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Determination of the Potential Biogas Energy Value of Animal Wastes: Case of Antalya

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 263 - 272, 31.01.2021


Increasing the world population will increase the demand for new energy sources in the future. Waste generated as a result of agricultural activities can be considered as a sustainable energy source. Animal manure that occurs from livestock activities can be shown as an energy source if managed properly. Antalya province and its region, where agriculture and tourism are intense, have been chosen as the study area. In the study, taking into account the data of Turkey Statistical Institute in 2019, for cattle animal breeding the numbers of dairy and beef cattle; for ovine animal breeding the numbers of sheep and goats; for poultry, the numbers of laying hen, turkeys, geese and duck were evaluated. Manure amounts and potential biogas energy values were calculated considering the animal numbers of Antalya province in 2019. The amount of electricity and natural gas energy that can be obtained in this potential biogas energy is also calculated. The obtained results are compared with the relevant literature and calculations are made for the existing biogas potential. As a result of the research, it was calculated that the amount of manure that can be obtained from animal waste in Antalya province could be 3,821.86 million kg and the potential biogas energy could be 45.57 million MJ. It has been calculated that the total amount of biogas that can be obtained is equivalent to approximately 253.23 million kWh of electrical energy or 43.90 million m3 of natural gas energy. As a result, considering the energy need of Antalya province, it can be said that an economic gain can be achieved by utilizing animal wastes for energy production.


