet, hız ve yer değiştirme gibi dinamik cevaplara etkileri ortaya konmuştur. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bilgiler ışığında, malzeme karakterizasyon testlerinden elde edilecek veriler kullanılarak testi yapılan malzemelerin dinamik model parametrelerinin kestirimi ve bunlara ait dinamik model kurulumu daha kolay yapılabilecektir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Mert Teknik Fabrika Malzemeleri Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. Ar-Ge Merkezi
Bu makale, MRD013 kodlu ve “Servo Valf ve Servo Motorların Test Sistemlerinde Kullanılacak Yüksek Hızlı ve Hassasiyetli, Rastgele ve Gerçek Yol Datalarının Simülasyonlarını Yapabilen Test Sistemi Algoritması ve Kontrolcünün Geliştirilmesi” başlıklı proje kapsamında Mert Teknik Fabrika Malzemeleri Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. Ar-Ge Merkezi tarafından desteklenmiştir.
- M.L. Williams, “Structural Analysis of Viscoelastic Materials”, AIAA Journal, vol. 2, no. 5, 1964
- V. L. Popov, M. Hess, E. Willert, “Handbook of Contact Mechanics Exact Solutions of Axisymmetric Contact Problems”, Springer, 2019
- R. M. Christensen, “Theory of Viscoelasticity Second Edition”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Stanford Unıversity Dover Publications, 1982
- N. Phan-Thien, “Understanding Viscoelasticity An Introduction to Rheology”, Springer, 2013
- F. Mainardi, “Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear Viscoelasticity: An Introduction to Mathematical Models”, Imperial College Press, 2010.
- W. Fllügge, “Viscoelasticity: Second Revised Edition”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH, 1975
- J. D. Ferry, “Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers Third Edition”, Jhon Wiley & Sons, 1980
- R. Clamroth, “Determination of Viscoelastic Properties by Dynamic Testing”, Polymer Testing 2, Applied Science Publishers LTD, 1981
- R. Dindorf, P. Wos, “Force and Position Control of The Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Servo-Drive”, Polymer Testing 2, IEEE, 2019
- P. Tamburrano, A. R. Plummer, E. Distaso, R. Amirante, “A Review of Electro-Hydraulic Servovalve Research and Development”, International Journal of Fluid Power, Vol. 20 1, sn.53–98, 2019
- MOOG: Electrohydraulic Valves – A Technical Look. MOOG Industrial Controls Division. East Aurora, NY, US
- Dautsches Institut Fur Normung. “Determination of Viscoelastic Properties of EIastomers”, DIN 53513, 1990
- K. P. Menard, “Dynamic Mechanical Analysis A Practical Introduction”, CRC Press Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C., 1999
- L. Rouleau, R. Pirk, B. Pluymers, W. Desmet, “Characterization and Modeling of the Viscoelastic Behavior of a Self-Adhesive Rubber Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Tests”, J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 2, sn.200-208, Nis-Haz., 2015
- A. N. Bobryshev, A. V. Lakhno, P. V. Voronov, E. R. Galimov, R. F. Sharafutdinov, N. Y. Galimova, “New approaches for evaluating rheological models in composites”, Aalborg Universitet, Master Thesis, 2016
- R. Brown, "Physical Test Methods for Elastomers", Springer, 2018
- N. D. Manring, R. C. Fales, “Hydraulic Control Systems Second Edition”, Wiley, 2020
- K. E. Rydberg, “Hydraulic Servo Systems Dynamic Properties and Control”, Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, 2016.
- MOOG: Servo Valves Pilot Operated Flow Control Valve with Analog Interface G631/631” Series. TJW/PDF, Rev.N, 2018
- A. Vietor, D. Lukjanec, Z. Balint, “Detection of Hydraulic Cylinder Leakage”, Aalborg Universitet, Master Thesis, 2016
Modelling and Simulation of Elastomer Materials Test System
Yıl 2020,
Sayı: 20, 881 - 889, 31.12.2020
Göktürk Taşağıl
Berk Başgöl
Muzaffer Metin
Timuçin Bayram
In this study, hydraulic actuator test system, which is used in static or dynamic characterization tests of machine parts such as bushing with elastomer material, is modeled. Here, more realistic models were created by adding the mass variable of the system to the mathematical models developed for viscoelastic materials in the literature. Then, the general model of the test system was obtained by combining the viscoelastic material models with the hydraulic test system. In this context, solid and liquid viscoelastic models are handled and analyzed separately. In dynamic analysis with parametric simulations, the effects of viscoelastic model parameters on dynamic responses such as force, velocity and displacement on the material have been revealed. In the light of the information obtained from this study, using the data obtained from the material characterization tests, it will be easier to estimate the dynamic model parameters of the tested materials and to set up their dynamic models.
- M.L. Williams, “Structural Analysis of Viscoelastic Materials”, AIAA Journal, vol. 2, no. 5, 1964
- V. L. Popov, M. Hess, E. Willert, “Handbook of Contact Mechanics Exact Solutions of Axisymmetric Contact Problems”, Springer, 2019
- R. M. Christensen, “Theory of Viscoelasticity Second Edition”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Stanford Unıversity Dover Publications, 1982
- N. Phan-Thien, “Understanding Viscoelasticity An Introduction to Rheology”, Springer, 2013
- F. Mainardi, “Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear Viscoelasticity: An Introduction to Mathematical Models”, Imperial College Press, 2010.
- W. Fllügge, “Viscoelasticity: Second Revised Edition”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH, 1975
- J. D. Ferry, “Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers Third Edition”, Jhon Wiley & Sons, 1980
- R. Clamroth, “Determination of Viscoelastic Properties by Dynamic Testing”, Polymer Testing 2, Applied Science Publishers LTD, 1981
- R. Dindorf, P. Wos, “Force and Position Control of The Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Servo-Drive”, Polymer Testing 2, IEEE, 2019
- P. Tamburrano, A. R. Plummer, E. Distaso, R. Amirante, “A Review of Electro-Hydraulic Servovalve Research and Development”, International Journal of Fluid Power, Vol. 20 1, sn.53–98, 2019
- MOOG: Electrohydraulic Valves – A Technical Look. MOOG Industrial Controls Division. East Aurora, NY, US
- Dautsches Institut Fur Normung. “Determination of Viscoelastic Properties of EIastomers”, DIN 53513, 1990
- K. P. Menard, “Dynamic Mechanical Analysis A Practical Introduction”, CRC Press Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C., 1999
- L. Rouleau, R. Pirk, B. Pluymers, W. Desmet, “Characterization and Modeling of the Viscoelastic Behavior of a Self-Adhesive Rubber Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Tests”, J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 2, sn.200-208, Nis-Haz., 2015
- A. N. Bobryshev, A. V. Lakhno, P. V. Voronov, E. R. Galimov, R. F. Sharafutdinov, N. Y. Galimova, “New approaches for evaluating rheological models in composites”, Aalborg Universitet, Master Thesis, 2016
- R. Brown, "Physical Test Methods for Elastomers", Springer, 2018
- N. D. Manring, R. C. Fales, “Hydraulic Control Systems Second Edition”, Wiley, 2020
- K. E. Rydberg, “Hydraulic Servo Systems Dynamic Properties and Control”, Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, 2016.
- MOOG: Servo Valves Pilot Operated Flow Control Valve with Analog Interface G631/631” Series. TJW/PDF, Rev.N, 2018
- A. Vietor, D. Lukjanec, Z. Balint, “Detection of Hydraulic Cylinder Leakage”, Aalborg Universitet, Master Thesis, 2016