  • Anonymous, 2019a. Antalya Organized Industrial Zone official website. Food industry manufacturers https://www.antalyaosb.org.tr/tr/sektor/gida/9 Accessed date: 11.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2019b. Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Briefing Report https://www.tarimorman.gov.tr/SGB/TARYAT/Belgeler/il_yatirim_rehberleri/antalya.pdf Accessed date: 11.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020a. Geographical Features of Antalya Province. http://www.cografya.gen.tr/tr/antalya/ Accessed date: 16.09.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020b. Turkey Electricity Distribution Company Retail Price List https://www.tedas.gov.tr/sx.web.docs/tedas/docs/elektriktarifeleri//2019Ekim_Elektriktarifeleri.pdf Accessed date: 01.09.2020
  • Anonymous 2020c. Energy Market Regulatory Authority 2019 Electricity Market Sector Report. https://www.epdk.gov.tr/Detay/Icerik/3-0-24/yearlik-sektor-raporu Accessed date: 01.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020d. Turkey Petrol Price List https://www.kisa.link/O8JH Accessed date: 01.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020e. Turkey Natural Gas Distributors' Association (GAZBIR). Natural Gas Distribution Industry Report for 2019. https://www.kisa.link/O8JI Accessed date: 15.07.2020
  • Baran, MF., Lüle, F., Gökdoğan, O., 2017. Energy Potential of Adıyaman Province That Can Be Obtained From Animal Wastes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(3):245-249.
  • Bramley, J., Shih, JC., Fobi, L., Axum, T., Peterson, C., Wang, RY., Rainville, L., 2011. Agricultural Biogas in The United States: A Market Assessment. Field Project Number 6. Tufts University.
  • Çağlayan, G., Koçer, N., 2014. Investigation of Biogas Production by Evaluating Animal Potential in Muş Province. Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science, 2 (1): 215-220.
  • Demirbaş, A., 2001. Energy Balance, Energy Sources, Energy Policy, Future Developments and Energy Investments in Turkey. Energy Conservation and Management, 42 (10):1239-1258.
  • Deviren, H., İlkılıç, C., Aydın, S., 2017. Materials Used in Biogas Production and Usage Areas of Biogas. Batman University Journal of Life Sciences Vol 7 No (2/2): 79-90 https://www.kisa.link/O8JK Accessed date: 15.07.2020
  • Ekinci, K., Kulcu, R., Kaya, D., Yaldız, O., Ertekin, C., Öztürk, HH., 2010. The Prospective or Potential Biogas Plants That Can Utilize Animal Manure in Turkey, Energy Exploitation and Exploration 28(3):187-206. https://www.kisa.link/O8JO Accessed date: 07.07.2020
  • Erdal, G., Esengun, K., Erdal, H., Gunduz, O., 2007. Energy Use and Economical Analysis of Sugar Beet Production in Tokat Province of Turkey. Energy 32:35-41.
  • Ergüneş, G., Tarhan, S., Yardım, MH., Kasap, A., Demir, F., Önal, İ., Uçar, T., Tekelioğlu, O., Çalışır, S., Yumak, H., Yağcıoğlu, A., 2009. Agricultural machinery. Nobel Science and Research Center, Publication No: 49, 544s, Ankara.
  • Ersoy, AE., 2017. Turkey's Animal Manure Greenhouse Gas Emissions Status and Potential of Biogas most-ergic, M.Sc., Hacettepe University, 127s.
  • Ertop, H., Atılgan, A., Öz, H., Aksoy, E., 2018. Determining Biogas Energy Potential from Animal Wastes and Creating Digital Maps: Ardahan Province Case, 14. National Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Congress, 26-28 September 2018. Antalya.
  • Inci, H., Sogut, B., Gokdogan, O., Ayasan, T., Sengul, T. 2016. Determining the Energy Usage Efficiency and Economic Analysis of broiler Chickens Raised Under Organic Conditions. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86(11):1323-1327. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20173001618 Accessed date: 18.07.2019
  • Jiang X, Sommer SG, Christensen KV, 2011. A Review of The Biogas Industry In China. Energy Policy, 39(10):6073-6081. https://www.kisa.link/O8JU Accessed date: 18.07.2019
  • Kılıç, F.Ç., 2007. Biogas, importance, location and general condition in Turkey. Renewable Energy World, 8, 6. https://www.kisa.link/O8K0 Accessed date: 14.07.2020
  • Korkmaz, Y., Aykanat, S., Çil, A. 2012. Biogas and Energy Production from Organic Wastes. SAU Journal of Science and Letters, 1: 489-497.
  • Nacar Koçer N., Öner, C., Sugözü, İ., 2006. Livestock and Biogas Production Potential in Turkey. Eastern Anatolia Studies, 4(2):17-20. https://www.kisa.link/O8K8 Accessed date: 14.07.2020
  • Polatcı, H., Taşova, M., Kasap, A., Yüksel, M., 2016. Biogas Production Potential of Solid Wastes: A Research Experience. Tabad, 9(1):048-050.
  • Salihoğlu, NK., Teksoy, A., Altan, K., 2019. Determination of Biogas Production Potential from Bovine and Ovine Wastes: Balıkesir Province Case. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 8 (1): 31-47.
  • Türe, S., Özdoğan S., Saygın Ö., 1994. Sixth Energy Congress of Turkey. World Energy Council-Turkish National Committee, Proceedings of Technical Session 1, İzmir.
  • Ulusoy, Y., Ulukardeşler, A. H., Ünal, H., Alibaş, K., 2009. Analysis of Biogas Production in Turkey Utilising Three Different Materials and Two Scenarios. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(10):996-1003.
  • Yürük, F., Erdoğmuş, P., 2015. Determination of the Biogas Potential of Düzce Province that can be Produced from Animal Wastes and the Optimum Plant Location by K-Means Clustering. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences 4 (1): 47-56.
  • Zan Sancak, A., Sancak, K., Demirtaş, M., Dönmez, D., Kalanlar, Ş., Arslan, S., 2014. Animal Waste Biogas Production Potential of cattle in Turkey. 11. Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5, Samsun.

Hayvansal Atıkların Potansiyel Biyogaz Enerji Değerinin Belirlenmesi: Antalya Örneği

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 22, 263 - 272, 31.01.2021


Dünya nüfusunun artması gelecekte yeni enerji kaynaklarına olan talebi artıracaktır. Tarımsal faaliyet sonucu ortaya çıkan atıklar sürdürülebilir enerji kaynağı olarak değerlendirilebilir. Hayvancılık faaliyetleri sonucu ortaya çıkan hayvan gübresi uygun yönetilirse birer enerji kaynağı olarak gösterilebilir. Bu amaçla tarımın ve turizmin yoğun olduğu Antalya ili araştırma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmada Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun 2019 yılları verileri dikkate alınarak, süt sığırı ve et sığırı varlığı büyükbaş; koyun ve keçi varlığı küçükbaş, yumurta tavuğu, hindi, kaz ve ördek varlığı ise kanatlı olarak değerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. Antalya ilinin 2019 yılına ait hayvan sayıları göz önüne alınarak gübre miktarları ile potansiyel biyogaz enerji değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu potansiyel enerjiden elde edilebilecek elektrik ve doğal gaz enerji miktarları da hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, konuyla ilgili literatür bilgileri ile kıyaslanarak mevcut biyogaz potansiyeli için hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Antalya ilindeki hayvansal atıklardan elde edilebilecek gübre miktarının 3.821,86 milyon kg ve potansiyel biyogaz enerjisinin ise 45.57 milyon MJ olabileceği hesaplanmıştır. Toplam elde edilebilecek biyogaz miktarının yaklaşık 253.23 milyon kWh elektrik enerjisine ya da 43.90 milyon m3 doğalgaz enerjine eşdeğer olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak Antalya ilinin enerji ihtiyacı göz önüne alındığında hayvansal atıkların enerji üretimi için değerlendirilmesi ile ekonomik bir kazanım sağlanabileceği söylenebilir


  • Anonymous, 2019a. Antalya Organized Industrial Zone official website. Food industry manufacturers https://www.antalyaosb.org.tr/tr/sektor/gida/9 Accessed date: 11.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2019b. Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Briefing Report https://www.tarimorman.gov.tr/SGB/TARYAT/Belgeler/il_yatirim_rehberleri/antalya.pdf Accessed date: 11.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020a. Geographical Features of Antalya Province. http://www.cografya.gen.tr/tr/antalya/ Accessed date: 16.09.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020b. Turkey Electricity Distribution Company Retail Price List https://www.tedas.gov.tr/sx.web.docs/tedas/docs/elektriktarifeleri//2019Ekim_Elektriktarifeleri.pdf Accessed date: 01.09.2020
  • Anonymous 2020c. Energy Market Regulatory Authority 2019 Electricity Market Sector Report. https://www.epdk.gov.tr/Detay/Icerik/3-0-24/yearlik-sektor-raporu Accessed date: 01.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020d. Turkey Petrol Price List https://www.kisa.link/O8JH Accessed date: 01.07.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020e. Turkey Natural Gas Distributors' Association (GAZBIR). Natural Gas Distribution Industry Report for 2019. https://www.kisa.link/O8JI Accessed date: 15.07.2020
  • Baran, MF., Lüle, F., Gökdoğan, O., 2017. Energy Potential of Adıyaman Province That Can Be Obtained From Animal Wastes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(3):245-249.
  • Bramley, J., Shih, JC., Fobi, L., Axum, T., Peterson, C., Wang, RY., Rainville, L., 2011. Agricultural Biogas in The United States: A Market Assessment. Field Project Number 6. Tufts University.
  • Çağlayan, G., Koçer, N., 2014. Investigation of Biogas Production by Evaluating Animal Potential in Muş Province. Muş Alparslan University Journal of Science, 2 (1): 215-220.
  • Demirbaş, A., 2001. Energy Balance, Energy Sources, Energy Policy, Future Developments and Energy Investments in Turkey. Energy Conservation and Management, 42 (10):1239-1258.
  • Deviren, H., İlkılıç, C., Aydın, S., 2017. Materials Used in Biogas Production and Usage Areas of Biogas. Batman University Journal of Life Sciences Vol 7 No (2/2): 79-90 https://www.kisa.link/O8JK Accessed date: 15.07.2020
  • Ekinci, K., Kulcu, R., Kaya, D., Yaldız, O., Ertekin, C., Öztürk, HH., 2010. The Prospective or Potential Biogas Plants That Can Utilize Animal Manure in Turkey, Energy Exploitation and Exploration 28(3):187-206. https://www.kisa.link/O8JO Accessed date: 07.07.2020
  • Erdal, G., Esengun, K., Erdal, H., Gunduz, O., 2007. Energy Use and Economical Analysis of Sugar Beet Production in Tokat Province of Turkey. Energy 32:35-41.
  • Ergüneş, G., Tarhan, S., Yardım, MH., Kasap, A., Demir, F., Önal, İ., Uçar, T., Tekelioğlu, O., Çalışır, S., Yumak, H., Yağcıoğlu, A., 2009. Agricultural machinery. Nobel Science and Research Center, Publication No: 49, 544s, Ankara.
  • Ersoy, AE., 2017. Turkey's Animal Manure Greenhouse Gas Emissions Status and Potential of Biogas most-ergic, M.Sc., Hacettepe University, 127s.
  • Ertop, H., Atılgan, A., Öz, H., Aksoy, E., 2018. Determining Biogas Energy Potential from Animal Wastes and Creating Digital Maps: Ardahan Province Case, 14. National Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Congress, 26-28 September 2018. Antalya.
  • Inci, H., Sogut, B., Gokdogan, O., Ayasan, T., Sengul, T. 2016. Determining the Energy Usage Efficiency and Economic Analysis of broiler Chickens Raised Under Organic Conditions. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86(11):1323-1327. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20173001618 Accessed date: 18.07.2019
  • Jiang X, Sommer SG, Christensen KV, 2011. A Review of The Biogas Industry In China. Energy Policy, 39(10):6073-6081. https://www.kisa.link/O8JU Accessed date: 18.07.2019
  • Kılıç, F.Ç., 2007. Biogas, importance, location and general condition in Turkey. Renewable Energy World, 8, 6. https://www.kisa.link/O8K0 Accessed date: 14.07.2020
  • Korkmaz, Y., Aykanat, S., Çil, A. 2012. Biogas and Energy Production from Organic Wastes. SAU Journal of Science and Letters, 1: 489-497.
  • Nacar Koçer N., Öner, C., Sugözü, İ., 2006. Livestock and Biogas Production Potential in Turkey. Eastern Anatolia Studies, 4(2):17-20. https://www.kisa.link/O8K8 Accessed date: 14.07.2020
  • Polatcı, H., Taşova, M., Kasap, A., Yüksel, M., 2016. Biogas Production Potential of Solid Wastes: A Research Experience. Tabad, 9(1):048-050.
  • Salihoğlu, NK., Teksoy, A., Altan, K., 2019. Determination of Biogas Production Potential from Bovine and Ovine Wastes: Balıkesir Province Case. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 8 (1): 31-47.
  • Türe, S., Özdoğan S., Saygın Ö., 1994. Sixth Energy Congress of Turkey. World Energy Council-Turkish National Committee, Proceedings of Technical Session 1, İzmir.
  • Ulusoy, Y., Ulukardeşler, A. H., Ünal, H., Alibaş, K., 2009. Analysis of Biogas Production in Turkey Utilising Three Different Materials and Two Scenarios. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(10):996-1003.
  • Yürük, F., Erdoğmuş, P., 2015. Determination of the Biogas Potential of Düzce Province that can be Produced from Animal Wastes and the Optimum Plant Location by K-Means Clustering. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences 4 (1): 47-56.
  • Zan Sancak, A., Sancak, K., Demirtaş, M., Dönmez, D., Kalanlar, Ş., Arslan, S., 2014. Animal Waste Biogas Production Potential of cattle in Turkey. 11. Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5, Samsun.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Atilgan Atılgan 0000-0003-2391-0317

Burak Saltuk 0000-0001-8673-9372

Hasan Ertop Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0987-5885

Ercüment Aksoy Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7313-0891

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 22

Kaynak Göster

APA Atılgan, A., Saltuk, B., Ertop, H., Aksoy, E. (2021). Determination of the Potential Biogas Energy Value of Animal Wastes: Case of Antalya. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(22), 263-272. https://doi.org/10.31590/ejosat.844631